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Old 12-05-2020, 02:48 AM
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Default Episode 3: Monster of the Hardwoods

Now this chapter came from a weird place with a weird premise. If you don't like perverted Pokémon you might want to give this one a miss. I have always thought Pokémon was good for a horror setting and wanted to write some Pokémon fanfiction with that in it; like Rillaboom falls in love with human woman and tries to make her his, but I also like the idea of a woman putting up a bit of a fight and using her sexual appeal to get out of that situation.

It is pretty dark too, mainly cause I have been reading the Pokémon Special Manga (some may know it as Adventures,) and that stuff is dark. I mean it isn't Goblin Slayer, but the point is this may turn people off, but hey that is what putting stories out are about. This also came from the idea that getting a super strong mon really early could be game-changing, but how could I keep that interesting? Maybe he disobeys her, maybe he turns on her?

I also wanted a situation she couldn't just battle to show that this world is a bit more than that. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and after this I might slow down, but I might also release one more chapter by Sunday, just cause this one flowed out of me easily.

Anyway enjoy episode 3, and once again if you have feedback, please PM me, if you are just here to read that is fine too, but I want to improve. If I am doing good or better than other writers I would like to know it too, haha. I also don't want to flood this thread with feedback, but if that is the only way you feel comfortable then do that instead.

Also this a longish one, so I may not have had the time to proofread!

Oh and the pictures are how her dress looked! (slightly smaller version of Betty Boops), and just another image I found!

Pokémon Gotta Strip Battle Episode 3: The Monster of the Hardwood!

Natalie sat on a log catching her breath; it had been around an hour since she beat Elise, and whilst she felt lucky that she had escaped the mortifying situation of being left naked with nary a thing to go home with; she couldn’t help, but revel in her victory. It was only an hour ago after all.

“I can’t believe she had shaved everything! And her panties too!” Natalie laughed.

In her hands were a pair of white lace panties with the print of a bear on the back. It was cute, but far from what an adult woman should wear, and even though it was embarrassing to admit she wanted to kiss it to commemorate her very first victory!

“I mean, nobody is watching so I could just give it the smallest of pecks, but then again that is a pretty strange thing to do! Then again nobody would know, but I would know.”

Natalie was so distracted by her trophy that she didn’t notice that her Crabrawler, Brawly, had been longingly staring at her. It seemed to have fallen for her after she healed it when they battled before. She was also just happy to have more than one member of the team, but that high would soon end when she realised it was time to move on.

“Waggy, you can take a rest, but Brawly you need to stay out and fight for the time being! We have to be wary about that monster that Elise mentioned.”

An hour ago, when the Picnicker had stripped naked completely apart from her boots that stank from a long journey; she had mentioned one thing.

“Hey, before I run off to Cherrypop, keep in mind that there is a really strong Monster Pokémon around. It was big and kind of seedy, so if you encounter it, keep a distance.”

Natalie was only half-paying attention at the time as she was too distracted by the full-moon that Elise was presenting which was surprisingly plump. That distraction however left, as Elise darted off into the woods in the nude besides the boots on her feet.

Natalie tried not to focus on her victory, and instead hoped to keep her wits about her. It was quiet in the Hardwood forest, but even so there was still a feeling of unease running up her spine. It was as if the presence of the forest was full of tension, and yet it also seemed dead; the Monster Pokémon was around.

“If there is a super strong Pokémon around; we might not be in the best shape to handle it!” Natalie muttered aloud.

It wasn’t unusual for strong Pokémon to make dens in small forests like this, as few people would traverse through it often enough to allow the weak Pokémon to grow strong. This didn’t mean that there were countless strong Pokémon around however, as usually there only ends up being one apex creature amongst the weaker ones that grew this strong.

Natalie probably couldn’t even control it even if she caught as it would probably be so above her level that controlling it would be impossible. Most Pokémon can instinctively tell the strength of a trainer, and should that situation come out after sending it out, then it could be dangerous for the trainer and anybody else around.
But she didn’t know that.

“If I catch this Pokémon though I could probably become super strong right away,” she thought to herself. “I should maybe try to find it!”

She pondered and pondered, but she was far from ready to encounter such a creature, and that was why it was such a problem when she entered a clearing and caught sight of something sitting atop a small cliff. It was some form of gorilla with a brown body, grey head and a pig-like nose.

Natalie could have ignored the beast, and most trainers of a respectable level would probably have told her to run as fast as she could. No trainer of any less than five badges could control this beast, but she didn’t know that.

“That must be the monster Pokémon!” she whispered.

The beast didn’t notice her as it was too busy chowing down on some grass. It seemed content to stay in place and mind its own business, but Natalie wanted to catch it, and so she pulled out the Battle Radar’s Pokedex function.

“This is Slaking, the Lazy Pokémon. Slaking is incredibly powerful, but is also incredibly lazy. It only has two things it would move for; the first is food which it reluctantly moves for only after all other nearby food sources have been expended. The second thing that moves-”

Then the Battle Radar started to ring with the nameplate ‘Mom.’

Slaking turned to look at the cute girl sitting at the origin of the sound. It seemed disinterested for a minute, and then its eyes burst with a look of excitement. It took Natalie a second to realise what was about to happen to her if she didn’t move.

Then the Pokedex continued.

“The second thing that moves Slaking are females. Male Slaking's have been known to especially enjoy the scent and taste of fertile human women oftentimes stripping them and playing with them to their heart’s content.”

Natalie’s butt-cheeks tightened, and her virgin body quivered with a feeling. It was unfamiliar and primal to her, but something all adult women have some knowledge of; it was the feeling of pure lust, and male horniness .

She turned around, and without a second thought she ran. It didn’t take long for the Slaking to cry out with a noise that made the woods shake and Natalie’s bladder feel like emptying all over the floor. She sprinted though, and Brawly stayed hot on her trail as did the Slaking. She had a rough memory of where she was going before stepping into the Slaking’s den, but making it out of the woods took around ten minutes of pure sprinting.

Then she escaped the Hardwood forest, and as she ran out through the thicket of trees, and into the safety of an open area, she collapsed. It didn’t take long for everything else to take hold of her too; it started with the cold feeling of pain in her legs, then her face turned boiling hot, and finally her bladder emptied all over the floor.

She laid in a puddle of her own pee for longer than she would want to admit to anyone, but at least she was safe. It also didn’t take long for Brawly to join her, and with a moment of respite; Natalie made her way into the small town of Browncherry in hopes of finding some place to rest her sweaty, exhausted body, maybe have a shower, and recover from the day’s events.

She made her way to a Pokémon centre that was in the middle of town. It was quiet; and the woman at the counter, a pretty woman in her late twenties who could only be described as a perfect nurse in pink stared at her.

“Are you okay?” the nurse asked.

“I am, somewhat okay,” Natalie awkwardly laughed.

“You look like you could use a shower, and a hot cocoa,” the nurse said.

Natalie did take the offer, had a shower, let her Pokémon rest in the healing chamber, and told the nurse about what happened to her, with the battles, the Slaking, and everything else, and the nurse; who goes by the name Joy, listened intently.

“I see, so that Slaking is still there,” Joy said.

“You know about it?” Natalie asked.

“I don’t know it personally, but my predecessor had a run-in with it,” Joy answered.

“She did!?” Natalie cried out.

Nurse Joy gave a shushing motion causing Natalie to calm down.

“I had only started the job at the time, when my Predecessor went out to the Hardwood forest, and then she went missing for around two days. She then came back with shaky legs and torn clothes, and a distinctive smell on her body; she also had the biggest smile I had ever seen on a person.”

“Smile?” Natalie replied.

“Well, apparently it wasn’t a cruel encounter. That Slaking seemed to really like the ladies, but he also does treat them with respect during his dalliances.”

Natalie began to wonder if that was the same beast that was chasing her and she felt another quiver run up her body.

“I don’t think it is all bad however, it never hurts the women, but on the other hand that might due to its history with women.”

“Its history?” Natalie replied.

“Well I only know what my predecessor told me, but apparently that Pokémon when it was a Slakoth belonged to a young woman about your age. She was an up-and-coming trainer unlike any other. Slakoth was her main Pokémon and her partner however, one day it evolved into the excitable Vigoroth.”


“Yes,” Nurse Joy continued. “Anyway Vigoroth is a Pokémon said to have boundless energy and that energy makes it dangerous. It can be hard to raise and so the girl couldn’t handle it so she took the Vigoroth to the Hardwood forest and left it there with tears in her eyes. Apparently, she also left the ball she had caught it in, in case any other trainer wants to raise it.”

“Wait, so then why does it attack women?” Natalie asked.

“Well, when evolved into Slaking it probably took a liking to them because it misses its trainer. It is a shame because Slaking is also incredibly powerful, it is the king after all.”

“Incredibly powerful?” Natalie said with a sudden excitement.

“Yes. It is one of the most powerful Pokémon in the world,” Nurse Joy added. “I wouldn’t recommend trying to catch this one however, as it wouldn’t listen to a word and inexperienced trainer said.”

“Right, but even still.” Natalie put her finger to her mouth. “My friends will be going through the forest soon, and if they get caught, well Rachel probably won’t, but Miranda will be caught before she has time to even get one foot away from it.”

“I see,” Nurse Joy said. “I still have the ball, but Slaking is quite intelligent. It will recognise the ball and fight to not let itself be caught.”

“You said he likes women right? A real sleazy pervert.”


“Then why don’t we just use bait he would like,” Natalie said. “If we get him all hot and bothered, then maybe he will be too distracted to notice the ball.”

“Yes, but even so, it will be dangerous!” Nurse Joy added.

“Yeah, but whoever does it will be given quite the prize,” Natalie smiled. “That’s it! I have a plan!”

“You have a plan?”

“Yes,” Natalie replied. “And all it will take is that Pokeball, a sexy dress, some make-up, and a whole lot of courage!”

“Wait, what? But I don’t understand, how will you catch a Pokémon that won’t allow itself to be caught?”

“Let me ask you something, Joy. Do you know the forgotten function of Pokeballs?”

The next day…

“Natalie, I think you have to be extra careful! Otherwise that Slaking will do some bad things to you.”

“I know, but this is the only way.” Natalie replied. “I do have to ask though, couldn’t you have gotten a dress that fits better?”

“To be honest there were no sexy dresses that could attract a man’s attention so I got something from the kids section and reworked it.”

“Yeah I appreciate the effort, but the buns are about to jump out the shop!”

Natalie stood in one part of the forest dressed in nothing, but black boots and a little black dress that started at her cleavage, and ended just above the bottom of her butt. She tried to readjust countless times, but even so her underbun was visible. Alongside the dress, she was covered in make-up in hopes of looking as sexy as possible. The only other things on her person was one black ball, and her Battle Radar which was currently connected to Nurse Joy.

“And you are sure you couldn’t wear underwear?” Nurse Joy asked.

“I couldn’t fit them into this tiny thing!” Natalie replied. “I feel like a doughnut whose filling is about to explode out of the dough.”

“You really like the food analogies, huh?”

“Well my taco meat is about to show! Okay, now I will stop!”

“Anyway, Natalie, you need to be careful otherwise.”

“Otherwise I will become a Slakqueen for the next few nights.”

“Yes, anyway, your Pokémon are on the path, be safe.”

“Yeah I will.”

Natalie hung up the call and walked towards where she found the Slaking before. It was once again quiet, and it might have been due to the tight dress, or the situation, but she was starting to sweat profusely.

Then she saw it.

Slaking sat atop the same hill eating, just like before. Natalie’s legs started to buckle, her bladder started to get ready to release the torrent, and her heart started to race, but still she continued. It was the ultimate test of her trainer’s spirit, would she risk being deflowered by this creature in hopes of a powerful ally?

“YOOHOO, SLAKING!” Natalie cried out with whatever courage she had.

The beast turned to face her and as if its eyes were about to turn into hearts it jumped up and steamed from its nose. In its eyes all it could see was the figure of a woman in a tight dress which barely hid her flower garden standing before it.

Natalie then used the function of the ball to shoot out a capture beam. It was one of the functions of a ball after the Pokémon had been caught to keep the ball in the hand; it could only be used on the Pokémon that belonged to it.
Slaking noticed the beam and jumped out of the way. He landed on the floor in front of the cliff he stood on with hearts in his eyes. It was clear that Natalie had used attract on the creature and his instincts were going haywire.

“Oh my, aren’t you scary!” Natalie said with an attempted tone to sound sexy. “I just couldn’t stop thinking about you! Such a big, strong Pokémon, and then I thought why don’t you join little old me?”

Slaking seemed to focus on her words, something Natalie thought might happen if she was lucky, as she already knew that Slaking was intelligent enough to understand full sentences.

“I thought really hard, and my body yearned for a challenge! So I thought since you are the biggest, toughest Pokémon around, well why not challenge you? I heard you like to play around with girls, and I felt ever so naughty after our little encounter!”

Slaking started to rev up like a car that just started its engine for the first time in a while. It could barely hold itself back.

“Yes, ever so naughty! So naughty that I forgot to bring undies!” Natalie said.

Natalie lifted the back of her dress which showed a bit of her butt, and pulled down the top of her dress to reveal just enough to show she didn’t have a bra on.

Slaking started panting at the sight before it.

“Well, I thought really hard about how to give such a tough Pokémon a challenge and I realised something! We should play catch. I have this ball to catch you and well you have those big, strong arms to catch me,” Natalie said whilst emphasizing the big, strong part of the sentence. “Whoever gets caught loses. If you lose you become my Pokémon, and if I lose I will become your wife forever and ever!”

Slaking seemed pleased with her offer, and just nodded with excitement.

“Okay,” Natalie slid down and removed her boots revealing her creamy, perfect legs and feet. “When these hit the floor, the game begins! Three, two, one, and finally GO!”

Natalie dropped her boots and started to sprint backwards. It was incredibly hard to do in such a tiny dress that felt like it was about to burst off her like a frightened animal. Slaking wasn’t slowing down at all. She ran as fast as she could, but the wolf was hot on the bunny’s tail and she swore for a second it reached out and almost ripped off her dress.

“I need to make it just a little further!”

Natalie’s legs felt incredibly slow compared to what she wanted. It could have been from the running yesterday, but she was sure she was going to get caught.

“I am not letting my cherry be popped by a Pokémon!”

She forced her legs to move as much as she could and then she saw a familiar log.

“Brawly, use your bubble!”

Natalie’s voice echoed and a Crabrawler popped out from behind the log and started shooting bubbles at Slaking who got caught and for a second slowed down. Bubble was a move known to drop speed, but even so Slaking wouldn’t be deterred so quickly and with an action moved in and hit Crabrawler and knocked him out in one hit!

“Crabrawler has fainted!”

Natalie kept running even when checking her Battle Radar. Her dress struggled to stay in place, something she only afforded fixing when she knew she could keep up the pace.

Then she saw the hands of Slaking surround her, about to grab her in a hug that she would never escape from.

Everything moved in slow motion. Her legs swinging seemed so slow and pathetic compared to this creature behind her. The only sound was her heartbeat which was about to burst, but she didn’t want to give up, and so she kept moving, and as if rewarding her courage the sun’s light hit the Battle Radar and bounced into Slaking’s face which gave the second she needed to escape its hug.

“I was almost yours!” Natalie said whilst letting her butt show just enough to taunt the beast with a juicy prize.

Slaking kept moving, and within another moment it almost had her once again, but this time it missed again, not due to sunlight, but due to her suddenly moving incredibly fast. It took the King of slackers a second to realise the floor was soaking, and it slipped and fell backwards.

Hiding in the bushes atop a cliff that Slaking recognised was a Poliwag who had sprayed water on the floor. She had led it in a circle around the cliff it usually slept upon, but it didn’t recognise it because this time it was from behind.

“Waggy, use your hypnosis!”

Slaking who had been focused upon the Poliwag for a second too long began to mystify and fall into a daze. It felt heavy and for a second it was struggling to escape, but even so this wasn’t enough time for it to leave itself open and so it instead flung rock at the Poliwag, knocking it unconscious.

“Poliwag has fainted!”

Slaking then stood up, and stared at its prize. Natalie’s dress barely held in her sweaty body, and from what he could see she was trapped against the wall; not only that but the ball she was holding had vanished, probably dropped during the chase.

Natalie didn’t run however, and just smiled sexily.

“Wooks wike I wost,” she said.

Slaking noticed her strange tone of voice, but was too distracted by her scent that eked out from the dress. It was strongest between her legs and smelt of adrenaline and sweat, a scent it loved.

Slaking moved in closer, but to its surprise, she responded in kind, and quickly moved into its arms. Then she kissed it on the cheek and pressed her breasts up close to its chest. Slaking was intoxicated by her, so much so he didn’t notice her mouth become larger, and right before she kissed Slaking on the lips a beam came out from it.

Slaking was too slow to realise that the prize was boobytrapped!

The hidden function that Natalie had mentioned was the ability to shrink a ball down for easy use. It cannot capture this way, but it could be returned to normal use by pressing the button which she did with her tongue.

Natalie ten pressed the ball’s capture button down with her tongue to shrink it back down, and then she spat it out on the ground.

“Phew, I have to give you credit, you almost got me!”

A few hours later…

Natalie sat in the Pokémon centre with the ball in hand. She had learned that it was an Ultra Ball, a much better ball for catching Pokémon that isn’t sold to newbie trainers, but something else weird had happened.

“My Battle Radar didn’t enhance my score!” Natalie cried out.

“I think it is because that Pokeball you used wasn’t a new one, though the old trainer gave it up, she didn’t properly release it by breaking its ball,” Nurse Joy replied.

“So, what does that mean?”

“It means you have to find the original owner, and get her to give it to you.”


That ends another day in Natalie’s life!

Natalie’s Team
Total Battle Rating: 180
Waggy/Poliwag Lv10
Brawly/Crabrawler Lv8
Attached Thumbnails
BettyBoop.jpg   NatalieBooty.jpg  

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