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pball2295 03-16-2022 09:21 PM

Anyone have (or see) nudes of a woman who strongly dislikes you?
Had a recent convo with an OCC member and an interesting topic came up. Do you own nudes of a woman who dislikes you...or would hate the fact that you objectify her body, if she knew?

I don't have any situations like this myself, but I wish I did! Am I alone?

I do have one way I could enjoy this situation vicariously. It's an excellent example, but it's messed up, so not sure if I'll be able to get there.

Will tell the story if anyone is interested...kinda feel like I've been boring ppl w long ass stories lately, lol.

OPD940B 03-16-2022 09:38 PM

Sorta, you know those collage pics they put in yearbooks? Well there are two pics inside the collage that show me with a certain young lady:D Evidently the adult staff editors missed it in the proof before going to print. Cannot even be sure that it is me. She says it is and blames me for the pic. There were pics of her that circulated for a bit of which some of I am in. She even tried to get me fired from my job years later when she found I worked for the city. All her allegations were declared, unfounded. To this day she hates me and blames me.:eek::mad:
The pic is less than 1/2 x 1/2 inch.

piecenick 03-16-2022 10:03 PM

Oh boy, did I. My college GF's roommate hated me, I had no idea why, but she always rolled her eyes and gave me a nasty smirk when I came over. I just blew it off, even when she would ask my GF when I was leaving. She was not unattractive, but she didn't have a BF, if my GF asked me to spend the night, she would slam a door to indicate her disapproval.

At the end of the spring semester my GF asked me to spend the night, I was driving her home and that way we could get an earlier start, since it was a long drive. I came over kind of late, roomie was already sleeping, I was exhausted from helping us both pack, so I get in bed with GF and went right to sleep. The next morning I woke up and went to the bathroom, the door was closed, so I knocked to see if she was in there, no answer and her bedroom door was closed, so I walked in. She was at the sink washing up, stark naked, I was stunned until she threw a bottle at me and I went back to the bedroom. I told GF, she was laughing hysterically. Luckily we threw on our clothes and left so I didn't have to face her.

Skip clock forward about 5 years, I had a job, we had a booth at a trade show and as the low man I had to stand there handing out stuff. Who walks up but the old roomie, I didn't recognize her at first, she had lost weight and was dressed very nicely. Shock of all shock, she was pleasant to me and we even laughed about that morning. Go figure.

Beelzebozo 03-17-2022 01:59 AM

On and off and on and off
Had one woman who I pined for a little too much... OK, way too much. We kept falling in and out of contact basically because I had a problem taking 'no' for an answer. I didn't assault her or anything like that, but I was annoying to say the least. I did get lucky in that she modeled for a mutual friend and he put up one of the photos of her topless in the woods from a distance. You can't really see anything, but it definitely held my imagination for a while. Didn't help she'd told me she was stripping in a city halfway across the country.

Fast forward 5 years after our last talk and I'm now happily married and she decides to friend me on LiveJournal and later Facebook. Her LJ includes photos from her home births of each of her kids which she's topless in both (nothing graphic, all were taken afterwards just before she's handed the kid). Not the optimal way to finally see her breasts, but I definitely felt... satisfied? vindicated? a sense of closure? A few years later, she put up a photo of herself after she'd been bodypainted. Very little truly visible, but still worth putting in the collection.

Shortly after that, she kinda went off the deep end, as her new boyfriend was a big conspiracy wacko and she was already flakey in that direction but now getting worse. I called her out when she was talking about some bullshit and she promptly blocked me, later disappearing off of social media all together. Dunno what she's doing now, but I'm sure she's not got a lot of nice things to say about me regardless.

daskers 03-17-2022 04:53 AM

I found a couple of photos of a ex landlady that I rented from, we had more than a few issues with one another over her taking care of some things. I was looking at a site one day and come across a photo of her spread butt naked on the floor that was probably took by her ex husband, there was also one of her posing on a couch.

Tumbler2002 03-17-2022 02:03 PM

Better than that
Around 12 years ago I used to have a fuck buddy inbetween the ex and meeting my current wife. I wasn’t the nicest to her. Nothing too bad only like texting when I wanted a piece and not replying if I couldn’t be arsed. At a wedding I was best man at her best friend comes over and starts screaming at me about how I’m a bastard for treating her friend like shit blah blah blah. Little didn’t I know later that night she would be screaming my name while I fucked her in a spare room in the hotel 😂😂

voyeurager 03-17-2022 11:32 PM

A couple
I've had a couple from one or two people who I hated and who hated me, and it still at times brings me some perverse satisfaction knowing that I have that little bit of extra on my side haha.

Slimeybottoms 03-18-2022 10:21 AM

She'd Freak
A close personal friend of mines wife obviously doesn't care for me much. What she doesn't know is that her husband and I have traded pics and vids of our wives. So, when she is being b*tchy to me I smile, knowing exactly what she looks like without a stitch of clothing on. Lol, she can't cover run or hide

pball2295 03-18-2022 08:46 PM

Love the stories!
Glad so many guys have experiences with this. I had a feeling!

My story hasn't yet happened...but if I get the guts, it (could) become a reality. Basically, my buddy from college and my college girlfriend REALLY despised each other back in our college years. Long story. He broke her friend's heart our freshmen year...and they had really opposing personalities and political beliefs. She was far to the left, he had recently come out of the military. I was able to have relationships with people with varying views.

Anyway...I broke up with my girlfriend over a decade ago...but I still have some delicious nudes of her in her early twenties. Back then, she let me take pictures of her completely naked...trusting 100% that I wouldn't show them to anyone. Afterall, she was a feminist, borderline hippy girl in love. ( was true that I never would have shared her at the time. But several of my friends have enjoyed her since :D.)

Anyway, I still see the guy friend every so often. Maybe once a month. I might touch base with my ex once a year on Facebook...but nothing more than that. We've talked about her in the time since. He says things like..."yeah man, I get it...she was a good person...and really hot...but I'm sorry...she was annoying as fuck!"

Here's where the pervy thought comes in. I haven't been able to make the offer yet because it feels too mean to her...but man, I would get a lot effed up pleasure from letting my buddy enjoy her completely naked, full frontal body. With her big happy, girly smile across her face. Back then, she would have been MORTIFIED by the thought of him seeing her like this. That's part of what turns me on about it. I would loveee to watch him carefully study her pussy.

Anyway, I can't think if anyone she would want to enjoy her naked body less than this friend...which is the main reason I haven't wanted to do it...but also the main reason the thought turns me on so much.

What do you think, should I?

piecenick 03-18-2022 11:32 PM

I would have to see the pics before offering my professional opinion.

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