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likemslick 02-19-2024 08:21 PM

no massive thrill but a good laugh
About 40 years ago we bought a decent sized greenhouse as my wife was/ still is an avid gardener. Spring came early one day and after joining her I eventually said "you look hot, take off your clothes". To my surprise she did. The opaque panels provided enough privacy for her. She kept on working naked while I watched, and took some liberties. I batted about .500 on repeat requests.

One day a friend came over to help me with some stuff. He hadn't seen the greenhouse and as luck would have it she was in it and was having a frisky day. I said "come see our new greenhouse" to his "" reply. Once inside she showed him the different seedlings. Having done this many times before and feeling lucky, I said "you look hot". She came back with "what is that supposed to mean"? "You know what it means," I replied. "It's not like (my friend) hasn't seen you naked many times before". She replied "yes, but you have to do a favor in return". "Deal", I replied. She methodically removed her clothes. Needless to say the plant seedlings weren't the only things growing in the greenhouse! Once naked she asked "are both of you happy now? Good. Are you ready to keep your end of the deal"?. "Yes", I replied. "Then get out" she said as she turned her back and started putting her clothes on. Later in the day we all had a laugh.

Melbourne_Couple 02-19-2024 11:04 PM

Just came back from a local beach with my wife; when we were leaving, casual as you like, she stood up, took her bikini top off & put her t-shirt on - in full view of whoever happened to be looking.

riverdelivery 02-21-2024 09:21 AM

Topless Photo of wife on my phone
I might have posted this here before,My wife,nephew and I were at a restaurant talking to out nephew about buying a used truck,we looked at many on marketplace and when my wife went to the rest room my nephew Chris and had a plan,he would look at the trucks on my phone and when he was done to put the phone on the table in front of us all and do a final swipe,it worked out great,the wife was sitting there and Chris put down the phone and swiped it,boom,right out in front of us is my wife's topless photo from the waist up,two spot lights looking right at us,she quickly took the phone and handed it to me,Chris had a big smile and she said Chris should not see me like that.First time ever Chris and me got to see a topless pic of her together,but he seen the pics before without her knowing.

Halkan 02-23-2024 06:31 AM

At a hospital cafe
The context ought to have been the most unsexy possible. I had driven a collegue to hospital, he had cut himself in the workshop, got stitched for it, and now the cut had started to hurt again. I told him I'd wait for him, even if it might take some time, since I had my laptop with me and could just as well work on it in the hospital cafe as at the office, no problem.

So, I went there, ordered Cappucini and Panini as a second breakfast, and went to work. It just so happened that the place I chose was quite close to the counter where all the cakes were on display, and one of the girls working at the cafe went there all the time, either to fetch cakes to customers, or to refill the display from the kitchen. It was just happening in my periphery for a while though, since I had just got an urgent question on E-Mail and had to come up with at least a half-decent answer quite fast. One of our sales people had got some very unexpected, but rather pointed, questions from one of our customers. Said customer had brought a 'retired professor now consultant' with her, while our poor sales rep was on his own (and just about as technically proficient as sales reps often are, but at least he knew this). Sometimes our customers get naughty :eek:.

After an hectic hour, after which the professor seemed satisfied that we knew what we were doing, I decided I deserved a cake for my efforts, and went up to the counter. And that's when I really noticed the girl. All the girls, and there were only girls, working there had black trousers and a black T-shirt with 'stylized cakes and coffee cups' in white on it. The other girls were rather thin and wore baggy trousers and T-shirts. This girl, however, had massive tits, was 'nicely butted' with a fabulous ass, and, she had extremely tight black leggings and an even more extremly tight T-shirt. You could easily see the contours of her push-up bra under said T-shirt. And she couldn't have had any panties on because that would have shown through the leggings. And she had a great smile, and apple cheeks, and her hair was 'dramatically multi-coloured'. She would have been a sight to behold at any night club, but in this context, with half the people coming and going clad in white and 'faded blue' shrubs, she really stood out.

I got my cake, went back to my table, and tried to concentrate on my work. But this girl was right in front of me, and she was often bending over or squatting to get to those cakes, sometimes even turning around while squatting to say something to one of her collegues. And her ass cheeks would quiver and move and on a few occasions I think I saw a 'camel toe from behind'. A few times she was apparently unhappy with her bra, tried to readjust it through the T-shirt, which made things wobble delightfully, and one of her collegues saw it and made a 'playfully rude' comment which I am not going to try to translate. The girl just responded with a belly laugh while cupping her tits. And her collegues rolled their eyes, but they smiled when doing so.

Given that I visit nude spas regularly, maybe this should not have been all that arousing to me. But it was. Because she really stood out. In this context. After a couple of hours of looking while trying not too stare, and getting the feeling that she had started to show off for me, I realized I had to calm down to avoid seeming like the pervert I am. I was also half-seriously thinking I might cum in my pants if I saw one more camel toe from behind. Or a if she cupped her tits again... I waited until there weren't too many around, my choice of trousers had been poor in terms of hiding my reaction to this girl, I really had to make my way to the rest room to take myself in hand, acting as the teenager I hadn't been for 30 years. But at that point I really needed some relief.

Relief obtained, I dared to step up to the counter to look for another cake, and, lo and behold, the girl saw me and started a conversation. So I told her why I was there, and she thought I was being a good friend, and she told me that she loved working there but that it was a bit of a problem to have such a lot of fantastic cakes around her all the time, and so on and so forth. And she was mildly flirtitious but not over the top. And I couldn't help getting hard again, and I saw her notice, and she actually smiled and winked at me. And then I got my seond cake, and a double espresso, and sat down to enjoy them. The taste was remarkably good for a hospital cafe.

Then I got a call from my collegue. Unfortunately the tests had shown that he needed to stay at the hospital to get some more cleaning up and some hard core antibiotics, but fortunately he was back at the office a week later, looking fairly OK after his ordeal. Then I got another call from another sales rep talking to another customer, asking me to get my ass over to her conference room ASAP to help her out, and I packed my laptop, said goodbye to the girl, and drove back to the office to resume business as usual. But for the rest of the working day I still had to sit strategically whenever my internal Youtube system started to show clips of the girl at the hospital cafe. Those clips are still running.


piecenick 02-23-2024 06:49 AM

Wife's teaching assistant
My wife taught elementary school, when she was about 25 she was assigned a student teacher, it's a requirement to teach as an assistant before you get certified. She was about 21, Gena, cute and petite, she also lived in an apartment close to ours, so she was over quite a bit.

I got home from work one day and as usual, the first thing I had to do after sitting in traffic, was go to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and there was naked Gena, she was getting dressed after she and my wife were swimming in the apartment pool. It was a less than 5 second look, but Gena didn't flinch, I said 'excuse me' and closed the door. I went to the other bathroom in our bedroom where my wife was getting dressed, I told her what happened, she was worried that I had upset Gena.

When we went back out, Gena apologized for not locking the door, but my head had the image of Gena's little red bush and perky titties for years.

luvs2spin78 02-23-2024 03:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Recently I came across an interesting Netflix mini-series "Beef", that's quite a funny dark comedy / drama. The main female lead is Ali Wong (picture below), and the more I was watching it, the more I started looking at Ali and thinking 'wow.. she is actually pretty hot'. So the low key scene that gave me a massive thrill was two parts.

First scene: Filmed in a little bit of a silhouette mode with shades of dark and light to create more of an 'erotic' mode, we see this hot bored housewife was sitting on the floor leaning up against a wall in her house and playing around with a handgun. You're kind of thinking 'WTF is she doing?' She plays around with the gun looking at it, then puts it down between her legs and pulls the trigger. "click" The gun isnt loaded, and she pulls the trigger again and again.. click, click, click.. and we realize she's enjoying the sound and likely the slight vibration against her pussy (which we cant see), as we hear her slightly moaning. (phew!! HOT!!)

Second scene: Later in that episode she's in an argument with her husband and they're going through some issues, including being intimate, and he yells out accusing her about why she took his gun or why its out of place or something, and she boldly blurts out "because I was masterbating with it!!" ... then goes on to say how he doesnt satify her. Anwyay to hear this woman who after that first scene was absolutely in my "THIS WOMAN IS HOT" camp, just blurt out and admit she was masterbating was a nice massive thrill. :)

In fact I love hearing a woman refer to the fact that she masterbates.. of course that doesnt happen very often at all, but one final quick story on that. Years ago I was at a house party at friend's house. Lot of people there, and I knew the pretty blonde wife quite well. She was always fun and flirty, and I'd rate her a solid 8. I was in the kitchen about to open another bottle of wine and she hands me this automatic opener. I'm sure you've all seen them, but at the time they were more rare. They are long and cylindrical, battery operated, you stick one end on the bottle top and press a button on the other end and the little motor does the rest... driving the corkscrew into the bottle and extracting the cork. As this 'phallic-shaped' opener vibrated in my hands and gave off a slight buzzing noise, I smiled and innocently asked her "sooo... Lisa, anything else you use this for?" She didnt miss a beat and laughed... later as I finished pouring her her glass she smiled and gave me a wink as she walked off. I've always had that lovely image in my mind when I see her, and she's now jumped up to a 9 as a result of that. LOL

btw, I guess I'm not the only one who enjoyed that scene!! LOL
"Congratulations to Beef. Not only for being a very good show, but also taking over the Google search results for “gun masturbation” and “beef sex scene.”

twowide 02-24-2024 08:21 AM

Patricias Birthday
Food was still rationed, Folk sharing when gathering for Family Events. So we'd brought Jelly and Cakes to help feed the Congregation when going to the home of my Parents Bridesmaid. Her Husband had been killed at Dunkirk, so she'd struggled to raise Pat, their only Daughter. After the meal, the Seniors departed to the Local for a quiet drink, leaving us to enjoy Party Games. I could see Pat was "up-tight", tears shed as we settled on the carpet by the fire. Apparently, she was taking the same Critical Exam I'd sat last year, but was unsure of the outcome.

I leant across, our fingers interlocking as I kissed her tears away. I rolled over, her hands flat on the rug by her ears, our lips meeting as I knelt astride. "Good-Luck-With-Your-Test" I gasped, jerking my now rock hard cock into her belly, "Hope-You-Come-Out-Well" I cried. Rising in the flickering firelight to unzip my flies, I could see that her Party Dress had risen over her flat chest. Nipples fully exposed, she was now totally naked save for her pure white ankle socs and navy, LTB knickers. A damp patch clearly visible, spreading rapidly between her thighs.

The door crashed open, her Mother standing there brandishing bottles of Cordial and packets of crisps!

Gnome72141 02-26-2024 08:03 AM

I quite often pull of my wife's clothing when it isn't convenient, such as reaching up her dresses and pulling her panties down when people are around the corner, or pulling her pjs over her head when she is stretching her arms, especially in front of the huge dining room windows at night. Things like that. She loves it.

Of course she never reciprocates, being the ultra-submissive person that she is, unfortunately.

Except yesterday when I was painting in my underwear to not get my clothes dirty (I was painting nude, but a friend of hers stopped by, so I put underwear on), and I came up the stairs with my hands completely full, and she pulled my underwear down in front of her friend. It was a dream come true for me!! My wife FINALY did something fun to me for once instead of it always being about her.

Her friend laughed and giggled, and I moved along to continue painting nude like I had been earlier in the day. They didn't watch me paint, unfortunately.

(My abusive ex-wife used to pull my pj pants down in front of her friends regularly as an abuse tactic, but I loved it, so joke was on her. But this was the first time my current wife had ever done anything like that. I hope it becomes a regular thing!)

winston optic beer 02-29-2024 08:22 AM

The first woman I lived with liked to paint in the nude for the same reason as Gnome72141. Looking back, it was a crazy thing to do because our house had little privacy from a.busy main road at the front. The road was at a slightly higher level than the house so that anybody passing could easily see into both the downstairs rooms and our bedroom upstairs.

It's a shame that there were no iPhones in those days. If my wife did something like that today, I'd capture it on video. For that reason, women are probably less reckless these days. They'd risk everyone seeing them.on social media. A video recently went viral of a woman who was locked out of her house trying climb in through a top wimdow vent and getting stuck upside down with her tits hanging out

My girlfriend would have been about 27 then and was quite fit so it would have been treat for any guy who happened to look in. I guess if anyone had complained, she would have said they shouldn't be looking into our windows.

On another occasion at night, I caught her parading about the bedroom in the nude with the curtains open and the light on. It was just like being on a stage. When I pointed out that she was putting on quite a show for any men making their way home from the nearby pub, she acted shocked and dropped to the floor. Maybe it was just a mistake. The neighbours told me they'd done it too. There was often a few people standing at the bus stop opposite with an excellent view into our bedrooms.

As far as I am aware nobody ever noticed her. I don't know if she got a buzz from the possibility that someone might see her naked or if she just didn't care.. At the time, it wasn't realy a massive thrill for me. It is now thinking about in retrospect.

I've never had a girlfriend or wife who's pulled down my pants. I diid once have it done to me at the age of 50 by a friend's wife. There were a couple of other women there but unfortunately they didn't even notice. Still a quite a thrill to have my friend's wife so keen to see my cock. My wife wasn't so thrilled about it.

Gnome72141 02-29-2024 08:28 AM

Dining out last night at a fancy (for me) restaurant, the young hostess (18-19yo, max) had tight black pants on and a fuzzy black and white sweater, but she was clearly braless. She had A cups at best, and a loose, fuzzy sweater, but you can still always tell.

The very natural shape, the jiggling nuances, and nipples that would go from flat to very long when they were cold.

My wife caught me looking (which is not a problem as she usually notices first), and later said, "I hope she knows she had an admirer since most people wouldn't have had a clue,"

But I know that any one of us here would have noticed, no issue with that!

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