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Old 05-07-2014, 09:56 AM
barackosama barackosama is offline
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Default Side Effects

Julie stood in front of the incinerator with orders to destroy the product of three hard years of research -- their entire stock of Panadoxolin. It would be unthinkable to even consider doing anything other than follow instructions, so she opened the chute and tipped in every single packet of pills. Well, every one if you don't count the small box of thirty that had somehow made its way to the pocket of her labcoat.

So what was it about Panadoxolin that could make Julie act so unprofessionally? What was it that could make her risk her whole career for one small box of pills? What was the fascination? To understand that you need to know about Panadoxolin and you need to know about Julie.

The story started when she graduated from university with a first class honours degree in chemistry and had immediately been head-hunted by Acme Pharmaceuticals. Behind her quiet reserve she was bright, studious and conscientious; just the sort they were looking for. As one of their fast track entrants, she had been assigned to their prime project, the development of their new hay fever drug, Panadoxolin. It had looked to be a real break through, fast relief from the symptoms without any adverse side effects. Or so they had thought. It turned out that there was a side effect and, when they had found it, had been a doozie, enough to bring the project to a halt.

And it was only by chance that they had found it. They had got to the very last stages of clinical trials when, by pure coincidence, one of the subjects had eaten poppy seed rolls at the same time as taking Panadoxolin and, even then, the psychological effects might well have gone unnoticed until his wife had jokingly suggested that, with his hay fever cured, he should mow the lawn rather than watch football on the telly. To her amazement he had got up out of his armchair and made his way to the garden shed. Fortunately the effects were short lived but, for a period of an hour or so, he had become completely suggestible, rather along the lines of someone who had been hypnotised. He had commented that he had been horrified at missing the match but, until his wife had told him to stop mowing the lawn, that was what he did.

As soon as this had been reported back all trials of the drug were immediately stopped and they rapidly established a carefully controlled experiment which confirmed this bizarre result. As with hypnotism the subject couldn't be forced to do things completely alien to their nature, murder for example, but, for the most part, a simple suggestion was taken as an unbreakable command. It was strongly suspected that the small amounts of opium in the poppy seeds were the culprit but that was more than enough. For the time being it was back to the drawing board. All trials of Panadoxolin were cancelled and the order went out to destroy all stocks.

And that was the point where Julie's curiosity overcame her professionalism. This was the point where one small box of pills found its way into her pocket. As long as Julie could remember, all her fantasies had been about being controlled. As a teenager she had tried dabbling in hypnotism but without any real success. Now, simply by taking Panadoxolin and eating poppy seed rolls she could produce the same effect. Much as she understood the dangers, much as she understood the professional ethics, much as she understood the risk to her career, now that she knew what Panadoxolin could do it was more than she could bear to destroy all the trial samples. She simply had to find out what it was like.

The only left one question: who did Julie trust enough to help her with these experiments? If she was going to be someone's thrall then that someone had to be pretty special. Julie didn't need to think twice, there was only one possible candidate, her best friend and flatmate, Jayne.

Julie and Jayne had been thrown together at university when, through the vagaries of the housing system, they had ended up sharing a room. At first glance the two women could not have been more different. Julie was quiet, studious and science orientated; Jayne was an extrovert, fun loving party girl. But, despite, or maybe because of, their differences, they had become close friends. Now, six years later, and with them both in their mid twenties, they were still living together, renting a house in Finchley, a suburb of North London. It wasn't as if they were inseparable; they both had their differing private lives but they found it easier, and nicer, if they shared quite a bit of their time together and, in particular, they tended to eat together.

It was Julie's turn to cook so she made a fish pie which she knew would be appreciated by Jayne. Then, over the meal Julie told Jayne all about the drug trial and how it had all gone wrong.

"So let me get this straight, if you take Panadoxolin along with poppy seeds then you'll do anything anyone asks of you, that's wild!" Jayne exclaimed.

"Well, I'm not sure it's quite as simple as that but, that's the point. The reports on the testing were suppressed and all we minions got were the headlines. I can't leave it at that. I need to find out, I need to know." Julie said

"What do you need to know?" Jayne asked.

"How it works. What it's like. How it feels to be under someone else's influence. How it feels to surrender your will to another," Julie was getting quite agitated. "I've always wanted to... I've always wanted...." But Julie was reluctant, even now, to express her exact desires.

"What have you always wanted? OK, you don't need to answer that," Jayne said with a laugh. "Anyway, isn't it all pretty academic? You say that production has been halted and all supplies destroyed so how could you get hold of any? Hang on," Jayne had noticed the look on her friends face. "You don't mean...."

Julie just smiled, reached into her handbag, and pulled out the box of pills and put them on the table between them.

"Jesus! Is that them?"

Julie just nodded.

"And if you take one of those with some poppy seeds you become my complete and absolute slave?" Jayne asked, slack jawed.

"Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that but, yes, I guess so, or at least that's what I'd like to find out."

For a while there was just silence between the two women. Jayne picked up the box of pills and turned it over and over in her hand, obviously thinking things over.

"You... you trust me that much?" Jayne said at last.

"Of course I do," Julie replied.

"I'm flattered but, well, the thing is, I think I trust you too."

"How do you mean?"

"Look, you've just said that you're prepared to put yourself completely in my power. OK, that's very flattering but it's a bit one sided. It doesn't seem fair, somehow, fair on either of us. How about we take turns? First you try it and then I try it. If we like it we can go on and try it some more."

"Are you sure?"

"No, I'm not sure at all but I'm willing to give it a go," Jayne said as if reassuring herself as much as Julie. "More than that, the thing about taking turns is that it will help keep things in check. I'm not going to order you to do something stupid if I know that you're going to have the same power over me the next time. Does that make sense?"

"I can see what you're getting at but I'm not sure...."

"I'm not sure, you're not sure. To hell with it; never mind 'not sure'. If we only did things we were sure of we wouldn't do anything but, if we're going to do something as wild as this, then let's do it together."

Julie smiled at Jayne who smiled back. Jayne's response meant quite a bit to Julie. She really was a friend who understood, a friend she could trust.

"OK, so, when do you suggest we try it out?" Julie asked.

"Remind me, how long does it last?"

"The report said about an hour but we need to leave quite a margin for error," Julie said thoughtfully. "How about Sunday afternoon? That way if it wears off we can go down the pub for a few drinks but if it doesn't then we have all the way until Monday morning to recover. I volunteer to go first. How does that work for you?"

"Sunday afternoon it is. Ha, ha ha! She's fallen for my trap! I can't wait until I'll finally have her under my power!" Jayne joked.

****************************** Session one: Jayne controls Julie ******************************

So it was that, come Sunday, they were sitting together in the lounge.

"How do we do this?" Jayne asked.

"I take one of the pills and then eat a poppy seed roll. After that we wait," Julie replied. "I've got a roll all buttered and ready."

"As simple as that?"

"As simple as that. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. But what about you?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. Here goes," and, with that, Julie swallowed the pill and started in on the roll.

"So, how long does it take before...?"

"I don't know but it as I haven't eaten much today it shouldn't take long."

"How will we know?"

"When I start behaving strangely, I guess. In the meanwhile we've got last week's Downton Abbey to catch up on."

As the trials and tribulations of the Crawley family played out on the screen Julie tried to see if she could feel any effects. Everything seemed so normal. It was only at the third add break, when Jayne asked her to make a cup of tea and she agreed without demur, that she realised that it had started.

It wasn't that she particularly minded making the tea, it was the way she felt compelled to do so. She tried to stop herself, to respond with a 'make it yourself', but she simply couldn't and she found herself getting up out of her chair and heading for the kitchen. Even though she knew what was happening she still had to fight down a wave of panic; she was, quite literally out of control. It was as if she were a passenger in her own body or maybe one of those Russian dolls, locked inside and disconnected from the outside world. Now there were two 'hers', an inner self and an outer self and the inner self had increasingly little control over the outer self.

And then the scientist within her took over. While the kettle boiled she tested the boundaries of what she control remained. The results were shockingly limited. The disconnect between the inner self and the outer self was growing and it was only with a certain amount of effort that she could perform simple actions; for example she willed herself to raise her arm and only just managed to do so.

On the other hand the outer self was behaving like a well programmed robot. She had been ordered to make Jayne a cup of tea and that was what she was going to do. The inner self watched as the outer self carefully and methodically boiled the kettle, found Jayne's favourite mug in the dishwasher, rinsed it out and put a tea bag in it. Then, while waiting for the kettle to boil, she stood like an automaton. She had nothing to do so she did nothing.

When the tea was finally made she took it back to the lounge. Whereas normally she would have just put it down, or possibly handed it to Jayne, she had no instructions so she stood in front of Jayne holding out the cup and waited.

"Wow! This really works, doesn't it!" Jayne exclaimed. "Put the cup there, no there, no there... there... there...."

Jayne giggled in delight as she watched her friend move the cup from place to place just as she was ordered. She wasn't the sort to abuse this position but, on the other hand, Julie had said how she wanted to experience being controlled and, if that was what she wanted, then there was no reason not to have some fun with it. She thought about ordering Julie to do the ironing, or tidy her bedroom, two tasks she loathed but somehow that seemed too petty. No, if she had a personal slave then she should perform personal tasks.

"The nail polish on my toes needs replacing," Julie said haughtily. "There's some Max Factor Red Passion on my dressing table. Go and fetch it. Don't forget you'll have to remove the old stuff. I'm out of nail polish remover so we'll have to use yours. Come along now, chop, chop!"

Julie's inner self felt a little affronted, this was supposed to be an experiment, not some sort of game, but, as she hurried upstairs in search of the nail varnish, she had to admit that this is the sort of thing she should have expected from Jayne. Anyway, there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

When Julie returned Jayne had her arrange the pouffe so that she could sit back with her feet up. Then Jayne instructed Julie to remove her trainers and socks. As she did so a wicked thought came to Jayne and she couldn't resist it.

"Smell my trainers," she ordered. "Go on, give them a good long sniff. You like the smell, don't you. It's like the finest perfume. You can't stop yourself, you want to sniff and sniff and sniff."

Julie took one of Jayne's trainers and held it to her nose. Her inner self was surprised to find that, as Jayne had suggested, the somewhat rancid trainers smelled like the finest perfume and she just wanted to take the smell deep, deep into her lungs, to luxuriate in the bliss it gave her. She was intoxicated and couldn't help but moan with pleasure as she held the trainer close over her nose.

"OK, enough of that," Jayne said after a while. "They've stopped smelling nice, they're just like normal." Julie reeled and almost gagged as the true smell of Jayne's trainers hit her. With her nose buried inside she got the full effect and even the sweetest smelling feet would have been overwhelming. What had, moments ago, been the finest perfume was now the rank odour of sweaty feet and she put the trainer down as fast as possible.

"Well, what are you waiting for," Jayne said, wiggling her toes. "Come along, get on with it." Julie picked up the nail varnish remover and some cotton wool pads.

"Make sure you do a good job," Jayne said as she lay back and picked up a copy of Hello magazine.

As Julie worked away she could feel the inner self receding; she had already lost control, increasingly she was also losing awareness. Not that that stopped her outer self from working, she had orders and that was it, She had no option but to completely focus on making sure she did the best possible job of re-varnishing Jayne's toenails. And, with this obedience, her outer self was feeling not just a compulsion but also a contentment, a pleasure in complying with Jayne's wishes. For her outer self the tiny voice of her inner self was like the buzzing of a mosquito, an annoying distraction to her serenity. It was as if, as she lost herself in her work, that she lost herself completely. Her worries, her cares, her concerns slipped away. The only thing that mattered was applying Jayne's nail varnish. When the last nail was done to her satisfaction she blew on them gently to dry the varnish.

"Oh, you have done well," Jayne said, looking up from her magazine. "You're like a good little puppy. Bark for me, puppy, bark, bark!"

Julie knelt up and barked.

With a wicked smile on her face Jayne took one of her discarded socks, rolled it into a ball, and tossed it across the room.

"Fetch, puppy, fetch!"

Julie scampered across the room and returned with the sock in her mouth. She dropped it in Jayne's lap, just as if she were a puppy.

"Wow! This is incredible!" Jayne exclaimed. She picked up the rolled up sock and tossed it across the room again, marvelling at how Julie scampered after it, in every way acting the obedient puppy. She looked down at her friend, knelt on the floor beside her and wondered just what to do next.

The problem was one of trust. If Jayne did what she really wanted to do, if she gave way to desires she had hidden away for years, she could have her moment of fun but at what cost? Her relationship with Julie was precious and, after years of keeping quiet, the last thing she wanted was push things too far, too fast and end up losing Julie's trust. On the other hand a certain amount of license had been given and Julie had said that she wanted to experience the full range of being controlled. Jayne could, of course, simply get her to perform other menial tasks but that wasn't exactly pushing the envelope. Moreover, she had long felt a need to rock Julie's world a little, to push her out from behind the repressed prude persona that she used as a mask to cover her insecurities. Well, that was part of the reasoning; Jayne was sufficiently self aware to realise that she had her own agenda and she was looking forward to what she was about to do. For starters, Julie was wearing far too many clothes. Well, that was easily remedied.

"It's awfully hot in here," Jayne said. "Really, really hot."

Immediately beads of sweat formed on Julie's brow and she started to pant.

"It's far too hot for clothes. You have to take them all off," Jayne continued and she looked on amused as her friend started to tear off her clothes until she was stark naked.

"Stand up straight, let me have a look at you," Jayne ordered. "Oh, and the temperature is just right now. You feel lovely and warm. That's fine, you look great. Now, one moment," Jayne reached into her handbag, found her iPod and fitted it in the docking station. She found the remote, selected her playlist of smoochy songs and, moments later, the room was full of Phyllis Nelson singing 'Move Closer'. "Why don't you do a little dance for me? Show me how well you can do. Yeah, like that but make it sexy."

As Julie gyrated sensually to the music Jayne looked on appreciatively. Now that her inhibitions had been taken away Julie was actually a pretty good dancer and, as ordered, she was more than a little sexy. Normally it was all but impossible to get Julie go clubbing, let alone to get her on the dance floor once you got there, but now she was strutting her stuff like a good'un. Jayne had once been taken to a pole dancing club and Julie was just as good as any of the girls there. It was a shame about the untrimmed pubic hair. Maybe that could wait until next time.

Meanwhile, Julie was finding that her inner self was reasserting itself. She still wasn't strong enough to resist the commands but the ego loss, the total immersion in Jayne's commands, was weakening and she was, once again, becoming self aware. The fact that she was also parading around like some sort of sl*t completely horrified her. The last thing she could consciously remember was painting Jayne's toenails but this was far beyond that. She wanted to cover herself up, she wanted to run away and hide, but she simply couldn't. Her outer self was still under Jayne's control, a control she still couldn't fight.

Jayne wasn't sure how much the next bit came from a desire to push Julie even further or something rather different but the sight of her friend dancing so sexily prompted the next command. "God, that's sexy," she said. "I bet it makes you feel horny as well. Why don't you... why don't you play with yourself."

Julie was almost overwhelmed by a wave of lust that rushed through her and she could feel her body responding. Her hand reached towards her groin, her fingers reaching for her sensitive flesh, searching out the inflamed nubbin of her clitoris....

"No! No! I can't," she all but yelled. Whether it was her inner self reasserting itself or whether she had been pushed too far was moot. The spell had been broken. In near panic she grabbed her clothes from where they lay on the floor and dashed off to her room.

"Julie! Julie! Are you OK?" Jayne had followed Julie upstairs and was knocking on her door but, sensibly, didn't try to enter.
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Old 05-07-2014, 09:57 AM
barackosama barackosama is offline
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"Just go away!" came the cry from inside.

Jayne felt it was time to withdraw, time to give her friend a bit of space.

It was two hours later that Julie came down and, sheepishly, started to make a cup of tea. Jayne, who had been watching TV, came into the kitchen, her face a picture of concern.

"Are you OK?" she asked gently.

"I'm fine, really I am," Julie replied.

"Did I go too far?"

"No, I wanted to see how far I could be pushed and you certainly did that. It's just that, when you wake up again... well, it's a bit of a shock."

"Wake up?" Jayne asked.

"Yeah, it's hard to describe but you'll see next weekend, when it's your turn," Julie replied.

"How much... how much do you remember?" Jayne asked, cautiously.

"Do I detect a guilty conscience?" Julie laughed. "The middle section is a bit blurred. One moment I'm painting your toenails, the next... the next I'm prancing around naked like some sort of stripper. As for the bit in between, I do remember something about barking like a dog but the details are very blurred. But, don't worry; I'm fine with all of it. Seriously."

"And it's my turn next week? Is that your chance for revenge?"

"It's not like that, really it's not. Now, what are we doing for supper?"

****************************** Session Two: Julie controls Jayne. ******************************

During the next week Julie thought long and hard about what she would make Jayne do when the time came. Her fantasies were about being the controlled, not the controller, but that didn't stop the scientist within her wanting to see what the effects were like from the other side.

But the thing that really intrigued her was the way that senses and emotions could be controlled. She could remember being fooled into being intoxicated by the smell of Jayne's trainers and she still blushed at the memory of the rush of blood to the groin when Jayne had told her that she felt 'horny'. It was this last one she wanted to explore. Fooling the nose was one thing, controlling something as basic as sexual desire was another. She wasn't after some sort of cheap revenge, really she wasn't, nor was it some sort of prurient urge to have Jayne exposed in just the way she had been; it was the scientists desire to explore the limits of knowledge. She wanted to see just what she could control and how.

Come Sunday Julie and Jayne were, once again, sitting in the lounge after lunch.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Julie asked. "I don't mind if you want to back out."

"No, I'm fine with it, really I am," Jayne replied. "But it's the waiting that's getting to me. Shall we get on with it?"

"OK, there are some poppy seed rolls on the kitchen counter. Do you want to sort out a roll while I nip up to my room and get the pill?"

Jayne was still spreading butter on the roll when Julie returned downstairs. She filled a glass of water and handed it, along with the pill, to Jayne.

"Well, here goes nothing." Jayne grinned nervously as she swallowed the pill and washed it down with a big gulp of water. "Now, I just eat the roll and then...."

"And then we wait," Julie replied. "We might as well watch Downton like we did last week."

They went through and settled in front of the TV. Julie, remembering how long it had taken her, waited until the third add break before ordering Jayne to make her a cup of tea.

"Fuck off, make your own bloody tea," Jayne replied. "Oh, you're testing me, aren't you?"

"Yeah, and it looks like you're not ready yet."

"I'm not sure I'll ever be," Jayne replied. "I bet it only works on the weak willed and easily swayed."

"Are you saying I'm weak willed and easily swayed," Julie returned.

"You got it. Now shut up, it's starting again," and with that, Jayne turned back to the TV.

Julie waited until the next break before trying again. Once again she ordered a cup of tea and, this time, she was gratified to see Jayne get up out of her armchair and make her way to the kitchen. So much for her crack about the weak willed and easily swayed. She waited a few moments and, sure enough, when Jayne returned, she just stood there, holding the tea and awaiting instructions. Remembering how she had been tested, Julie ordered Jayne to put the cup in various places and watched, enthralled, as her friend moved the cup around without demur. Yes, for all her earlier cracks, she had been no more able to resist the influence of the pill than Julie had been.

Julie finally took the cup of tea from Jayne and ordered her to kneel down in front of the chair where she was sitting. For all her cogitation during the week, now that it was happening for real it was a bit different. She looked deep into Jayne's eyes. They were glazed over; they were the eyes of Jayne's outer self, not her inner self. However, the scientist in Julie wanted to do more than just look.

"It's really dark in here," Julie said and was fascinated as she watched Jayne's pupils dilate. "And now it quite bright," she added and, yes, Jayne's pupils contracted again. It wasn't just Jayne's mind that was under her command but her body as well. Julie was enthralled, not just as a scientist but also in a far more human way. Forcing Jayne to do menial tasks was one thing, controlling the very way she felt, the very way she experienced the world, that was another. She knew what she wanted to do next. It was a little naughty but, after all, the memory of 'waking up' to find herself prancing around stark naked was still a little raw so it wasn't as if a precedent hadn't already been set.

"Your bra and tee shirt are really uncomfortable, really tight," she said. "Really, really tight, you want to take them off but you can't."

Julie watched as Jayne squirmed in discomfort. She was tugging at her tee shirt, trying to take if off but getting nowhere. It seemed a little cruel but Julie was fascinated by Jayne's inability to remove a simple and loose fitting tee shirt just because she had been told she couldn't.

"OK, you can take them off now," she said and the look of relief on Jayne's face as she removed her clothes showed how very real it had all been to her. "Very good. Now, lift up your breasts, show them to me," Julie continued. "You like doing that, it turns you on. Play with your nipples, feel them hardening."

Julie told herself that she was only doing this as a way of finding the limits of her control. She might, reluctantly, admit that there was a certain amount of getting her own back. What she wouldn't admit to was the fact that Jayne, knelt on the ground and offering up her breasts, looked as pretty as a picture and that, as she played with her nipples, Jayne wasn't the only one getting turned on. But then the scientist in Julie kicked in. This wasn't just about having Jayne perform for her; she wanted to see just how much Jayne's senses could be fooled.

"Stop, wait there, don't move," she ordered and, as Jayne knelt as still as a statue, Julie went up to her bedroom, found her sewing kit and, within that, a pin. She returned back to the lounge and sat back down.

"I'm going to prick you with this pin," she said, holding it up for Jayne to see, "and, when I do, it won't hurt, you won't feel any pain, it will feel sexy, really sexy."

She sat forward in the chair and gently pushed the pin against Jayne's right nipple. Jayne gave a groan and her eyes took on a far away look. Time and again, Julie jabbed at Jayne's nipple and, each time, she got the same ecstatic response. Although, as far as Jayne was concerned, this was the best thing ever, Julie knew she had to hold herself back or she would run the risk of doing Jayne some real damage. But, if Jayne could be turned on by being pricked with a pin, then there was something else Julie wanted to try, something much safer and, as far as Jayne was concerned, almost as off-putting.

The thing was that Jayne had a particular and unusual aversion; she loathed chocolate and, in particular, chocolate sauce. She had never particularly liked the stuff but the last straw had been a guy she had met who had insisted on trying chocolate body paint and wouldn't take no for an answer. "He was so persistent I couldn't get rid of him and then, at that party, I had one drink too many and the next thing I knew we're in bed together and he's putting great gobs of that brown goo all over me, ugh! Then he's trying to lick it off. He thinks it's as sexy as hell but I just ended up covered in brown slobber. Trust me, it was anything but sexy and, to this day, I can't stand the stuff," she had complained. Now that Jayne was under the influence maybe she could be persuaded to change her mind and Julie knew of a bottle of chocolate sauce that was just the thing to do it. Julie had bought it as part of a fancy recipe but, when she had started making the pudding, she had found out about Jayne's aversion to chocolate sauce and it had stayed unopened.

Once again she ordered Jayne to wait while, this time, she went to the kitchen and found the bottle tucked away at the back of a cupboard. When she returned, there was Jayne, still knelt on the floor, one hand under each breast, offering them up. Julie couldn't resist it; she took the top off the bottle, broke the seal, and gave it a good squeeze leaving a trail of chocolate all across the top of Jayne's breasts.

"Ooh, you like that, you really like that," Julie said. "Now, rub it all over. You love how good it feels against your skin. That's it, rub it into your nipples, feel how hard they are getting, feel how much it turns you on. It's so sexy you want to rub it all over you."

As Jayne smeared the sauce across her breasts Julie gave the bottle yet another squeeze. Jayne gratefully cupped the extra and added it to the mess across her chest.

But it wasn't just Jayne who was finding all this incredibly sexy. Julie watched entranced and not just at the thought of all that chocolate sauce. The look of Jayne's nipples was all too enticing and there was something she just had to do. She knew she shouldn't but where was the harm. By now, Jayne must be so deep under the influence that she would never remember.

"Stand up," she ordered. "Offer me your breasts. I'm going to lick the chocolate off your nipples and you're going to love it. It's going to be the biggest turn on ever."

Jayne got to her feet and, once again, put her hands under her breasts and lifted them up. Julie leant forward and, gingerly, took Jayne's nipple in her mouth. It's hard to say which of the two women was more aroused. Jayne, of course, had no choice in the matter; her arousal was programmed in. For Julie, on the other hand, there was something deliciously naughty about this stolen moment, deliciously naughty and incredibly sexy. Feeling Jayne's nipple between her teeth, against her tongue, was the best thing ever and her whole body thrilled with excitement. Add that to the taste of chocolate and she was in seventh heaven. She just wanted to rub her face all over Jayne's breasts, kissing and licking and sucking and losing herself within them. Of course it was a bit awkward, stood up like this. Maybe if she were to order Jayne to lie down on the sofa....

And then some common sense returned. However heavenly this was she knew she had crossed a line and, with Jayne in her present state, she had to be the responsible one. Mind you, remembering how Jayne had had her play with herself as she danced, a little payback was in order.

Julie sat back down on the sofa and watched as Jayne continued to smear herself with the chocolate. Even just watching was the best thing ever and Julie's couldn't resist rubbing herself through her jeans. Wanting still more, she passed the bottle to Jayne and told her to apply it to herself. Time and time again Jayne squeezed the bottle until it was all but empty. Inevitably it ran down, over her stomach and onto the waistband of her jeans. As Jayne smeared her hands across her stomach she was pushing her fingers lower, reaching beneath her jeans. The next step followed as naturally as night follows day.

"Undo your jeans; push them down, that's right, and your panties. Now squeeze some chocolate onto your hands and rub it into your pussy. Rub it right in. That's it, oh yes! That's it!"

As Jayne rubbed the chocolate deep into her pussy so to Julie rubbed her own pussy through the material of her jeans. Julie thought she had never seen anything as hot as Jayne, standing there, her jeans and panties around her knees, squeezing dollops of chocolate onto her hand and rubbed it into herself. Little dribbles ran down the inside of her thighs but it didn't seem to bother her. With her increasing arousal Jayne was getting unsteady on her feet and, scared that she might fall and hurt herself Julie ordered her to lie down on the hearth rug but still to continue with what she was doing.

"You're not to come, you're not allowed to come," Julie ordered as it became apparent that Jayne's climax was close. "Keep on playing with yourself, it still feels the sexiest thing ever, the feel of the chocolate on your pussy is the biggest turn on ever but you're not allowed to come."

Julie watched as Jayne's frustration grew. It was evident that she was so near the peak of sexual ecstasy but not quite able to make it to the finish line. Chocolate was squeezing through her fingers and her whole groin, like her breasts, was one sticky chocolate mess but, however hard she worked, she couldn't find release. Julie finally took pity on her.

"OK, you can come now."

As Jayne's dam burst within her all the pent up frustrations came flooding out. She curled up in a ball, both hands clamped between her thighs as, with a series of strange animal cries, she rode the waves of her orgasm. Time and time again she would press her hands between her thighs, rubbing the sweet sticky mess of chocolate and her own juices directly onto herself. In the end she was so overcome she was sobbing with emotion. Julie was almost jealous; she had never come that strongly, whatever the circumstances.

And then the last wave broke and Jayne was finally able to relax. Drained and exhausted, she just lay there, getting her breath back. Finally she lifted her dishevelled head from the floor and looked at Julie and then down at the mess all over her near naked body. Julie could see that Jayne's eyes were clearing, her inner self was returning, the effect of the drug was all but over.

"You...." Jayne started but she didn't have the words. She just shook her head wearily.

"Oh, god, I'm so sorry...," Julie replied. Now that it was over she was horrified by how much she had got carried away. For one thing her friend was all but covered in chocolate sauce, and, then, well, there was the orgasm. This was all far, far more than she had meant to do.

Jayne just shook her head, clambered to her feet and, tugging up her jeans and panties, staggered from the room. Julie heard the bathroom door slam upstairs and, remembering how she had felt afterwards, left her to it.

Come seven o'clock and Julie felt it was time to offer an olive branch. She went upstairs and gently knocked on Jayne's door.

"I'm going to the Jade Garden to pick up a take-away. Can I get you anything? I'm paying," she asked through the door.

"Beef with ginger and egg fried rice," came the muffled reply. "Oh, and if you're paying, let's have some spring rolls."

Julie went downstairs, grabbed her handbag, and went out to the Jade Garden, their local Chinese restaurant. When she returned twenty minutes later she found Jayne busy in the kitchen. She was wearing her dressing gown and, rather noticeably, the washing machine was running. The table was laid and there were plates warming in the oven. Julie put the take away on the table and, together, they sat down to eat.

"Do you think it's African or Indian?" Jayne asked after a while.


"The elephant in the room," Jayne explained.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry," Julie said. "I... I got carried away. I really didn't mean to...."

"You didn't mean to give me the best orgasm I've ever had," Jayne said with a laugh. "OK, let's get this straight. I now know what you mean about waking up, how it's a bit of a shock and, to tell the truth, I never thought for one moment that you would make me.... What was it with all that chocolate? What the fuck was that all that about?"

"I wanted to see if you could get turned on by something you normally don't like. I know how you have a thing about chocolate and so...."

"Well, the simple answer is, yes, you can," Jayne said with a wry grin.

"And does it still affect you? Will you be bulk buying chocolate sauce in future?"

"No, thank god, but I can still vaguely remember what it felt like. I still think that chocolate sauce is nauseous and not in the least bit sexy but I will admit that, I've never, ever, felt anything like it. I'm still not sure whether to be cross or delighted."

"Please don't be cross," Julie pleaded.

"No, I'm not, not really. Anyway, it's given me some ideas for next time. Don't forget, it will be your turn to be under my evil influence. Now I know what's allowed, well, there are all sorts of things I can make you do."

"You're OK with having a next time?" Julie asked.

"More than that, I'm going to insist upon it. Now, do you want any more of those spring rolls?"

****************************** Session Three: Jayne controls Julie ******************************

All through the week Julie couldn't help but worry over this genie she had uncorked from the bottle. She'd got carried away and, by doing so, had effectively given Jayne carte blanche. She thought about what she had made Jayne do and fretted over Jayne's jest that she would give as good as she got. However, she couldn't, with all conscience, back out now. She even thought about pleading 'time of the month' but that would only postpone the problem and, anyway, as two women living closely together, they were aware of each other's menstrual cycles and Jayne would know she was lying.

Meanwhile Jayne was also mulling over exactly what she would order Julie to do. She had been quite shocked at what Julie had put her through, not so much at being ordered to make a spectacle of herself, but more the simple fact that had been Julie that had ordered her to do so. She always thought of Julie as a bit of a goody-goody. Although she had loosened up over the years they had known each other she was hardly a party animal and, to Jayne's almost certain knowledge, still a virgin.

She thought back over the experience. She could remember quite clearly how it started, kneeling in front of Julie, taking her top off and being ordered to play with her nipples. Then it all became a bit of a blur. There was something about sticking needles in her nipples and then... and then.... She had only the very vaguest recollections of the whole chocolate thing. But somewhere in there was a memory of Julie licking the chocolate off her nipples. Was it real? It seemed a bit bold for someone like Julie. On the other hand, when she had 'come too', in among the jumble of confused emotions at finding herself stark naked and covered in chocolate, there was also the image of Julie's face. Was that a smear of chocolate on her cheek? Exactly what liberties had Julie taken and, if there was any truth in these memories, what exactly did it mean.

These suspicions weren't allayed when, somewhat nervously, Julie had asked just how much Jayne had remembered. She had wrapped it up in a 'scientific' discussion comparing their experiences during which they had agreed that they had both undergone the same gradual diminishing of the inner self as the effects of the drug got stronger. Where they differed was that Julie's return to normality had been also been gradual. Jayne, on the other hand, had known nothing until regaining consciousness at the peak of her orgasm. Julie speculated that the intensity of the orgasm might have been the trigger for the return to normality.
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Old 05-07-2014, 09:59 AM
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"So, you're saying that, if you come hard enough, it undoes the effect of the drug?" Jayne asked with a smile.

"I guess so."

"Hmm...." Jayne was thoughtful and Julie wondered what she was planning.

As she thought it over Jayne resolved that, whatever the truth of the matter, she would give as good as she had got, in both senses of the word. Julie had given her an orgasm straight from heaven. Now it was time to return the favour. On the other hand, Jayne could not forget the shock and embarrassment of 'waking up' to find herself naked and covered in chocolate. She determined to return that 'favour' as well.

Julie was noticeably nervous as they sat down together after lunch on Sunday. However she still had one of the pills, along with a poppy seed roll, on a plate in front of her.

"Are you sure you're up for this," Jayne asked.

"Yes, yes, I am," Julie replied. She wasn't sure at all but Jayne's concern had put some of her fears to rest. Jayne might have a robust sense of humour but she was still her oldest and closest friend and Julie knew she would come to no real harm.

As Julie took the pill and chewed on the roll, they agreed that, while they watched Downton Abbey, they would use making a cup of tea as a test to ascertain whether Julie was under the influence. Jayne would demand a cuppa at every add break and, if Julie could refuse to make the tea, then she would. If she couldn't then... well, Jayne would know the reason why. Julie reached for the remote and switched on the TV.

At the second add break Julie found that she had to fight the urge to get up and make the tea following Jayne's demand but, as she was still in control, she refused. However, Jayne spotted the hesitation in her refusal.

"Hello," she said with a smile. "I think someone is slipping under the influence." She reached for the remote and switched the TV off.

"I still won't make the tea."

"Maybe not now but you will real soon. Your nose is itchy, very very itchy."

Julie couldn't help herself. Her hand reached up and scratched the side of her nose.

"You're right on the edge, aren't you?" Jayne asked.

"I could probably fight it for a while," Julie replied.

"Yeah, 'cause you can still talk. Neither of us has been able to talk once we're under. Have you noticed that?"

"I don't... I don't...," and, she couldn't talk any more.

"And she's gone!" Jayne all but crowed.

Jayne was right. Julie's inner self was no longer able to control the outer self enough for speech. With a sense of 'here we go' she wondered what Jayne had in store for her.

Meanwhile Jayne watched as her friends eyes glazed over. She knew from experience that this didn't mean that Julie wasn't aware. She had quite a few minutes before she went into what Jayne, in her head, called zombie mode. After what she had been put through last week there was a certain amount of license and she was determined to use it to loosen her friend up a bit. She had already decided that she would start this session where she left off last time. She was all prepared and her iPod was ready waiting in the docking station for exactly this moment so she reached for remote. One click of the button and the room was filled with the sounds of Fat Larry's Zoom.

"Stand up and dance for me," Jayne ordered. "That's it, feel the music, let it flow through you, making you feel so sexy. You want to do a really sexy dance, you want to do a slow, sexy striptease for me. You want to try to turn me on. It turns you on to try and turn me on. That's the way."

Jayne watched as Julie, following her orders, got to her feet and started to dance. She wished Julie had chosen something a bit nicer to wear. A striptease just isn't the same when the dancer is wearing a baggy tee shirt and tracksuit bottoms. Still, that wouldn't last for long.

Julie's emotions were a little more complex. Although she was no longer in control of her outer self the drug had yet to fully take hold and as Jayne ordered her to start dancing she was still completely aware of what she was doing. As she started her striptease part of her inner self was appalled at the complete and utter sl*t that her outer self had become. She caught sight of herself in the mirror over the fireplace and, despite the rather frumpy outfit, there was no doubt that the woman who was wearing them had the morals of an alley cat. On the other hand, as she watched herself push down the tracksuit bottoms, wasn't this what she was after, all along?

Ever since her childhood her fantasies had been about being controlled and, ever since puberty, they had involved being 'forced' into behaving lewdly. Admittedly, in her fantasies, her controller had been some mysterious androgynous figure rather than her best friend but that didn't stop her inner self thrilling to this as much as her outer self was. She watched in the mirror as, now wearing only her bra and panties, her body swayed and gyrated to the music. It was hard to tell how much it was the effects of the drug that had turned her into this sl*t, this trollop, this floosie who now had her hand stuffed inside her panties, or how much was her outer self simply acting out the deepest, darkest desires of her inner self.

She'd been brought up to be a "good girl", taught from the earliest age that flaunting yourself was wrong, dirty, obscene. The girl in the mirror was all of this and more. Even the boring plain white cotton of her panties couldn't disguise the way her hand was working between her thighs.

And it felt so good; it felt amazing. Her whole body was alive, tingling with the excitement. Oh, many were the nights that she had lain in bed imagining this moment but, now that it was real, it completely surpassed her expectations. There was only one problem, she was fading, her inner self was fast receding, her outer self had completely taken over.

Jayne was, quite frankly, amazed at what she had unleashed. Despite the boring, boring clothes Julie striptease was one of the most erotic things she had ever witnessed. Julie, mousey, quiet Julie, was quite obviously hot to trot and her whole dance routine expressed this graphically and left no doubt as to the depth and intensity of her desire. She was on her knees, one hand deep inside her panties, the other holding her bra over her breasts while simultaneously massaging them.

It should not be possible to shuffle across the floor in a sensuous manner but that is what Julie managed until she was right in front of Jayne. Thrusting her torso forward she let the bra slip from her breast, exposing a nipple and then hiding it again. Swaying to the music she again and again offered fleeting glimpses, evidently she had picked up on the tease part of 'striptease', and then, suddenly, the bra was cast aside and now each breast was covered with a hand, a hand that caressed and massaged, lifting them up as if to offer them to Jayne.

Mesmerised, Jayne leant forward. Julie seemed to be offering her breasts up to be kissed and, if that was what she wanted.... But, just as Jayne's lips were about to touch, Julie rolled away. She stood up and, still taking her time from the music, went over to the French windows and, taking the floor length curtain, wrapped it around her. There was some shuffling and then her panties fell to her feet. Still dancing, Julie used the curtain to conceal her body until, as the song climaxed, she stepped out and bowed before Jayne, as naked as the day she was born.

Jayne was astounded. She had never seen anything like it. Julie had revealed that, once the painfully shy surface was removed, she was a natural erotic dancer and what a turn on! Julie's pubic bush was glistening with signs of her arousal and Jayne knew that hers was just as damp. Now Jayne was torn between her original plan and something rather different. She could imagine Julie, on her knees in front of her, kissing her thighs, kissing higher, kissing her....

If Jayne hadn't been wearing jeans then that is what might well have happened but, aware that Julie's dance had taken some time and that the effects wouldn't last forever, it was time to move on to the second part of her plan.

"Go and fetch your vibrator," Jayne ordered.

Julie just stood there. Jayne was dumbstruck; Julie had been given a simple straightforward order and was not following it. What had gone wrong? Were the drugs not working?

"Go and fetch your vibrator," Jayne repeated but this time, as she looked at Julie she could see that her eyes, along with the usual glaze, had a troubled look. Julie wasn't rebelling or anything like that. And then the penny dropped.

"Don't tell me you don't have a vibrator! God, what woman.... Oh, never mind. Go up to my room and look in the top draw of my bedside cabinet. Bring down...," Jayne ran through the contents of her draw in her head, "...the black vibrator you'll find there."

Julie hurried off to obey, returning moments later with Jayne's nine inches of black pleasure. Jayne sat back on the sofa and ordered Julie to sit in one of the armchairs opposite.

"Switch on the vibrator, err... twist the bit at the bottom. That's right, now use it on yourself. No, don't just poke it inside, use it on the outside, lay it along your slit, feel how good it is against yourself, feel the vibrations, feel how they tingle on your clit, feel how it turns you on. No, keep your legs open. I want to watch. More than that, you want me to watch; you want to show me how good it feels."

For the second time that afternoon, Jayne sat back and watched as her friend gave her a sex show. It wasn't as artistic as the first one; it was more sensual than sensuous but watching Julie discover just what a vibrator can do made Jayne wish that she had one as well. Jayne felt too distant so she went over, sat on the arm of the chair and leant across to put her arm around her friend's neck. From there it just seemed natural to reach for her friend's breast and to play with her nipple.

"That's it," Jayne urged. "Feel how good it is, feel how much it turns you on. You want it inside you, you want to feel it filling you up, you want to feel how deep it can go but not yet! Just play around the outside, feel it against your clit, feel it, feel it! Now, just a little bit inside you, just the tip. Feel how easy it slips inside, feel how much you want it all the way in but you can't, you have to wait a while yet. That's it, with your right hand you play with your clitty and with your left you play with the vibrator. Deeper now, just a bit deeper, not all the way, not yet, not yet. You're not allowed to have it all the way in and you're not allowed to come, not until I say so."

It was easy to see how close Julie was to climaxing but Jayne wanted to build the tension to boiling point before allowing her friend release. The longer she could delay her orgasm the better it would be when the time came. On the other hand she knew the clock was ticking. The effect of the pill only lasted around an hour and she wanted Julie to experience, as she had done, the shattering effects of 'waking up' in the middle of the ultimate climax.

So, for just a little longer, she teased Julie by forcing her to hold back, keeping her on the edge, keeping her just short until.

"Now, Julie, now! Push it all the way in, feel every inch and come for me, come, come!"

Julie thrust the vibrator inside herself and rubbed furiously against her groin until, with a massive cry, her orgasm exploded within her. She rolled towards Jayne who hugged her close as wave after wave after wave crashed though her body. And then, when she could take no more, she simply sobbed, completely overcome and Jayne, still hugging her close, rocked her in her arms, calming her as she would a little child. For a while they just sat there, the naked Julie wrapped in Jayne's arms letting the world settle back down again.

Then Julie took her hand from between her thighs and, with it, the vibrator. She stared at it before switching it off.

"Are you OK," Jayne asked gently.

Julie looked almost scared as she extracted herself from Jayne's hug and, rather shakily, got to her feet.

"Are you OK," Jayne repeated but, by then, Julie was making for the door and, moments later, Jayne heard the slam of her bedroom door.

Upstairs, in her room, Julie lay on her bed, wrapped in her dressing gown and shaking like a leaf. She had got, after all, exactly what she had asked for but, when it had happened, she had never expected to be so completely overwhelmed. Now she understood why Jayne had been unable to talk to her last time. To find oneself, suddenly, in the midst of... of... she had never, ever, experienced anything as intense, as powerful as the orgasm that she had woken up in the middle of. Oh, she had, from time to time, indulged herself, lost herself in her fantasies while her busy fingers took her to the peak, but the resulting orgasms were pale shadows beside what she had just been through.

And then there was the matter of the vibrator. She still had it, she had been too preoccupied to give it back and it now stood upright on her dressing table, its stiff black accusing finger a reminder of what she had just done. She had never seen it before; presumably it belonged to Jayne, it certainly wasn't hers. She had never owned one and, up until then, nothing other than tampons had ever been 'up there'. She was very much a virgin, and when she had 'awoken' to find it buzzing away, deep, deep inside, it too had been too much to deal with. She ought to give it back but first it would need a thorough wash.

Far more complex was how this changed her relationship with Jayne. They were friends, best friends, and it's only natural that best friends care for each other but, when she had 'woken' wrapped in Jayne's arms, it had felt very right. She had been overwhelmed by the sheer force of the conflicting emotions, the sheer joy and elation of the orgasm, the way every nerve in her body had shone with pleasure, all mixed with the uncontrollable panic that she was beginning to recognise as part of the waking up process. In among all this she had turned to Jayne, actively sought her out, and her arms had, for a while, been a safe haven.

And then the panic had taken over and she had run away.

Actually, she was beginning to recognise that the panic was part and parcel of the 'waking up' process. Although, on the previous occasion, she had come too without the benefit of the mind blowing orgasm, she had still panicked. She had still felt the need to be far away from her controller. Although they hadn't talked about it, she had seen the same thing in Jayne's eyes.

But she couldn't hide away in her room forever. What's more, after last weekend, at least Jayne would understand some of the embarrassment. Already she felt quite a bit better so she got up, wrapped her dressing gown about herself and went downstairs. She went into the front room where Jayne was sat watching telly. Her clothes had been neatly folded and placed on the table. She went over and picked them up. Jayne looked up and gave her a weak smile.

"I... I see what you mean about orgasms," Julie said with a little laugh.

"It's all a bit much to deal with, isn't it? At least you didn't wake up covered in chocolate! Seriously, are you OK?"

"I'm fine and no, maybe I wasn't covered in chocolate but I did have your vibrator stuffed up me. I'm not sure I wouldn't have preferred the chocolate."

"I can do chocolate if you want," Jayne replied.

"Not right now, if you don't mind. What I want now is a cuppa."

"Coming right up," Jayne said as she got out of her chair and headed for the kitchen. Julie thought about getting dressed but, with a cup of tea in the offing, her emotional exhaustion took over so she put her clothes back down and sat down on the sofa with her feet up. Moments later Jayne reappeared with two teas and handed her one.

"So, really, are you OK with all this?" Jayne asked as she sat down.

"I'm fine, really, I'm fine. It's all a bit much at times but it's fascinating, really fascinating. I just wish I could remember more."

"I know what you mean about that one. Once you're in zombie mode you can't fight it, it all goes blurry and the next thing you know you're waking up covered in chocolate."

"I wish you'd stop going on about that chocolate," Julie said with a laugh. "But, zombie mode, yeah, that's a good name for it. I mean there's a bit while you're still conscious but can't do anything but after that, well, nothing."

"Well, nothing except the best orgasms ever," Jayne replied.

Julie just blushed.

"Well, you went to the Jade Garden last week; I guess this week it's my turn. What would you like me to get?"

And, with that, the subject was closed.

****************************** Session Four: Julie controls Jayne ******************************

For a number of reasons it was two weeks until the next suitable Sunday rolled around. Julie had plenty of time to think and, as a constant reminder, she still had Jayne's vibrator. Oh, she had washed it thoroughly and, as practical as ever, had even replaced the batteries but, somehow, she still hadn't given it back. Instead she placed it, point upwards on her dressing table, a constant reminder of what had been done to her.

Because, whether she wanted it or not, there were subtle changes happening in her relationship with Jayne. There seemed to be some unspoken agreement not to discuss the sessions too much but, somehow, they were closer and there was that 'I've seen you naked' feeling between them. When they sat on the sofa together they would find themselves touching more, cuddling up together, even if there wasn't the slightest hint of anything sexual about it.

But, however chaste their 'normal' lives, there was no doubt about the sexual element that ran through the Sunday afternoon sessions. At the time Julie had felt guilty about kissing Jayne's nipples. There was no denying that Jayne had got her own back and, in so doing, had cranked up the permissiveness. And this brought Julie back to the question of what she was going to make Jayne do. She stared at Jayne's vibrator which still stood on her dressing table begging to be used.

Come Sunday she and Jayne were in the kitchen making a light brunch. Jayne, after a lazy morning was still in her PJs and dressing gown.

"All set for this afternoon?" Julie asked. "I got some fresh poppy seed rolls."

"All set," Jayne replied. "In fact, is there any reason to wait?"

"No, I'll go and get the pills. Do you want to get changed and then we'll meet up back in the lounge."

"I'll see you there," Jayne replied.

"When Julie returned downstairs she found Jayne in the lounge all ready with a buttered roll. However, she was still in her dressing gown.

"Are you not getting changed," Julie asked.

"Seeing as how, every single time we've done this the one taking the pill has ended up naked there doesn't seem to be much point," Jayne pointed out. "Of course, if you've got other plans...."

"OK, point made," Julie replied. "Now, here's the pill." She handed over the pill and a glass of water. "Shall we watch Downton?"

"What else," Jayne said cheerfully as she swallowed down the pill and started in on the roll. Julie reached for the remote and turned the TV on.

Come the second add break Julie turned towards Jayne.

"No, I won't make the tea," Jayne said firmly before Julie could even open her mouth.

"Methinks she dost protest too much," Julie returned.

"No, I'm simply not under the influence yet."

"What, not even your nose, your really itchy nose," Julie said and she was delighted to see Jayne raise her hand and scratch the end of her nose.

"That's different," Jayne complained giving her a look. "That one works with or without...," she once again reached for her nose. "Look, can you tell me to stop or something, it's really annoying."
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Old 05-07-2014, 10:00 AM
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"Are you still claiming you're not under the influence?"

"I... I...," but Jayne was losing the ability to talk and Julie watched as she slipped under the drug's control.

"OK, your nose has stopped itching now but...," Julie thought quickly. She needed to make sure. What would be a quick test? "Stand up, put your hand down your PJs and play with your pussy," she ordered.

To Julies gratification Jayne got out of her chair, unfastened her dressing gown, pushed her hand under the elasticated waist of her PJs and, by the way the material moved, it was evident she was playing with herself. That was all the proof that Julie needed; Jayne would never have done that so complacently without the effect of the drug. Now she had to move fast if she wanted to get the next bit in before Jayne went so far under that she lost all memory. She told Jayne to stand still while she nipped upstairs and fetched the vibrator from her dressing table. When she returned downstairs Jayne was still standing with her dressing gown wide open and her hand down her PJs.

"Here, take off your PJ bottoms, take this vibrator and go and go sit on that chair," Julie ordered. "You're going to give me a show, a demonstration of how much you like using your vibrator. Oh, and you love it that I'm watching, it really turns you on that I'm watching, it brings out the exhibitionist in you and you really, really want to do the best show possible for me."

Jayne did as she was told, sitting on the arm chair with her legs, like her dressing gown, wide open. She undid the jacket of her PJs before switching on the vibrator and, while her left hand reached for her groin, with her right she stroked the vibrator across her nipples.

Julie had to admit that, in a completely sl*tty way, Jayne looked incredibly sexy as she played the vibrator across her body. Julie had expected Jayne to go straight for her pussy but, evidently, using the vibrator against her breasts was the warm up, the foreplay. Julie wondered just how aware Jayne's inner self was, how much it had faded, and, if she was still aware, what it must feel like to be acting like this. Part of her wished it was the other way around, part of her wished that it was her that had been ordered to play the sl*t.

Jayne stopped using the vibrator on her breasts and, while her left hand held her pussy lips open, her right hand stroked the tip of the vibrator up and down it. She was certainly leaving nothing to the imagination and the extent of her arousal was apparent from the juices that glistened on her pussy lips. Her juices also helped the vibrator slide up and down, back and forth over her sensitive flesh.

Bit by bit, Jayne started to push the vibrator inside her. Not all the way in, nor for long. Rather, as she slid the tip of the vibrator downwards she would continue on past her clit and into her vagina, pushing it and inch or so inside her. Jayne had done this a couple of times when, to Julie's amazement, she took the vibrator, still slick with her juices, put it to her lips and, looking Julie straight in the eye, ran her tongue along its length.

In all her life Julie had never seen anything so incredibly sexy. There was something deliciously dirty about it. It had only been one brief moment, Jayne had immediately returned the vibrator to her pussy, but it had thrilled Julie to her core.

"Do that again!" Julie ordered. "Lick your vibrator again. I want to see you lick it clean. I want to see you taste your juices, taste how good they are, taste how good they make you feel. That's right, now put it back inside you and get juicy again."

On Julie's command, Jayne was alternately dipping the vibrator inside her pussy and then returning it to her mouth and licking it clean. The sight of Jayne's tongue sliding up and down the black length of the vibrator was something else and, as she watched, Julie was getting more and more aroused. Jayne's pussy wasn't the only one running with juices. And that led directly to Julie's next command.

"Come here," she ordered. "Take off your dressing gown, hand me the vibrator and kneel on the floor in front of me."

As Jayne got into position Julie slipped off her tracksuit bottoms and panties and slid forward in the armchair so that she was perched on the edge of the seat and Jayne was kneeling between her knees. She looked at the vibrator that Jayne had passed to her but it didn't feel right. It was too hard, too inorganic so she put it on the coffee table and, instead, reached with her fingers, slipping them into her own slick and waiting pussy. When she took them out again they glistened with wetness. She held her hand in front of Jayne's face.

"You like pussy juices, now taste mine. Lick my fingers clean. Go on, taste how good my juices are. They taste so much better than yours. You can't get enough, they drive you crazy with desire, you're intoxicated by them. Do you want some more? Of course you do."

Maybe Julie shouldn't have used the phrase 'drive you crazy with desire' but, as she returned her fingers to her pussy so as to replenish them Jayne followed eagerly as if desperate not to miss a moment and, almost inevitably, it ended up with Jayne still trying to lick Julie's fingers as they disappeared inside her. In her desperation to get what she wanted Jayne nudged Julie's fingers away with her face and was now probing her tongue into all the nooks and crannies of the very source of those juices.

Julie had never felt anything like it. Obviously she had heard of cunnilingus and understood in principle how it worked. She had listened to friends boasting about having it done to them. What she had never done was actually experience one and, for all the build up, she had never dreamed that the actual thing could be this good.

"Oh, yes! Lick me, lick my pussy!" she gasped as she removed her fingers which were now just getting in the way.

Jayne's busy tongue was now licking and probing every bit it could reach and, inevitably, she ended up running her tongue directly across the inflamed nubbin of Julie's clit. Julie couldn't help but blurt out 'yes, like that, oh god, like that, but harder' which, of course, Jayne took as a direct order.

If it had been good before it was heavenly now and Julie just lay back and wallowed. The orgasm that she had experienced last time had been earth shattering but it had been isolated, a climax with no foreplay. Now, with Jayne's busy tongue lap, lapping away at her ever swelling clitoris, Julie could enjoy the journey as well as the destination. She had never, ever, in her wildest dreams imagined anything could be as good as this and, even had she wanted to, she was incapable of ordering Jayne to stop.

Not that Jayne would want to stop. She had been programmed to become stimulated by the taste of Julie's juices and, now that they were in plentiful supply, that was what she was doing. There was an urgency, a real sense of desire as her tongue worked away at Julie's pussy and, like Julie, she was getting increasingly aroused. It seemed a little unfair to Julie that she should be getting all the attention so, between gasps, she ordered Jayne to carry on but to play with herself as she did so.

"But you're not to come, not until I say so," Julie said urgently. If Jayne were to climax then the spell could well be broken and Julie couldn't risk that.

Time and time again Julie would feel the sensations within her peaking to create mini orgasms, each perfect in its way but each promising much more when the end came. The steady flick, flick, flick of Jayne's tongue as it worked away between her thighs, running back and forth, back and forth carried her higher and higher as, unable to do other than follow orders, Jayne carried on doing it 'like that, but harder'. Julie felt the tension rise and rise, the roil of sensations within her became almost too much to bear until...

"Now! Oh, god, yes, now! Come now! So good, so good, oh yes, Oh, yes! Oh YES!"

This wasn't the first orgasm Julie had experienced, that had been a couple of weeks earlier, but it was the first where she had travelled the entire journey and the explosion, there was no other word for it, seemed to take her out of her body and into another world. She was vaguely aware that, between her knees, Jayne was also climaxing and she reached down and vaguely stroked her head.

She was still getting her breath back when she realised that Jayne was trying to untangle herself from between her legs. She watched as Jayne struggled to her feet, grabbed her dressing gown, and headed for the door.

"Please, Jayne," Julie called out after her but it was too late. She almost followed after Jayne but she was aware that, on recovering from the after effects of the drug, she might well need some time alone. She gathered up her panties and tracksuit bottoms but, before putting them back on, she would need a wash so, still naked from the waist down, she headed for the bathroom.

Once she had cleaned up Julie returned to the lounge and settled down on the sofa with a cup of tea and her latest book. She hadn't been there long when Jayne appeared.

"I'm sorry," Julie started. "I guess I went too far, again."

"It was inevitable that one of us was going to do it," Jayne replied with a smile. "I guess I should be grateful that you let me come as well. So, did you enjoy yourself?"

"I... I've never done anything like that before," Julie said, blushing furiously.

"Bit of a first for me too. Still, it gives me some ideas for next time."

"Next time?"

"Oh, yes. There are plenty more pills in that box of yours, aren't there? Anyway, what are your thoughts about eating tonight? I think it's your turn at the Jade Garden."

Sometime later, as she was clearing away the dishes Julie looked up across at Jayne who was tidying the kitchen table. "Jayne," she said. "About earlier...."

"Are you still feeling guilty?"

"A bit. Well, more than a bit, I guess. I didn't mean to... well, I got carried away. I mean, it's not the sort of thing we would do if it weren't for the drug, is it?"

Jayne looked over at her friend and could see her worry written all over her face. She went over and took the dish that Julie was drying from her hands, put it down on the kitchen work surface, and then reached out and held her.

"It's OK, really it is," Jayne said gently. "Well, I'm OK with it. How about you? Are you OK with it all?"

"It's just... I feel I used you," Julie replied.

"And if I'm OK with that then where's the problem?"

"Well, wasn't it a bit yucky?"

"No, it wasn't yucky. Giving you an orgasm could never be yucky. I lo... I'm too fond of you for that." Jayne leaned forward and gave Julie a kiss, just a little peck on the forehead, but a kiss none the less. "Now, come along, let's get cleared up. There's a new drama series starting on the telly and I don't want to miss it."

But, as they settled together on the sofa in front of the TV, Julie was still mulling things over. She had crossed a line, there was no denying it and yet Jayne treated it as if nothing had happened. She felt as if she had opened a can of worms, brought to the fore a whole number of questions about how she felt about Jayne and, for that matter, how Jayne felt about her. They were friends, close friends, even very close friends but even the closest of friends don't give each other orgasms, do they?

And, if they were more than friends then what did that make them? Julie snuggled up closer to Jayne on the sofa. There was a closeness, an intimacy, that comes from a long friendship but did that make them... what? Lovers? They had sat like this a thousand times before but, somehow, now, for Julie, it was different.

Jayne must have noticed Julie's disquiet as she reached over and put her arm around Julie's shoulders, bringing her in closer.

"Are you OK?" she asked softly.

"Just fine," Julie lied.

****************************** Session five: Jayne controls Julie ******************************

All through the week Julie was left wondering where this was all going. She had crossed a line, they had crossed a line, and nothing would ever be the same again. She knew she ought to talk to Jayne, to sort this out, to re-establish some boundaries but there never seemed to be the right moment and, as for Jayne, she seem completely unperturbed by it all.

All too quickly Sunday rolled around again.

"Are we still on for this afternoon," Julie asked as she and Jayne, both still in their PJs and dressing gown, shared brunch together.

"Of course," Jayne replied. "I do hope you remembered to buy some poppy seed rolls."

"They're in the bread bin, all ready to go."

"There's just one point I want to clarify," Jayne said, thoughtfully. "We both know that having an orgasm snaps you out of it. Indeed, that's the only way I've ever come out of it. But the first time, you just recovered naturally. What was that like; was it sudden or gradual?"

"It was gradual," Julie replied. "It was a bit like... well, you know, when it starts, the way you're aware but sort of disconnected. And then, bit by bit, the inner self recedes. Waking up is the opposite. Your inner self becomes more and more dominant until... until you're back in control again. Why do you ask?"

"Ah, that would be telling," Jayne said with a laugh. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Oh, I'd never worry about that," Julie said, almost to herself.

An hour or so later they made their way to the lounge. Neither of them had bothered to get dressed, preferring to remain in PJs and dressing gowns and, as always, they sat together on the sofa and set up Downton Abbey on the TV. Julie was increasingly apprehensive but, having already taken the pill, it was far too late to back out now.

It took until the third add break before the effects started and, as ever, this was tested by ordering Julie to make a cup of tea. However, when she returned, somewhat to the surprise of her inner self, she wasn't ordered to take off her PJs, or to play with herself, or any of the increasingly daring things that had happened over previous weeks. Rather Jayne insisted that she wanted to finish watching Downton and simply told Julie to lie down beside her on the sofa with her head resting on Jayne's lap. Jayne then resumed watching the TV all the while gently stroking Julie's hair. Julie felt safe and protected but this was hardly a test of the efficacy of the pills. Bit by bit Julie's inner self receded and then it all got a bit blurred until....

Julie could tell she was no longer on the sofa but was on her knees; she also felt enclosed but she wasn't sure by what. There was an overwhelming feeling of contentment, of well-being, of happiness. And, of course, there was the warming glow from between her thighs she had come to almost expect. But more than all these things there was this taste, this taste she was lapping up, this taste she couldn't get enough of.

"Oh, god that's good," she heard Jayne groan and, as the mists cleared a little more, Julie realized just where she was and what she was doing. It was Jayne's knees that were enclosing her and, of course, it was Jayne's taste that she was lapping up so eagerly. Her inner self felt that she ought to find this yucky but, for the life of her, it wasn't. Her outer self was loving every moment, that was what it was that was turning her on so much, and her inner self was caught up in this pleasure. She couldn't control her tongue as it flick, flick flicked across the inflamed nubbin of Jayne's clit but, even if she could, she wasn't at all sure she would want to stop.

"Harder, please, harder," Jayne ordered and Julie's outer self obeyed without demur. Julie could sense Jayne's body responding and began to wish that she had got control. Her outer self was all very well but it was an automaton. If she could just... if she could just... and then, quite suddenly, she could. She was back in control.

There was just the briefest flash of panic but, unlike previous times, she could control it and it was gone almost as fast as it had arrived. Maybe it was because, on previous occasions, she had been uncomfortable with what she was doing whereas, this time, it felt right and natural. Still, she hadn't got time to ponder, she didn't want to break the flow.

She didn't change much, she knew from when Jayne had done it to her that a steady rhythm was what was needed, but by subtly changing the angle of her head she could improve the way her tongue lay across Jayne's clit and, rather that having her arms hang lifeless, she reached up to grip Jayne's thighs so as to improve her purchase. Jayne gave a little start at this but, tellingly, didn't order her to stop.

They say that sometimes it is better to give than to receive and, at that moment, this was exactly how Julie felt. Maybe it was the remnant effects of the drug but she could feel her friend's pleasure and that, in turn, gave her pleasure. She wanted to make Jayne come, not from any selfish reason, not to win a prize or anything, but simply as a gift, a gift of....

"Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes," Jayne gasped. "Like that, just like that, just a little bit harder, please, harder, oh please don't stop, oh please don't.... oh yes, oh yes, oh YES!!!"

Julie was glad she was hanging on to Jayne's thighs as she had to hold on quite tightly to stay with Jayne as she rode the waves of her orgasm. Julie's mouth was flooded with Jayne's juices but it wasn't yucky at all, it was proof positive of the strength of Jayne emotions, the strength of her orgasm, an orgasm that Julie could proudly take credit for.

And then it was over and Jayne collapsed back into the sofa. For a while Julie remained knelt on the floor until Jayne insisted that she come up and join her, both lying lengthways, both wrapped in each others arms.

"When did you wake up?" Jayne asked after a while.

"Wake up? When was I compos mentis? Quite a bit before the end."

"I thought as much. It's different when it's the real you. Anyway, thanks for not freaking out."

"You're welcome," Julie said. "After all, I couldn't leave you high and dry, could I?"

"And you didn't get the panic? You know, the 'I've got to run away' thing."

"No, well, just a bit. It just felt so right when I was under your control and, when I woke up, well, that didn't change. Anyway, I can't stay here all afternoon; I need to wipe my face."

"Must you? I'm rather enjoying it here with you."

"Yes, I must. I'm all sticky."

"I could return the favour, if you want," Jayne said with a sly smile.

Julie looked at her friend lying on the sofa. It was a tempting offer and there was no doubt that she still had an unresolved tingle between her thighs but... well... now that she was no longer drugged it was a bit... a bit... lesbian, wasn't it. She and Jayne were just friends, OK, really good friends but it didn't go any further than that, did it? She could feel her resolve crumbling and the implications scared her.

"No, it's OK, I really need to get a wash," Julie said, rather more firmly than she meant to and, with that, she got up off the sofa and set off for the bathroom. When she returned ten minutes later, she was not only washed but dressed.

"I never did get to finish Downton," she said as she sat back down next to Jayne. "Come on, I want to know how it finishes."

"Well, wait for me then. It's my turn to get washed," Jayne replied and when she returned, she too was dressed and it was as if nothing had happened.

****************************** Session six: Julie controls Jayne ******************************

Throughout the next week Julie couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Previously any sexual contact between them had been confined to where one of them was 'under the influence'. However, this time, when she had 'come round' they had still carried on. It was one thing to muck around with sex as part of 'the experiment', it was something completely different to carry on afterwards. Whether she liked it or not, Julie was beginning to acknowledge that there was an emotional aspect to what they were doing and that changed everything.
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Old 05-07-2014, 10:01 AM
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It also raised the big, big question of what did she want out of the next session? She could carry on as before, pushing Jayne to do more and more bizarre things so as to explore the bounds of what she would do under the influence of the drug. She could try and keep the emotional side out of it, try and continue just to use Jayne as some sort of life size doll, but, after the last time, she knew that this wouldn't be enough. The way she had 'woken up', the way that it had slipped, seamlessly, into something she was doing because she wanted to, had profoundly affected her. It had felt so right, by giving Jayne pleasure, she had, in return, received pleasure. This is what she wanted to do, to give as well as receive, to share, to bond.

And that, in turn, raised its own questions. If what she wanted was to make love to Jayne then what did that make her? She'd never been particularly attracted to boys, had never seen what all the fuss was about but she had put that down to her busy academic lifestyle. Now she was beginning to understand what everyone else seemed to know. Her desire for Jayne was very physical and she wanted to express it in a very physical way. It would seem that her feelings towards Jayne had gone beyond just friendship but what was it that she was feeling and, what did it imply? In short, did it make her some sort of lesbian? There, she'd said it.

Julie knew that, in this modern world, there was no shame, no fear, no stigma attached but that didn't make it any easier. For starters she wasn't sure that her mother lived in the same modern world and, far, far more importantly, what about Jayne? The obvious thing, the simple thing, the straightforward thing would be to just go to Jayne and tell her how she felt but the fear of rejection stopped her. They were getting on so well at the moment, they had never seemed to be closer. Why risk it all? What if she recoiled in horror? Julie wasn't sure she could take that. Better to be 'best friends' than ruin it all by confessing her real feelings.

But that brought her straight back to her quandary about what she was going to do on Sunday. Everything she thought of had its drawbacks, everything she contemplated seemed either too shallow or too risky. She had to come up with something but the questions just kept going around and around and Sunday just kept getting nearer and nearer.

And then it was upon her. She was drinking coffee sprawled out on the sofa in the lounge when Jayne appeared. Like Julie, she hadn't bothered getting dressed but was in her PJs and dressing gown.

"Morning, flatmate," Jayne said as she sat down in the armchair opposite. "Are we all ready for this afternoon's entertainment?"

"I'm not sure...," Julie started.

"Oh, don't be a wuss! I'm quite looking forward to seeing what shenanigans you get up to. Then, next time, I can try them out on you."

"It's just that... well, it's all a bit lezzie, isn't it?"

"Is that what's worrying you, that I might be trying to seduce you into the dark side? Are you scared you won't be able to resist my feminine charms?"

"Well, I wouldn't put it quite like that," Julie replied.

Jayne got up and came over and sat on the sofa next to Jayne. She put her coffee down on the table, turned to Julie, took her by the hand and looked her straight in the eye. "It's OK, really it is," she said softly. "It's a bit of fun, nobody's getting hurt and, well, where's the harm?"

"I don't want it to become a thing between us," Julie replied. "I'm scared I'll go too far."

"I think you're scared you won't go far enough," Jayne said, almost inaudibly. "Now, I got some of those organic sausages for breakfast. How do you want your eggs?"

And, without waiting for a response she got up and headed for the kitchen. Julie followed her in.

"Hello, you can't have been too unsure," Jayne said as she looked in the bread bin as preparation for making toast. "I see you picked up some fresh poppy seed rolls when you were shopping. Now, give us a hand here."

They worked together to prepare brunch and, fifteen minutes later, they were sat at the kitchen table, each with a full English.

Once they had finished they washed up the pots and pans and then Jayne disappeared upstairs for a few moments. When she returned the PJs were gone; she was just wearing her dressing gown which she flashed open to show that she was naked beneath it.

"I thought I'd save you the trouble," she joked as she tied the belt again. "Hey, what's that look for. Don't try to tell me you weren't planning to get me naked. Now, if you'll get the tablets I'll butter a couple of rolls."

Julie was too flustered to respond so she simply went upstairs and fetched the Panadoxolin. When she returned to the kitchen Jayne was all ready for her and seemed eager to start the experiment. Julie passed her the pill which she swallowed and then started in on the rolls. Five minutes later they were sat together on the sofa, as ever, watching Downton Abbey.

Julie couldn't help herself, it was so cosy, just the two of them, still in their nightwear, sat together on the sofa, and Jayne's dressing gown was so soft and luxurious that she ended up snuggled up against her friend. At first that was all it was but Julie's bare feet were getting cold so she put them up on the sofa. From there it was almost inevitable that she ended up with her head resting on Jayne's lap. Judging by the way Jayne was gently stroking her hair she didn't seem to mind. The first add break passed, and then the second, and Julie knew she ought to be testing to see if Jayne was under the influence but she was too comfortable and too engrossed in the program so she just let it run. It was only when the final credits rolled that Julie realised that Jayne had stopped stroking her hair. By this time she should be deep, deep under the influence. Julie rolled over slightly, looked up, and, sure enough, Jayne's eyes were glazed over. Julie reached for the remote and switched the TV off.

Still Julie didn't know what she wanted Jayne do. If all the other sessions were anything to go by she knew she should be demanding sexual gymnastics but, for the life of her, she was too comfortable to move. However, as she looked at her friend, sitting there passively, there was one thing she wanted.

"Kiss me, kiss me properly, on the lips," she said, slightly nervously.

Jayne leant forward and, although it was a little awkward, their lips met. Julie was entranced. It wasn't the 'real' Jayne, she knew that, but Jayne's outer self was responding to the 'kiss me properly' command and this was no peck on the lips, this was a lover's kiss, a kiss full of desire and passion. Hardly aware of what she was doing Julie reached up and put her arms around Jayne's neck, holding them close. She just wanted the kiss to go on and on and on.

The problem was that, as many a lover has found, a two seater sofa is not the most comfortable place for making love. Having gone this far Julie wanted to go so much further. She wanted to feel skin against skin, not just lip against lip. She wanted to feel their bodies entwine, to lie naked together, to touch, to caress, to conjoin. She broke from the embrace and glanced around. There was always the hearth rug but it didn't look particularly inviting. The obvious answer was waiting upstairs. Surely she couldn't be so bold.

She looked again at Jayne who was waiting immobile and her hunger overcame her reserve. As long as she was quick, as long as she didn't hang about, then Jayne would be deep in the trance state and wouldn't know anything about it. She got up from the sofa and, ordering Jayne to follow, made her way to her bedroom.

As soon as she got there she slipped out of her dressing gown and PJs and slid under the covers. She ordered Jayne to join her but had to countermand that so as to get Jayne to take off her dressing gown first. Then, at last, she lay full length against the naked body of her friend. At first it was a little disappointing; Jayne was very much under the influence and only able to react, rather than act, but Julie could take her time and luxuriate in the physical closeness. Now she could kiss, stroke and caress to her heart's content. She felt as if she wanted to touch every inch of Jayne's body, to feel its softness, to appreciate its beauty. Jayne had never affected her like this before but, ever since their first kiss there had been something about her that was irresistible. Now that glorious sexy body was all hers to do with as she wished. She just wished that her passion could be returned.

But, for all that this was bliss, Julie couldn't help but feel guilty. This wasn't just messing around; this was a bit too much like date ****. She wasn't just pushing Jayne to see what she could make her do, she was using her for her own sexual gratification. She ought to stop; she ought, at least, to return to the front room, to get them both dressed again. However, for the life of her she couldn't. She just had to kiss those nipples one more time, she had to feel the warmth, the closeness, of Jayne's body next to hers. Just a little more, just one more kiss.

And then Jayne stirred! It wasn't much, they were lying side by side when Jayne lifted her arm up and laid it over Julie. In a panic, Julie tried to pull away but Jayne, moving like a zombie, followed after her and pulled her back. As Julie watched she could see Jayne's eyes clearing, she could see that the 'real' Jayne, her inner self, was back in control. And then Jayne really did move. She grabbed Julie by the shoulders, pushed her back down on the bed, rolled on top of her and kissed her, hard.

Julie felt completely overwhelmed. Just moments ago she had been in charge, she had been calling the shots, and Jayne had been the passive partner. Now it was very much the other way around. The sheer force of Jayne's passion, just as much as the weight of her body, was pinning her to the bed. She felt Jayne's knee pushing between her thighs, opening her up until, with their bodies entwined together, flesh really did touch flesh. Jayne moved against her, slowly and powerfully, and as Jayne's thigh forced its way between Julie's legs the direct pressure against Julie's pussy was heavenly.

And then Jayne stopped, lifted herself up and, propping herself up with her arms, looked down at Julie, smiling.

"This is what you wanted all along, isn't it?"

Julie just lay there, panting.

"Well?" Jayne prompted.

"I.... I'm not sure."

"'Not sure' is so your problem. You're never sure. You're not sure if you like this," Jayne leant down and gently kissed Julie on the lips. "Or this," she did the same for Julie's right nipple. "Or this," the left nipple this time. "I guess I ought to stop. I wouldn't want to be kissing someone who wasn't sure." Jayne made as if to roll off Julie.

"No!" Julie called out. "Please, Jayne, don't go!"

"Oh? Why not?"

"Please, Jayne, One thing I am sure of is I couldn't stand it if you left now. Please don't go, please, come back and kiss me again."

"I thought you'd never ask," and, with that, Jayne went back to work, kissing, caressing, stroking massaging, exploring the myriad ways their pleasure could become mutual. As the passion rose so did the intensity and Julie was frantically rubbing herself up against Jayne's thigh, her breath was getting shorter, and, for Jayne, that in itself was a turn on. It was as if the barriers between them were completely down and they had become one, joined together in the ardour of their entanglement.

"Oh god, yes, like that, like that!" Julie urged as Jayne's teeth tugged at her nipple. "Oh, yes, harder, harder, oh, Jayne! Oh Jayne! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, OH YES, OH, Jayne!"

Julie's whole body seemed to explode as, wrapped in Jayne's arms, her climax rocked through her body. Her whole world was a warm soft fluffy cloud on which she floated away, lost to everything but the all encompassing pleasure that engulfed her. For a few glorious moments she could stay there, right at the peak, the pinnacle, the essence and then it all slipped away and she collapsed back, spent and exhausted. Jayne held her close and safe, allowing her time to recover.

When at last Julie had recovered she opened her eyes to see Jayne watching her.

"OK?" Jayne asked.

"More than," Julie replied.

"Are you still worried that what we're doing might be a bit... now, what was the word you used, lezzie?"

"I don't care, as long as it's with you. But what about you? Are you OK with being lesbian? I mean, I kind of tricked you into this."

"I've always been OK with it and, no, you didn't trick me into anything. I've been dropping hints for years that I wanted to try this. Those pills of yours gave me an excuse just as much as they gave you an excuse. Talking of which..." Jayne left the sentence hanging.

"I'd like to try it without the pills for a change," Julie replied. "I mean, they've been fun and, well, they helped us to get here, but it's so much better when you're not drugged. Maybe just use them once in a while, special occasions."

"And in the meanwhile I don't get to have you under my control?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that," Julie replied with a twinkle in her eye. "Maybe we don't need the drugs. It won't be the same; it might be better."

"So, if I were to order you to kiss my pussy?" Jayne said tentatively.

Julie didn't answer, she was too busy sliding down the bed. An order is an order, after all.
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Old 05-13-2014, 03:25 PM
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brilliant story!
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Old 05-13-2014, 09:51 PM
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Well done!
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