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Dookieman 02-17-2012 08:41 AM

^late edit---oddly enough, I only vaguely remember the cut and style of the panties... it was that overall shape of her lower body that I remember more clearly... anyway, it was no surprise that her panties weren't anything spectacular... it was more of a fuller cut "regular" pair as opposed to a thong you'd expect with younger women. Still, it was tight so you could definitely see individual cheek movement when she was walking. I still get a bit worked up just remembering this visual.

revittelise 02-19-2012 04:35 PM

Uni days
I shared a house at uni with one guy and three girls. I became particularly close with one of the girls whose room was on the same floor as mine. She was about 5'9'', average looking, brown hair and thin but with big boobs -- she was probably about a 30DD. I can't remember how it started, but she had what I can only describe as an "ethnic massaging tool" she had picked up in South America on her gap year. We started giving each other massages during the day as it was towards the end of the year and exams and essays were due, so there was a certain amount of stress around.

A key moment must have been when the door got closed. I suppose neither of us wanted our fellow housemates to know, but as soon as the door got shut, it stayed shut, so every time we massaged it was in private. We were also usually in our pyjamas by now as the massages were happening during the evening. This meant thin cotton and no bra for her and no underwear for me -- any erections would be highly visible!

It was suggested (can't remember who by -- probably me!) that we could do a proper massage with some special oil I had been given by an ex. The first time this happened I expected her to be reserved about being topless so offered to leave the room while she got settled, which I did although she said I didn't need to. I came back in and got stuck in, concentrating on her back but letting my hands slide over the side of her boobs. When I finished she put her top back on while I turned my back then she returned the favour. Afterwards we lay on the bed with me still topless.

The next time I didn't leave the room while she took off her top. She took it off with her back to me and when she lay down I got a good view of the nipple of her hanging breast.

I realised that if I let her go second next time she would have to decide whether or not to put her top back on afterwards, with the chance she would stay topless while we chilled. When the time came (maybe a week later) I asked to go first. Once she had finished massaging me and I had done her (with side-boob-touching) I lay down next to her and she stayed topless! She wasn't showing everything and had her arms over them as she lay on her side facing me and we talked.

By this stage it was becoming clear that she really liked me, but the feeling wasn't mutual. I didn't really fancy her and just couldn't see us working as a couple although I really liked her boobs!

There must have been a few more times like this when she lay topless afterwards.

The next time I remember is when after she had done my back I suggested she do my front. This basically involved her sitting astride my hard dick (we had been sitting astride eachother when massaging backs, so this was expected). I don't remember her particularly resting on my dick, but there must have been contact through our thin cotton pyjamas. I then massaged her back then lay down with her. After a couple of minutes I got up the guts to suggest I do her front too ("in a totally non-sexual way"!). She agreed straight away, trying to be cool about it I think! She sat up and unbuttoned her top then lay down. I spent a long time circling her boobs and then lightly ran my hands over them. I repeated this, growing in confidence as she seemed to be having a nice time. I massaged down to her bottoms then stopped.

The next time I made the mistake of kissing her. I kind of expected her to meet me half way when she realised I was going in for the kiss, but she let me go all the way to her, looking reluctant but didn't resist. Things then got sexual between us. Not long after we started having sex on an occasional basis, but I think it was clear to both of us that I was using her. Things really came to an end when I started seeing someone else.

I've always wished I hadn't kissed her, as it would have been amazing to see how naked I could get her in a "non-sexual" way. "Non-sexual" nudity (by that I mean overtly unsexual behaviour whilst naked -- what's going on in my mind is a different matter!) is a massive turn on for me. I reckon it could have gone far with no move being made by either of us, as she was definitely waiting for me to make the first move. If only I had waited!

Dookieman 02-20-2012 12:30 AM

^oddly enough I happen to agree with that thing about "non-sexual" nudity.... some of the hottest pictures/vids I've seen on these forums are of women who are just casually walking around the living room or kitchen or wherever while in just panties and a shirt, or completely naked...or perhaps doing some kind of random housework while naked.... that's good stuff. This is also why it was such a great situation for me that I happened to have a college roommate that was such a big hit with the ladies, as I got to see some nice things thanks to him always having hot girls in the dorm room.

laz3boy 03-14-2012 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by DanM (Post 1064414)
After the nurse left, Mari said “I think what I just saw should stay between us”.



stiv837 03-22-2012 09:09 PM

Ex-wife giving a pleasant suprise.
This is not about me getting a pleasant suprise, but I think it might be ok for this thread, Many years ago, when my first wife and I were still married, she worked in a convenience store. There were a group of guys who used to hang out there, they would drink coffee, shot the breeze etc. etc.. There was a kid who also hung out at the store, my wife used to tell me what a great kid he was. She went on and on about him, even mentioning how she wished she knew a girl she could fix him up with, because he was such a great guy, and never had a girlfriend before. One day she said to me that it would soon be this kids 18th birthday, and she wanted to get him something special for it. I finally tuned her out because I was so sick of hearing about this wonderful guy.

After we seperated, and filed for a divorce, I started having an affair with one of my wifes co workers. She told me quite a few things about my wife, including what she gave this kid for his 18th birthday. My wife took this kid too our house on his birthday and took his virginity, as a birthday present. I worked at night at the time and knew nothing about it, as far as I was concerned, I was still happily married. A few months after this my wife told me she didn't love me anymore and moved out.

Her co worker also told me my wife had been giving herself as a present to quite a few guy's while we were married, including the manager of the store she worked at, and also my best friend, now former best friend.

About two years after we were divorced, this poor kid got my ex-wife pregnant, and has far as I know they are still together today.

I wish someone would have given me a pleasant suprise for my birthday when I was still a virgin.

piecenick 03-24-2012 12:26 AM

Not sure this exactly fits the topic, when I was in my senior year of high school I was the artist for the school newspaper and yearbook. Two of the elementary school teachers, small town with a K-12 school, told me they were working on a children's book that summer and they wanted me to work with them after graduation as the illustrator. I was 18, they were maybe mid-twenties and single, both cute, but even more dorkish than I was. The idea sounded great, it would keep me in town with my GF before we went off to college in the fall, would pay as much as working at the pizza place, and if they managed to get it published maybe some royalties.

One of the teachers came from money and they were going to stay at her family's elaborate lake house about 20 miles from town to concentrate on the book. On the first day, since our ages were so close they told me to quit the Miss Jones and Miss Smith stuff and it became Cindy and Linda. The first week I saw this was more demanding and time consuming than I thought it would be, and I was driving the 40 miles a day in my VW so I could be with my GF at night. This was the 60's, so we were doing everything but screwing and not admitting it to anyone to preserve my GF's 'reputation'.

I was getting to be very good friends with Cindy and Linda and I thought Cindy was flirting pretty heavy with me, which was a little confusing since I just figured they were lesbians because neither had ever mentioned a BF. After 4 weeks of work we sent the first draft off to the publisher that Linda's family knew and since it was still early afternoon they offered me a beer to celebrate, 18 was legal drinking age where we were so it wasn't my first. We were sitting out on the deck over the lake drinking and after the 3rd beer Cindy said that they went skinny dipping when I left everyday, all I said was "don't let me stop you".

They giggled like hell so I figured it was a no go until Cindy stood up and peeled her top and shorts off, she was standing there in a bra and panties and said "you better not tell a soul young man, but this is as far as I'm going unless y'all join me."

I'm a little on the shy side, and the idea that I was with 2 of the teachers from school was intimidating, but with a couple of beers in me in a few seconds were were all naked in the lake. After a while Cindy, then Linda got out and were sitting on towels on the deck and I could see there glorious nakedness and as I climbed the ladder to join them 'shrinkage' was not an issue, I got about the biggest erection I ever had in my life. I was beet red in the face and they giggled and told me how lucky my GF was.

What was very cool was for the next couple of weeks there was no more to do on the book and they asked me if I wanted to bring my GF with me to just hang out. Soon the four of us were skinny dipping and having a great summer. My GF was pretty cool about me being with them so much because she figured they were lesbians too.

Well they book and several more of their books got published, but the publisher insisted on a better illustrator, although my drawings laid the framework for the 1st . Cindy and Linda were lesbians and stayed together till I lost touch with them 20 years later. My GF finally gave in before we went off to separate colleges.

wizdumb 03-26-2012 12:29 AM

son friend
HI my son has a friend that hangs around with us all the time.She is pretty good looking, nice boobs and a great ass. She can drink like pirate too. Anyhow when she drinks her sexy side comes out. She hangs out with us at strip clubs and asks me to compare her boobs with the strippers. One time she was at our house and feeling sexy she pulls out her boobs and smiles at me while she fondles them. Sometimes when I am laying in bed she will lay down with me really hard to keep my hands off of her being she is my sons friend. Btw she is 26 and I am in my fifties. :)

JerseyRiv 04-13-2012 11:41 AM

Show off
I saw a former BBW co-worker that flirted with me at work at the end of last summer at a concert in the park.

She thought that I was going to be there that night. I could tell because she wore my favorite t-shirt — pink with a plunging neckline that showed the deep valley of her cleavage. She also had on a pair of baggy khaki shorts that hung down off her big hips, showing the top of her pink panties.

Knowing where I was sitting behind her, she quickly turned around and pulled down the neckline of her shirt, showing a lace-enclosed breast. That started her really deciding to play.

Every time the music would start she’d put her hands above her head, knowing that would lift her shirt to expose her belly. At the same time she’d shake her hips which only had the effect of causing her shorts to fall lower and lower in the back and sides. They got to the point where they fell below the sides of her bikini panties. I could see a three-inch gap of the outside of her thigh between the top of her shorts and the bottom hem of panties. She knew exactly what she was showing and she didn’t care.

She finally pulled her shorts back up, but that was only to make a slight adjustment, which was sliding her panties down so they didn’t cover her ass. Again the arms went up and her hips started swaying. But now as her shorts fell the top of her ass crack was exposed. She never let them fall as far down again. Towards the end of the show she sat back down on her blanket and when she did, most of her ass hung out the top. but every now and then she’d turn and look with a smile on her face to make sure I was watching every movement. As she started to leave she turned around and smiled, confirming that the show was intentional.

DanM 05-04-2012 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by sleazoid (Post 1072367)
I find it hard to believe that the patient wouldn't be given some loose-fitting shirt to wear. But it would be interesting to watch ;)

She said the technican told they didn't use a gown because the movement of the gown might knock a lead off the sensor and he would have to stop the test and wait for her heart rate to go back to resting and start the test over. She said she didn't mind being topless for the technican!

RBoddy 05-08-2012 04:33 AM

beach baby
Some amazing incidents in this thread. Mine is nowhere near as explicit as some of the above, but still worthy of telling. Back in high school I had this classmate with whom I had become close. We were part of the same study group and we kept good company due to our shared academic interests. There was nothing overtly sexual about our relationship, it was more like a sibling relationship in that we had grown up together and were genuinely concerned about the well-being and progress of each other.

Anyway, years passed and we lost touch due to me studying and living abroad, travelling etc. I would get some snippets of information about my friend's whereabouts but these eventually became less frequent as I immersed myself into work. Three weeks ago we bumped into each other at Zurich airport. The girl I knew had blossomed into an attractive woman with an exquisite fashion sense. She told me she had got married which made me really happy, but also quite sad inside (if such a reaction makes sense). Her husband looked like a nice guy and we had a good time at the airport bar talking about the past and what had happened to some of the people in it.
They looked good together and exhibited a genuine interest into what I was saying; when parting they asked for my contact details and a week later - knowing that I would be in the region for professional reasons - they invited me for a weekend to their summer house to enjoy some sun before it got too hot for their baby boy to enjoy the beach.

The place was lovely and fortunately so was the weather. We spent most of the day at the beach; my classmate loooked amazing in her bikini. She had given birth 1 1/2 year ago and motherhood had actually made her body even more attractive. Back then she had a boyish, wirey frame whereas now she had curves in all the right places. She looked amazing and so was her baby boy who displayed a fondness for his mommy's breasts. Who could blame the little guy? Her breasts - even in the bikini top- looked super sexy and she joked about it reminiscing how skinny she had been in high school. She asked me to take some photos of her with her boy and husband which I promptly did. Later the husband left on business and we were just the three of us. My friend and the baby boy dozed off under the umbrella we had set up while I read my newspaper. At some point the little guy woke up and went for her breast removing the bikini part that obstructed his access to the nipple. My friend did not respond to this
immediately, but I sensed some ambivalence in her attitude as if she had realised the presence of a stranger. Whatever hesitation or ambivalence she may have felt was only momentary because she turned around and said to me with a smirk on her face : ' The scenery on this beach is fantastic isn't it? Take it all in while you can!' Her exposed breast was superb, nice, surprisingly firm and with a very flat and dark nipple that invited sucking. Don't know how or what happened after that, but my classmate stood up, held the little guy in her left arm and in one bold move removed her top. Simple as that. She lay there topless in all her glory breastfeeding and making light conversation with me. The baby boy dozed off again but we stayed up talking about things. It was very difficult not to stare at her marvelous breasts and body; it was even more difficult not to get excited by the sight and I remember lying on my belly in order to hide the arousal I had been feeling and which I think she sensed too because after a point she went on to apply lotion on her breasts with her torso turned fully towards and in close proximity to me. She asked again to take some photos of them which I did. Right before putting the camera down she set the little guy on his special beach cover and said 'now take some of me'! We stayed at the beach until late afternoon, when we went home I excused myself to go take a shower but in reality to have a very powerful wank. She must have sensed that because when I got down for dinner she said (in the presence of her husband who had returned) 'you look very refreshed and relieved'! I said something inane along the lines of being appreciative of the lovely scenery, the stress of the job, them being good hosts etc

I left the following day and emailed to thank them once again for a lovely weekend and to wish them well; they replied with the photos I had taken of them at the beach. Later that night I received another email from my classmate, she said she had forgotten to attach SOME photos from our time at the beach, meaning the photos of herself topless without the little guy! Needless to say that was an evening well spent!

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