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Klondike 02-18-2010 07:56 PM

Anything Cap D'Agde related!
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German naturist mags like Sonnenfeunde regularly shot models at Cap d'agde. A Uk naturist vid had three babes go naked there while hosting the story. There is a lot of other stuff. A flickr user who's name escapes me has 50-75 pics up from d'agde and all are of the more erotic activities (culled from the web).

Here are a few pics of mine. Not all I have by any means.


Klondike 02-18-2010 07:57 PM

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more. Klondike

nopubes 02-18-2010 09:38 PM

Wife and I are heading there this summer along with another couple we're "friendly" with. Will definitely take some pics (if I can) and post them here when we return.

Other couple has been there before and has told us its like a classy Hedo for Europeans. We can't wait.

dixler 02-18-2010 11:23 PM

In the "Erotic Amateur Videos" section there is a recent video by Beefidus shot at Agde. It's "Beefidus Naked City" on Feb. 3.

Then there are these videos I was told were filmed at Cap D' Agde. The Mediterranean Nude Beaches series.

Password = virusbringer

Vol. 1:
*** Dead Links ***

Vol. 2:
*** Dead Links ***

With almost 100% of the people fully nude (probably 95%), I can't think of anywhere else it would be other than Cap D' Agde. All the people in the vids are adults. No minors. If you do not have it, get it. You will be glad you did. :) Volume 2 is better than Volume 1. They are both good.

I am not the original uploader. Credit goes to a guy called Virusbringer. I got those links off another board and share them with you. All the links appear to be active. If not, I cannot help you.

Let us not forget Natmovie's posts here:

Klondike 02-18-2010 11:42 PM

I've been to Cap d'agde twice. There is nothing like roaming through the shopping areas rubbing shoulders with naked babes, or sitting on the beach in the swinger section and watching a guy get a blow job ten feet behind you.

There is all that and more. I got kicked out of the camping area where I wasn't suppose to be roaming, but you can't win them all. And what I witnessed on the swinger beach was probably pretty tame (no actual sex (intercourse) although a couple at one point got in the position but backed off for some reason) Besides the blow job I saw a couple of hand jobs and some pussy play. Things, they told me, had "toned down" in recent years and there was a cop of sorts looking out for sexual activity.

The stores are small and crowded, and this was probably about the only time in my life when i actually enjoyed shopping.

I will try to post pics from one of the grocery stores if I can find them. Probably are reposts but it would be good to have them in this thread. Already, some great contributions have surfaced here, and I hope to see more.


Klondike 02-18-2010 11:47 PM

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I recognize this pic as it looks like the grocery store at d'agde that is up near the beach on the ground floor of a two level shopping area. Its the easiest one to get to from the beach, and so I was there often.


1Mnue1 02-20-2010 06:52 AM

Cap is not the best place to do pics. Its clearly stated in the rules that permission has to be asked, and anyone sneaking pics of people is likely to get into trouble. That's probably why there are relatively few Cap pictures about.

I have a few I may scan in later!

gingko 02-20-2010 09:25 AM

Cap d´Agde
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is my favorite place. Hope there come a lot of pics along!

Pedro the Fisherman 02-20-2010 11:43 AM

I may have mentioned this before, but here goes (again?)............

In a time long ago (1979), your exalted beach snapper (me:o) saw the video posted here, made by the BBC's Horizon programme. At the time I was a very young air force trainee and missed the end of the show, due to the demands of night flying training!! I saw that young lady in the third shot and fell 'in love', hoping to see her appear naked later in the show. As I missed the last bit, I was told on my return (by my roomates) that she did indeed get naked and full frontal at that! For 30 years (it was never repeated), I thought it was a wind up. I got my hands on the video, through the wonderful internet last year, and there she was, in all her cuddly naked glory! Odd to think that in the time in-between, we had become almost 'elderly'!! She must be well over 50 odd now.

Moving on to 1981, now with a 17 year old girlfriend in tow, I embark on my first vacation abroad (I had been overseas many times by then, but not a vacation organised by myself) via a 24 hour coach journey to a tent!

We were staying at a campsite at the village of Marseillan Plage (which, suprise, suprise;)) is right next door to Cap D'Agde. I can at least read a map, when planning things!

I was delighted that on the first day there, my young lady discarded her top within a few minutes of arrival on the campsite beach. That afternoon, I made casual mention of what was about 1000 metres along the beach....a naked city! To make my holiday get off to a great start, she said 'let's go and explore that part of the beach first thing tomorrow, I would like to see a naked city'.
We got up bright and early and started walking west, towards the distant concrete apartments that are so famous now. After about 10 minutes walking, a fully naked woman came jogging past us, stopped just beyond us, and turned round and ran back past us again. We then saw the sign (facing towards Cap D'Agde) Nudite Interdie (or something like that) and realised we were on the 'nude beach' with almost nobody else around. We continued walking a little more, the closer we got, the more nudes we started to see.

'Do we have to undress?' my young friend asked, I said 'I don't think it is compulsary, but I am not sure'. Let's not go any further, but let's go back and get our beach stuff and come back when there are more people about. Perhaps we can set up on the border of the clothed and nudie beaches.

We returned, complete with sun-tan lotion, towels and all the usual stuff about an hour later. As we reached the sign, we realised that where the beach had been empty, it was now almost black with people, thousands of them (it was late July) and all totally naked. 'Time for a drink', I said and we walked to a beach cafe, situated at the back of the beach, almost actually on the border of the nude zone. Most customers were wearing swimwear, but from time to time, someone would come in to buy water or some take away food, fully naked.

'Do you fancy trying this nudism thing, then' I eventually say, after a few minutes of wondering how to get things 'moving'. She replied 'if we can find a group of people our own sort of age, I am up for it, I do not want to spend a day at the beach with a load of old men looking at me totally bloody naked'. Well, I said, 'just along the beach, there are several families that have a real mix of ages, from toddlers up to late middle age, how about joining the edge of that group?'

We set out across the sand, but realised to reach our proposed area, it would be easier to walk to the water's edge, due to the soft (and now very hot) sand. On reaching the water, we realised we were now looking a little conspicuous in our swimware. My friend took her top off without a word from me, and with a very cheeky grin dropped her bikini bottoms to her ankles and kicked them up and caught them in a single deft movement, that I can still see today. For me, that was the real initiation into the world of naturism, a place I have hardly left since and the reason for living where I do.

We spent almost every day of the next 10 days there, we took photos of each other:eek: (with old film cameras), my shot of her, she was wearing a loose top (but was naked below), as she had got herself sunburnt quite badly on one breast! and I was a bit concerned about having the photos developed. I still have it now, but will not post it here, some things are sacred!!!!

On our post holiday meeting back in the UK, she brings out her photos (that had already been around her old school friends) and I find to my horror, that she did not worry about the film developer's thoughts, she actually went out of her way to include 'all' of me in her photos.

As with many 'young loves' we split up when she went to college later that year:(.

I was in touch with her via the net (she now lives overseas too) quite recently after a gap of 30 years and she you still visit nude beaches then?

Just a bit, said I!!:D:D

She is still promising to find those old photos in the attic one and scan them for me one day. They will be something from my youth to look back on, as now I have become one of the 'Old men' that would do their utmost (on your behalf) to look at and hopefully record for OCC, young ladies like her on the nudist beach!

Klondike 02-20-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pedro the Fisherman (Post 668493)

'Do you fancy trying this nudism thing, then'

You Brits crack me up (if that is indeed exactly how you put it). :)

And I'm sure she replied with something like "well, my darling, I suppose it might be quite all right under the circumstances to perhaps give this nudism thing a go. Shall I continue with my disrobing, then? Do tell me I am ravishingly beautiful, love..." (OH, right - you did include her reply also which was a little different than this, but still undeniably "British" :) )

Now, in the USA we are a bit more "succint", and the above conversation more likely would have gone something like this:

guy: "So, you wanna get naked?"



Klondike 02-20-2010 01:34 PM

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By the way, this thread seems to have struck a nerve, which is great and I look forward to more stories and pics. PEdro mentioned Marseillan Plage, and I believe there was a carnival there next to the beach. There is also a permanent carnival at Pavalas-les-Flots, which is further up the coast a bit, but where I prefered to stay.

here are a couple more pics, including two from the shower near the beach (posted recently in another thread).


nudistlover 02-21-2010 12:25 PM

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Another naked girl at Cap D'agde.
I found these on flickr (nude pics on her public profile).

gingko 02-22-2010 03:00 PM

some more finds
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a few pics from the net

Pedro the Fisherman 02-22-2010 05:27 PM


Hey are these the ones where a guy walks around the shops with a cam in his bag?
The first one is, not bothered with the rest, most people are now dressed! 20 years ago only the staff in the shops wore clothes.... a walk through a semi-naked city is a more accurate title now.Good to see them in the 'public' domain though, all the same!:D

crispus 02-22-2010 05:53 PM

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few more from flickr that confirm Pedro and others' view of how it is now vis-a-vis shopping, then a golden oldie for contrast...

dixler 02-23-2010 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by crispus (Post 669525)
few more from flickr that confirm Pedro and others' view of how it is now vis-a-vis shopping, then a golden oldie for contrast...

Do you have the link to the Flickr account?

soprano 02-23-2010 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by crispus (Post 669525)
few more from flickr that confirm Pedro and others' view of how it is now vis-a-vis shopping, then a golden oldie for contrast...

I think her name is Christina, and she has a website documenting various trips across Europe like Greece, Formentera, Agde, etc. German, I think... This was a while ago though! I'll try to find it again.

EDIT: Well, I'm surprised I found it so quick. I must be really great! Here is the link to the "travel reports" page, and there are a few pics associated with each destination, some better quality than others.

JoanSanders 02-23-2010 06:00 AM

hxxp:// :p

crispus 02-23-2010 12:09 PM

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Originally Posted by dixler (Post 669630)
Do you have the link to the Flickr account?

Yes, her id there is nudistgirl2009 (or 34352426@N05 in the url); she has 72 pictures up, but only a few from Cap d'Agde. Her profile says she keeps getting deleted from flickr (most probably because she hotlinks various commercial sites, a flickr no-no), so I don't know how long this iteration will last. Other sites she mentions there in addition to the ones cited above are,, and p.s.: this isn't her, but another shot from the days of yore!

dixler 02-24-2010 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by crispus (Post 669787)
Yes, her id there is nudistgirl2009 (or 34352426@N05 in the url); she has 72 pictures up, but only a few from Cap d'Agde. Her profile says she keeps getting deleted from flickr (most probably because she hotlinks various commercial sites, a flickr no-no), so I don't know how long this iteration will last. Other sites she mentions there in addition to the ones cited above are,, and p.s.: this isn't her, but another shot from the days of yore!

Got the link.

I wish she had more pictures of herself at Cap D'Agde. There are not many pictures from there.


Originally Posted by arsic (Post 669642)
I think her name is Christina, and she has a website documenting various trips across Europe like Greece, Formentera, Agde, etc. German, I think... This was a while ago though! I'll try to find it again.

EDIT: Well, I'm surprised I found it so quick. I must be really great! Here is the link to the "travel reports" page, and there are a few pics associated with each destination, some better quality than others.

Thanks for the link. I like reading trip reports. :)

dixler 02-24-2010 07:39 AM

Here is another Voyeurweb link that appears to be from Cap D' Agde. It's from "Frankreich", which means France in German. Almost everyone is nude. I don't know where else it could be from.

Look at pictures number 6 and 8. The best looking women photographed do not go nude! They keep their bottoms on. I thought nudity was mandatory at Cap D'Agde. In the videos I provided links to on the first page, you will see some of that where the best looking women don't go nude. :mad:

Pedro the Fisherman 02-24-2010 09:01 AM

Dixler, you are refering to Rule #1 in Pedro's nude beach law.

If the woman is under 25 and drop dead gorgeous, there is only a 30% chance she will take her bikini bottoms off.:mad: With a guy or a group of girls this can get up to 40% possiblities of full nudity:).

That is why I try so hard to shoot only pretty young ladies who are fully nude, I have a lot of wasted beach trips, but if I was happy shooting 50 year olds (which I cannot really get excited about), I would bring home hundreds of shots, every time!!!!

nudistlover 02-24-2010 03:49 PM

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Agree with "Ladies who are fully nude are the best."

This one is fully nude in Cap d'Agde near the harbour and in the village.

She seems to be around 50 and she is fully nude : no top, no buttom and shaved, the best option!


frechi 02-25-2010 04:04 AM

cap d agde
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this is sometimes possible on the cap. found tehese in the web, saw a same scene years ago there, but the woman was more mature.

maybe anybody has more.. ?

Blog for cda:

dixler 02-25-2010 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pedro the Fisherman (Post 670171)
Dixler, you are refering to Rule #1 in Pedro's nude beach law.

If the woman is under 25 and drop dead gorgeous, there is only a 30% chance she will take her bikini bottoms off.:mad: With a guy or a group of girls this can get up to 40% possiblities of full nudity:).

Well, when you think about it, that isn't a bad percentage. Except for:

* What percentage of drop dead gorgeous under 25-year-old women would go to a nude beach in the first place?
* How often do you find a gorgeous young woman at a nude beach? (Jackass seems to do a good job finding them. Maybe he gets lucky or hires others to do the filming?)

If every time you go to the nude beach there are 10 gorgeous women there and 3 go nude, that wouldn't be so bad. :)

One day--hopefully next year--I'm going to spend an entire summer in Europe. I will be definitely going to Spain. However, my fear is that I am going to get to a nude beach and find nothing but men or 60+ year-old women.

I don't live anywhere near a nude beach. And to be honest, I don't have much desire to go to an American one. The videos I've seen from Florida seem to indicate that they are all tattooed, silicone-enhanced stripper types, of which I have no interest. Plus, I've read that 80% - 90% of the beach users at Haulover are men. :mad: I want to go some place where being naked at the beach is natural, normal, and isn't strictly for perverts or exhibitionists. Women who are desperate for attention make me sick to my stomach. If nude beaches were common, it would probably become more acceptable and less likely to attract weirdos and exhibitionists. But there are not many in the USA, not official ones. And unlike in Europe, unofficial nude beaches are not likely to be tolerated for long.

There is a local lake in the big city 20 miles away from me with a secluded, hard to get to beach where people used to go nude starting back in the 1960s. But the police do patrol it looking for nudes because people read about it on the internet and think it is a place where they can go nude. If they are nude, they get ticketed and are ordered to put some clothes on. So nobody has really gone nude there for years.

I see those Lola L0ves The B3ach (disguised so someone won't find this post or site when searching for the name of the vid) and there are just normal, average women going to the beach with some young, attractive women thrown in. That's the kind of place where I want to go. Where it is natural and normal. :) I don't think I'd have much interest in Cap D'Agde. Certainly not if it is over-run with swinger types.

hogeye81 02-25-2010 03:38 PM

hell with those odds 3for10 you'd be a hall of fame baseball player

Stone Barrington 02-25-2010 04:12 PM

CDA Blog
The aforementioned blog has some interesting articles and some interesting pics including nudistgirl2009, a CDA regular.

Pedro the Fisherman 02-25-2010 06:22 PM

Dixler, come to Spain this summer, my pics are all taken on 'normal' nude beaches. The odds of seeing young ladies fully nude on the beaches her are very high.
You have to take into account that on one 100km stretch of coastline, there at least 20 official nude beaches (plus more that people use) and during July and August these beaches will host up to 15,000 nudists!!!!! All within an hour's drive.
Despite Cap D'Agde claim of being a naked city, the Spanish (including the under 25s) have really got into natuism in a big way.

Klondike 02-25-2010 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by dixler (Post 670595)

One day--hopefully next year--I'm going to spend an entire summer in Europe. I will be definitely going to Spain. However, my fear is that I am going to get to a nude beach and find nothing but men or 60+ year-old women.

I don't live anywhere near a nude beach. And to be honest, I don't have much desire to go to an American one. The videos I've seen from Florida seem to indicate that they are all tattooed, silicone-enhanced stripper types, of which I have no interest. Plus, I've read that 80% - 90% of the beach users at Haulover are men. :mad: I want to go some place where being naked at the beach is natural, normal, and isn't strictly for perverts or exhibitionists.

Dixler, I hear you :)

Spain would probably be a pretty good choice, but I might be concerned with how spread out the locations are and how much you have to drive to see X numbers of nudes. D'agde on the other hand is not ALL swingers by any means, and you will spend far less time in your car and less time looking at empty sand. But not having been to Spain myself, i have to defer to Pedro's analysis of the situation there...


dixler 02-26-2010 05:01 AM

Thanks for the tips, guys. Spain this summer is out of the question. I'd like to have $25,000 or a little more in cash that I could spend on an entire summer in Europe. Of course, I would like to see things other than beaches like a few museums, WWII battlefields, concentration camp remnants, etc. Spain, Germany, Austria, France, and of course I'd like to see the beach at Koktebel during the Neptune festival. I don't want to stay in hostels (those are for younger crowds) and I don't really want to pay more than $100 a night for a hotel room. I'd like to see a mix of beaches, historical sites, cities, and the countryside.

I don't have much of a desire to go to England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, or Finland.

I wish I could find some statistics on what percentage of the population in Spain and Germany go nude at the beach. With a population of 46 million, if 10% of people in Spain went nude at the beach when they visited the beach that would be 4.6 million people.

luv_da_beach 03-01-2010 04:15 AM

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Some web oldies from le Cap d'Agde

the-obs 03-01-2010 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by dixler (Post 670595)
One day--hopefully next year--I'm going to spend an entire summer in Europe. I will be definitely going to Spain. However, my fear is that I am going to get to a nude beach and find nothing but men or 60+ year-old women.

I did a trip in Spain two years ago in September ! Nice weather with enougn warm and sun. And the beach was not crowded! I was with my girlfriend which don't like the nudist beaches particulary so we go to the normal beaches in general. but in those beaches I see a lot of nude people so I went nude too ! And I saw on every beaches I go some superb girls, alone or with boyfriends/friends, nude and not really shy ! I had a photocam with me but with my GF besides me, it was impossible to shoot one of them ! But Spain is really a good place to go !

I started to Barcelona and I did all the coast til Andalousia ! Superb landscapes, cities, good food and hot girls everywhere, on the beaches and on the streets (tourists and locals girls)

see you

fun_at_cap 03-06-2010 02:22 AM

some agde pics
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some agde pics

fun_at_cap 03-06-2010 02:25 AM

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some mor from the stair at heliopolis

comsol 03-09-2010 01:28 AM

There were a few videos professional videos that have been made over the years that were at least partially set at Cap d'Agde. There were a couple from the eighties called The World of Skinny Dipping, from about 1982 and Once We Were Naked, from a couple of years later by a former 1960's South African/British pop singer who called himself "Beau Brummell". A British company called Parafotos put out a couple of dvds in the nineties called Mediterranean France - Naturally and Cap D'Agde - Naked City that also visited the resort. Unfortunately I don't have access to my copies of the first and last dvds, and my vhs copy of the second title has been lost to sands of time - I have never seen the third title myself. I don't know if this information will be of much help to anyone, but I thought that I would throw it out there anyhow.

stevin6 03-09-2010 10:08 AM

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Hi guys (and girls), just passing by after some time (had some problems in the past with my pc and lack of time) i stumbled onto this great thread about my no.1 holiday destination for years. I could tell and write some pages only with stories, so in the coming days i will give some stories and info about this faboulus resort. Back in '78 i was for the first time in Cap d'Agde, but unfortunately i was with my family and we were in a appartement in the textile-section. On one day we only passed the entrance area but never got the balls to go inside.
The second time, '83 or '84 i was on holiday only with my mother a bit more south near Narbonne and we visited the CHM René Oltra naturistcamping for a few days as my aunt and uncle had a season place there. They were there during the '80 's the whole summer. So a year later we visited again and i was definately gone into naturism, nudism and a bit of voyeurism, ha ha.
The next time i went there was my first holiday there, i was alone and i stayed at Port Nature in a apartment (so cold "studio"), i think it was '93. A year later i went there again. I should have stayed again at Port Nature in a small studio, but when i went at the office (agence) for the key, they couldn't find my name on the list. Something went wrong between the Netherlands and France. And after they take a call to the Netherlands they gave me the only free apartment there was, a big luxury apartment at Heliopolis just in front of the beach and beautiful views in the direction of Sète. It became one of the best holidays i had there. Every day lots of beautiful young woman and girls passing by to and from the beach.
Futher on i went there again in '97 and in 2001 i went for the first time myself to the camping. Now i stayed there for the last 4 consecutive years and i will be there this summer. So i know Cap d'Agde very well and could tell a lot about this place.
Hereby i will post my unmarked pics i have, may be i will make a zip/rar file through Rapidshare with the marked (mainly Voyeurweb and Cocco) pics i have.
Here are my pics. A few pics, topless pics are not from the nudist beach/quartier but from the normal-textile beach of Cap d'agde. ;)

stevin6 03-09-2010 10:25 AM

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Shooting pics at Cap d'Agde is not easy as there is a lot of social control, police, security and rescue people.
I remember two years ago when i was there and i heard the story about a guy who was caught when he was making pics. When i came back from holiday that year i read a few weeks later his story when he gave his comment to a voyeurweb submission containing nice Cap d'Agde pics.
So i have big respect to everyone who made pics and vids there. Especially the guys who filmed the Mediterranean nude beach movies and the "a walk through Cap d'Agde" movie. Those movies had been posted here in the past, just like also the Cap d'Agde, Naked City movie.

stevin6 03-09-2010 10:33 AM

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Next pics.
Do also not forget to check out the erotic clips section of the voyeurweb website. I saw some nice short clips shot at the Cap d'Agde beach.

stevin6 03-09-2010 10:53 AM

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Next pics.
Seeing this thread and pics, i can't wait till it is summer again. The girls, woman, the food, the atmosphere, the clubs, the sea, the restaurants.....
Some guys will recognize that a lot of the pics are from Flickr, but unfortunately i don't remember the Flickr source. So apologies for this.

stevin6 03-09-2010 10:57 AM

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Next batch of pics...

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