Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Katie, Class President
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Old 01-30-2012, 03:52 AM
Zechs195 Zechs195 is offline
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Katie couldn't believe what was happening. There she was cuffed and naked being walked out of her school, while dozens of students lined the halls to catch a sight of her in the buff. Sandra walked along side her also cuffed but fully clothed. Sandra, no stranger to being arrested, was actually having a good time given katie's prediciment. “ I gotta say, Katie, with your small tits I was never really sure if you were old enough to be in our class but now that I've seen that big ass of yours, I believe it.” Sandra said and then laughed.
“shut up you two!” said officer rodgers even though katie hadn't said a word. As soon as they walked out the front door Katie body felt the cold and wind of early early november and her nipples became noticeably erect. Her feet felt very uncomfortable on the rough side walk. This combined with their school being on the town's busiest street with cars driving by every couple seconds potentially seeing her in all her glory made Katie feel even worse than she had inside. The question of whether the cars had noticed her was answered pretty quickly when many of the cars honked and some rolled down their windows to hoot and holler.
Katie who had retreated into her head to try and not deal with the reality of most of the town seeing her naked was snapped back by sandra when she said “ Katie, it looks like you actually are having a good time, you little sl*t.” Katie didn't understand what she meant but then she saw her looking at her chest and her painfully erect nipples. “Stop! This is the worst day of my life and its all your fault!” Shut up you two before i'm forced to gag you!” Yelled officer rodgers.
They reach officer Rodgers police car and he opened both sides. Katie was placed on the right and Sandra on the left. He didn't remove either of their cuffs leaving Katie no way to cover herself. “ Where are you taking us?” asked Katie. “to the police station, dumbass” said Sandra. “actually with the new program and punishment system I take you two straight to prison.” Katie couldn't believe it she was on her way to prison. She started to think of her parents and what they were going to do or say, she knew her dad would be very angry with her. “which prison? Asked sandra. “sandra you're going to the Johnson minimun security facility for 2 days for being in a fight and for this repeat behavior. Katie you're going to James maximum security for starting the fight for one week.”
Katie started to cry again, she remember Mr jacobson saying that the person starting the fight needed to be scared straight more than whoever retaliated but this really wasn't her fault. Within 5 minutes they were at the minumum security prison where it must have been lunch hour because many of the employees were outside talking, smoking or drinking coffee. “see you in a week katie” Sandra said with a wink as she was taken out of the car. Officer rodgers walked her in he then walked back out but started a conversation with a guard. Everyone was starting to notice katie and stare and oggle and it seemed to last forever before officer rodgers got back in the car.
“I always thought you were a good kid, Katie” officer rodgers said as he got back in. “ I am this isn't my fault! Said Katie as they started to drive. “you started a fight after being the one to introduce the consequences to the school, that doesn't sound like a good kid to me” “she said she'd strip me if I didn't hit her!” “Are you sure she didn't say hit me AND I'll strip you, because it looks like you kind of ended up that way anyway, haha” He chucked.
Kaite lowered her head and within another few minutes they were at the maximun security facility. He opened the door and walked her in cuffed. They got to the the front desk. “prisoner drop off, Smith, Katelyn.” The female secretary looked her up and down and said “looks like we can skip the strip search” As both adults laughed and katie wanted to die from humiliation. Please sign this form, uncuff the prisoner and take her to that dorr and you can be on your way officer.” He signed took off the cuffs and before katie could cover herself or even rub her sore wrists he grabbed her arm and led her to the door. Above the door read a sign that said “prisoner processing”. A women opened the door and pulled katie in.
There was another woman inside the room and the two women looked her up and down. “Well normally this is where we'd strip you but looks like you've taken care of that, haha”. Katie tried to hold back her tears and read there name tags, one read officer neison the other read officer Jones. Officer Neison said “ in this room you do as we say when we say it, you are not in control of your life inside these walls, we and the other staff are.” Katie meekly said “yes ma'am”.
“ Stand against the wall” officer Neison came up with a camera. Now knowing her humiltion would be immortalized katie couldn't hold back tears any longer. “ stop crying or we'll wait here all day til you do. The longer we wait for this the longer til those 7 days start!” Katie took a deep breath and wiped her face. “Face completely forward and look into the camera” A flash went off and katie could see herself on the screen of s computer behind them. You could clearly see her face and tits. “turn left” They repeated the process and then had her turn to the right.
Katie was glad at least her bottom has was not on display but her thought was premature. “face forward” She the backed up enough to get her full body. They had her go right and left again and then they had her face the wall to take a picture of her butt. Every inch of her body was now forever on that computer and she felt dread thinking of all the people who might see.
“we need to check for weapons and drugs, shake out your hair” Katie shook her head and nothing came out. “good” The two women put on rubber gloves. “ now open your mouth” Kaite opened her mouth and Jones held a flashlight up while the Neison started to probe her mouth with one of her hands. “katie felt disgusted by the rubber taste and that someone was putting hands in her mouth, only a dentist had ever had their hands there before. “nothing” said Neison.
“Now its time for the fun part” said Neison. “go over to that desk and bend over” Kaite did as told and bent over her pussy and ass now on display for the women. Katie couldn't believe she being forced to take this humiliating position and that the two women could see her most private areas. “Do you know what a cavity search is?” Katie's eyes shot open wide realizing why she was bent over. “wait! Please! I've never been touched either of those places” “You've never been touched where?” “my private parts” “Say what they're called” She probably had never used the words aloud before and she felt embarrassed having to now. “My vagina and my anus” “never heard of those before. don't go all medical on us call them what they are.” She'd never cussed or even used slang but she'd heard the words in school. She felt humiliated as she said “My pussy and butt”. “Your butt?” “My ass.” She felt dirty swearing but if she'd do whatever it took to stop herself from being violated. “getting better but could you be more specific?” Katie couldn't understand why Neison was trying to make her humiliation worse. “My... Asshole.” “You've never been touched in your pussy or asshole? you must be a liar if you just love to walk around naked at your high school” Neison then put her hand on the back of Katie 's neck and pushed down hard and Katie braced herself for the horror she was about to face.
“Wait. Look how tight she is, she might be telling the truth” Said Jones who up until now had been silent. Katie was grateful for the intervention but embarrassed that her vagina was being used as evidence. “It doesn't matter, this is procedure” Said Neison. “She's just a girl, we can't do that to her, she's only serving seven days she shouldn't have to give up virginity for that.” “this is procedure what if she's carrying something? We'll lose our jobs. I Have kids to feed!” “what if we came to a compromise?”
“What sort of compromise?” “just follow my lead.” Katie was thankful for officer jones coming to her defense but was nervous of whatever compromise she had in mind. “Katie this is a special exception that we've never done before. If you can not comply with this compromise we will be forced to perform the cavity search”Katie said” yes ma'am i'll do whatever you say. “Katie reach behind you and grab your buttocks.” Katie reached behind herself and grabbed a cheek in each hand. “Now spread your cheeks.” Katie couldn't believe the words that just came out of jone's mouth, that was the most humiliating thing a girl could do and to two complete strangers no less. Katie waited a few seconds trying to get the strength to cause herself more humilation. Neison yelled”do it now or i'm getting the vasoline!”. Humiliated and scared she spread her cheeks, exposing her perfect round pink asshole to the two officers. “katie I need you two spread them wider we need to see inside.”
Katie pulled harder on each cheek trying to ignore the feeling of degredation. She knew this was better than the alternative but she also knew she didn't deserve any of this to begin with. “wider, Katie” katie pulled even harder waiting for this debasement to end. “wider.” Katie was sure her anus would tear if she went any further but she did any way. At this point it was painful on top of humilating but she hoped it was good enough. “good katie now we just gotta take a quick look and check for contraband.”
“officer Jones grabbed her flashlight and held it up to kati's asshole while officer Neisen held an eye up to check inside. Katie wasn't sure how much more of this she could take not only was she being forced to painfully spread her asscheeks to two complete strangers while naked in a maximum security prison she didn't deserve to be in but now someone was actually looking into her asshole. “nothing, from what I can tell. ” Jones patted Katie on the butt and told her to stand and hop up on the table.
“now katie usually we have a vaginal exam as well” Katie shuddered, she was saving herself for marriage and no one would ever touch her there until then. No one was even supposed to see that area she though to herself but this one terrible day had ruined all that. “I'm going to need you to spread your lips for us”. “ma,am I can't that goes against my beliefs” “I can do it for you!” interjected Neison. “Katie if you wish to not have the cavity search. This is what you have to do. We have to see inside you to verify the lack of contraband. We are not asking you to masturabate but just for you spread your lips wide enough for us to get a look. I rarely ask anything twice and I'm giving you a chance here.”
Katie decided it was better for her to do it then have anyone else do it. She reached down with her right hand and spread her lips with her two fingers. Katie felt dirty for doing this and for slightly enjoying the feel even though she absolutey hated the the situation. Her clit popped out and for the first time she felt her juices flowing.
“that's wide enough” and once again jones held up the flashlight while neison peered inside. Katie had never even been to gynocologist no one had ever seen the inside of her vagina before. “nothing” “okay katie looks like you've got nothing inside you but if you do remember that we took a risk here for you and if it comes back to bite us you'll be ruining our lives when we tried to save yours.” “I promise I don't officers, thank you.” Katie wasn't thankful to be in this situation but it was the only act of kindness she'd received since this hell started.
“there's one last thing before we take you to your cell. We need a urine sample.” “okay, where's the bathroom?” Officer neison laughed “Right here” she held out a cup under katie's vagina. Katie was still on the table and had given up all hope of dignity at this point. “you get a drop on me and I swear you will regret it.” Katie now forced to perform one the most private of acts into a cup infront of these officers tried to close her eyes and hide away in her head but realized she needed to pay attention to where she was peeing. She got over her nerves a started to let a stream go. She carefully aimed and got it all in the cup.
“Okay Katie we are now going to take you to your cell.” They opened the door on the other side of the room that led to the general population.” “wait what about my clothes or a uniform?” “Katie you're already wearing it” “What?!” “This is a facility for maximum security violent offenders, to stop the flow of drugs and weapon all prisoners have to remain nude. You will be required to keep everywhere but your head shaved clean to prevent any hiding of contraband.”
Katie put her face in her hands and cried. Would she ever get her clothes back she thought. Not only that but she knew because Sandra was in a minimum security prison she got to keep her clothes, even though this was all her fault. Katie thought about all the violent offenders who would be leering at her body and what they might do to her. Confirming her fears Jone's grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door as she did she said “Katie, I feel for you and I really don't think you should be here. That's why I protected you in there but in general population, in your cell, in the showers I won't be around to do that and for that I am so sorry.”
Katie continued to cry as she was walked through the halls of the prison they got to cell block d. As she was being led to her cell all the prisoners went to their windows and stared at her. A few yelled”Fresh meat” “oh that looks like a fine piece of ass” “Mhm dinner time already?” Katie was led to the last cell on the block.
When she entered the cell there was another naked woman lying on one of the beds. She looked mid 20's perfect breasts much larger than Katie's and a beautiful slender body with long red hair. Jones let her in said farewell and closed the cell behind her. The naked girl looked up at katie “You must be the new meat, a little young for block d aren't you?” Katie “ I got in a fight at school” the woman laughed “ a fight?That's all? I'm here for attempted murder.” Katie was instantly terrifed she was locked in a cell with someone capable of murder. “My name's sam. What's yours?” “Katie” she said nervously. Katie was still standing too scared to sit. “Well katie I always like to show my bunkmates some hospitality. You hungry?” Maybe she isn't so bad thought katie. “Yeah I haven't eaten since breakfast.” “then get over here and eat.” “what?” “you stupid or something? I said eat.” “Where's the food?”
Sam stood up and grabbed katie by the hair and shoved katie's face about an inch from her vagina “Right there!” “Please no, I'm a virgin and i'm not a lesbian.” “do I look like I care? I run this cell I run this block, you want to make it through your senntance you play by my rules.” Sam layed back down. “now eat.”
Katie fearing now for her life got up on the bed too. She put her knees in between Sam's legs and cried as she started to lower head towards her pussy. She could smell it and although it wasn't unpleasent the whole idea made her want to gag. She stuck her tounge out and closed her eyes and aimed for sam's pussy. when there was only about a centimeter left before she entered there was a knock on the cell door. The guard who completely ignored what was going on simply said “Katie your parents are here to see you.”
end part 2
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