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scouty 03-16-2008 03:46 PM

Your own GF/Wife ENF?
Have you/would you allow your own wife/gf to be the ENF?

As I said in another post... I did and it turns me on to this day. Any stories where you allowed/encouraged this?

SocialCapital 03-16-2008 07:05 PM

Let's see...
When I was in school, I used to take my girlfriend out to a wooded area just outside of town to make out. There was a stand of trees that people in the know used as inspiration point. Once when we were getting hot and heavy, I asked her if I could tie her hands behind her (around the back of the seat). She was naked, she was into it. When I got her snug and secure, I started laughing and started up the car and drove back toward town. I was telling her that I was going to drive back to the school, where lunch break was still underway. She totally freaked out! :p I ended up chickening out, but we made it almost all the way back to town. For what it's worth, a few cars passed us from the oncoming direction, but I'm not sure what they saw. It's a great memory... though I'm not sure she thinks so. :D

scouty 03-17-2008 03:00 PM

Cool... when you know the Female in the's cool that you know how embarrassed they were and the exact situation. I ended up loving how my friends got to see my gf naked. 04-05-2008 02:06 AM

GF gets naturewalked
My g/f and I were staying at a camp ground and we were roughing it by using a tent. We had been out late and were up doing some drinking. Most everyone in the campground was asleep. My g/f decided to go take a shower and I got a devilish idea. I said "OK" and told her I was gonna go to sleep.

She gathered up her change of clothes and toiletries and headed off for the showers. I followed her and watched her go into the ladies showers. The mens room was next door and I watched the ladies shower door from there and no one else was around. Listening I heard the shower start and that is when I made my move.

I quickly went into the ladies room. My heart was pounding. I could see she was in the shower and was washing her hair. There were no shower doors. It was kinda like a gym type of shower. Her clothes were in a neat pile on a bench just outside of the shower area. I gathered up all of her clothes and towel, smiled, and headed back to camp. I had just left my g/f hopelessly wet,naked and she would now have to come back to camp completely naked.

My g/f is pretty average looking brunette. She has a full bush and nicely sized breasts. Her hair is long, about nipple length. She is also shy and also can't see to well without her glasses.

She comes out of the showers very slowly and hugging the wall to cover herself. The showers are very well lit and you could see everything. She now starts to move quickly from the showers covering her bush and tits with her arms. She is barefoot and is walking gingerly. As she heads toward me and the camp there are some folks moving about. She doesn't have her glasses so she can't see to well distance things. As with most camp grounds it has some lights on. She stops and hides behind trees along her walk and wears this tree for a little while. She hiding behind this tree and is just hugging it.

As she gets close to the camp site I just couldn't stand it. She is moving at a pretty good clip now and I then do the ole wolf whistle and she spins around. "Nice outfit hun". "You son of a b*tch! You took my stuff?" No harm was done and she got over it quickly and we had some great sex.

scouty 04-07-2008 09:09 PM

Cool story. I think it's even better when the ENF knows the people she's EN in front of.

ed75 04-13-2008 04:06 PM

i've never purposefully planned or orchestrated the embarassment of any girlfriends i've had, but a number of them have embarassed themselves, sometimes while i'm there, sometimes while i'm not and i just heard about it.
the most memorable wad definitely a girl i was dating who worked at a photo developing place (this would've been just before digicams became the norm). i'd taken some nude photos of her and she developed them herself at work and somehow, even though you'd think she'd know this better than anyone as it's her job, she left the photos in the machine and forgot about them, where they were of course discovered by a male co-worker who proceeded to let the other guys working there in on it. he ended up being fired and she quit out of embarassment, and i had to hide how turned on i was when she was telling me what happened...

another time involved a different ex who was into some mildly kinkier things. let's just say this particular enf involved bondage, a revealing outfit, and a roommate coming home unexpectedly a day earlier than planned from her trip, with her boyfriend and friend in tow, and i'll leave the rest to your imagination...

scouty 04-13-2008 04:34 PM

Nice stroy. Did her/your friends get to hear about what happened? Any one else see the pics?

I tell you, it turns me on to this day that my friends saw my GFs naked pics - and she was the one who blindly handed them over.

Busy_D 04-14-2008 12:03 AM

last few stories have been great

ed75 04-21-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by scouty (Post 408624)
Nice stroy. Did her/your friends get to hear about what happened? Any one else see the pics?

Yeah, all our friends heard about it, and the guy at her work who found the pictures showed them to a few other people there. He wasn't very discrete about it, which probably wasn't too bright.

slacker1989 04-21-2008 10:33 PM

My wife embarrassed herself
A few years back, we were at a friend's house for a party. My wife suggested we "borrow" a camera and run off and take a picture to surprise the owner with later. We swiped a digital camera off a table, went upstairs to the home owner's bedroom and took a quick close up of her bare ass and pussy. She got her clothes back in order, and we headed back to put the camera back. Within 5 minutes, the owner had found the picture and showed everyone at the party. Fortunately for my wife, I zoomed in to the point where there was no identifying marks or clothing, but I believe the owner of the camera knew who it was. In any case, 25 or 30 people we know got an intimate look at my wife.

lambikim 04-22-2008 08:17 PM

a tame one - staying at a friends house last summer, we all stayed up drinking until 3 or 4am, then went to bed. my friend and his wife sleeping downstairs, me and my gf above. my gf is around 5'9" with 36d breasts, slim and pretty. she's a nice girl. next morning, I awoke before her with a stinking hangover and went to the bathroom to recover. I took some headache pills and went back in. my wife was still asleep, but I was getting hungry, so I got dressed and aimed to head for the kitchen. but, before I did, for some reason, I put my wife's bra and knickers in my pocket.

20 minutes or so later i'm downstairs in the kitchen talking to my pal, when my phone goes off. I look and see it's my wife so cancel the call. seconds later she calls again, so I switch my phone off. 5 minutes or so passes, by which time my pal's wife appears, feeling very groggy indeed. eventually, the door opens and in walks my gf. she's smiling and things, but shooting me death stares. it's very, very obvious that she's wearing no bra. her flowery shirt is thin and tight and her breasts hanging lower than normal, with her nipples showing quite clearly. but, politeness means she's all smiles and light. my friend clocked on immediately and spent the next ten minutes taking big long stares at my gf's breasts. it doesn't last though, she makes our excuses and we leave, upon which she shouts at me and we have a drab day. a fun morning though!

Slimeybottoms 04-27-2008 02:48 PM

Locked Outside Naked
My parents were out of town and I had a gf over for the evening. As the song goes we had nothin on but the radio. On a whim, I grabbed her and tossed her outside and I ran back into the house and locked the door. My gf was completly naked on the front porch. She went from demands to begging to be let back in. It was quite an experience to watch, I could see her from the side window, as she would try her best to cover her nudity and hide as cars would go by. As I didn't want to get busted by the neighbors I let her back in.

janeyph2003 04-28-2008 09:11 AM

College ENF
When I was at Keene State I worked as an EMS dispatcher for the Keene PD on the 4 to 12 Midnight shift. After I got back to the dom, I made a cup of tea, called my boy friend now my husband0 and was sursprised he did not answere his phone. I decided to take a shower and call it a night. When I went to the "commune" shower I was alone and enjoyed the peace and quiet. What I didn't know was my friends had a little "surprise" for me. They took all my cloths and left the shower room.

As I finished my shower, I got out and looked for my PJ's and robe. They were gone! I figureed some deviate took them and was jacking off on them (not uncommon for Keene State). I peeked out of the shower and was alone (I thought). When I got to my room the door was locked!!!! Shit I said, I knew I left it unlocked when IU went out. All of a sudden, every door in the hallway opened up and all my "friends" came out and started to yell and clap!!! Here I was completely naked and no place to go!!! I was pissed! Then my soon to be husband came out of my room with a big grin on his face. He did the whole thing. He took me in the room and made me forget how mad I was!

scouty 04-28-2008 06:31 PM

isn't it a great feeling when your friends see your lovely GF covering up for dear life?

Hurrel 04-29-2008 08:04 AM

Recently my wife and I were parked by a lake. Before long both of us had our undies off and was having fun with each other. She had her legs spread wide, skirt up and was taking matters into her own hands. She was on the verge of an orgasm and all of a sudden a flashlight shined in our window!

It was the county sheriff just checking to see if we were o.k.

He may have been watching for a while before we knew he was there since he just grinned and walked away.

My wife really did not seem that embarrassed and I think it may have even excited her a little more.

lord lucan 04-29-2008 11:09 AM

About a year ago my wife and I were staying in a hotel. I like men looking at her but she is quite shy. I was out in the parking lot and called her on the mobile and told her I was oming up and asked her to strip completely and answer the hotel room door to me and she said she would providing there was no one else around. I was walking along the corridor and there was a guy walking behind me, so I timed it so that I got to the door and she opened it just as he was walking past. She was wearing only little white panties and she was really surprised and shouted "OmiGod", but I went as slowly as I could and he had a good look and walked on smiling.
The next morning at breakfast he was with another 3 guys and when we came in to the restaurant, he leaned over and spoke to them and they all looked at her - especially her jumper - and she said she found that even more embarrassing.
I posted some pictures that I took right after she flashed the night before and they are at
And of course the avatar on the left may give you some ideas....

samlhouston 06-05-2008 09:04 AM

Island Massage
My wife and I were on our honeymoon five years ago at a resort in Hawaii. My wife has always been shy while I've enjoyed fantasying about other men seeing her naked. There was a sign in the lobby advertising massage and I talked her into booking a full works body scrub and massage. When I walked her to the massage room, I was surprised but intrigued when she was met by a young man probably about ten years younger then my wife. He was holding her robe and he took her to the changing area.

My thoughts were racing for the two hours as I imagined different scenarios of my wife with this guy. When she finally got back to our room she seemed very flustered as I grilled her for information. I guess she wasn't prepared for the islands casual attitude toward nudity because she basically spent two hours in only a thin disposable pair of panties while the attendant gave her a complete scrub,bath, drying off, and massage. All while topless. She admitted to being extremely embarrassed at first but eventually relaxing and forgetting that she was basically nude.

Unfortunately, I couldn't talk her into having anymore sessions that week. I did though enjoy running into the attendant several times at the pool and watching my wife squirm while we chatted. What a great job though, being able to spend time with other men's naked wifes.

scouty 06-05-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by hindemith (Post 425756)
I was married for awhile to a girl who was into dominance and submission. She was freaked out by the idea of being seen by others, but wasn't totally against it.

Since I am into the whole ENF thing, one of my rules for her was that when she got into the car she had to offer to get bottomless. I usually didn't make her do this unless it was after dark. One day, though, driving down a 2 lane state road, I did, and then I made her take off the rest. She was quite nervous, but as far as I know, nobody saw. She was definitely embarrassed.

There was also a picture I took of her tied to the bed, and she was quite embarrassed when we got it developed.

Nothing huge here, but it's amazing how something that sounds minor on this board is quite major when it happens in real life.

yes, that's true. We see nudity on here all the time.. but when it's YOUR GF and YOUR friends are looking at HER tits.. and SHE knows they know every inch of her.. well, that's hard to beat for a rush.

bobbyj712 06-06-2008 05:57 AM

caught skinnydipping
Before I met my wife, she was going out with someone else. She was 20 at the time. They went to a resovir in NJ and decided to skinnydip. Well, they were caught by the ranger, who made them get out and not allow them to get dressed. He made them stand naked in front of him while he gave them a lecture. I'm sure he was just getting off looking at her naked.

scouty 06-06-2008 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by bobbyj712 (Post 425847)
Before I met my wife, she was going out with someone else. She was 20 at the time. They went to a resovir in NJ and decided to skinnydip. Well, they were caught by the ranger, who made them get out and not allow them to get dressed. He made them stand naked in front of him while he gave them a lecture. I'm sure he was just getting off looking at her naked.

How did she feel about it and how did she relay the stroy to you? I guess you liked to hear it?

Hurrel 06-06-2008 02:00 PM

My wife and I have been "caught" a few times. She always acts a little embarrassed but not too much and I really believe she likes it. She always gets really turned on when it happens.

Once, we were parked by a public lake at night. I had my pants down and she had her skirt up, panties around her ankles and we were watching each other masturbate. As soon as we both came, a sherrif shined his light on us while we were pulling up our clothes. He grinned and said he was just checking on us; I think he had been watching a little longer than he acted. My wife will not admit it but when I have mentioned going back to the lake she agrees.

Another time we were having sex by a mountain trail. We were both naked and having sex when a few hikers went by. Even though we were quite a ways off the trail they could see us and did. I told my wife to look over to the trail and as soon as she saw them she had a huge orgasm. Here again, she acted a little embarrassed but we have done similar situations after that episode.

I really think she likes to be seen. Sometimes she will leave motel curtains opened slightly. She likes to have sex in front of a window; not so anyone can be real close but so they can see. If you asked her she would not admit it but it works this way quite a lot. Just last afternoon we were cutting the grass; she was riding the riding mower with a very short skirt on. We live on a fairly busy street so anyone driving by got a real good look up her skirt to her panties; she was doing it intentionally. However, if I mention it she will act embarrassed and pretend it was a mistake but she would not do anything different either.


nobusmindingi 06-06-2008 03:39 PM

Story Hunt?
Sorry to go a bit off topic -- but this has all gotten me wondering about something, and maybe somebody following this thread knows ...

A while ago -- long ago, back in the dark ages of the Internet there was an author named Mr. Spraycan who crafted an amazing story called "Training A Woman To Streak."

In his own inimitable style, he instructed on how to ...well, train a woman to streak. Fantastic stuff but, alas, the story, and Mr. Spraycan himself, seem to have disappeared. I haven't been able to find even an archival copy. :mad:

Anyway, if anybody's got a copy, or a link, this would be a fantastic place to share it. Somehow, I think it'll tie right in to the theme of this thread.

Peace to all.

Username 06-14-2008 06:14 AM

Re: Story hunt
The author "MR SPRAYCAN" and his (one of many) story "Advice/Training A Woman To Streak" are refered in this (lonnng) page at the www [dot]

I suggest also you explore the pages following this one http [no space] ://

(sorry for the weird syntax but, as a poor poster, I'm not allowed to post any url)



Originally Posted by nobusmindingi (Post 426007)
Sorry to go a bit off topic -- but this has all gotten me wondering about something, and maybe somebody following this thread knows ...

A while ago -- long ago, back in the dark ages of the Internet there was an author named Mr. Spraycan who crafted an amazing story called "Training A Woman To Streak."

In his own inimitable style, he instructed on how to ...well, train a woman to streak. Fantastic stuff but, alas, the story, and Mr. Spraycan himself, seem to have disappeared. I haven't been able to find even an archival copy. :mad:

Anyway, if anybody's got a copy, or a link, this would be a fantastic place to share it. Somehow, I think it'll tie right in to the theme of this thread.

Peace to all.

lambikim 06-15-2008 10:24 AM

My gf tends to loosen up a bit when we go away - usually it's to the south of France or Italy, where it's a lot warmer than the uk. My gfs 35, 34dd, slim - very pretty girl. I am lucky and I know it. In late August last year we decided to have a last minute holiday - usually we like to get a cottage to ourselves, but this time all we could find was a private complex sort of place - it had 4 chalets surrounding a communal pool. The other three chalets were booked up by a family from London who were over for a wedding and pretty soon we got to know them a bit - there was 2 middle aged couples, one with twin sons around 14 and one pair of newly weds. The young bride was very pretty with nice large breasts and sitting around the pool it was obvious she was careful to keep things in check from prying eyes as she adjusted her straps to avoid tanlines and her husband lotioned her back. Anyway - we were keeping to ourselves if possible and as luck would have it, one day when we woke up, all their cars were gone. We got up, had breakfast and sat by the pool - no sign of anyone. After a few hours of doing nothing, my gf went into our chalet and returned dressed for town - a short red skirt and low cut black vest top. Nothing unusual for that time of year. But, as she sat opposite me, she opened her legs a little to reveal she was going commando. That was all the invitation I needed. I sprang over at which point she got up and ran around the pool screaming. Eventually I caught her and pulled her skirt clean off. We stayed there a while kissing and fondling and I removed her bra and top. We moved over to a lounger and she opened her legs wide, one on either side, touching the floor, we then proceeded to have sex, finishing off with her taking me in her mouth and allowing to come all over her. We lay there for a while until we heard a car coming down the lane, so I walked over and passed my gf her clothes, which were scattered about, She didn't bother getting any knickers, I guess she just thought she'd close her legs to save any embarrassment. However, no one got out of the car. Instead, as they pulled up, the twin boys came out of their chalet grinning and laughing quietly, beetroot faced and climbed in the back. We were speechless. They would have had absolute full view of everything from about 10 yds away. Later that night when they all returned, it was obvious they hadn't mentioned it to their parents, but the twins were smiling and leering at my gf the entire week.

stormz89 06-26-2008 11:41 PM

Heres a story from my gf that she only recently told me about (last night)

I'm a great believer in detail so my gf is blonde, blue eyes, around 5 foot 6 great body shape, nicely curved ass, probbaly weighs between 50-60kgs. Breasts however which is what most of yous are wandering, they are quite small (not flat) shes probably a B something, I'm pretty clueless with bra sizes around, just cup your hand and that's them. (I know). Anyway, before we were going out she was at a party half drunk. Things were alright but then it started to get a bit wild. Truth or dare started to happen. It went around a few times, kisses were made, dicks were shown etc... Then it came to her turn. They (probably a guy) dared her to jump naked into the pool. And her being her wild drunk self agreed. So she went into her friend's room and got undressed and after much hesitation she ran out and jumped into the pool with everyone following her while she was covering her pussy and breats giving everyone there a view of her ass. When she got out, she realised they were filming it, still covering herself she begged them to delete it. Then they told her they don't have a towel for her and she isn't allowed inside to get her clothes. So she had to stand there embarrassed as hell, infront of a crowd naked to dry off so she could then get inside. She said they deleted the video, I'm still looking for it on the internet.

luvlife 06-27-2008 11:15 PM

A number of years ago, I had a friend who was deeply into Photography and a very shy GF who is now my wife. This friend shot figure studies as they were called and asked if she would like to pose for him. After much discussion, she consented. He was very good and appearently very persusaive because over a period of 6 months she went from very carefully allowing the top button to be undone to making sure there were no bra or panty lines so the pictures could be better!! What a turn-on to have her begin each session dressed and finish posing nude for him. Sadly, the pictures are long gone, as far as I know. He may still have copies and I often wonder if they will show up somewhere on the Internet

scouty 06-28-2008 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by luvlife (Post 433011)
A number of years ago, I had a friend who was deeply into Photography and a very shy GF who is now my wife. This friend shot figure studies as they were called and asked if she would like to pose for him. After much discussion, she consented. He was very good and appearently very persusaive because over a period of 6 months she went from very carefully allowing the top button to be undone to making sure there were no bra or panty lines so the pictures could be better!! What a turn-on to have her begin each session dressed and finish posing nude for him. Sadly, the pictures are long gone, as far as I know. He may still have copies and I often wonder if they will show up somewhere on the Internet

Very cool - this has been a fantasy of mine for a long time. Did she discuss the various stages with you? Did she asak you about going topless etc?

luvlife 06-29-2008 02:31 PM

Yes, each step was discussed. My line was to do want ever u are comfortable with. He shot everything on film and I was usually with him during developing and printing. Pretty exciting watching the outcome of each session.

scouty 06-29-2008 05:20 PM

was she willing or reluctant to go further each time?

fairygirl 06-29-2008 05:49 PM

I would LOVE my partner to to do this to me... to put me in any situation like the ones I have read about here!!!

luvlife 06-29-2008 05:49 PM

She was reluctant each time, but once a "boundry" was crossed there were no more issues. For example, once she had posed topless, there was no hesitation to be topless the next time and so on

scouty 06-29-2008 08:24 PM

How did you feel teh first time she removed her panties? Was she shaven?

luvlife 06-29-2008 09:19 PM

Well, i guess i was surprised! And no, no shave job, all natural. Of course, the first few times there were no panties, all the shots were from the back. Eventually, tho, full nudes where the common pics.

Gao 07-03-2008 12:08 AM

This story isn't my girlfriend, but my roommate's. For a couple years, I lived with this guy who was a huge alcoholic. He oscillated between being a totally stand-up guy and a complete dick. But a had a real gift for women. He was always bringing home all kinds of attractive women.

This particular woman was his semi-steady girlfriend of a couple years. She was a bit older (mid 30s) but very very fit. She was tall, blond, and a bit of a b*tch.

Anyhow, one night it was hot as balls out. They got out to dinner. A few hours later, the doorbell rings. I open the door, and there she is, completely naked except for her boots and socks (Why do people look even more naked when they're just wearing their shoes?) Here's the kicker- she's trying to cover her bare shaved pussy with my neighbors cat! And the cat is pissed, hissing and freaking out!

I take a very long, shocked moment to drink her in. Firm tits, somewhere between a B and a C cup, with nipple rings. Shaved pussy, cute ass, and no tan lines. Apparently her and my roommate got shit-faced at dinner, and on the drive home, he convinced her to strip. When they got back to the apartment, she gets out of the car naked, he her drives off! Like I said, a stand-up guy and a dick, all in one.

So there she is one my porch, acting all shy and embrassed, trying to cover her bare kitty with an angry kitty ;)

This apartment was in a pretty sketchy neighborhood. Nude blond women at 2 am tend to attract a lot of attention. She puts down the cat, and comes inside. She doesn't go looking for any clothes, so I don't offer (like I said, she was a bit of a b*tch, and I'm smart enough to know when not to be a gentleman.)

Eventually my roommate comes back, and parades her around the place bare ass for the rest of the night. Logically, he should have fucked her brains out at that point, but he was so drunk he passed out. Ah well.

Stonedoregonian 09-16-2008 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by scouty (Post 413562)
isn't it a great feeling when your friends see your lovely GF covering up for dear life?

its a straight homie move

krushboy07 09-16-2008 12:08 PM

this past summer my wife and i were at a crowded public beach
she was carrying our 2 year old in waste deep water, when our kid felt like he was falling he grabbed hold of her swimsuit and my wifes right boob popped out giving a couple guys a pretty good look
it turned me on quite a bit! wish i would have had my camera

sleazoid 09-17-2008 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by krushboy07 (Post 455525)
this past summer my wife and i were at a crowded public beach
she was carrying our 2 year old in waste deep water, when our kid felt like he was falling he grabbed hold of her swimsuit and my wifes right boob popped out giving a couple guys a pretty good look
it turned me on quite a bit! wish i would have had my camera

walking around in waste water?!?! Yuck! ;)

krushboy07 09-17-2008 11:57 AM

haha my bad i meant "waist" :)
that would take the fun out of it wouldnt it?

unclearn 09-26-2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by great_tim (Post 455839)
I think i have a great girlfriend. She is 1.60m, her weight is 50, brunette and great D-cups. I love her big boobs but not only me some of my friends too. they always look at her cleavage, which is not little the must time or at her downblouses but one time they get more to see.

she my friends and me were in a water park and we all wanted to slide the fastest waterslide. my friends slided first and me and my girlfriend were the least then i. when i was finished i waited with my friends that my girlfriend comes too. she was pretty fast and when the water stopped her it pulled her bikinitop up and her right boob was full exposed to all of us. she stood up fast and we could see how her boob was bouncing. i lost my speech and the others made big eyes on my girlfriend. then she realized it and pulled it back fast and turned red and said: i hope you look all away. Since this i always hear comments about the boobs of my girlfriend when i am am by my friends.

then one time we made some topless pictures of her and i print them and put them into my cupboard beside the bed.
i visited her for a weekend and would come home sunday evening when my father would visit me. but i was in a trafficjam and came to late. i phoned my father and said him were i had an other key and he could go in before i come.
When i arrived he searched something in the garden with the pocketlamp because it was already dark...then i regognized it was my lamp and asked ´him from where he got the batterys, i was shocked because they were in the same cupboard like the pictures but he only said he found them.
When he was gone the first thing i did was looking in my cupboard and i saw that the pictures changed places the firt was in the middel and so on.
Since that i often see my father looking at her boobs or smiling to her and when she heard it she was really angry and embarressed.

one other time my friend must repair my laptop were i have the topless pictures and i couldn't delet them before because i couldn't start it i don't know if he looked but like i know him he had looked for sure.

i don't know why but this situations in my mind really turns me on.

any pictures of her? :D

meandmygirl 09-27-2008 07:57 AM

Yes please ! It's a good starting point

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