Hi. Just wanted to say thanks for posting my wife Lorna in your Gunners Brit thread (p 159). I'm also Mark1953 on imagefap by the way. It's always a thrill to see her pics posted by someone else and great that you also included her bride pics. She may not be in quite the same league as many of the other beauties on there but it's nice to know someone else thinks she's worth showing.
Feel free to post her as you wish but would be great if you could let me know so I can find her.
Thanks for the Reply. I was in the 32AADCOM ( 32 Army Air Defense Command ) in Germany, and worked with the 4th ATAF( Allied Tactical Air Force) , and AAFCE ( Allied Air Forces Central Europe) for both HAWK and Patriot as I said. I did go to the British Isle twice as a NATO evaluator to GLCM ( Ground Launched Cruise Missiles ) sites in the 80’s, and did get a tour of a Rapier Unit as well. I retired from active service in ’86, but continued working in AD as a civil instructor and NATO evaluator, till 2000.
As we say in the US Air Defense circles. . . “First to Fire “ ! !