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friez 12-16-2016 03:09 PM

Tales Of Nudity: Pictures With Stories
So I run a Tumblr blog called Tales Of Nudity where I take pictures and make stories for them in the captions and I thought I'd share some of my better work on here for you guys to enjoy. I'll use the same format, a picture and a story that goes with it. Cheers I hope you enjoy!

friez 12-16-2016 03:11 PM

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Times were tough for Laney, she just lost her job and in a shitty economic period, had trouble finding a new one. She was desperate, her rent payment was almost due and she couldn’t hold it off any longer, so she answered an ad on the internet for a “Statue Girl”. She had no idea what that meant but she applied anyways, assuming she would be just standing around. Funny right?

Well to her surprise, that’s exactly what it was… but there was a catch.

“We were thinking… more ancient statues. The kinds that were modelled after naked women.”

What could she do? She was desperate. All she had to do was stand naked by the dinner table for the duration of the dinner. Easy right? Being exposed in front of at least 10 people for a few hours?

“Dear, please move your hands from your vagina, we’re paying to see everything.”

Only a few more hours…

friez 12-16-2016 03:13 PM

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“My boss almost fired me because I wasn’t bringing in good enough tips and there were complaints my service was subpar. I can’t help it. I’m struggling to make ends meet, I’m late on my rent and about to be put to the street. I’m stressed out, I can’t concentrate.

I was desperate when I suggested (more like blurted out) that maybe serving naked would help. I don’t know why I said it, and I didn’t think he’d even approve of it, but he did. Now when I come to work I strip off my street clothes into a locker in the kitchen and I come out nude to serve. It’s humiliating. I can see people’s eyes go up and down my bare body. I can’t remember the last time someone looked me in the eyes when they ordered. But at least the tips are good. I haven’t been late on my rent since, and I’ve even been able to afford leasing a new car.

I just hope nobody notices how wet the inside of my thighs are…”

friez 12-16-2016 03:15 PM

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Universities in America were finally beginning to crack down on racism in an attempt to repair race relations in a country that was falling apart at the seams. One University in California was unique in how it dealt with the issue. Depending on the severity of the offense, the victim was allowed to “punish” the victim themselves in almost any way they could think of, the only rule being that it couldn’t bring physical harm to the offender and it had to be legal. Most students were pretty liberal so it wasn’t a problem, but Christina was looking to push the boundaries. She had grown up in a southern town and in a family that was openly racist, so she definitely wasn’t happy to be sharing a school with “lesser people” as she called them, but the school was the only one that had her specific program.

Her beef with Aisha started when Aisha accidentally bumped her in the hallway. Christina of course responded with a slur. Aisha was shocked but moved on.

“That monkey b*tch.” thought Christina. “She doesn’t deserve to be here.”

In time Christina’s actions would escalate, she would spit at Aisha and even throw things at her. But it came to the limit when she spray painted a very well known slur on Aisha’s locker. That was the final straw.

Neither girl was surprised to be called to the dean’s office. Christina showed no remorse. The dean knew the only solution was the strongest punishment, and letting Aisha choose it.

“How bad could it be?” Thought Christina. “Can’t be illegal, she can’t hurt me. What do I care?”

Aisha was a dominatrix outside of school. She dominated men and women alike to pay her tuition. When security approached Christina the next day and demanded she strip nude, she scoffed.

“Ha! That’s illegal. I don’t have to do it.”

Except it wasn’t. California had recently implemented a permanude bill, something unheard of where Christina came from.

“What? Come on. No! Aisha I’m sorry, please!”

Aisha didn’t care. Security held Christina and pulled her pants down, then her panties, exposing her pussy lips to everyone, then off came her shirt. Easy enough since she didn’t wear a bra.

“Down at my feet white bread.” Barked Aisha.

She pulled out a whip and repeated herself.

Christina knew she meant business and got on her hands and knees.

“Good puppy.” Aisha said with an evil sneer as she put a collar and leash around Christina’s neck.

“Kiss my feet b*tch.”

Christina was humiliated and disgusted as she kissed Aisha’s dark skinned feet. Everyone around them took pictures of her exposed anus and vagina.

Aisha did this for a living, but this time it was personal, and she loved it more than ever.

friez 12-16-2016 03:17 PM

this one is a little dated...
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Shayna made a bet. The Rangers win the cup, all of her friends pay her 100 each. She needed the money, she had to move back with her parents because she couldn’t pay rent. Her friends knew that so if she lost, they weren’t going to take her money… They were going to take her clothes.

Shayna agreed to the bet, feeling confident about the Rangers especially after they dominated Montreal, but as the series went on, she began to worry. She didn’t think they’d actually make her go naked. That’s crazy, right? They’d probably forget anyways.

Unfortunately for Shayna, they did not. The Kings won and it was time for her to pay up. To celebrate the Kings win, her friends wanted to go to the pub, but she had to be naked. Shayna was known as the badass of the group, never backing down from a crazy challenge. But she had never been nude in public before.

As she stripped off her clothes in the bar bathroom, she looked at her perky tits and thin frame in the mirror. “What am I doing?” she asked herself, knowing damn well what she was getting herself into. But that was Shayna, never backing down from a challenge.

She opened the bathroom door and emerged into the open bar, butt naked, to the cheers of drunk hockey fans, male and female alike. She smiled awkwardly as she walked over to her friend’s table, her own juices running down her leg. It was going to be an interesting night for Shayna.

That’s how she was though, never backing down from a challenge.

friez 12-16-2016 03:18 PM

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In this economy, finding a job isn’t easy. With her landlord threatening eviction, Sarah had to find a job and fast. Desperate for money, she applied for a nude server job at a new place on the other side of town. She hoped that it being across the city, she’d avoid seeing anyone she’d know. She was already humiliated enough at all the annoying, drunk patrons staring at her tits and vagina, but she’d die if someone she knew saw those parts of her. That’s why her stomach dropped when she saw the mean girls from her old high school taking a seat in her area with their big football boyfriends.

friez 12-16-2016 03:20 PM

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Judy was on vacation in Europe, a country that had a name she couldn’t pronounce at a festival with a impossible name as as well. She had entered a contest… of which she had no idea of the stakes. She saw a currency icon, and a high number and decided why not. She immediately regretting entering when the judges began removing tops of all the girls on stage, exposing their bare breasts… including her own.

friez 12-16-2016 03:21 PM

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“When I turned 21 my mom invited me to one of her lame housewife parties because I could legally drink. I’d feel bad turning her down, she really wanted me to come, so I said yes. I dreaded the evening, I was preparing myself for hours of boredom… boy was I wrong. When mom and her friends got drunk, I saw a side of my mother I never knew existed when she suggested we streak through the neighbourhood. At first I was like no way, I mean, getting naked in public in the rain with my own mother? What the hell right? But somehow her friends talked me into it. After a while, I stopped feeling so weird by the fact I was naked with my mom and her friends, I don’t know if it was the wine or what, but what a crazy night!”

friez 12-16-2016 03:22 PM

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To put it lightly Jennifer was a b*tch. A c*nt. A mean girl. Not even her friends liked her. After sleeping with her “best friend’s” boyfriend, everyone had enough and they had a plan to finally put Jennifer in her place. Her birthday was coming up and she was having a party at her parent’s mansion (go figure right? A rich b*tch, so she’s spoiled too) and her “friends” bought her a new bikini. Excited to try it out Jennifer put it on and instantly jumped into the pool, but as she got out she noticed it was disintegrating until there was nothing left to her but skin. Her friends had bought her a gag dissolving bikini, and now she was trapped. Everyone at the party pulled out their phones and cameras, taking snapshots of Jennifer’s naked body, as she helplessly stood there exposed and in tears, unable to stop them from photographing her private parts.

friez 12-16-2016 03:24 PM

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When Katy jokingly suggested going to her and her friend’s Halloween party as a nudist, her friends had as much of a laugh as she did. But being in dire straights due to work layoffs and and really needing the cash, Katy considered actually taking on the idea when one of her friends bet her $500 she wouldn’t actually do it. $500 later, to the surprise of her friends, Katy showed up butt naked from head to toe, and made that year’s party the most memorable they’d ever had.

friez 12-16-2016 03:25 PM

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Brittney was one of the… bustier girls in school. That’s why the 2 biggest b*tches in school, Courtney and Shae, were surprised when they saw her in Victorias Secret buying tiny A-Cup bras.

“Something isn’t right here.” said Courtney
“Precisely, Courtney.” Replied Shae. “And we’re going to find out what it is.”

The two girls followed Nancy to the change rooms and waited until she began to change. They watched her clothes drop to the floor near the change room door, and what they assumed to be the rest of her clothing slumped over the top of the door.

Brittney was startled when her clothes began to disappear over and under the door, leaving her completely naked while trying on a thong.

“Hello?!” She called out. “Is someone there? What happened?”
“Hello Brit.” Brittney’s heart sank hearing the voice of Courtney.
“H-hi, Courtney.”
“I’m here too sweetie!” chimed in Shae
“What do you guys want? Give me my clothing back!”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen babe. You see, we’ve lost the attention of the guys at school more than a few times to “Busty Brittney” and you see, we’re tired of it. Especially when it’s all an illusion.
“W-what do you m-mean?”
“Sweetie, we saw you buying tiny bras. We know you aren’t as big as you claim to be. You stuff don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Well I’m holding a tiny little bra, for little bitty boobies smaller than ours here, and it definitely wouldn’t fit your supposedly big girls. Something isn’t right.”
Brittney knew she had no choice.
“Okay! I admit it. I wear multiple bras and I stuff and I’ve been doing it for years. Happy now? Please give me my clothes back! I’m naked in here Courtney!”
“That’s exactly what we thought. You’re going to have to come out here and get your clothes. It’s only fair.”
“You can’t expect me to come out naked! Everyone will see!”
“Oh well, I don’t think there’s much to see anyways right?”

Brittney took a deep breath and opened the door to the change room, emerging naked with a small piece of underwear in her hands.

“Oh my god!” Exclaimed Shae “Look how cute and small your little titties are!”

A flash and a shutter sound went off, the girls turned around to see another girl’s bored boyfriend taking pictures with his phone.

“Uh oh Little Tittie Brittney, secrets out!”

friez 12-16-2016 03:30 PM

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“Smile!” The flash of a reporter’s camera went off capturing the images of Brittany and her mother in their nudity. They were part of a group of people riding the roller coaster nude for charity. Brittany didn’t want to do it, she felt shy being naked around so many people, but her mother forced her into it. “It’ll be fun Brit!”

“Um, this isn’t going in any newspapers or anything is it?” Brittany nervously asked the reporter.

“Yep, it sure is, it’s going right in the weekend edition, front page!”

“Um, but you’ll blur my body out right? You can’t show nudity in the newspaper!”

“New rules from town hall, out of sexual context we actually can now. So don’t worry! We won’t put some silly fuzz on your body!”

Brittany’s expression turned from nervousness to shock. She opened her mouth to plead to the reporter not to publish her exposed little breasts on the front page of the town paper but he had run off to take picture’s of other riders.

“So what if all 700 something kids at your school see you naked Brittany? It’s all for charity! Besides, it’s just boobs.”

“Yeah, just boobs.” Brittany thought to herself. “Just my boobs on display for every guy and girl at my school to tease me about until the end of time.“

friez 12-16-2016 03:31 PM

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“Wait, where are you going? You can’t leave me here like this, I’m naked!”

“I know. School will be out in about ten minutes. I’ll come back in an hour and check on you.”

“You’re kidding right? You know how many people are going to see me?!”

“Well babe, this is your fantasy isn’t it? Now you can get what you’ve always wanted.”

As Trevor walked away from his nude wife, he swore he heard her yell in the distance about a divorce. But he knew she’d change her tune. She told me him her fantasies and he was helping her live her biggest one. She’d only want more after this.

friez 12-16-2016 03:35 PM

I will try and update as regularly as I can! Lots of good enf stories especially, just let me know what you all think and what you would like to see more of and I will try and give you the good stuff! :D:D:D

gandhi1948 07-08-2017 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by friez (Post 2348281)
To put it lightly Jennifer was a b*tch. A c*nt. A mean girl. Not even her friends liked her. After sleeping with her “best friend’s” boyfriend, everyone had enough and they had a plan to finally put Jennifer in her place. Her birthday was coming up and she was having a party at her parent’s mansion (go figure right? A rich b*tch, so she’s spoiled too) and her “friends” bought her a new bikini. Excited to try it out Jennifer put it on and instantly jumped into the pool, but as she got out she noticed it was disintegrating until there was nothing left to her but skin. Her friends had bought her a gag dissolving bikini, and now she was trapped. Everyone at the party pulled out their phones and cameras, taking snapshots of Jennifer’s naked body, as she helplessly stood there exposed and in tears, unable to stop them from photographing her private parts.

Are there anymore pictures of this incident?

rick_dalton 07-08-2017 08:37 PM

Great idea

Originally Posted by friez (Post 2348288)
“Wait, where are you going? You can’t leave me here like this, I’m naked!”

“I know. School will be out in about ten minutes. I’ll come back in an hour and check on you.”

“You’re kidding right? You know how many people are going to see me?!”

“Well babe, this is your fantasy isn’t it? Now you can get what you’ve always wanted.”

As Trevor walked away from his nude wife, he swore he heard her yell in the distance about a divorce. But he knew she’d change her tune. She told me him her fantasies and he was helping her live her biggest one. She’d only want more after this.

Great idea! This is kind of the opposite of me with my illustrated story.

abr1 08-17-2017 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by friez (Post 2348291)
I will try and update as regularly as I can! Lots of good enf stories especially, just let me know what you all think and what you would like to see more of and I will try and give you the good stuff! :D:D:D

Thanks for the thread. Enjoy posting stories with pictures myself.

friez 11-10-2017 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by gandhi1948 (Post 2466968)
Are there anymore pictures of this incident?

Not that I know of, but if there is I would love to see!

friez 11-11-2017 12:00 AM

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Some people, when they pleasure themselves, get so into it, they become completely oblivious to the world around them. Unfortunately for Katie, she became so oblivious, she didn’t notice the dozen or so people taking pictures of her naked, exposed body, while she played with herself outside.

SpyStrip 11-11-2017 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by friez (Post 2348283)
Brittney was one of the… bustier girls in school. That’s why the 2 biggest b*tches in school, Courtney and Shae, were surprised when they saw her in Victorias Secret buying tiny A-Cup bras.

Awesome photo to go with the story. Normally I have no belief that a small breasted woman is less sexually exciting than otherwise, but you set up a premise where Brittney totally deserved what she got. Humiliated in the nude is sometimes the only way to deal with some of these b*tches.

friez 11-11-2017 11:34 PM

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It was a simple dare from her boyfriend. Go down the hall in nothing but a towel, drop the towel and pose naked for 30 seconds while he takes pictures… it was simple until the elevator dinged. Before she could grab her towel, 10 people saw her small teenage frame, tiny tits and unshaven pussy.

friez 11-11-2017 11:35 PM

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“Kind of a funny, awkward story. I’m not here for the WNBR. I was just riding my bike… clothed, and my dress got snagged on a bush and tore off and uh… yeah. Luckily I can blend in with you guys but I’m still not exactly thrilled about being naked in public!”

friez 11-11-2017 11:38 PM

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“You know this isn’t a nude beach right?”


“Then why are you naked?”

“What? Oh fuck! My suit! Someone stole my suit while I was sleeping!”

friez 11-11-2017 11:42 PM

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“Um mom? Um, the bus door closed on my dress and drove and… yeah, I didn’t wear underwear today, I’m naked… please mom I know what you told me but… I’ll start wearing underwear I promise! I can’t go to school naked! Mom? Mom?! Fuck she hung up!”

friez 11-11-2017 11:52 PM

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“Please officer it was just a silly streaking prank, I was covering myself no one really saw anything! At least handcuff me to the front I can cover myself…”

“Do the nude crime, do the nude time ma’am.”

nudony 11-13-2017 12:02 PM

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When Patricia took a Skype call on the nude beach she thought it was from her boyfriend.

Unfortunately it actually turned out to be her Dad.

friez 11-13-2017 08:08 PM

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“Jackie, wait!”

In a matter of seconds it would all be over, and it was going to be a long, and chilly day for Winnie, naked at the watering hole.

friez 11-13-2017 08:09 PM

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“Okay it’s going to be okay not much further, just a few more blocks naked and that 1000 dollars i mine. Whew. I feel like everyone is looking at me, I can’t believe I am actually naked in public!”

friez 11-13-2017 08:10 PM

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“I don’t care that you’re naked! You knew what would happen if you went to that party and you still went! Now, you’re cousins flew out here from England to see you, and they are going to see you and every bit of you so you learn your lesson!”

friez 11-13-2017 08:16 PM

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“That’s for sleeping with my boyfriend, you b*tch! You want to act like a sl*t? Wear the sl*t uniform! Butt naked with your sl*tty pussy on display for all the guys at the beach!”

Rkodfw 11-13-2017 09:30 PM

Apartment Repair Guy (kinda long but worth it) ;)
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I live in a small two bedroom town home with a roommate. Just the other day We noticed that our AC wasn’t working as usual so we called in a Maintenance request for some one to take a look at it. It seemed like an easy fix, the front desk lady said the vents just needed to be cleaned out and the filter changed-so they’d be there the next day in the afternoon. So the next day, I got home late and my roommate had already let the maintenance guy inside, she was on the phone downstairs with what sounded like drama with her boyfriend. So I went upstairs to my room to change out of my work clothes.

The AC hadn’t been running all day so my room was really hot and a little humid when I walked in. I was so irritated that I took off my shirt and bra as soon as I got in my room. I wiped my tits down with some wet-naps and rubbed lotion on them. I started playing with my 38D tits because I love how they looked. I pinched and licked them a little bit in front of my mirror. At this point with the heat and the fact that I hadn’t been laid in almost a month was making me really horny.

I slipped off my jeans and my pink laced Victoria secret undies, and started to play with myself. I laid on my bed with my legs spread wide open and rubbed my clit with my fingers as I groped my tits with my other hand. I wished I had a cock in me thought. I started to moan as my fingers entered into my pussy and spread my sweet juices all around my labia. Omg, it felt sooooo good. I needed to nailed, hard, right then and there. Suddenly, I heard something from my closet. I sat up, with my fingers still in my pussy and saw some one peeking out of my closest!

As I opened my closet door, the maintenance guy was standing right there, eyes as big as the moon staring right at my tits and his hand on his rock hard cock. He had been watching me the entire time. My closet has the access panel in the ceiling to let him clean the vents and I had completely forgotten that the panel was in MY closet. He apologized, started to stutter, zip up his pants and started to leave. I looked at him and instantly felt bad. He looked like he was in his late 30s, kindof heavy set, Unshaved, and maybe hadn’t been laid in maybe, ever. So I told him, “no you’re not done yet”. I grabbed his hand and let him grope my tits. He looked so confused at the same time haha. “Isn’t this what you want?” I asked. He said “hell yes I do, I would love to nail a goddess like you”. “So what are you waiting for then?” At that moment I could tell in his eyes he was about to ravage me. It was a dream come true for him ;) he started roughly groping my tits and sucking on my large brown nipples. He sucked on my tits.

I’m sure I was driving him crazy when he was watching me from the closet. Then he picked me up and threw me on my bed and undid his pants. For an old guy, his cock was instantly hard already, I knew I was in for a good lay. He did waste any time. He shoved his rock hard cock in my wet slippery pussy and let out a huge moan. Omg, as my pussy accepted his old hanging cock I knew he had already cum inside me. He started to pump vigorously and fast. He was drooling all over my body as I knew he hadn’t really had sex with some one like me before. His rough dry hands were still a little dirty from cleaning the vents and he was just groping my big tits getting them all dirty. He fingered my clit, groped my tits, and rammed my pussy like a young buck. My pussy was being feasted on my by his cock. He was uncut, so I felt the skin rolling up and down inside my pussy.

I felt him cumming inside me again, wow, never saw someone cum twice like that before. He apologized but I said it was ok. I move my head down to his slightly limp cock and started to suck on it to get it hard again. I could taste my pussy juice and it was delicious. I rolled my tongue around the head of his cock and I could tell he went crazy. He grabbed my head and shoved his now hard cock into the back of my throat. He thrusted so hard that I started to choke on his shaft. He came again. And it tasted surprisingly good. I looked him while I licked the cum off my lips and swallowed his load. I could tell he was thoroughly satisfied. I wasn’t yet though. I told him he needed to eat my pussy now. He lifted my legs and hips with his arms and raised my pussy to his mouth like it was lunch time. He had a mustache so it tickled my clit a little bit hehe. He ate my pussy like it was his last meal.

His tongue was fast, rolling, poking, and he played with my labia like it was candy. He sucked up all my pussy juice, dived his mouth deep into my pussy. He munched on my pussy longer then his cock spent in there. It felt amazing. I knew my pussy was about to cum and I held his face up against my clit while My pussy exploded into mouth. Omg I came so much, he just drank up my pussy juice like it was a tequila shot. He stood up and took one last shove of his cock into my pussy. He pumped hard again, this time it was like a jack hammer. The bed felt like it was going to break, he was nailing me so hard this time. He put all his body weight into his last thrust, and it felt like a water hose went off inside my pussy. I felt his juice all over my vagina walls, it was hot, sticky, and over filled me.

He stood up, put on his clothes, and thanked me. I was lying there hot and sweaty on my bed. I was a mess...... cum was oozing out of my pussy. My legs were so sore from being rode on like a bike. He took out his phone and started to take photos of me naked and ravaged on my bed. He took maybe 100 photos from all angles and closeups on my tits and pussy. He sucked my tits again right before he left the room. I also noticed he turned on the AC when he left. He fixed our AC and fixed my sex crave! Haha. I was so tired from my orgasms I took a nap. What an afternoon :)

See photos he took that afternoon ;)

friez 11-13-2017 11:19 PM

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“Nice work Jeremy! You small dicked loser, you let our clothes get stolen and now we have to walk home and take the train NUDE with everyone.”

“Look Layney, it was YOUR idea to skinny dip.”

“Yeah? But you should have been paying attention to our clothes!”

“Whatever L, you want to be a nudist so bad well here we are we have no friggin choice now do we?”

friez 11-13-2017 11:20 PM

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“I thought volunteering to be a subject for the med students would be easy extra credit… but I didn’t realize I was going to be naked in front of 20 people while they all touched my genitals. I can feel the male students looking straight into my vagina!”

friez 11-13-2017 11:23 PM

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Delilah was humiliated. She knew she was in the wrong for shoplifting, but she didn’t think she would have to strip down in the store because of it. How humiliating, as she disrobed while a crowd gathered. People gasped and laughed and she could feel a breeze hitting her private parts, which were now on display for everyone in the store to enjoy.

friez 11-13-2017 11:34 PM

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“Mom! Please! You Can’t make me go to school like this! I’ll never live it down if everyone sees me naked!”

“I warned you about your grades and you let them slip, so now you can go to school without any clothes. I was not messing around.”

friez 11-13-2017 11:36 PM

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“Please! No! Not at school!”

“You know the rules, give me your dress, you’re spending the rest of the day unclothed.”

“If everyone sees me naked, I’ll never live it down. I’ve never even been naked for my boyfriend! I don’t even get naked in the locker room!”

“You should have thought of that before you cheated on your test. Give me your clothing now! Or you’ll be naked for the rest of the semester instead of the day.”

friez 11-13-2017 11:40 PM

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Universities in America were finally beginning to crack down on racism in an attempt to repair race relations in a country that was falling apart at the seams. One University in California was unique in how it dealt with the issue. Depending on the severity of the offense, the victim was allowed to “punish” the victim themselves in almost any way they could think of, the only rule being that it couldn’t bring physical harm to the offender and it had to be legal. Most students were pretty liberal so it wasn’t a problem, but Christina was looking to push the boundaries. She had grown up in a southern town and in a family that was openly racist, so she definitely wasn’t happy to be sharing a school with “lesser people” as she called them, but the school was the only one that had her specific program.

Her beef with Aisha started when Aisha accidentally bumped her in the hallway. Christina of course responded with a slur. Aisha was shocked but moved on.

“That monkey b*tch.” thought Christina. “She doesn’t deserve to be here.”

In time Christina’s actions would escalate, she would spit at Aisha and even throw things at her. But it came to the limit when she spray painted a very well known slur on Aisha’s locker. That was the final straw.

Neither girl was surprised to be called to the dean’s office. Christina showed no remorse. The dean knew the only solution was the strongest punishment, and letting Aisha choose it.

“How bad could it be?” Thought Christina. “Can’t be illegal, she can’t hurt me. What do I care?”

Aisha was a dominatrix outside of school. She dominated men and women alike to pay her tuition. When security approached Christina the next day and demanded she strip nude, she scoffed.

“Ha! That’s illegal. I don’t have to do it.”

Except it wasn’t. California had recently implemented a permanude bill, something unheard of where Christina came from.

“What? Come on. No! Aisha I’m sorry, please!”

Aisha didn’t care. Security held Christina and pulled her pants down, then her panties, exposing her pussy lips to everyone, then off came her shirt. Easy enough since she didn’t wear a bra.

“Down at my feet white bread.” Barked Aisha.

She pulled out a whip and repeated herself.

Christina knew she meant business and got on her hands and knees.

“Good puppy.” Aisha said with an evil sneer as she put a collar and leash around Christina’s neck.

“Kiss my feet b*tch.”

Christina was humiliated and disgusted as she kissed Aisha’s dark skinned feet. Everyone around them took pictures of her exposed anus and vagina.

Aisha did this for a living, but this time it was personal, and she loved it more than ever.

friez 11-13-2017 11:43 PM

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They handcuffed her hands behind her back and paraded her nude around town. They caught her protesting in her underwear and decided that if she wanted to expose herself, that’s exactly what they’d give her. They were harsh. She was nude and couldn’t cover herself. They weren’t taking any of her shit.

friez 11-13-2017 11:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Most people who took Mrs. Gratta’s gym class passed with flying colors… and for one good reason: She could take your clothes away based on marks. There was always someone who would end up naked at some point in the semester though, and this semester it was class skippers Alicia and Britney.

“Now now girls, no covering, you have a lot to make up for, and you’re lucky I’ve only taken your bottoms! I could make you go fully nude if I wanted.”

friez 11-13-2017 11:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
“Maybe I shouldn’t have bet my clothes on this match… I’m not very good at tennis… but then again… maybe I am and I just lost on purpose…”

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