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pagefault pagefault is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
  1. pagefault
    09-04-2024 07:47 PM
    Thanks! It is. All of the pics I post, other than the product review pics, are her/us.
  2. ED Eddie
    09-04-2024 03:57 PM
    ED Eddie
    Is the pic in your profile, your significant other? Very nice rack for sure!!!
  3. pagefault
    09-03-2024 01:21 PM
    Yes, her ass is still tight. :-)
  4. pagefault
    09-03-2024 01:19 PM

    She’ll be particularly excited to know she passed that test. :-)
  5. karlhein
    09-03-2024 01:07 PM
    Look at the Mrs Robinson thread, your lady friend is front and center. And, my own personal rule is that I never include a picture that hasn't passed the "make me touch my cock" test. Thank you. BTW, for someone who apparently does a lot of anal, her back door looks remarkably tight.
  6. pagefault
    09-03-2024 11:51 AM
    I can definitely appreciate setting your gf up for downblouse flashing.
  7. pagefault
    09-03-2024 11:36 AM
    Yeah, 3 partners and I was her first anal and ATM.

    We knew each other for 16 years before we got together, and she knew what I was like before we started dating. Still, I was surprised how eager she was (and is after 5 years together).
  8. karlhein
    09-03-2024 11:13 AM
    Only 3 partners? Did you get her anal and ATM vherry?
  9. karlhein
    09-03-2024 11:12 AM
    Thought that setting up downblouse might make her less self conscious. My gf would go braless or wear shelf bra to make titties more appealing, lots of guys looked at her tits, made her dripping wet
    She was mid 40's mom of 3, good fuck but not normally exhibitionist, got to like it a lot.
  10. pagefault
    09-03-2024 10:19 AM
    Same. There are actually two or three pics in the zip of her wearing the shorts i always had her wear before she gained more weight and got self-conscious about her appearance.

    She had multiple pair like that and I always had her ass hanging out when we went out in public.


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  • Join Date: 12-03-2006
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