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nofxxx 01-05-2018 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by jho (Post 2559376)
My wife has worked twice as a nude bartender/hostess at parties for about 150 to 200 guys. She also had a nude housecleaning service for a few years. She has posed for about 15 different photographers, and there are a few of my friends who she likes to be naked around. Add in beaches and resorts, the number gets really high.

Wow. Would love to hear more about that party.. what kind of party was that? Did you go?

jho 01-05-2018 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by nofxxx (Post 2559404)
Wow. Would love to hear more about that party.. what kind of party was that? Did you go?

No, I didn't go to the party, I wasn't invited. It was an annual party at a local shrine, she worked it 2 years in a row, she had a great time and made a lot of money in tips. She and another girl worked as bartender and server. They also had a couple of strippers there who were really working the guys hard to pay for lap dances. The strippers got a little bitter that the bartenders were making more in tips than they were.

Gnome72141 01-06-2018 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by mustardseed (Post 2559256)
Jesus that sounds awesome. We don't have kids, so I wouldnt know for sure, but I don't think our pools family change rooms would allow you to be nude in front of others

Our pool has a family locker room--it's a bunch of tiny stalls, but there is an open area with benches. There are several signs that you are not supposed to change in the open area; the signs say that you MUST use a private stall to change, but when it's really busy, people change in the open area all the time, while others choose to wait in long lines for the individual stalls. (No one under 17 can use the men's or women's locker rooms because the whiny old people's memberships pay the bills, so everyone under 17 has to use the family locker rooms with their parents.)

Anyway, yes, brave people will change in the open. They try to hide under towels when they change, but some don't try too hard. I have seen men, women, boys, and girls of all ages and stages of life naked from time to time. It doesn't happen as often as it seems, though, as most people are good changing under their towels, but it happens. My mother in law is the worst offender -- she will stand there buck naked going through her stuff while dozens of people can see her.

Even my super prudish sister in law changed in the open once, boobs and huge bush completely on display for a few seconds. I wasn't there, sadly, but my wife told me all the details. I believe it happened, though, as my sister in law will shock us from time to time.

My own wife waits for the stalls with the kids.

grahamorpur 01-07-2018 09:36 AM

It's so nice to read that, She sounds wonderful. I don't suppose any of those pics She did are available to post?

nudony 01-08-2018 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by DiegoJames (Post 2559312)
If I calculate 14 days holiday x 30 years @ 500 men per time (and sometimes there will have been longer holidays, or more than 1 holiday per year) ...that's over a quarter of a million men will have, in theory, seen my wife fully naked.

As a nudist compandre, I can relate. Although my nudist years do not compare to your thirty, a very social nudist lifestyle has lead to thousands (it's hard to calculate the exact number) of people who have seen my significant other completely naked. My fiancée in St Martin; my ex in a variety of social nudist settings (resorts, clubs, get-togethers). At busy, crowded events, hundreds of people over the years have seen my ex naked "up close and personal."
The "added bonus" with my ex was she got comfortable with people looking at her while completely naked (a fact not shared by my fiancée.) When she hung out by the pool tanning with her legs open; she didn't really care about people taking a gander. Quite a few people have seen her shaven juicy in great/close detail. It was quite a bit of fun seeing people take a "double-take" as they walked by our sat next to us by the pool.

arthurfellill 01-08-2018 09:27 AM

I know you've probably answered this before, but do you think we'll ever get to see a picture of your ex nude, even if her face is blurred out?

stevezr1 01-08-2018 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by DiegoJames (Post 2559312)
My wife and I have been naturists for 30 years, so she has been seen naked by a lot of men in that time.

One thing naturists like to do is 'promenade', that is, walk the entire length of the naturist beach they're at and back again. Gentle exercise that is easily done, regardless of age, with the sea feet away for a quick dip if it gets too hot. In mid-afternoon there could be 1000-2000 and more people on the beach, mostly couples or families, so a walk in the afternoon will theoretically see your wife observed by 500-1000 men. Every day.

If I calculate 14 days holiday x 30 years @ 500 men per time (and sometimes there will have been longer holidays, or more than 1 holiday per year) ...that's over a quarter of a million men will have, in theory, seen my wife fully naked.

Wow, that is quite a lot of "viewers"!!!! The sense of freedom is overwhelming I am sure. Your wife must be very self confident, and she must be commended for that. We've probably all seen her in beach pics many times, not knowing she is someone special!
Many years ago the wife and I did the few mile hike "promenade"? up and down Orient Beach in St. Martin completely nude quite a few times. But then it was far less populated than today, and totally acceptable. Still, knowing that you are nude and 3 miles from any cover up is a special kind of feeling. Vulnerable, yet somehow empowering.
Another special moment I wrote about here more than once, was our very first time nude in public. It was our first trip to a Jamaican resort with a supposedly nude beach. Until then, the only time we were ever nude outdoors was in the dunes of our local beach.
As it turned out, the resort's nude beach was just a tiny lawn at the end of the beach, separated from main beach by a hedgerow. For our first few days there, no one used it, and we didn't have the nerve to go there. We finally made up our minds, went there and got naked. After a few cocktails, my wife announced that we needed to have a swim. So off we went, walking nude hand-in-hand into the ocean now in plain view of a beach full of clothed resort guests! That was a special kind of rush, countless eyes on my beautiful naked wife.

thefergieferg1 01-09-2018 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by DiegoJames (Post 2559312)
My wife and I have been naturists for 30 years, so she has been seen naked by a lot of men in that time.

One thing naturists like to do is 'promenade', that is, walk the entire length of the naturist beach they're at and back again. Gentle exercise that is easily done, regardless of age, with the sea feet away for a quick dip if it gets too hot. In mid-afternoon there could be 1000-2000 and more people on the beach, mostly couples or families, so a walk in the afternoon will theoretically see your wife observed by 500-1000 men. Every day.

If I calculate 14 days holiday x 30 years @ 500 men per time (and sometimes there will have been longer holidays, or more than 1 holiday per year) ...that's over a quarter of a million men will have, in theory, seen my wife fully naked.

Yes the promenade is always interesting and we are regulars in the summer.
What is interesting is the mix of characters as you go along.
Leaving the main naturist area where there are crowds of families it thins out to couples or singles looking for a bit of seclusion.
There are the lone men atop the dunes or at the back of the beach, sitting up and sometimes with a bag beside them, (concealed camera maybe). We have experienced guys openly wanking as we walked passed and my wife was amused rather than offended, but joked that maybe it was me he was looking at!
The naked fishermen casting off the beach sometimes accompanied by a bored clothed wife.
Among the other walkers are sometimes clothed and have wandered along just to see naked women.
Sometimes they bring there wife along for cover, but you can watch as there take lingering looks.
Occasionally someone will strike up a conversation just to linger a bit nearer and once in the dunes a guy (very politely) asked if we wanted sex.
We do but only with each other if we can find a quiet spot.
Yes the naturist beach is a world of it's own.

hoosierdaddy4 01-11-2018 02:53 PM

My wife at a strip club
I’ve told this situation before, but I think it fits here as well. If you follow my stories you know my wife has been exposed to several of our friends, and on occasion a goodly number of strangers.

Probably my most favorite memories are when she agreed to dance at a strip club on amateur night.

She was traveling with me to a city in the south east part of the country, enjoying her time by the hotel pool and shopping while I was seeing clients during the day. For the most part I had evenings free and being rather far from home, she was more agreeable to push her limits.

We had talked about her stripping in front of a crowd several times during our “pillow talk” and it always turned her on when I described how much I would love to see her start off fully clothed and then strip completely in front of a club full of men watching her every move. She especially loved hearing how she would be showing herself to all those strangers.

We had passed a nice looking club that had a sign advertising amateur night several times while going out to eat and party that particular week. I had mentioned to her that this would be a great opportunity to live out one of our shared fantasies. At first she took it as a joke but after bringing it up during foreplay, she warmed up to the idea and finally agreed to try to actually do it. That is if I really wanted her to dance naked for a crowd. I reassured her that I really did want to see her do it and that I believed she would end up enjoying it as much as I would.

The fateful night finally came and we went to the club a little early so we could check out if we really wanted to do this. The place was rather large; I would guess seating 120-150 people. It was clean and well lit, not a urine reeking dive that some joints turn out to be. There were 3 stages, one large circular stage in the middle and 1 smaller on each side. When we arrived there were young ladies alternating dances on either of the two side stages. The contest wasn’t to start for about an hour and a half and I would guess that the club was about one third full so we got seats on the side of the large stage. My wife was having second thoughts and hadn’t totally committed to following through with doing this. Women got drinks half price so I kept her glass full for courage.

There were two men sitting to her left and one to my right who we started talking to, actually making comments to how nice the dancers looked and that how they seemed to be enjoying stripping for the crowd. The one to my wife’s left commented that she should enter the contest and that she would be a sure winner. She joked that maybe she might just do that, after I kept up the encouragement, the other men seeing that I wasn’t getting angry about their suggestions joined in adding their agreement that she would be great. Finally deciding that she would actually do it, I asked the guys to hold a place for me and we went to the bartender to sign her up for the contest.

(I didn’t mean for this to be so long, I can quit now or fill in some details if anyone is interested)

krushboy07 01-11-2018 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy4 (Post 2562730)

(I didn’t mean for this to be so long, I can quit now or fill in some details if anyone is interested)

Please continue :)

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