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Klondike 12-24-2010 08:40 PM

Uzyna Uzona - naked theatre from Brazil
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the name is "Uzyna Uzona" and they (it?) are (is?) from Brazil. In other words, I don't know if Uzyna Uzona is a group, a play, a person, a work of art, or what. All I know is I'm intrigued. The action is not just naked, but erotic too, sort of Roman Orgyesque. I need to know more, and that means getting a suitably translated website to read. Oh, and more pics would be nice too....


crispus 01-12-2011 06:56 PM

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At first I thought Uzyna Uzona was perfectly fine, a nicely-enough-documented troupe as in previous pictures and 1 & 2 here; what kicked it up a big notch for me was the pictures in one of the links fabiogs posted: an outdoor performance, with, apparently overlaid on their regular play (I say apparently since my Portuguese makes my all-but-forgotten elementary-school Spanish seem positively fluent!), indigenous pre-columbian motifs. Since I'm a big fan of the similarly-themed nudity in "Cabeza de Vaca," I need hardly say how I, then, some faves from the cited "igormarotti" set:

ocmachado 08-10-2011 08:24 AM

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Teatro Oficina (uzyna uzona)

crispus 08-10-2011 05:17 PM

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Thanks, ocmachado, for that theatrical update (if y'all are confused, check back to the post this one orphans: on the preceding page) on the troupe I first posted about in this thread at -- preceded, it should be said, by Klondike and fabiogs -- it's good to see an outfit featuring that much womanly nudity is still out there. Here some more, including ones to demonstrate, as I mentioned especially liking in that previous post, performances en plein air. Also gratifying (to me at least!) is that, in a Brazilian company no less, there's an abundance of pubic foliage!

Pedro the Fisherman 08-10-2011 05:42 PM

I want to see this show.....No, I want to be in it too!!!:D:D:D

flanker7 08-10-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by crispus (Post 991664)
Also gratifying (to me at least!) is that, in a Brazilian company no less, there's an abundance of pubic foliage!

Yes, regardless of whether you're pro or con pubic hair, this is very strange. Their costumes clearly invoke the Xingu (or I suppose other native Brazilian) peoples, but the Xingu themselves are uniformly hairless. Since all the performers are hairy, I have to think this was an artistic choice, but a bit incongruous one I have to say.

Klondike 08-10-2011 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by flanker7 (Post 991815)
Yes, regardless of whether you're pro or con pubic hair, this is very strange. Their costumes clearly invoke the Xingu (or I suppose other native Brazilian) peoples, but the Xingu themselves are uniformly hairless. Since all the performers are hairy, I have to think this was an artistic choice, but a bit incongruous one I have to say.

Good for them. I would not shave assuming hairlessness is a natural condition among the natives. Both are going with the natural look then..

excellent post, Crispus -


flanker7 08-10-2011 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Klondike (Post 991840)
Good for them. I would not shave assuming hairlessness is a natural condition among the natives. Both are going with the natural look then..

excellent post, Crispus -


Right. I mean we all commonly associate untrimmed body hair with the "natural" state. But I'm just pointing out here that it's ironic, because the natives they're copying actually pluck all their body hair. The cultural/hygienic practice been commented-on to death over in the "Tribal Women" thread. So while the performers achieve a "natural" look, they're more "natural" than the natives themselves. And the natives are more "modern," at least in their grooming, than the modern actors representations of them. Ironic, that's all I'm saying.

flanker7 08-11-2011 02:23 AM

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Agreed. And now... more naked pics!

You'll notice in some of them the seats are empty and the nude actors seem to be hanging around casually. I think these might be pics from an (un)dress rehearsal.

flanker7 08-11-2011 04:03 PM

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Without question this is one of my new favorite things on OCC, so I couldn't help but track down more photos, and learned a bit more in the process.

The nativist-themed scenes (with various actors, in different indoor/outdoor venues) are from an ongoing performance titled "Macumba Antropófaga," which appears to dramatize the collision between Pre-Colombian people and Europeans. This one hits so many marks that it seems designed specifically to fill the requests of a half-dozen OCC threads: tribal nudity, stage nudity, CMNF, NMNF, bent-over butts (with full, deep clefts, just the way King David likes 'em), and probably a few others I can't think of off-hand.

Anyway, most of the indoor photos are from very recent series, within just the past few days, and there are performances continuing through the coming weeks. So hopefully we'll see much more of this.

flanker7 08-11-2011 04:07 PM

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Continuing to update this awesome series. Be sure to check the previous page for some orphaned posts.

The first couple photos appear to show the cast doing a post-performance Q&A in "costume." Pretty cool.

flanker7 08-11-2011 04:10 PM

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The last few from "Macumba Antropófaga."

flanker7 08-11-2011 04:14 PM

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A few more now from various other performances. If you look closely, you'll notice that there's something a little weird going on in the first few pics. The men are doing something to the women normally reserved for the celebration following a particularly humiliating kill in Halo...

flanker7 08-11-2011 04:16 PM

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Last for now. The first couple appear to be posed production stills... with a boob out... for science.

Pedro the Fisherman 08-11-2011 05:18 PM

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If only there was an HD video of this!
Check out the photos above carefully, in one scene the guys actually 'annoint' the girls with their cocks by touching them with them. In the last shot, the guy is filming his own cock in a girl's hair with a video camera! The audience also gets VERY close too.

flanker7 08-11-2011 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro the Fisherman (Post 992430)
If only there was an HD video of this!
Check out the photos above carefully, in one scene the guys actually 'annoint' the girls with their cocks by touching them with them. In the last shot, the guy is filming his own cock in a girl's hair with a video camera! The audience also gets VERY close too.

Yeah, that's what I meant with my oblique Halo reference, but I think I was a little too... oblique. This is what's known as "teabagging" in the gaming community.

Pedro the Fisherman 08-15-2011 05:18 PM

A short excerpt video of the above nude performance, dated July 16 2011. It's even wierder with sound!!


flanker7 09-19-2011 08:12 PM

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At the risk of turning this into the Teatro Oficina thread, I give you more pics from recent performances of their Macumba Antropofaga.

flanker7 09-19-2011 08:12 PM

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A few more.

flanker7 09-29-2011 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro the Fisherman (Post 1023635)
Brilliant find, if only they would record a performance and sell it on DVD!

Actually, they stream performances live here:

The shows go on Saturdays and Sundays at 4:30 local time, Sao Palo, Brazil. One could easily use a screen recorder (camtasia is the one I prefer) to capture the whole video. I've been meaning to do this, but unfortunately I can't be around a computer on weekends. This is the last week of this performance, so it's the last chance to do this. Can anyone else out there help out?

Klondike 10-17-2011 07:19 PM

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these pics below were uploaded in Sept and are from the same Flickr user as those posted earlier by Flanker7 et al. Go here for more:


I'd really like to devote an entire thread to this group and their performances. this is Uzyna Uzona again. It is such hot stuff it deserves a thread of its own. And there are now almost 100 pics in my files too - it seems that most if not all came from this thread.


flanker7 10-19-2011 01:32 AM

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Klondike, since you at least are still interested in Teatro Oficina finds, I'll gladly keep the ball rolling. Like you, I wish we had started a new thread for them, but since there are already a couple hundred odd pics in this thread, it seems that ship has sailed.

Fans should note that this show's run was extended through the end of October, and is aired live on their web site. Please note it starts at 4:30 local Sao Paulo time, (3:30 ET in the US) each Saturday and Sunday. It's 4-5 hours long, so if you plan on tuning in get ready for a marathon.


There are also clips from past performances available on their livestream page:


Unfortunately, the quality of both the live stream and these recordings is rather poor. However, I'm still finding great still photos of various performances, and I expect I will until the show finishes its run.

I thought I'd start with a few behind-the-scenes photos, showing the gang getting (un)dressed for their performance.

flanker7 10-19-2011 01:34 AM

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More pics (2 of 5)

flanker7 10-19-2011 01:37 AM

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3 of 5

flanker7 10-19-2011 01:39 AM

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4 of 5

flanker7 10-19-2011 01:41 AM

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5 of 5

Pedro the Fisherman 10-19-2011 04:53 AM

Thanks Flanker, this is the sexiest show on the planet! It's great that you can see it live too.....although I am away from the net this weekend:mad::mad: I would pay good money for an HD video of this show, the nudity (and women) are exceptional:D:D

Pedro the Fisherman 10-19-2011 09:08 AM

I have just watched pretty much the whole show on streaming video (via the links above) and..........WOW!!!!!!!

Despite the poor quality, this is the sexiest theatre I have ever seen! Even the camera operators (female) are dressed in 'native costume' (i.e. fully nude) so as to blend in. If you get a chance to see this, sit in the front row! members of the audience get pulled out and the native girls encourage them to kiss and fondle them:eek::eek:

I shall be looking at all the clips next week:o

This one shot typifies the play...........

dasotto 10-19-2011 10:23 AM

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flanker7 10-19-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro the Fisherman (Post 1047862)
I have just watched pretty much the whole show on streaming video (via the links above) and..........WOW!!!!!!!

Despite the poor quality, this is the sexiest theatre I have ever seen! Even the camera operators (female) are dressed in 'native costume' (i.e. fully nude) so as to blend in. If you get a chance to see this, sit in the front row! members of the audience get pulled out and the native girls encourage them to kiss and fondle them:eek::eek:

I shall be looking at all the clips next week:o

This one shot typifies the play...........

Yes, I meant to post a review at some point, since I've now watched a couple different performances. I don't know much Portuguese, but I can at least interpret the action. Both body freedom and sexual liberation seem to be recurring themes of the play. The nudes seem to function as a chorus that engages in an ongoing dialogue with clothed historical figures, whose monologues contrast with chorus' singing/dancing. At several points these clothed characters then join the nudes in their naked revelry. At one point audience members are brought up on stage, stripped nude by the actors, and then join the chorus for the remainder of the show. And as you said, at one point they bring up male audience members to suckle the female chorus members.

So I think it's fair to say we're not out of line in finding the show very erotic--clearly that's part of the play. This isn't asexual naturism at all. It's seems to be quite the opposite.

Pedro the Fisherman 10-20-2011 12:48 AM


At one point audience members are brought up on stage, stripped nude by the actors, and then join the chorus for the remainder of the show.
I have missed that bit!!! I am asuming that they are 'plants', if they continue with chorus. I have seen some shots where the nudes are 'dropped' on wires into the audience and encouraged to 'cop a feel'!!!:D I would love to read about the casting etc, they are all such super looking women!

flanker7 10-20-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pedro the Fisherman (Post 1048393)
I have missed that bit!!! I am asuming that they are 'plants', if they continue with chorus. I have seen some shots where the nudes are 'dropped' on wires into the audience and encouraged to 'cop a feel'!!!:D I would love to read about the casting etc, they are all such super looking women!

I don't think so. They're definitely normal people. It's quite obvious by the reactions when they get stripped, and the fact that they don't really know the choreography, the words to the songs, etc. They just sort of follow along and join in the choruses. It may be true that they volunteer for the nudity ahead of time, but they're definitely non-actors. Also, "the rest of the show" might be an exaggeration, but they're definitely on stage for the bigger production numbers.

Genuine audience participation is part of the show. They actually encourage people to get naked in their seats, and some do.

As for the guys who fondle and suck on the female performers' breasts, I'm pretty sure it's spontaneous. You see the male actors pull them from the crowd, and some of the guys literally have to be dragged up there. If you watch the video from last Sunday, one of the guys abstains from the feast, and just sits there looking uncomfortable while the other guys lick away. That's one of those situations where the social norms get reversed, and you're actually being more inappropriate (and kind of insulting to the lovely young lady) by not objectifying her. Funny.

Klondike 10-21-2011 01:15 AM

Uzyna Uzona - naked theatre from Brazil
1 Attachment(s)
OK, we have a new thread for all of the Uzyna Uzona material that has been being posted like crazy in the Public Nudity Events List Project thread. For those of you not familiar with Uzyna Uzona, they are a theatre troupe from Brazil. If you google the name, the first pic to come up will be the one posted below. Need I say more? Apparently, this troupe has been around for a long time, so why have we only become aware of it this past year? Did they only recently decide to start shedding their clothes? I don't know. Anyway, thanks to Flanker7 mainly and some others for keeping tabs on their most recent performances, which may include (get ready for this) audience "hands on" participation. All in all, I think they deserve their own thread. So here is post no 1 to start, and soon hopefully more posts from the other thread will magically start to appear after this one. If that doesn't happen and you are dying for more, just hunt down the Public Nudity Events List Project thread, and feast your eyes on the most recent posts there (before Fango makes them disappear but that shouldn't happen until after they've been moved here. Got it?) Enjoy!

BTW - what in heck is this outfits OFFICIAL name? is it "Teatro Oficina Uzya Uzona", "Ofinica Uzyna Uzona"? just Uzyna Uzona? How about FOUU?


flanker7 10-21-2011 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Klondike (Post 1049215)
OK, we have a new thread for all of the Uzyna Uzona material that has been being posted like crazy in the Public Nudity Events List Project thread. For those of you not familiar with Uzyna Uzona, they are a theatre troupe from Brazil. If you google the name, the first pic to come up will be the one posted below. Need I say more? Apparently, this troupe has been around for a long time, so why have we only become aware of it this past year? Did they only recently decide to start shedding their clothes? I don't know. Anyway, thanks to Flanker7 mainly and some others for keeping tabs on their most recent performances, which may include (get ready for this) audience "hands on" participation. All in all, I think they deserve their own thread. So here is post no 1 to start, and soon hopefully more posts from the other thread will magically start to appear after this one. If that doesn't happen and you are dying for more, just hunt down the Public Nudity Events List Project thread, and feast your eyes on the most recent posts there (before Fango makes them disappear but that shouldn't happen until after they've been moved here. Got it?) Enjoy!

BTW - what in heck is this outfits OFFICIAL name? is it "Teatro Oficina Uzya Uzona", "Ofinica Uzyna Uzona"? just Uzyna Uzona? How about FOUU?


Hey Klondike, I can answer a couple of your questions. The language makes it a little difficult to sort out the details, but I do know that they've been promoting the current run of their Macumba Antropofaga as a celebration of the 50th anniversary.

As far as the nudity goes, I've found a lot of stuff posted on youtube that looks like it's quite old, so I while I can't say they've always performed naked, it looks like it's been going on for a while. I get the sense that Macumba is an evolving, organic play that changes with each run. More of a ritual and a celebration than a fixed narrative. The nudity and nativist themes are constant, but pop culture seems to play an important role, and that obviously changes.

Surprisingly, these guys aren't exactly a fringe group. Their 50th anniversary performance was mentioned in several national media outlets, and a Brazilian senator, Eduardo Suplicy, appeared on stage (clothed) at the end of their performance to congratulate them, surrounded by the still-naked performers. I think their celebration of native culture and post-colonial commentary probably make them particularly relevant to the Brazilian experience.

dasotto 10-21-2011 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Klondike (Post 1049215)
BTW - what in heck is this outfits OFFICIAL name? is it "Teatro Oficina Uzya Uzona", "Ofinica Uzyna Uzona"? just Uzyna Uzona? How about FOUU?

Teather name is "Oficina Uzya Uzona", but, is called just "Teatro Oficina"

Klondike 10-21-2011 04:10 PM

OK, as best as we could manage, here is the new official Uzyna Uzona thread. Fango had to reconstruct it as the PNELP posts could not be inserted AFTER the three initial posts put up yesterday. Those three posts are now at the end.

And for those who may be clueless but interested in what is going on, this thread was just created today using posts put up in the Public Nudity Events List thread over the past six months or so. All but the last three posts came from that thread.


lazaromwmc 10-21-2011 07:55 PM

thank you very much good report:):)

Klondike 10-21-2011 08:33 PM

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from Crispus - posted to the naturist thread.


lunatico86 10-22-2011 12:46 AM

Before I write this post, I ask you all to bear with my english.
I'm brazilian, btw.

That aside, let me talk about the informations on the site.

1. They are going to make a DVD of "Macumba" from the 29th/30th(next week) presentation.

2. They are going to Liège, Belgium, on January 13th/14th/15th for Europalia. They are going to be presenting Bacantes, which has nudity as well.

3. "Mistérios Gozosos", another play of them, are "hardcore", as it says there is "public orgy, with live sex" on it's description.

Some photos on their facebook account:

Klondike 10-22-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by lunatico86 (Post 1049957)

3. "Mistérios Gozosos", another play of them, are "hardcore", as it says there is "public orgy, with live sex" on it's description.

It just gets more and more interesting.....provocative......(can't put the pics in this thread, though).....daring......sensational.....

I await pics from Misterios Gozosos. In fact, I think I will go stick that in google now...


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