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Old 12-03-2020, 07:21 PM
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Default Episode 2: Natalie's Journey Begins!

Hey guys, just an update, here is episode 2 like I promised. I hope you are having fun reading this, feedback would be appreciated, but maybe just as a PM type thing to prevent the thread from getting stacked with messages. If you guys prefer to message here, then I won't complain, but either way I want this to be easy to read if that makes sense?

It was a bit hard to include the battling especially since that made the chapter really long! I didn't want it to be more than 1500-2000 words, partially because I believe that it is a bit much to expect you to read for ENF, and also because this isn't paid writing, though I guess I wouldn't mind doing commissions at some point. Anyway I will try to get episode 3 out Sunday, and then I will slow down to once or twice a week.

I feel like the silence overall has been due to a lack of trust for Pokémon stories, but I will do my absolute best to finish this in less than 40 chapters like I said.

Anyway enjoy, oh and who did I base Natalie's Mom on in my head? Alola's Milftastic Mom

I will also find more good images for you guys.

Pokémon Gotta Strip Battle Episode 2: Natalie's Journey Begins!

“I can’t believe they fined me 6000 Pokedollars!”

Natalie was sitting at the table eating a hearty lunch with her mother who was less than pleased after this morning’s towel incident.

“Mom, your towel dropped in front of a bunch of people in the middle of town! God it was so embarrassing!”

“Yeah, so they got a great view of my age-defying physique, and I had to pay for it!?”

“The students from the trainer school were there, not to mention that when you bent over to pick the towel up, one of the old men had a heart attack!”

“I know! What a compliment! That reminds me. I should send him a get-well card.”

Natalie let out an audible sigh, “Mom, what would dad think?”

Natalie’s mother frowned, “your father is too busy battling in some other region, so who cares?”

Natalie let out another sigh before getting up to leave. She was all prepped for her journey, when her mother stepped out in front of her.

“Nattie, where do you think you are going?”

“I am going out to start my journey,” Natalie replied. “I can’t become a Pokémon Champion sitting around here!”

“Not until you have everything you need!” Natalie’s mom said. “Do you have spare panties?”

“Yes Mom, six extra pairs.”

“Do you have toilet roll?”

“Yes Mom, I do.”


“I have three of them.”

Natalie’s tone of voice started to get a little more annoyed.

“Okay, well do you have socks?” Natalie’s mom asked.

“I don’t wear socks,” Natalie replied. “So no.”

Natalie’s mom seemed unhappy with the attitude, but instead of pushing it she just let out a sigh.

“Do you have money, and potions for your Pokémon?”

“I do have money, and I will stop by the shop before I leave.”

“Okay, make sure to check in with me once you reach the gate leading out of town!”

“Sure thing,” Natalie replied.

Natalie put on her boots and left the house. She was planning on making her way to the centre of town, but as her friends had texted her after talking to their parents, neither Rachel, nor Miranda would be starting their journey today.

“Sorry, guys, but I can’t leave till Monday!” Miranda wrote.

“Yeah, I also can’t leave till Sunday!” Rachel added.

“So it will be two days before Rachel leaves, and three days before Miranda does. I can get a head start!” Natalie laughed to herself. “First things first though, I better hit the shops!”

Natalie arrived at the shops with a feeling of excitement welling up inside of her. She had never really bought items for anything other than make-up, gadgets, or games. This was the first time she would be looking into the areas of the store made specifically for trainers.

Though, when she reached the front of the counter she was greeted by a scowling old lady.

“Oh, if it isn’t the daughter of Madame stink eye,” she said in anger.

“Madame stink eye?” Natalie replied.

“Your mother bent down and showed everybody everything earlier! My grandson won’t stop talking about it and my husband almost died from it!”

“Oh, was it your husband who had the heart attack? I am so sorry!”

The old woman scoffed, “I am sorry you had to deal with that woman as your mother to be honest. I mean flashing her bits to everybody around.”

“Yeah, sorry,” Natalie replied.

The old woman vented for a while, but after blowing off all of her steam she gave Natalie a couple of extra potions as a way of showing she was over it.

“Well I now have ten potions!” Natalie smiled as she walked out of the store. “So now, I can finally begin my journey!”

Natalie made her way to the edge of town, and as she did she found herself greeted with many different signs written in hopes of helping trainers.

They read as followed.

Dear Trainer,
I hope this message helps you learn a little bit more about Pokémon and what it means to be a trainer. First things first, let’s begin with battling; the most important aspect of raising Pokémon is helping them grow through overcoming hardships. The stronger they get, the more likely you are to be able to achieve greater heights using them. Just keep in mind that battles in the Garment region are special with unique rules that add extra risk to battling. These rules require trainers to remove…

The message on the sign was scratched off leaving it unclean what trainers had to remove.

“This is the only sign that talks about battling,” Natalie muttered. “I thought Professor Shrubbery placed these out to help us? I wonder how it got scratched up?”

Natalie shook her head and after looking briefly at the other signs which read basically nothing about battling. She decided to just keep moving forward out of Cherrypop however, the only way forward was through the Hardwood forest. A place where people are forbidden to go without Pokémon.

“Time to begin my journey!”

The forest was quiet, but still had the eerie feeling of life all around. Natalie, who was excited moments before, began to feel uneasy and so she let Waggy out of its ball to walk alongside her. It didn’t help the young Pokémon feel any less cautious, but even so the pair did their best to brave the woods.

They continued onwards when they caught view of some berries that had fallen onto the floor. Natalie remembered something she had read a while ago, that described how when a Pokémon is weak they can be fed berries to recover strength.

“What a lucky find!” Natalie cried aloud.

She walked close to the berries when she heard an aggressive cry. A fist swung nearby from one of the bushes causing her to fall back on her butt. The Pokémon was small, purple and held its claws up in the same position as a boxer. Natalie turned around to crawl away, but instead found the Pokémon shooting bubbles at her ass which popped with surprising strength!

“OUCH!” Natalie cried out as she scampered to her feet. “This little shit needs to be taught a lesson!”

Natalie pushed Waggy between her and the Crabrawler. She then pulled out her battle radar that had been sitting on her wrist; alongside everything else it worked like a Pokedex with built-in functions for trainers to use during battles.
“What the hell is this thing!?” Natalie said whilst turning on the Pokedex function.

Then the Battle Radar announced.

“This is Crabrawler, the Boxing Pokémon. Crabrawler is a Pokémon that fights so aggressively for food and territory, sometimes its claws can fall off, but grow back almost as fast.”

“The Boxing Pokémon? I guess that means we want to stay away from its fists. Okay, Waggy, you need to use the move water gun!”

Waggy responded by shooting out a stream of water that pushed the Crabrawler backwards, but it didn’t fall. It shook off the water and replied by shooting bubbles at Waggy who barely seemed to notice them.

“It’s not very effective!” Natalie laughed. “Water gun, again!”

Waggy responded in kind and shot more water from its mouth. The Crabrawler started to shake. It was clear Waggy had the advantage.

“Okay, now that it is running out of steam we need to finish it off! Waggy, one more water gun!”

Waggy sprayed water once again and the Crabrawler fell down and started to foam at the mouth.

“That is what you get for getting my pants wet!” Natalie laughed. “Hey, did my numbers go up!?”

Natalie’s eyes were watching her radar that showed a number that read, “Trainer Battle Level: 60,” the number was originally 50, and from Natalie could remember it was how strong her team was; every level equated to 10 points on the radar.

“Does that mean you got stronger Waggy?”

Waggy seemed unsure, but even so it was happy to have won its very first fight. The Crabrawler was still unconscious, and whilst Natalie felt good about winning she also felt bad about beating up on it.

“Hey, Crabrawler, I am sorry for trying to steal your berry, so here.”

Natalie used the potion on the Crabrawler and healed it back up, but it was still unconscious. She then stood back up and continued walking through the woods with a newfound confidence in her and her Pokémon’s ability. It wasn’t long however, before they encountered a different Pokémon.

“That’s a cute one!” Natalie cried out.

The Pokémon was a small squirrel-like animal with a long thick tail. Natalie pulled out the radar and saw it was called Pachirisu, and it was known as the ‘EleSquirrel Pokémon’.

“I should catch it!” Natalie realised whilst reaching into her bag. “Wait! I forgot to buy Pokeballs!”

She scoffed, as Natalie knew that she had screwed up one of the most basic things that a trainer had to keep in mind; always keep Pokeballs. They were integral for increasing your team’s battle power, but she forgot when she bought the potions.

“Well, we can still get stronger by beating it I guess!” Natalie moaned.

This happened a few more times as she wandered the forest and Natalie got more and more bitter about the situation. It annoyed her so much that she didn’t realise that her one team member was starting to feel weakened.

“Our battle rating has gone up to 80, maybe I am a genius at battling?” Natalie laughed.

Then the pair heard the crack of a branch. They got into defensive stances, but Waggy was struggling to catch his breath when a woman wandered out from between the trees. She had short black hair, and was dressed in simple camping gear, but also had a bug-catching net.

“I didn’t realise that there would be other trainers wandering the woods,” she said.

“Who are you!?” Natalie called out.

“Calm down! I am just a trainer wandering the woods in hopes of meeting Professor Shrubbery. Then again, maybe you should be panicking considering what happens when two trainers meet up!”

The woman stared down at Waggy, and quickly noticed his lacking strength. She then readied a Pokeball from her pocket and sent out a green caterpillar-like Pokémon.

“My name is Elise, and I challenge you to battle!”

Natalie’s battle radar echoed a message that read, “you are challenged by Picnicker Elise!” It also showed her battle rating of 190.

“Your rating is only 80, so this will be an easy win!”

“Crap! Waggy use your new move, Pound!” Natalie cried out in a panic.

Waggy ran towards the caterpillar and swung his tail into it which sent the bug flying. It got up however, with an angry look a second or so later.

“Caterpie, use string shot!” Elise cried out.

The Caterpie replied by shooting a string which caught Waggy for a second or two. It didn’t take long to break free, but its effect had been applied; slowing Waggy down.

“Water gun!” Natalie cried out.

Waggy spat water causing the Caterpie to be flung against the tree and pass out. Elise scoffed in annoyance.

“Damn, and here I thought that Wag was on its last legs.”

Elise let out a sigh whilst returning her Caterpie. She then removed her neckerchief and her boots and socks before flinging them over to Natalie.

“W-what!? Why are you stripping!?”

“Do you really not know the first thing about battling?” Elise replied. “The first rule of losing a Pokémon is stripping off some clothing.”

“W-what!” Natalie cried out again.

“Wow, you really are a noob, huh? Well every time you lose a Pokémon you must strip of some of your outfit depending on how many Pokémon you have left. If you are out of Pokémon you are supposed to get naked.”

Natalie felt her cheeks start to heat up. She had only seen a bit of battling from other regions tournaments and she knew that that wasn’t a rule anywhere else.

“Listen, I am not trying to pull your leg. That is just how battles work here in this region, but then again maybe you are from Kanto, or something? It is pretty different, but it is to encourage the trainers to become amazing otherwise they are losing their dignity.”

Elise then sent out another Pokémon. This time it was a small Caterpillar of a different colour, and it had a spike on its head.

“Okay, anyway, Weedle use your poison sting!”

Natalie’s confusion led to a moment where Waggy got hit. He stood back up, but he looked strange; like he was on the verge of being sick. It didn’t take long for her to realise that he had been poisoned!

“U-um use your water gun!”

Waggy shook its head and sprayed out more water causing the Weedle to also get thrown back. It stood its head and wiggled back to the battle. Elise ordered another use of poison sting, but this time Waggy was ready and hopped back.

“W-water gun, again!”

Waggy shot more water out and knocked the Weedle out. Elise responded by stripping off her shirt and her pants, revealing a matching pair of lace undergarments. She then readied her third Pokeball.

“This is my strongest one so I hope you are ready for it!” Elise cried out.

Elise threw out a ball that popped to reveal her last Pokémon; a purple Butterfly-looking thing.

“Butterfree, use confusion!”

Waggy began to shake furiously, and then flew backwards into one of the trees. It was clear that this fight was about to end, as even though Waggy stood back up, it couldn’t take another attack and the poison was about to finish it off as well.

“W-Waggy! Use your water gun!”

Waggy shot more water out and hit the Butterfree, but it didn’t drop. It then blew a wind with its wings in reply which made Waggy fly back. This time however, Waggy didn’t get up!

“Waggy has fainted!” was what the battle radar read.

“Now that you have lost your Poliwag, let’s see some skin!” Elise said. “But then again, that was your only Pokémon so I guess that means I win and you have to show me everything!”

Elise laughed loudly, and Natalie started to whimper. This was her first trainer battle and her first humiliating defeat. She was about to strip for some woman in the woods.

“Hey, don’t cry! I am not one of those creepy guys who wants to do dirty things to you! I’ll even let you keep your stinky boots!”

Then a moment of surprise occurred; in the middle of the fight walked out a Crabrawler with its fists held out in front of it. It didn’t take long for Natalie to realise this was the same Crabrawler she had battled a little while ago!

“W-what are you doing here!?” Natalie said.

The Crabrawler stood in front of her as if to say it wanted to battle! She then realised what it wanted. It wanted to save her from this hopeless defeat and join her on her journey.

“Miss Elise, this may sound a bit strange to ask my opponent, but may I borrow a Pokeball?” Natalie said.

“What?” Elise replied.

“I wished to catch this Crabrawler earlier, but I forgot to bring some Pokeballs with me. I would like to battle you with it.”

“And why should I do that?”

Natalie smirked and threw down her backpack, and her battle radar. “If you give me one Pokeball, and let me battle then I will give you everything I own right now if I lose. That includes all of my clothes, my pack which has my wallet with 5000 Pokedollars, 9 potions, and my battle radar. I will leave here with just the two Pokeballs and do anything else you say.”

Elise’s eyes glinted with a look of joy. There were a few treasures here that she could sell for a lot of money, and if she recorded this girl doing embarrassing naked stuff, she might also make a bit of money online. She then pulled a Pokeball out from her bag and threw it to Natalie.

“Hurry up and let’s begin. I will even let you get out of stripping this once”

Natalie placed the ball on Crabrawler’s head and within a second her battle radar lit up on the ground.

“Battle Rating 140.”

Natalie then sent the Crabrawler back out.

“Okay, your name is now Brawly! Brawly use your bubble!”

Crabrawler spat out bubbles in the direction of Butterfree who replied by flinging them back using a gust of wind. Crabrawler didn’t move however, as it had dug its claws into the ground.

“Okay Brawly, now rock smash!”

Brawly flung small rocks at the Butterfree which broke on impact; it seemed to catch the Butterfree off-guard as it shook in surprise!

“Damn it got the defence drop?” Elise cried out in a panic. “Use Confusion!”

Natalie smirked. “Brawly, move in closer!”

Brawly dug its claws into the ground again and braced itself for the confusion. It took a bit of damage, but didn’t by grounding itself it minimised the shaky feeling.

“Now bubble on the wings! Then rock smash to finish it!”

Brawly darted in close and fired bubbles at point-blank range, catching the Butterfree’s wings which struggled to stay afloat, and then it flung rocks into Butterfree which threw it up and it fell down; unconscious.

“W-WHAT!?” Elise cried out.

“Looks like you lost,” Natalie laughed. “Don’t worry, I will even let you keep your stinky boots!”

Natalie's Team
Total Battle Rating: 140
Waggy/Poliwag LV 8
Brawly/Crabrawler LV 6
Attached Thumbnails
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