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tomb125 tomb125 is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Chasmo
    09-26-2022 04:52 PM
    Hey there! I logged on to DA one day last month to learn that I had been indefinitely suspended for violating the sites terms of service (i.e., no fakes permitted, no pictures of women wearing skirts with legs crossed, etc.). My guess is that they periodically have live folks check accounts for violations and I clearly lost the lottery. Insofar as I really do this more as a hobby than anything else I simply accepted the determination and didn't protest (they were also spot on although - like I said - if all accounts were forced to comply I'm sure 80% would disappear). In any event, the only sore spot was losing 100s of hours of story work because I didn't save any of the short stories that accompanied photos. Hope all is well with you and that you get a chance to finish your Will Parnell short - it's great so far!
  2. crapycrapycrap2
    12-08-2021 08:40 AM
    I really loved "Irritating Incident at the Ivy Industrial Institute". I was wandering if you are planning on writing more stories?
    And whether you have uploaded other stories maybe on other sites ?


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 08:19 AM
  • Join Date: 10-20-2005
  • Referrals: 0


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