Thread: [Non Fiction Stories - Exhibitionist] Games and dares - secrets and stories
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Old 03-23-2014, 04:12 PM
jacksonhole jacksonhole is offline
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Default Strip bocce

I posted this true story in a different thread a couple months ago, but it is really a perfect fit for this thread. My apologies if that is a problem.

Since I was a teenager I have always loved stripping games and over the years have gotten pretty good at transitioning just about any game into a stripping game.

The participants of this game were me and my wife's youngest sister who was 18 at the time. We were at a family reunion of my wife's family which was held in a forest preserve near her parent's house. There were probably a hundred people there, many of whom I had never met before. So for most of the party my wife and I hung out with her sisters and their cousins and we were all drinking a lot of beer. We had brought our bocce set because that is a great game to play while drinking outdoors.

After about 4 hours the party started to break up. My MIL announced that everyone was welcome back at their house to continue the party and everyone who wasn't already leaving started packing up their coolers. My SIL and I were in the middle of a heated game of bocce, and she announced that she wasn't leaving until we finished the game. My wife said that she was going to go back with her parents and that I should bring her sister home as soon as we finished the game.

SIL and I are both good at bocce and are both very competitive so the game went on for a while, but I eventually managed to win. She immediately demanded a rematch, claiming that she would have beaten me except for one bad bounce. I joked that if she wanted a rematch she was going to have to up the ante and give me a reason to play. She surprised me by saying, "How about we play strip bocce?" I asked her if she was serious and she said that she wasn't worried because she was going to destroy me in the rematch.

We both looked around and realized that the forest preserve was completely empty. It was a huge open area, probably the size of 2-3 football fields, but there was nobody else in sight. On the other hand, it was a public park and somebody could show up at any minute without warning. Despite the danger, I was very excited at the prospect of seeing my wife's 18 year old sister naked. She was totally hot and had a great body, although smaller boobs than my wife. I asked her again if she really wanted to do this, and she told me to get ready to be naked because she was going to literally beat the pants off me.

We started playing and true to her promise she quickly began to run up a score. I lost my shoes, socks, shirt and shorts and she had not lost a single item of clothing. She was dancing around laughing and teasing me that she only needed to win one more point and then I would be totally naked. And then the game turned in my favor.

I won the next toss and she kicked off her flip flops and said I had gotten lucky. Then I won the next toss and she pulled off her t-shirt. We both looked around to see if we had any company, but didn't see anyone. The truth was that her bra looked just like a bikini top, and it was a hot afternoon, so we really didn't look out of place.

I also won the next toss. At this point she asked if I had been hustling her and letting her get a head start, but the truth was that I had been trying to win right from the start. She hemmed and hawed for a minute and I didn't push her, I just gathered up the bocce balls and waited to start the next round. She looked around again, and then said, "Oh what the hell, I'm still going to beat you." And with that she pushed her shorts to the ground.

Now as anyone who has played stripping games knows, there is a rhythm, a momentum to the game. It can be looking good and then all of a sudden somebody gets cold feet and the game is over. I wasn't sure how this was going to play out, but I was sure not going to push things and potentially get myself into big trouble with her family. I asked her if she wanted to quit, and she said, "No way! I still only need one point to win."

The next toss was extremely close and I won by maybe an inch. She said, "You have got to be fucking kidding me!" But this time she didn't even pause or look around, she just reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She shrugged the straps off her shoulders and tossed the bra onto the grass.

I should mention that there wasn't a bocce court at the park, and each toss we would just throw out the ballina and play wherever it landed. So through the course of the game we had played and stripped in a number of different locations and there were clothes, both hers and mine, littered all over the park. There could be no quick cover up, or quick dressing if someone showed up we were going to have to run all over the place finding and putting our clothes back on.

My SIL looked fucking fantastic playing in just her skimpy panties. She made no effort to cover her boobs which were beautiful, with small dark nipples that were noticeably erect. I want to stress that there was nothing sexual about the situation at all. We weren't flirting with each other, there was no sexual tension other than the fact that she was topless and appeared aroused. I had a nice semi going, but was not overtly sporting wood.

She informed me that my luck had run out and that it was time for me to get naked as we started the last round. We weren't keeping score, only stripping, so since we were both down to a single item, this was clearly the last point.

I took my time throwing as I was truly enjoying the site of her young boobs bouncing around as she made her throws. We were standing right next to each other, so it was quite easy for me to sneak glances at her tits and ass, and she was very focused on the game and again made no effort to hide herself. She was however starting say things like, "I can't believe I am topless in front of my brother-in-law in a public park."

Contrary to her prediction, my luck did hold out and I handily won the final point. She walked away from where we were standing and over to the ballina to make sure that I had really won. She stood there staring at the balls on the ground and then looked up at me shaking her head. "I guess you won," she said, and then without another word she pushed her panties to the ground.

She stood there naked and then held her arms out and said, "Ta da, now you've seen me naked!"

Because she was clearly posing for me, I took my time and really stared at her naked body. She had a light bush, but it looked like she might shave her lips because although there was bush up top, it seemed to be very bare lower down. The thing I remember to this day is that her pussy was bright red and looked puffy.

I made a twirling motion with my finger and she obliged by turning around and showing me her ass.

Then she suggested another rematch. I was intrigued by this, but was becoming worried that we had been gone for too long and her parent's house was only 5 minutes away if someone decided to come looking for us. So I said I thought we should get back. She told me that she didn't want to be the only one naked, and that she still wanted to beat the pants off me.

So without giving it another thought, I pushed my boxers to the ground and stood in front of her naked. She twirled her finger at me like I had to her, and I turned around and showed her my hairy ass. She clapped and said, "Ok, one last throw. But instead of strip bocce its just naked bocce."

So we played one more throw, totally naked, on a bright sunny day in the late afternoon in a public park. Now that she was naked I was getting a good look at her pussy every time she bent over to pick up a ball, and she still made no effort to cover up.

I let her win that throw and then we scrambled around the park finding our clothes and getting dressed again. We drove back to her parent's house and my wife asked me who won. I said I did, and there was no more discussion about it at all.

The next year we threw a 4th of July party, and late in the evening SIL came up to me and suggested that we play bocce with a friend of hers and one of my buddies.

Yes, we ended up playing strip bocce and all four of us got totally naked on a side street while the party was going on just over the fence. Everybody thought it was funny that we decided to play strip bocce, and we all blamed it on the alcohol, but we never let on that it wasn't the first time we had played.

And yes, over the years I have managed to get SIL, wife and a number of other friends to play strip bocce a number of times in a number of places. What a great game!
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