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DanM 11-14-2011 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by goalie351 (Post 1065055)
That is an awesome story. I would love to hear more like these. Maybe even a whole thread of similar stories. Did she watch dick? Did you get a little aroused by, maybe a soft hard on? Did she look at you and smile or give any indication that she enjoyed it? More details would be great.

Mari watched the whole time as the nurse was putting the stockings on me. A couple times she looked up at me and smiled then looked back at Willie and the boys. When the nurse got the first stocking on, the back of her hand was brushing against Willie and the boys. It did start to arouse me.

A couple months later my primary care physician gave me an EKG and told me I needed to see a cardiologist and would probably need a stress test. I asked Mari if she knew a good cardiologist. She gave me the name and number of a cardiologist she had gone to once. She said she went to him for a stress test. I told her that's what I needed and asked what was involved.

She said it was like an EKG with a couple additional sensors. She said you have the first test laying down and the next test on a tread mill. She said on the tread mill they start you off slow and then increase the speed. She said both tests took about 30 minutes. I asked if she was topless for the tests and she said yes. I asked if it was a female technician that gave the tests. She said no, she had a gook looking young male technician. She said her boobs started of jiggling when the tread mill speed was slow and were bouncing all around when the speed got cranked up. He also had to apply the sendors and remove them.

sleazoid 11-20-2011 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by DanM (Post 1068371)
...I asked if she was topless for the tests and she said yes. I asked if it was a female technician that gave the tests. She said no, she had a gook looking young male technician. She said her boobs started of jiggling when the tread mill speed was slow and were bouncing all around when the speed got cranked up. He also had to apply the sendors and remove them.

I find it hard to believe that the patient wouldn't be given some loose-fitting shirt to wear. But it would be interesting to watch ;)

stiv837 11-21-2011 09:54 PM

ex-wifes friend
My first wife had a friend who was a hair dresser, she couldn't make enough money cutting hair so she worked has an assistant manager in a local cafe. She used too go to peoples house's to cut their hair. One time she came too our house to cut my hair, while my wife was at work. After she was done I went to pay her, I think it was ten dollars , I handed her the money and she gave it back to me. She told me she wanted me to give her the money like I gave the money to the strippers I went see. I pulled out the waist of her pants, and slipped the bill into the top of her pants. She said no I want you to put it in deeper than that, so I took the money and put it in the crotch of her panties, letting the back of my hand rub against her pussy. As I was bringing my hand out , I turned my hand over and shoved my finger in her pussy. She let out a gasp,and I pulled my hand the rest of the way ouy of her pants, I then sniffed and licked my finger , telling her how good it tasted. She got very mad at me an told me I was a jerk. This was the last time she ever cut my hair when my wife wasn't home. I couldn't believe she told me to put the money in her panties, and then got mad because I slipped my finger in her. At least she never told my wife what happened, or her husband, who was a policeman.

KarlMalone 12-08-2011 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by pulsarad (Post 979974)
New here, I think this fits in this thread most appropriately. My GF and I lived with another friend in an apartment in grad school. The roommate had a BF but he was out of town and for some reason she adored me and was very friendly with me. It was all platonic, and then her and her BF started having problems (not my doing at all) - basically they had intimacy issues. Since she felt so comfortable talking to me and all, she asked me how me and my GF dealt with these things. Like the nature of such talks these didn't remain confined to that, and turned into full blown sex talk about what she liked and what I liked etc. She was a very physical person when it came to showing her affection, and I liked this largely cos it felt nice, it was warm. In the scope of things, i think it would be appropriate to describe her; she was tall thin and had smallish breasts with a generally athletic straighter body. She did have a cue tiny ass on her and long legs.

Over many months our talks became more and more intimate and less about her BF and her who by that time had almost decided to call it off, and unofficially things had pretty much ended. Our talks also brought to my knowledge her bisexual tendencies and how she liked my GF and would like to get it on with her. I was excited and we would talk for hours on end about how to make this happen when my GF was out. During most of these times I had a raging hard on, and I always went commando. Ever since things had started to become less platonic between us I had started wearing these loose cotton shorts around the house and before each of these talks adjust things (by placing a webcam where her eyes would be to check what she saw :D ) so that she would see my tool. I basically wanted to flash her. A lot of times, I think she may have seen it but she never admitted to it, although that is an impossibility unless she was completely blind.

We had become quite close, and in course of conversations she would mention that she didn't like her boobs and wished they were bigger. I always told her that I think they looked nice (based on the cleavage and DBs i had seen, I didn't even lie) She always attribute it to wearing push up bras. I asked her to not wear a bra once so i could appreciate it, but she remained shy about it. She did dress with lower wider necks around the house so I could get a very limited, but definite view. I always made it a point to tell her that I looked and she told me that it embarrassed her, but on the other hand it felt good. I started trying to convince her, that she probably worries too much and that I found her hot. She kept saying that I don't know cos I have never seen them blah blah blah. So I told her that may be she should show me. She was raised in a culture where women do not show cleavages or partial boobs or thighs etc., (no she wasn't a Muslim or whatever) so this was scandalous to her.

I remembered her mentioning in one of her relationship talks that she didn't like her BFs penis, because it wasn't big enough and he didn't shave his nuts or pubes. So i asked her how big it was and she showed me using fingers. So I told her that that isn't too bad, he looks bigger than me (he didn't) but I said it anyways. From this point I played the "insecure about his penis" to her "insecure about her boobs". I sent her pictures of models with small boobies and asked her to compare them to hers and most times she was appalled and felt kind of bad for them and commented that hers were bigger. I told her that most of these models were already a good size (good aesthetically and play wise, not huge, most were A cups).

I continued to suggest that she should let me see to let me decide for myself and she continued to remain bashful. We often talked late into the night when my GF was sleeping (she knew of course). We would talk about this at length in the depths of the night. She always had this smile on her face which indicated that she found this quasi flirting/seduction enjoyable. She would complain about her boobs, I would complain about my dick. I would reassure her and she would say I don't know coz I haven't seen them, and she would reassure me and I would say the same thing.

So one night as these same talks were transpiring, we reached an ultimatum. It was either her boobs being inspected by me which made her bashful or my penis being inspected by her which also made her bashful. Months of flirting, banter and talk led to a pretty pleasant and unexpected surprise - she chose penis inspection. This pretty much led to o an instant hard on. So we were sitting with our legs stretched out at opposite ends of the same couch, so we were kind of intertwined. I asked her how she wanted me to do it, and she chose to close her eyes. She was super embarrassed and red by this time and almost giggling like a school girl at the nature of the event about to transpire. I just had my shorts on, and i put my thumbs in the waistband and announced that I am doing it, and she was about to say something and opened her eyes a little and asked me to wait, but by this time my raging hard on in all its glory was out pointing skywards due to the super hard erection that I had because of her. She looked away almost amused and this is when the good part started :)

I was a little perturbed because this was first time for me flashing my aroused genitals to a girl who I wasn't sleeping with. But soon the thrill and excitement emboldened me and I began to enjoy this which basically fueled my hard on. The best part of all this was that even though she was looking the other way, her eyes kept turning back. I had by this time adjusted my shorts well below my balls so she could see well. Since I wasn't wearing a shirt, i was pretty much naked there. Her first reaction was that she thought I was huge and massive and that I was stupid to think that I was as big as her BF (In modesty, I am just about average may be a little over, I am very similar to the BD guy in squirrel's post, and it was probably her BF who was smaller) This was only the second adult penis she had ever seen in her life. Her embarrassment was obvious and entertaining- her body and brain were betraying her and she basically could not keep her eyes off and yet her sensibilities told her that she should not be staring at her friend or her friend's BF's erect penis.

Eventually she caved in, and did get a full frontal look, and the look on her face still gives me a hard on when i think about it. Now bear in mind this is a girl who didn't consider herself sexual and here she was smacking her lips gently and licking her lips and close to salivating. Her eyes never left my penis (which flattered me) and she was like a teenage boy with raging hormones talking to a buxom lady unable to take his eyes of the boobs. All the while she kept commenting on how "beautiful" it looked and how clean and "delicious" it looked. I told her she could touch it if she wanted to, and I suspect in that state she didn't trust herself to maintain control so she declined. I asked her to point out on mine how big her BFs was and gingerly brought a finger to a little over half way mark making sure not to touch it. I am uncut, and I pulled back the foreskin for her now, leaving the head shining. And this seemed to fascinate her even more.

By now she had moved closer and was about like a foot from the apparatus i had on display. I was stroking it gently, and she was acting like she was pretty much mesmerized. Her hands and fingers were never in contact but didn't go too far either. I have very prominent veins on the underside, and those did it for her. She eventually started tracing them all along my shaft. It was here that I erred, and suggested that may be she should go ahead and just grab it, which kind of jolted her out of the trance like tracing and she jerked her hand away. Finally she suggested that I tuck it back in, before somebody (my GF, or another friend of us who was staying with us that night) wakes up. I do have to thank her BF who was small and didn't shave his pubes or balls for creating the effect it did for her and making me look so much better.
This was actually the first of the few incidents which happened before we moved to different apartments, but this is going to be with me forever.

WOW! Amazing story man. Too bad it didn't go further, but that is pretty awesome! Can't lie, having a girl mesmerized by my package is like a dream of mine!

KarlMalone 12-08-2011 02:48 PM

Couple stories I forgot.

First one involves that same exhibitionist female friend I mentioned earlier. One night we all decided to go to this notorious strip club in town just for laughs. Its a dirtbag hole in the wall place, but its well liked because the girls are kinda hands on (still legal, but more than you can do at most places) and they're all college co-eds at the nearby university (its also dirt cheap to drink there).

Anyway, it was like three of us guys (one of which was gay ironically!), my female friend "Tara", her other girl friend, and a couple friend of ours. The couple friend involved a girl we went to grad school "Amanda" with who was a bit conservative, but had an AMAZING body. Like guys would just drool in class over her rack. Amanda was a bit of a "butterface" IMO, but I could not deny her amazing breasts. She had brought her boyfriend who I got to know and he seemed like a pleasant fellow.

So towards the end of the night we decide to get a lap dance for our gay buddy just for fun (it was hilarious to see his reactions), and Tara wants one too, so we get one for her too. Amanda's boyfriend then thinks it would be funny if they got a couple lap dance.

So like I said the strippers there are pretty hands on. This means when they get a female client - they strip them. The one dancing for Tara begins to strip Tara's shirt off, and Tara is an exhibitionist like I said, so she doesn't mind. Amanda's dancer strips Amanda's shirt too - her being conservative she didn't want to go along with it but I think her boyfriend egged her on and she saw Tara do it, so it was okay. And man, those breasts were amazing. Still cupped in a beautiful Victoria Secret bra, they were splendid to look at. I think the boyfriend enjoyed the attention.

Then Tara's dancer pulls Tara's bra off. And Tara is just laughing as all us guys are staring at her breasts. Like I said, she was an exhibitionist and the "fun girl" and I think she enjoyed the attention. So Amanda's dancer tries to pull Amanda's bra off, and Amanda is resisting as much as she can. The dancer is like TUGGING on it - I thought it would rip off at one point. I think at this point the boyfriend didn't want his girl to be embarrassed, so eventually he puts an end to it. Boo.

Tara just kinda hangs out topless the rest of the night - very cool casual nudity from her. It wasn't the first time I had seen her naked (see earlier story) but it was nice.

Story #2

Tara and I were close friends and hooked up once in awhile, but she wasn't really one to be in a relationship so we were never a couple or anything. But I guess she had talked me up to her best friend, because when her friend "Kate" visited her from out of town, this girl was totally in love with me, even though she had only met me once before and had totally blown me off before. Odd.

We all went out drinking and Kate was just flirting with me HARD all night. Sitting in my lap, kissing my cheek, picking me on her team for billiards. We end up in the back of the bar talking all night long. We just really hit it off.

PROBLEM: Kate had a boyfriend back home. I had a girlfriend who lived 30 minutes away. BAD TIMING!

Towards the end of the night I'm walking Kate back to Tara's house where she's staying (Tara and my buddy are lagging behind). I mention casually about the time Tara and I went streaking. Kate is like thrilled I brought it up and says she wants to do it too. Before I can even say anything, she hands me her purse, slips off her panties and stuffs them in her purse, then whips off her dress and runs down the street to Tara's house. I don't know why I didn't streak with her, but I just ran clothed to catch up with her.

The four of us get back to Tara's house where Kate changes into pajamas and she mentions she is sunburned. She whips off her top and asks me to put lotion on her back. My buddy at this point was incredulous at how hard she was coming on to me. In retrospect, I wonder if that was like my one shot at a threesome (shoulda asked my buddy to leave!). In any case, Kate and I ended up sleeping on the couch together, doing our best not to touch each other. I swear had she even as much as touched my cheek I woulda jumped her bones. To this day I don't know why I didn't - I don't know that I've wanted a girl more.

But anyway, nice surprising nudity!

KarlMalone 12-08-2011 02:53 PM

My buddy also recently told me a fun story about his trip to the Carribbean. He went with his wife and two other couples they knew - they were all celebrating ten year anniversaries. He knows one of the couples really well, but he doesn't know the other one - I guess it was a co-worker of his wife and her husband.

They joked about a nearby nude beach, and my buddy said he got to ogle a few of the girls he could see from far away. Finally on the last day they're all pretty drunk and he can hear the girls saying "I'll do it if you do it!" Soon they're all over at the nude beach completely topless. He had only known this co-worker of hers for a few days and I guess she's this conservative doctor, but there she was topless!

The girls like it so much, they all walk back to the resort completely topless and hang out in the jacuzzi topless! One of them even mentions that she should be topless all the time! Really quite amazing.

Dookieman 01-05-2012 01:11 AM

...just now noticing this awesome thread... it reminds me of a few situations:

-"L."--my old college roommate had such an impressive track record with the ladies (*unlike me, sadly)...he was getting hot ass on a regular basis since freshman year. The great thing for me as a voyeur was that most of them eventually get so comfortable and "at home" in the dorm room that they stop caring about covering up all the time when I was there.... so it was great for my eyes that he was such a player. Anyway, this girl "L." was the first one, and it was a NICE one. This was a light-skinned black girl...actually, I never thought of the resemblance until just now in trying to paint the picture in written form--- she looked slightly similar to Lisa Bonet with short brown hair. L had a much better body though... a great ass, shapely legs and wonderfully full, natural tits (about a D-cup, or a very full C, I'd say...some sag but not so much they look like the tits on an old woman)...not so big that they were out of balance with the rest of her form though... everything was in good proportion.

1. One moment I could never forget is the big ENF one... this was early on in the year and in their was very late, and I was in the bed and halfway sleep; the lights were mostly off so it was fairly dark. They came in ready to get it on... (*dorm rooms at my old alma mater are literally ONE it was a scenario with my bed on one side, and his bed over on the other side of this one room.) She pulled down her pants, and her pantied-ass was there on full display, practically right in my face as she bent over. It seemed like she actually did this so fast she simply forgot I was even there...she realized the situation right away and was like "WHOA-OOPS, I'M SORRY!!!" and they both laughed. "ENF" is such a serious turn-on for me, so this reaction from her was absolutely perfect, and I was laying there fully aroused in no time. I still get worked up just remembering it.

2. I also remember waking up one Sunday morning, and it was obviously after another wild "special" night for them... I woke up to see her laying face down with the covers over her....but pulled up on the side... this allowed me to see that she ONLY had panties on! I could see the entire left side of her body as they both lay there sleep...she had blue panties on. I could never forget this visual because it was so unbelievably hot to me. I was even tempted to get the videocamera out and pull the covers back a bit, but I didn't want to risk it... this was still early in the year, and I was not yet aware that this guy could probably sleep through a nuclear bomb without waking up. (*he's a buff former high school football guy, and could easily have beaten me to a pulp if he wanted.)

3. The Transition from ENF to "eh, whatever"----> fast forward a bit in their relationship, and everyone had grown closer as friends... she started to feel very much "at home" in our room, and was there so much she was basically a 3rd roommate. This is where she began to just casually hang out in the room half naked, like in t-shirt/panties, which would always get me so worked up. One I'll never forget is waking up on yet another Sunday morning.... and there was L. sitting in his bed, on the phone. She just had his ripped up "work-out shirt" on... basically a cheap t-shirt he ripped the sleeves off of. Thanks to the huge arm-holes on this makeshift muscle shirt... I could CLEARLY see her breasts from the side, which was the natural positioning of my view immediately upon waking up that morning. The lights were on and it was morning so I had such a perfect view, and she didn't seem to mind at all. It was tough to NOT stare too long, as I was still cautious because he was awake too. It was amazing... they're still some of the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen in person... I'll never forget how they jiggled with each slight movement she made, like laughing, or moving around to pick something up, just casually sitting there on the phone....I was mesmerized...and rock-hard the entire time, it would've been embarrassing for me to stand up in front of them at all that still gets to me now.

andycardiff 01-05-2012 05:26 AM

Who'd have guessed?
When I was at school, there was also a girl called Claire who I didn't know then but became good friends with. Anyway, at school we were required to do swimming in the nude, but single sex. To get to the pool we had t run part way down a corridor, usually closed off. The girls would usually try & get a peek. A few years later, in another school, my PE changing peg was partly visible to the corridor & was caught naked by the girls a few times.

I ended up working with Claire a few years later & we became very close. We'd often dress & undress in front of each other & when I asked her why she didn't mind she said she'd seen me loads before at school naked so she really didn't mind

Dookieman 01-19-2012 08:14 PM

Quick ones:

1. N's Nip-slip---this was the college years again.... it's my roommate's last girlfriend, who would later become his wife. Unfortunately, she was never as care-free and careless as Ms. "L" from the previous stories. Views of her "goods" was an extremely rare occasion, sadly. The description--> She had such a great body...really thick ass(*a Beyonce caliber ass!), decent legs, and a great set of tits. The interesting thing to me is that she was previously very an A or small B cup. Towards the end she was pregnant, and this quickly gave her some amazing tits.... I had never seen a transformation quite like that before, at least not one that was fully natural! Thanks to the pregnancy, she was sporting at least a full C or maybe even D-cup pair, and this was before she had a huge prego-belly. Anyway, I guess she was somewhat comfortable enough to at least sit around in our room with some loose shorts and a bra....which is exactly the day this brief exposure takes place. The shorts were nothing special... they were long enough to come to the knee, so there's no exposure there. The real deal was the view of those melons. It was unbelievable... she had a blue bra on, but this was probably from a bit before the fast-track pregnancy-induced they were barely containing those things. I was on my side of the room as usual, watching tv and talking to her and the friend.... her friend was another cute one, though she was fully clothed.

Anyway, she leaned forward to get something on the night-stand while talking to that friend... her areola on the right breast was already peeking out for quite awhile by this point. This motion of leaning forward had them swaying forward...damn I was rock solid at this point, then the nipple of the right breast was finally out on full display. Her friend brought it to her attention, muttering something kinda hushed...perhaps so as not to bring it more obviously to my attention, I guess...I still heard her acknowledging it. She looked down and saw she was hanging out and they both laughed while she tucked it back in. They didn't say anything directly to me about this, but they must've known I saw that. Part of their amusement though was that she just wasn't used to this.... the situation of having big breasts was still a new thing to her.

The great thing is that they never went away, either... she was always small-chested, but that first kid PERMANENTLY increased them to a magnificent size.... they're still my closest friends even now, and yeah, she STILL has those big tits (they still look incredible). The 3 of us have even joked about how she should one day thank her daughter for giving her the new big tits.

2. Years later, at their house...THOSE SHORTS: There was a time I went over there, and she had just grey biking shorts with a white tank-top on, which was also tight. The top stopped at the waist, so this provided such a hot visual to me the whole time I was there... those shorts were so tight it looked like someone simply painted her to give the *illusion* that she had shorts on....the entire shape of that beautiful ass was on display all the time, along with the front side. The shorts only came to the mid-thigh point, maybe slightly above that...I could see every line and curve... every slight movement of the cheeks as she walked around...this visual was killing me. It got to the point where I was seriously considering finishing myself off in their bathroom. It's possibly he may have said something to her about that, because she never again wore something that skimpy when I was at their place.

Dookieman 02-17-2012 06:58 AM

That friend's mom--
I have probably an unusual situation with this... basically, a certain childhood friend's mother happens to work at the same place I do, so she's known me ever since I was a very small child. Anyway, a year or so ago, she showed up to work in a VERY translucent-material dress. It was also very tight, long while she was totally covered, you could see right through it all. Now, due to the way she is in terms of personality....I seriously doubt this was on purpose. I don't think she realized just how see-thru this dress is. It was during the summer, so it was quite hot outside. I happened to be going up the stairs that morning right behind her, so there was the usual small talk as we entered the building.... I looked up and couldn't believe what I was seeing.... heh, my reaction that she couldn't see was basically: :eek: I was just looking up to check out her beautiful, shapely ass (heh, I always do... she has a Beyonce-caliber butt, actually)... I didn't expect to see a view that was THAT incredible.

The sunlight shone thru strong down the stairs, so from that angle, I could see the entire shape of both legs and her amazing ass, along with the slight jiggle of thighs and buttocks with each step she took. It was so clear due to the bright sunlight coming thru from the other side, she may as well have been wearing saran wrap for clothes. I always thought she was a gorgeous woman, actually... and she has only gotten even better-looking with age now. (she's probably mid to late 50s at this point, but the average person probably couldn't guess that... in her younger days she was kinda skinny... a bit too thin for my taste, but in the past several years she now has a body that has all the right curves! Great ass and legs, nice full natural tits, but with a relatively smaller waistline!) She's very much the "wholesome" "family values", "always go to church on Sundays" type, so I'm 99% sure she was unaware you could see that much in certain lighting conditions. I had another good view when she came over to my desk later that day, since I happen to sit by a that was another situation with her illuminated by strong sunlight from the other side, resulting in this incredible clear view of her entire lower body. A see-thru dress.... this visual kills me every time... it's on par with a good upskirt shot, imo... I was so worked up I was on the verge of exploding a load right then and there. This woman I've thought was beautiful for years... I never imagined I'd see her "like that". That view was all I could think about for the rest of the day.

Sadly, I think either someone told her or she realized how revealing that was....because it took a long time for her to wear that again, and when she did she had a slip on under it.

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