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Old 08-02-2019, 07:10 PM
MFN MFN is offline
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Default Her Pussy Became Her c*nt

This is a fictionalized extension of an earlier factual account I wrote about what happened on a short private cruise with friends. The story below pushes the limits into what might have happened; therefore I'm listing it under "Fiction". The basic story is factual, and you can find that shorter and tamer story in the Non-Fiction Section.

On a local cruise, her friends watch as her pussy becomes her c*nt.

The yacht was just pulling away after anchoring for the fireworks from offshore the night before. Now we were heading back to the owner’s home, a few hours’ cruise across the bay. My new girlfriend (abbreviated from now on as ‘gf’) and I were up on the top deck, where the owner was piloting the boat from, along with another couple with whom we were close. In all, about twenty people were aboard, all adults in their twenties through forties, scattered over the several decks and salons of the 48-foot craft. We all knew each other, mostly from her orbit of friends. I was the newcomer. There weren’t enough staterooms for everyone, but we had all brought sleeping bags and pillows and had slept on the various decks. This was not a nudist cruise, but any sort of dress code went down the drain the night before when people changed in front of one another in the shared spaces. Everyone had seen almost everyone else naked at some time during this two-day trip. In fact, there had been a Best Pubic Hair contest the evening before. (‘Bare’ had to show but was disqualifying.) Today was for heading home.

As soon as we were out of sight of the other boats weighing anchor, my gf told us she wanted to take advantage of what might be the last warm day before autumn set in, so told us she would strip off her clothes and enjoy the sunshine and breeze. It was her birthday and she wanted to be in her birthday suit the rest of the day.

She liked being the only one naked, if it’s a situation she can control. When she and I first met a few months before, I learned she had stripped off at parties, at friends’ homes, pushed the limits at public beaches, pulled off many streaks, and had snuck into hotel pools naked. This was something I really liked about her and could encourage! At exactly 40, she had striking good looks and an adventurous attitude. A trim body that not only you'd like to do nice things with, but that you felt could really teach you something about sex. Hers was an experienced body and you just sensed that she knew what to do with it. Pretty face, beautiful skin, no need for makeup, well kept hair, nicely painted nails, just really nice to look at, and always excellent posture. And a smile and twinkle in her eye suggesting that she knew something you didn’t know, but wanted to. Also, an engaging personality to make everyone feel like a friend. As for sexual attractiveness, this was just a part of what had attracted me in the first place. And an amazing sense of jumor, spiced with sex. She didn't call herself a nudist, but if you were her friend and you could think of an original way to ask to see her pussy or a tit, if the setting was appropriate she would grant your wish and give you a treat. She took all her attributes in stride as part of her nature. As a businesswoman, many times she’d had to change outfits, and it was no big deal to strip off alongside a parked car to change into a different outfit.

So, today’s nudity was not unusual, but she did insist on making it her own. She asked the rest of us to remain in our shorts or suits; she wanted to be the only one naked. She had turned this into her day!

The couple sitting with us up top were good friends, and the boat’s owner had been her most recent fuck-buddy, so the five of us were happy to have her nude. From time to time some of the other passengers wandered up to the top deck and were surprised to discover a beautiful smiling nude woman soaking up the sun. Those who knew her well weren’t surprised. She wasn’t sprawled out on a lounger, or anything like that; just sitting or standing, carrying on normal conversation and pointing out scenery along the way, like the rest of us, except she was nude. No displaying, no flashing, no exhibitionism; just no clothes.*

It didn’t take long before word spread, and soon nearly everyone found some excuse to come up on the top deck. They’d seen her naked before, even as recently as the night before when getting ready for bed. But even there, there was a difference: while most changed quickly from clothes to something to sleep in, gf stripped completely, went to brush her teeth, then came back and climbed into bed. But what made today exciting was that her nudity on deck was out of context and unexpected. Most just acted like everything was normal, engaging in conversation and joking with her.

Of all the people aboard, gf knew all but two girls well and had previously fucked ten of the twelve guys (although the wives or girlfriends of three didn’t know that). They joked openly about their good times fucking. (She respected the innocence of the three women who didn’t know, so left their guys out of any talk about old times.) The guys knew of each others’ having fucked her, because she shared her history with any newcomer. If you were jealous, that was your problem and you could leave. She didn't attach any big meaning to fucking; she kept her actual fucking private but talking about it was OK: she would tell you about it if you asked. She was confident and straightforward, and didn’t waste time. —“If I like you I’m going to fuck you on our second date.”—

Being the oldest of the women she was looked up to with admiration for her experience, career success, worldliness, and willingness to make herself available to them. She carried her maturity with dignity and poise. Even when nude. Especially when nude.

Along with conversation, she shared in the fixing and serving of snacks and drinks, just carrying on as though she was dressed like everyone else. Except that she wasn’t. Except for sunglasses and sandals. Her ‘clothing’ of confidence, friendliness, boldness, and bravery were sufficient. So we happy boaters just spent the afternoon chatting about the usual stuff and enjoying the scenery which now included an attractive, mature woman who happened to be nude.

After a while, helping with the boat’s navigation, I overheard some talk coming from the lounge area just behind the cockpit. The conversation had wandered over to sexual things, which was probably unavoidable with so many men aboard who, at separate times, had shared this one woman, and now she was right here before them, nude. They were discussing her pussy, which somehow had become the main object of attention. By the way, she was quite proud of that pussy; it was hers, she took good care of it, she told us she knew what it liked and fed it properly and regularly, it gave her much pleasure, she knew it was attractive, and since it was now out in the open, why not talk about it?

She’d mentioned earlier that she hadn’t planned on being an exhibitionist on this boat ride, but she now said present circumstances required some displaying. So, now, seated and leaning against the backrest of the bench, she had her knees up and legs open. What I’d been hearing from the cockpit was the guys pointing out their favorite parts of the area between her legs! Some liked the small patch of pubic hair above her slit, one made a big deal out of the darker inner lips just protruding from the smooth outer ones. One fellow said he remembered she could tease her clit out to become just visible. Two said they missed the smooth skin right at the crease of her leg. Another said he liked that she was always wet, and that even now he could see and smell the flow from her pussy. One guy said he still had wet dreams about how she would pulse her vaginal muscles around his cock, another said he liked how when he entered her pussy from behind she would do a circular motion that drove him crazy. In turn, gf told a couple of the guys that she hoped they had learned to lick pussy better since licking hers, and told another she hoped he was now paying more attention to a woman’s nipples, but that all three had good cocks and knew, at least back then, how to use them.

(The wild thing was that their girlfriends or wives were right there and joining in. As far as I knew, none were swingers; they were just pushing the boundaries of conversation that day, maybe even challenging each other.) All, men and women alike, really liked the overall look of her vulva, the way it mounded outward and was slightly open at the top of her slit, but then closed but stayed open just enough to let her inner lips peek out. They liked that she was glistening with juices. At one point, she tilted her bottom up a bit, to let them see how nicely her lips joined at the lower part of her slit (this also afforded a fleeting view of her anus, the one part of herself she likes to keep private. She told us it had never been penetrated and she wanted to keep it that way. But all agreed it was still very cute.). One woman said she had paid a lot of money to plastic surgeons to get her pussy lips to look as good as this, and here on my gf it was just natural. Many of the women there could have displayed an equally attractive pussy (we'd seen and evaluated all eight of them the night before), but at gf’s insistence today this remained an Only One Naked situation.

Maybe some of this conversation was becoming a little too personal or intense for some of the women so two of them went below. But the others stayed and wanted to touch, but gf said no, this was her own show. And she would not masturbate in public, by her own or anyone else’s hand.

Meanwhile, the bench under her was slick and shiny with her fluids, which you could clearly see flowing out of her pussy and onto the cushion. Her pleasant scent was apparent, even with the breeze carrying it away. (It is said that of all the senses, scent is the one that most evokes memories; maybe the smell of her sex is what got these guys and girls going!)

I thought her slit seemed to be more open than usual, so I took my attention off the horizon for a moment to ask about it. To answer, she reached across to a water bottle, took off the little clear plastic top, held it up and told us she had inserted one into herself a few minutes before I turned around, after the one guy talked about remembering how her clit would ease out. It was the kind of water bottle with a little sucking tube on top; the clear cap was to keep the top of the tube clean. But she had first trimmed the top off the cap, leaving just a clear plastic duct, about an inch long and an inch across. With the modified plastic cap inside holding her lips open, you could see her clit protruding from her lips and just resting above the cap, which you really weren’t aware of because it was clear. Although she’d never worked as a stripper (and never wanted to), she told us this was a trick from a stripper friend of hers: slip it in, and you’ll stay wide open, looking like you’d just been fucked (patrons seemed to like that!), yet it was discrete enough that nobody could tell something was in there. To demonstrate, she pulled out the one inside her, and as she pulled it away a thin line of clear, sticky fluid come out with the cap but she just let it trail across her leg without wiping it, before re-inserting. You could easily see the difference between open and closed. The open look was really, really sexy. With the cap again holding her pussy open, she said she could feel the breeze the boat’s speed was making, and that it really turned her on. The whole time she’s telling us this, she’s looking out on the horizon through binoculars helping sight the next buoy, and carrying on two very dissimilar conversations: —“There’s Green Marker 15, leave it to the right. Every time I put that little cap in, my nipples get harder, don’t turn yet”— Or, —“At this speed we might be home in about an hour, You guys talking about my pussy just might bring on an orgasm, so maybe you’d better let me sit down, at least before our next turn.”— With the cap back in place and her pussy open wide, the men and even the women were taking turns kneeling to get a better look up inside her. —“What kind of clouds are those over there, Can you see inside me OK or do I need to push the cap in a little more?”— It was like the world had come to worship at her pussy, each of her acolytes lining up, kneeling, looking up in admiration searching for some truth, then moving aside to make room for the next worshipper! —“Oh, you need me to lift my leg so you can see inside better? OK, but wait till we pass the next buoy.”— Just carrying on one conversation with the people navigating the boat, and another about sex. Her sex. And you could really appreciate the slickness of the juices flowing out. In fact, she couldn’t stay in one place on the vinyl cushion; her bottom was too slippery and she kept sliding off. So after a while she just stood up and let her juices run down her legs while she joined the search for the next buoy. As we approached shore, we slowed down and there was less breeze to carry her scent away, so her sex smell was pleasantly everywhere.

Putting her pussy on display, both visually and verbally, in a way that allowed a clear view of the inner folds and the pink inside, especially when she turned to let the sun shine in, revealed an explicit view of the exact, particular hole all these guys’ cocks had at earlier times penetrated, added a whole new dimension of beauty, sexiness, boldness, attractiveness, and desirability to this brave and amazing person. Usually, guys try to surreptitiously sneak a peek, pretending they’re looking at something else. But gf eliminated that need by putting her pussy front and center, and making it, alternating with navigating the boat, a topic of conversation. —“I don’t shave too often, but when I do I make sure the lower lips are clean and smooth, just like now, so look a little lower and you’ll see. These clouds are beautiful today. I leave a small patch of hair just above where my lips start because I’m a mature woman, not a little girl.”— And she was treating it so casually: —“Yes, my pussy does get sore at times from a lot of fucking, but it’s sore muscles, not chafing. I’m wet enough so I don’t chafe. The chart says our next turn is at Red Buoy Number Ten. Hey, I like that number ten, that’s how many of you guys I’ve fucked. All but two of you; too bad for you! Hey!, we went straight past the red buoy and missed our turn!! How could you miss that turn? Haven’t you guys ever seen a c*nt before?”—

This was the moment! With this very personal act of being naked and making public the private parts of her body, her pussy was no longer just a pussy, and now with her use of the word, become a c*nt. c-u-n-t. Really, I noticed that the terminology immediately shifted from pussy to c*nt, even the women using that term. This was the moment her pussy became forever a c*nt. Her c*nt.

With her c*nt wide open to its admirers, gf was obviously enjoying every minute. I’d never seen her nipples so dark and extended before, until then I’d never seen her clit peeking out so far, and I certainly had never seen such a rich flow of fluid flowing from her. This was not vaginal excretion anymore; it was now real c*nt juice, and lots of it, slick, sticky, slippery, wet, messy, musky, wild, primitive, smelling wonderful, exuding and inviting sex. But most of all, I'd never before seen such beauty, peace, confidence, satisfaction, content, bravery, and also dreaminess in her face. And, yes, risk and vulnerability—she was really putting herself out there. She resisted touching herself, except for inserting the plastic cap, but even so we witnessed a few soft orgasms just from the exposure, the conversation, her nudity, the attention, having so many of her former fuck-buddies there, the pleasure of being surrounded by approving friends, both men and women, knowing she was exposing herself in ways far beyond anything she had imagined, and the fact that this was her birthday.

She was having a lot of ‘soft’ orgasms, and they were coming more frequently. When she felt an orgasm approaching she’d recline on the bench and grab the closest hands on either side of her and just let the orgasm roll over her. She had many orgasms, jumping up between them to check the boat’s progress. —“Whew! That was a good one. Has anyone spotted the entry marker yet? Idiots!! The entry for the channel, not the entry between my legs! You already know where that is!”— Sharing these soft orgasms with the group, she suggested that they watch her face and especially her eyes as she came. She wanted to share eye contact as she was coming. She seemed the most vulnerable during these orgasms, having no control over her body’s reactions or her face, and especially her eyes. She knew anybody could have ridiculed her, but out of respect they didn’t. We were all amazed that she could come without touching herself; the intensity of the situation was enough for her to climax several times, hands off, and how she could come and navigate at the same time! —“Hey, for my next one, could somebody get a pillow to put under my head? Now which marker are we passing? and next time I come, squeeze my hands harder.”— She lay there with her knees up, legs opening and closing involuntarily, her hands holding her friends’ hands while she climaxed, her eyes revealing her feelings of vulnerability. It was challenging to look into her eyes while she was coming, it felt like you were stealing something from her. But then you realized she was giving something to you. This was very intense and very personal. The smell of her c*nt juice was even stronger now, and I for one was so affected I was shaking. —“Hey, next orgasm If you want a better view of what my clit’s doing then slide that pillow under my hips so I tip up a little, but first you’ll have to wipe off this slippery seat. ah, ah, aaaah, you’re too late!!”— This was probably even more personal and intimate than the amazing views and talk she had treated us to. The others mostly had to hold on to a rail to steady themselves.

Between orgasms, someone suggested we reveal our fantasies. When it came her turn, gf told all of us that she fantasizes about having all her old fuck-buddies in one place at one time and having a quick fuck with each. How would she pull this off? Would she just lie back, open her legs, and have them line up and penetrate her c*nt one by one—recall, it’s no longer her pussy, after today it’s her c*nt—one at a time with the others waiting in line and watching, or would they each be lying side by side and she’d come around and slide herself down onto each new cock? The guys liked the first option, but she thought that would be too much like a gang bang, which she’d organized only once in her life and wound up not liking it. She preferred the second choice because she’d get better orgasms that way, she’d be more likely to get her breasts played with, and she’d be more in control. And with her on top, the cleanup would be simpler because she could just let his cum and her juice flow out before going to the next one. The guys all decided they wouldn’t want to be lying on their backs side by side waiting for her to come around to fuck them, but instead would prefer a waiting room and come in one at a time to take turns positioning themselves under her. They also liked the bit about playing with her tits. She’d say OK to that arrangement. Now with that decided, how long would this take? At five minutes fucking for each, and allowing another five minutes for dismounting and then climbing on for the next fuck (said she might be able to get it down to two minutes between fucks), it would take over an hour to fuck just the ones who were here now on the boat, and she’d still have to fuck at least that number from her high school (that's another hour or two), and she’d be just getting started, for the guys she had fucked from other parts of her life. And who would coordinate all this activity, arrange for the place, send the invitations, and would would keep time? The other women who were in on this discussion finally admitted that they too had similar fantasies but had never gone to the extent of thinking it through. One girl, about fifteen years younger, said she would have to do a lot of catching up to get to the level of experience and daring needed to even think about something like this, but that my gf was a real-life inspiration she could draw from. The women did like the part about being on top and not having to bother cleaning up between fucks. One of the women suggested there should be a requirement that each guy had to lick her pussy first. Gf said, yes, but in all her fantasizing she hadn’t thought of this idea, so why not? But this might add about twenty minutes for each guy. During that discussion, she had to lie down to ride out three more light orgasms, again gripping the hands of those around her. On the second one, she slid off the soaked cushions and we had to catch her from sliding across the deck because her bottom was so slick with her juices. For the third one, she tried to ride it out standing up, but her legs collapsed and we had to catch her again.

During all these public orgasms, she was trying her best to hold off the Big One. As we got nearer to the dock and everyone else went below to gather their stuff, she and I were left alone up top. Now for the Big One—she had me watch as she finally put her fingers to her newly honored c*nt and stroked herself (like, it took only two strokes!). Bang! I won’t describe her body’s appearance and reaction during the much-anticipated grand orgasm she’d been putting off. Suffice it to say that the look on her face was priceless, and I was glad that after sharing so much of herself with everyone else, she chose to share this very private and intimate moment with me only. We found out later everyone below heard her satisfied gasps of pleasure, and probably felt the boat rock a little. What a Birthday! Now it was time for us to go below and say goodbye to the others.

At the owner’s private dock she could stay naked while we tied up. She and I got down to the gangway with the evidence of her massive orgasm (dripping, scent of orgasmic sex still flowing from her c*nt and running down her legs, flushed skin, nipples crinkled and pointed, fingers sticky, eyes glazed, still panting, legs unsteady)—living, breathing, in-the-moment sex still obvious. Her face was radiant with an expression that was both dazed and knowing, as she acknowledged each of her friends. As they stepped ashore, each received a full-body naked hug. Of course, the sweet, thick scent of her sex had followed us down the ladder and hung in the air around her like a sweet, spicy, syrupy, sex-charged mist.

(I should mention that during this entire afternoon, gf drank no alcohol except for two small glasses of wine, and that she’d always been clean of drugs. For this day she wanted to be fully aware and in the moment, and to be able to remember all of it. But of course the other folks drank plenty!)

As we left the boat and drove away, she remained on a real high. At the start of the cruise, she’d wanted to just tan her breasts before summer was gone, but once she felt the warm breeze and sun and remembered it was her birthday, she decided on full naked. She figured she’d tease the guys and just not worry about any possible negative reaction from the women. As for me, at first I was a little nervous and probably acted a little goofy, but she told me I soon straightened out but seemed to be breathing a little harder than usual the whole four hours. Her joking with the owners of so many cocks she’d had inside her, and telling again how unique and good they each felt, and hearing again how they liked and missed fucking her and wanted to fuck her again if their wives or girlfriends would either let them, or not find out about the new fuck, and how good the orgasms were, right in front of me, was a little weird. With any single guy this talking would be too close; with a crowd it becomes less personal, like a number on a distant scoreboard. But knowing your gf was so desired by so many guys was a real high, and having her be everyone’s c*nt for the day was a real high for me! Anyway, I had apparently passed her test for jealousy!

This had been a spectacular day for both of us. At that time our relationship was just starting, but this day really put us on the fast track, and my discovery of her desires and bravery just kept growing.

As he left the boat, one of the guys asked what were the odds that she’d plan that grand reunion where she would re-fuck all her men, and even though he was one of the two she hadn’t fucked could he come anyway? With a smile, she reminded him that this was something he would have to just dream about, having enjoyed her special birthday afternoon, but it will always remain just a fantasy. …unless she can round up everyone and get them to Burning Man!
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