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Old 12-02-2020, 02:16 PM
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Default Pokemon Gotta Strip Battle

Hey everybody, new-time poster, long-time lurker here.

Anyway I wanted to write a story based on Pokémon, a game series, everybody is familiar. I used to come to this site every once in a while to read other people's stories, but obviously a lot of them remained either unfinished due to the writer going MIA, or just due to lacking the time and drive to finish them.

I have a lot of love for some of these fledgling stories and though it is a couple of years later, I would like to write my own. It takes inspirations from Lemon's and FLD mainly, but I hope it hits a couple of you in a way that makes it worth reading.

Now just a bit of background for you guys. I plan to write around the entire story including all eight gyms in at most 40 chapters. That is a large estimate in case obviously things get out of hand. I am actually hoping to write around 25-35 chapters which will include the basic plotline. I will probably update once a week, either Wednesday or Thursday for roughly 1500-2000 words per chapter.

The first three however, will be put up in quick over the next couple of days so you can all get a feel for the story. I probably won't make it end with a legendary, but a dark villain who strips girls might make their way into the story. I also wanted to add in maybe some inspiration for the characters which I will add as pictures to the bottom. The first one I show off is what I imagine Natalie to look sort of like (the pokemon go female avatar)

Anyway enjoy (I hope the grammar and everything is okay).

Episode 1: The Region of Strip Battles!

“Hello and welcome to the world of Pokémon!”

Natalie opened her eyes to the sight of a woman who was around her early-thirties; she was this region’s Pokémon Professor, Shrubbery and in her hand was a Pokeball. Natalie tried to focus on her surroundings, but struggled to as despite her attempts, the world around her seemed almost like a void.

“Are you a boy or a girl?”

Natalie sighed. She has had this dream quite a few times since she learned that she would be given a Pokémon, and it would always start off like this, and end with her shrinking down and then a white light before she would awaken in her bed like any other day. That was how it looked until she heard a loud noise echoing throughout her dream.
She opened her eyes to the roof of her bedroom and with a long stretch Natalie arose from her slumber. Her phone had been loudly telling her it was time to get up, and so with another stretch and a loud yawn she stepped out of her bed.

Then a realisation dawned upon her, “I better get ready!” Natalie jumped out of her bed and ran towards the bathroom.

She then flung open the bathroom door to hear her mother yelp from inside the shower.

“Nattie! Don’t scare me like that!” her mother shouted from behind the shower curtain.

“Sorry Mom!”

Natalie stood in front of the bathroom mirror and she found herself focusing on the image that was waiting on the other side; a cute girl with long brown hair, deep blue eyes, and a fair complexion, but what she saw was different. What caught Natalie’s eye was her hair that was a mess, her eyes that had slight bags under them from staying up late and her cheeks that looked like they needed a wash.

She fixed herself up in record speed and after a second or two ran out of the bathroom and back to her room. She then stripped down and started to get dressed. “I would’ve loved to take a shower, but there is no time!”

Natalie ran out of the room and called out to her mother, “I am going to get my Pokemon, okay mom!”

“Nattie, what about breakfast!?”

Natalie didn’t hear her mother as she was too focused on getting to the lab, but it wouldn’t have mattered even if she had; as she was out of the door in less than a second. It didn’t take her long to make it towards the Pokemon laboratory. She was also meeting her friends so she wouldn’t allow herself to be too late, after all, much like her dream kept foretelling, today was the day she would get her very own Pokemon!

She ran and ran until she was dripping with sweat, but soon she arrived to see a couple of familiar faces.

“You’re late Nattie!”

“You shouldn’t overexert yourself!”

The two faces belonged to her two bestest friends, Rachel, and Miranda, and today much like Natalie, they were both going to get a Pokemon from the professor. Natalie grew up with these two, and all throughout their life in Cherrypop town they were inseparable.

“Well, I can’t wait to get a Pokemon!” Rachel laughed.

Rachel was a courageous tomboy known around town as a cute bruiser. Her hair was short and fiery, and her slender figure reflected her boyish lifestyle of working out, so it was no surprise to anyone that she also wanted to be the toughest Pokemon trainer around.

“I just hope to make friends with them myself,” Miranda added.

Miranda was the opposite of Rachel; a timid and soft girl, she was known as the daughter of the local florist and likewise was considered the prettiest girl in town. She had an elegant look with long black hair and a chest that people could bounce on.

Natalie nodded, and then she looked up at the small, but surprisingly lavish looking building in front of her. This was where all of the Pokemon research in the region took place and is also the place where she would begin her journey.
“Let’s go inside!” Natalie smiled.

The trio made their way up the front door and knocked to hear nothing in reply. It was silent, but the door was also unlocked and so with little waiting Natalie entered into the building much to Miranda’s discomfort.

The inside of the lab was dead; there was no light and the curtains were however, there was the sound of snoring. Natalie wandered around; trying to find her way around the darkened lab, and when she came upon a light switch.
She turned it on and with a moment of utter shock she caught herself looking into a sight she wasn’t ready for.
Lying on the sofa that sat in the middle of the lab was a woman. She was asleep, but amazingly in a way that wasn’t even normal; her head was at the foot of the sofa and her legs hung over the bag; spread. It wouldn’t have been an issue if she was wearing anything, but the woman wasn’t.

Natalie’s eyes caught the thick mound of hair that sat covering a pair of glistening pink lips. She had only ever seen four pairs of lips in her life; her own, her mother’s, Rachel’s, and finally Miranda’s, and even though Miranda leaves it unkempt, her bush was far from as glorious as this one.

“Nattie! What are you doing!?” Rachel said as she pushed Natalie forward.

Natalie landed on the naked Professor; falling onto her in a way that her face met the Professor’s neck, and then almost like falling into a venus fly trap she felt her legs be wrapped up by the Professor’s. Natalie could feel the Professor’s hot breath upon her face, and then without a second passing the Professor opened her eyes.

“You three are quite late!” she said. “I expected you to be here around twenty minutes ago and Natalie to be a little less sweaty.”

“Sorry, we’re late!” Natalie apologised, all the while fearing that she was going to learn how to eat carpet.

“Well, it's fine. I was napping after spending all night setting up the Pokemon, so come here!” Professor Shrubbery threw Natalie off and jumped up.

“Professor! Put some clothes on, please!” Miranda cried out with a blush.


A few moments had passed, and Shrubbery had gotten dressed before taking the three girls to the back of the lab. They came to a counter that had three balls sitting on it. These were Pokeballs; items that are used to capture Pokemon.

“Now, I am sure you realise that this region is a bit different from other regions,” Professor Shrubbery said. “There are many Pokemon in this region that are all found elsewhere in the world however, we haven’t recorded any new species of our own. That may seem like a bad thing, but that is also part of this region’s charm! Our Pokemon are of varying rarities across the world, but here you can find a large amount of them!”

Natalie felt her heart begin to race. The idea of owning her own Pokemon has been in her mind for a long while, and this moment couldn’t come any quicker.

“Now girls, which one of you wants to claim your Pokemon partner first?”

“I got here first, so it should be me!” Danielle laughed.

Natalie wanted to run out and grab the Pokemon right then and there, but she held herself back as best she could.
“Okay well, you have three choices Danielle,” Shrubbery smiled. “You can pick the Weed Pokemon Oddish, the Tiny Robin Pokemon Fletchling, or the Tadpole Pokemon Poliwag.”

Danielle didn’t even think for a second before grabbing the middle ball. It made sense to all in the room that she would pick the fire type Pokemon for her starter.

“I guess it is my turn then,” Miranda said as she stepped forward. “They are both so cute, but I feel like Oddish suits me better, considering I love flowers.”

Natalie was fine with this outcome as out of the three before her she wanted Poliwag.

“I am finally a Pokemon trainer!” Natalie thought to herself as she grabbed the last ball.

“Well, I do still have something else to give you!” Professor Shrubbery said as she pulled out a box with a few watches inside. “These are called Battle Radars, and they rate your ability as a trainer. You must each register your Pokemon in these as well as your basic information.”

Natalie placed the Battle Radar on her wrist and began to fill out the stuff inside.

“I think the only other information you need is how battles play out in this region,” Professor Shrubbery said. “The signs leading out of town should give you a basic rundown, so make sure to check them before you head off.”
Natalie smiled and twirled around with her new buddy in her hands, “I am going to name you Waggy!”

Then she and her friend’s left the lab with happy faces. They were walking into the centre of town which had begun to fill out with people.

“So, what do you guys want to do now?” Natalie asked.

“I think we should also tell our parents about the situation,” Danielle said.

“I agree, then we can begin our journeys when we feel ready,” Miranda added.

Natalie nodded and the three went their separate ways, at least that was the plan anyway, but Natalie who stayed in the people-filled centre of town admiring her Pokemon found herself with a look of utter embarrassment on her face.
“Nattie, you shouldn’t leave the house without having breakfast!”

Natalie’s eyes caught her mother running through the crowd who were all staring at her. The reason for this? It was because of what her mother was wearing, or more like what she wasn’t wearing.

“Mom, why are you dressed like that!?” Natalie cried out.

Natalie’s mother was only wearing a towel that started at her chest and ended at her thighs. It barely covered anything and so every guy was trying to see past the little piece of clothing in hopes of seeing her naked body underneath.

Then the towel dropped...

“Oopsie, I just came out of the shower! How embarrassing!”

This was the beginning of a brand new adventure!

Natalie’s Team
Waggy/Poliwag Lv 5
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