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Old 02-08-2013, 03:46 AM
alphaboo alphaboo is offline
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Default This is becoming a problem for all

Photos deleted because pro. Actually this seems to becoming a problem across the board. They are not watermarked, but it starting to seem if a photo is well done it is a defacto Pro photo.

Also since the photos have been deleted I don't even know what the photos were so I can't even view them to try to figure out why they are considered Pro pictures. I am starting to think Pro is in the mind of the beholder.

I understand watermarks and copyrights. I even understand watermarks when someone has watermarked a photo that was not theirs and then published as their own. This board is not here to fight legal battles.

I understand movies. It is very easy to tell a professional movie, yet the board has exceptions for them

But pro. There is no standardized criteria.

AS I said I have no idea why my thread and photos were deleted other then Pro pictures, I can't even argue why I think they are not pro and I kinda of think some of them were definitely not pro but just well done but i don't remember exactlywhich photos they were.

I use to think Pro pictures were copyrighted and watermarked had a web site listed. That made sense.

This pro picture deleted just because they were well done is problematic. We will end up with only really bad photos because everyone will not post good photos for fear of being deleted. No one wants to make the moderators do more work then needed.

However if i don't see the photos that were deleted and told why they were deleted I will not understand why they were considered Pro. Plus I might repost them under someone else's thread that they would fit in with the theme.

it also seems moderators have different standards for what is a Pro picture.

If my girls in snow pictures included the girl wearing the waist legnth fluffy white and black fur coat-they are not pro because although she has a great body, her face is not model quality and her teeth need braces before she could be a model.

I have taken better quality nudes but no they will not be posted here because they are art projects. I have taken better quality semi nude photos of girlfriends then photos i have found and posted that were pulled. No i don't have them, I have always given them back after a break up. That what I agree to when I ask a girl to pose and i live up to my agreements, unless they are in the aforementioned art projects.

I dated a MAC make up artist. I took non nudes of her but if they were nudes would her make up ability make the pro?

I can light and compose having studied film and photography. Most photos taken outside in seculded areas were there are no other people will look much more professional for that reason alone. I am not a pro because it is not my livelihood, so my photos would not be Pro

A Professional photo is one produced for profit. Includes model waivers and copyrights.

These Pro photos are an arbitary category that has no well defined criteria.

If the board want it that way that fine. I just think this is a problem that needs attention. At the least it needs a very well defined list of atributes and criteria, and not just a general guide.

The if you have any doubt don't post is a perfect general rule for making sure all photos are of women over 18, for Pro pictures it needs to be more defined.

I hope this helps to lessen the amount of Pro pics deleted comments we are seeing more and more often in the threads.

AS for me just to be safe,any well done photo, no matter how strongly I feel it is only a well done amatuer photo, will no longer be posted.
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