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Clemfan1982 Clemfan1982 is offline

Senior Member

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
  1. paul744
    10-16-2021 07:19 AM
    Fantastic topless beach shots! Great work, I admire the courage to take this kind of quality shots! I've got topless beach pictures and vids from Greece if you want to share. We can share with mega if you are interested bye
  2. cjnj
    09-07-2021 04:48 PM
    Beach pics are Awesome! thanks for the 'hard' work... cj
  3. hornysm
    08-20-2021 05:20 AM
    Hey! Thanks for Ur answer. First at a german Nudist lake and in September at a Beach in spain With Sand.
  4. hornysm
    08-12-2021 02:52 AM
    Hey Clemfan,

    Thank u for Ur Great work i also try Voyeur Stuff but at the Moment just With my phone. Now i wanna buy an DSLR and a Good Objekt. Do u habe Good Tipps or Links to a Site? Which camera is Good and how to hide it?
    I Hope i can also Post Soon some Good shots, Thank u
  5. framis
    07-19-2021 02:33 PM
    send me a PM if you please
  6. toastedbread
    06-10-2021 01:48 AM
    I sent you my email through mp, not sure if you got it?
  7. toastedbread
    06-06-2021 01:59 AM
    To thank you for sharing such nice pics, I d like to send you via email some of the new topless pictures i took. What is your email?
  8. toastedbread
    05-27-2021 02:30 AM
    Hi clemfan, i really love your work! I am recently taking some new pictures as well which i d like to send you via email, or maybe a let me know if you are interested! Also i d love to see again some of your great pics ��
  9. pelagos
    11-30-2020 07:14 AM
    Amazing work, thanks
  10. robbu
    11-28-2020 05:58 PM
    Excellent Photos! Thanks!


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  • Last Activity: Today 10:05 PM
  • Join Date: 08-09-2004
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