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Old 04-02-2013, 11:29 PM
Krystal Krystal is offline
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Well, here's part five. Let me know what you think.

Part 5: Reagan Kelly

Reagan was the most innocent girl in the world. You can imagine how angry she got when Eddie Krueger exposed her intimate parts to a lot of people. Reagan was a rather small 21 year-old with white skin, light brown hair, blue eyes, and small boobs.

Though she was 21, Reagan acted like a child. Her greatest obsessions were ice skating and Disney. Reagan loved Disney. Her dream job was to be a disney on ice princess. After an incredible audition, Reagan obtained her dream job as Ariel from the little mermaid. Reagan was required to die her hair red, which she was fine with, but the one thing she was worried about was the seashell bra. Reagan had never shown much skin. The most she had ever shown was at the beach in her one piece bathing suit. She was going to have to suck it up because this was her big chance. She practiced all week long for her first show on Saturday.

Finally, it was the big day. Reagan got ready in her dressing room. She got dressed in her light green pants that had fake scales on them and her purple seashell bra and made her way out to the ice rink. She was stopped by an older man. "Hello dear, my name is Eddie. I am a big fan of The Little Mermaid. I can't wait to see you out there. I have a feeling it's going to be very special." He said with a grin on his face. Reagan thought it was a bit creepy for an old man to like The Little Mermaid, but who was she to judge? "Thank you sir! I'd like to talk more, but I must go." Reagan said with a grin. Reagan went out to ice rink and put on a great show.

When it was time for Reagan's solo, she was the only one on the rink. She did a marvelous job. Half way through her solo, another man made his way on the rink. It was Eddie. Eddie skated over to Reagan and knocked her over. Reagan screamed as she hit the ice. The impact knocked the wind out of her. Eddie took this moment to swiped her skates. Reagan tried to get up, but without her skates, she just kept falling over. Eddie came again and grabbed her pant legs. He skated around the rink dragging Reagan who tried to hold on to her pants and keep them on.

Reagan started to get dizzy and accidentally let go. Reagan was now in just the seashell bra and her pink polka-dotted panties. The audience laughed at her. Reagan's face turned red and she covered her panties her her hands. Eddie came back and knocked Reagan on her stomach. Reagan got the wind knocked out of her again. Eddie went in for the finish and used her skates to cut her panties and bra. Eddie swiped them and Reagan was naked.

Eddie looked at her small boobs and pussy. "Huh, guess the carpet doesn't match the d****s." he laughed. Reagan screamed and covered herself the best she could. Eddie vanished with her clothes. Reagan tried to get off the rink, but it was useless. She kept sliding around and falling. The audience was laughing and recording it with their cameras. After a few minutes, Some of the other princesses helped her back to the dressing room. Reagan got dressed and cried her eyes out. Even worse, she got fired. Reagan was devastated. She was a very nice person, but she hated Eddie Krueger. A girl named Zoe took advantage of Reagan's depression and talked her into having drinks with other Eddie victims and well, you know where that led.

Reagan pretended like it never happened and moved on with her life. She actually took hypno-therapy to forget who Eddie Krueger was. It worked, for the most part. Reagan's life was good again. She got a new job at Disney world dressed up as Cinderella. Reagan liked this job better because she got to interact with kids and she could have her natural light brown hair again. Reagan was happy. One afternoon, during Reagan's break, she decided to take a quick nap. Reagan was exhausted and was out in seconds.

Reagan woke up. "Uh-oh, I hope I didn't sleep to long." She said. She ran out of the break room and into the park. The whole place was empty. "What the- what's going on?" She asked herself. Reagan heard laughing. "Hello? Is someone there?" She heard another laugh and turned around. A big Mickey Mouse stuffed animal was standing in front of her. "Hello Reagan!" It said. Reagan screamed. "Don't be afraid Reagan. I'm your friend!" The stuffed animal said. "Is this-is this a dream?" Reagan asked. "Nope, this is a nightmare." The Mickey's voice got lower and creepy. Reagan started to back away. "You know, it's good to see you again Reagan." The Mickey said. "Have we...met?" Reagan asked. "Oh I'm sorry. You don't recognize me like this. How about now?" The Mickey transformed into a creepy stuffed animal.

This stuffed animal had a burnt looking face and was wearing a red shirt with the letter ENF in black, black pants, a black fedora, and a glove with four sharp razors which were real. "Recognize me now?" The toy asked. "Who- Who are you?!" Reagan asked in fear. "Why I'm your old pal Eddie. I've come back for my revenge." The toy said. Reagan screamed. She hiked up her Cinderella dress and started running. The toy chased after her. Reagan's heels were slowing her down so she kicked them off. Suddenly, all the toys in all gift shops turned into stuffed Eddies and started chasing her.

It was hard for Reagan to run in her giant dress. The Eddie toys were catching up. One jumped forward and caught on to her dress. Reagan screamed. The rest of the toys caught up and clung to Reagan's dress. Reagan fell down. There was only one way she could escape. Reagan took a deep breath and unzipped her dress. She squirmed out of it and kept running. Reagan was now in just blue bra and panties. Reagan had now escaped the Eddie toys. Reagan stopped for a bit to catch her breath. Out of nowhere a giant Eddie mascot tackled her to the ground.

Reagan struggled and kicked the head off of the mascot. No one was inside. Reagan screamed. Suddenly more mascots came and grabbed Reagan's arms and legs and took her to one of the theaters. The curtain opened and the seats were full of cheering Eddie toys. Reagan was being held by the mascots. She heard someone yell action. Eddie walked up on stage with a megaphone. "Good afternoon boys and girl! Are you ready to see the best kind of entertainment?!" He shouted. The Eddie toys went wild. Eddie walked over to Reagan.

"Hello princess. It's been awhile." Eddie laughed. "Let me go! You are a very mean man! This is not nice!" Reagan screamed. "Well the thing is sweetie, I'm not a nice guy." Eddie said. "Time for some fun." he laughed. "Alright boys, give her a little spin so the crowd can see what we're working with." Eddie shouted into his megaphone. The mascots slowly turned Reagan around and around and showed off her underwear. "Let's get those boobs out! What do ya say boys?" Eddie asked the crowd. The toys went crazy and shouted. Eddie walked over to Reagan whose back was turned to the crowd. He cut her bra strap and her bra fell to the ground. Reagan screamed and struggled. "Show the lovely crowd boys!" Eddie shouted.

The mascots turned Reagan around exposing her small boobs to the crowd. The toys were cheering loudly. Eddie felt her boobs. "Not bad, not bad. "He laughed. The mascots turned Reagan around again. Eddie got back on the megaphone. "Are you ready for the grand finale?!" Eddie shouted. The toys shouted. "Now, the moment we've all been waiting for!" Eddie shouted. He took his razors and put them at the top of Reagan's panties. Reagan cried. "Please, you don't have to do this." Reagan pleaded. "You're right, I don't have you...I want to." Eddie laughed. He slashed her panties off exposing her butt to the toys. Eddie spanked it hard and Reagan screamed. "Turn her around!" Eddie shouted. The mascots turned Reagan around and exposed her bare pussy. "Ah, I see we've shaved since last time." Eddie said. The toys laughed and cheered. Eddie grabbed Reagan's pussy and smiled. Eddie took his camera out and started filming Reagan's naked body. "With this camera, you shall relive this dream every time you sleep with the same outcome." Eddie said. Reagan screamed, struggled and broke free from the mascots. She tried to run, but Eddie tripped her. Reagan hit the stage.

Reagan woke up in pain. She heard laughing. She looked up and saw a giant crowd of kids in the theater. She stood up and wondered what they were laughing at. Reagan felt a breeze. She looked down and saw that she was naked. Reagan screamed and covered herself. The kids were laughing at her, the dads and teens were taking video and pictures, and the moms were outraged. They formed a mob and ran to the stage. "What do you think you're doing pervert?!" They shouted. "Wait! You don't understand!" Reagan pleaded. The moms ignored her and grabbed her arms. "You like being naked freak?! Let's show you off to the whole park sicko!"

The moms drug Reagan out if the theater and paraded her through the park. "Come see the pervert!" They shouted. Hoards of people ran over and joined the little parade. People pointed and laughed, took pictures and video, and threw stuff at her. Lots of teens went over to Reagan and started groping her. Some poured water over her and got her naked body cold and wet. One teen ran over to her and made out with her. Reagan got groped and had many pictures and videos taken of her for the entire day. At the end of the day, the moms threw her out if the park naked. Reagan had no idea what to do and ran home naked.

Reagan got fired from her job again. Reagan was all over the news. She was mortified. Her misery wasn't over however. Like Eddie said, she went through it every time she slept. This put Reagan in some rather embarrassing predicaments. One time she fell asleep at a public pool and woke up naked in front of a bunch of teens. Another time she fell asleep at her new job at the circus where she was on the tightrope. That was a very good circus. Reagan never wanted to sleep again.

Meanwhile, Eddie sat in his lair staring at a picture of six girls. He had April, Kiki, Jessie, Roxanne, and Reagan crossed out. "One more to go." Eddie said. "The ring leader of that little group. I'll see you soon Zoe."
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Old 04-04-2013, 05:39 AM
flooresence flooresence is offline
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I like it
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Old 04-27-2013, 09:41 AM
theking94 theking94 is offline
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great story
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Old 07-19-2013, 05:09 PM
flooresence flooresence is offline
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Default the finale

so when is the finale chapter gonna be written, I'm on tender hooks here
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Old 06-27-2014, 05:52 PM
enfman28 enfman28 is offline
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When is the next one? I like this series
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Old 06-30-2014, 08:24 PM
steve_harris steve_harris is offline
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Default Amazing!

Great parody, I love the horror elements. Bring on the next one!
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Old 10-31-2017, 05:09 PM
flooresence flooresence is offline
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Default Finishing the series..?

Does anyone feel like they'd like a conclusion to this series or rather let the outcome remain open for members to imagination??
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