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Old 10-30-2017, 04:46 PM
bulldog_y2k bulldog_y2k is offline
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I'm sure I'll type up another story some time this week or weekend, depending on my schedule.
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Old 10-31-2017, 11:24 PM
bulldog_y2k bulldog_y2k is offline
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Default Continuation

Unmasking the Halloween Spirit

Ryki left the police station; en route to this place called UCLA. The day drew closer and closer to sunset. He walked on the street glancing at businesses running and serving, but all of a sudden, something strange caught his eye. A woman was walking a child in a leprechaun costume holding a pot of candy. Ryki thoughts on how strangely times have changed and then another child dressed up and another and another. He asked himself, "What is going on? Is this normal?" Ryki decided to walk up to one of the kids and ask. Magically, he copied some candy in his hand and, in for a kind gesture, gave it to the child. He asked, "Why are you dressed up?" The kid replied, "Because it's Halloween and we like dressing up as our favorite ghoul or goblin." "I see. Do adults also dress up?" Ryki asked. "Sometimes, my older sister is. I hope someone scares her tonight; she's not very nice to me," the child replied. "I'm sure she'll get what's coming. What's her name?" Ryki asked. "I hope so! Her name is Angelica. She's going to that house for a party tonight. They seem to have a lot of college parties there. Oh, I got to go and catch up with my friends. Thanks for the candy," the kid replied as he stormed off. "A college costume party, eh..." Ryki pondered. "Well, UCLA will still be there tomorrow for my visit. I'm eager to watch this party and help a young man out. Ryki nodded his head, and with a blink of the eye, he looked like a pharaoh of old times.

Ryki walked to the main door of the house the kid spoke of and was met by a large man who was bent on keeping him out. "You're not on the list. Go the fuck away before I kick the shit out of you!" The man threatened passionately. Ryki laughed and said, "I would love to see you try." At this point, a dozen people lined behind Ryki waiting so patiently in their costumes. The bouncer swung mightily at Ryki, but only to miss his mark. Ryki grabbed the man and threw him ten feet into the yard. The people were astonished at his strength, though this was nothing as we all know. The man got up miraculously unharmed, and before he could utter words, Ryki snapped his fingers, and the man shit his pants. "Now, who got the shit knocked out of who?" Ryki taunted. The bouncer was overly embarrassed and ran to his car parked down the street. The people waiting in line began laughing as they saw the man of muscle run with a grand brown staining covering the seat of his pants. Ryki walked inside and saw people dressed as all creatures and some of a superhero nature that he was unfamiliar. The music was bumping, and beers were beginning to be passed out. The crowd was massive. It filled every corner of the house. Most of the girls wore a pin displaying a symbol that he was unaware of and when he asked one of the ladies she replied, "It's for our sorority. I'm the President, and this is our off-campus home. How do you not know that?" Ryki ignored her question and said, "I'm looking for Angelica. Do you know her? It's important I find her." The girl said, "Yeah. She's one of our Freshman girls going through rush, but we're trying to keep things anonymous as possible tonight with people wearing masks. Makes things more mysterious." She pointed her out and then walked away.

Angelica appeared to be a toned 5'5 and 19 years old woman. Her hair was dark brown and fixed in a unique way. She wore an orange mask half covering her face with vintage bright red lipstick. She also wore a white thick strapped dress top that completely covered her breasts and gave a little hint to how small or big they might be, though, most suspected they were large, but no one knew fully. Her top led to an orange skirt which covered her entire legs and all the way to her feet. Ryki walked up to her and asked, "What are you suppose to be?" She replied back giggly, "Why I'm a salsa dancer tonight. Do you wanna dance?" Ryki smiled and said, "Oh we're going to dance, for sure, but I need to help a friend first." "Ok," she replied. Ryki walked away and began thinking up a plan, and then it occurred to him; we have a stage of people, all we need is a spotlight!

He clapped his hands and POOF! There appeared a spotlight brightly centering on Angelica, and it began following her as she tried to move from its view. She was confused and started to get angry. "Hey! That's is bright! Can you stop following me around with it?!" Angelica yelled out. Almost immediately, Angelica found herself alone on center stage and then they all heard it from all sides of the house... "I wanna play a game." Everyone froze in terror because they've all seen the movies, but luckily, this was a Ryki film production.

Ryki noticed one of the gentlemen wearing a Zoro costume and the sword gave him an idea. POOF... Angelica looked down to a sword in her hand, a facet she was champion over, at least, from her high school team, but she then glanced back up puzzled to find another sword in the air with nothing holding it. "What is this? Is someone playing a joke?! How is this happening?!" She questioned. The manless sword swung close and clipped her hairpins only to leave her brown hair in a plummet below her shoulders. She knew NOW, this was no joke. The sword and Angelica began swinging and striking - Ping, Pow, Shrrr, Pow... Ryki realized how good she was and that it was time to give the manless sword "an edge." He nodded his head, and the sword was now quicker than her and tougher than the sword it met by her hand. Ping and SHHHHRIIIIIPPPPP. She looked down to a large gash now placed right above her stomach and showing some beautiful fair skin. She became angry and began to fight harder, which was laughable to the power match of the manless sword. Pow, Ping, RRRRRIIIIPPPPP. She looked down again and now another gash, but this one cut at the collar and traveled down to the hint of the bridge of a white bra. She was more angry than concerned, at this moment, but her shirt was open to showing an abyss of cleavage and hints of her breasts themselves. They swung, swung, and struck... POOOOW -- TING. The horde of people gasped as her sword broke and hit the ground. Now Angelica was helpless. She began backing up and tried to go into a different room, but Ryki waved his hand and Angelica couldn't go into the frame of the door. Her legs simply wouldn't let her move into the other room.

She backed up against the wall, as the focal point of the spotlight, and the sword approached. She screamed to the people and said, "STOP THIS!" No one said a word as they were in wonder if she were about to get hurt. The manless sword took one final bow before her and flashed in sweeps faster than any eye could follow, then it disappeared. Angelica, now panting in fear, quickly looked left and right in concern, but nothing, then it happened. That white dress top tattered in every direction, followed by an unravel effect away from Angelica's chest. The masses froze in amazement. The guys became bothered, and the girls laughed their asses off, although some were jealous of Angelica's rack. Her bra was snow white, thick, and the cups extended barely over half of her breasts. The bra was filled to capacity, just like two contained massively sized globes in need of release. Ryki was astonished and even turned on himself. He made it up in his mind that he would take this a step further than any of his other victims. Angelica screamed in embarrassment. She covered herself with both arms while adding a further deepness to her still visible cleavage. Again, in panic, Angelica ran to the door only to be reminded by her legs that she was going NOWHERE. She began to heave deep breaths as her cheeks flushed red. People from the crowd took advantage of her stripping with flashes of pictures and uploads to Instagram.

In her mortified state, she attempted to run to the other side of the room hoping to escape the spotlight at least and maybe get the window open. No dice. She ran to the other side of the room, and her feet stopped automatically in their tracks. Ryki vanished from all eyes and began whispering in Angelica's ear, "It's time for our dance." Her eyes tracked back and forth and prayed nothing else would happen. She now faced away from everyone's attention and the song "You Can Leave Your Hat On" by Joe Cocker turned on without warning. She was frozen in place, but she could feel her hips beginning to sway back and forth on their own to the music. Her back forced her to bend over with the compelling acceptance of her hips. The expansion of her butt stretched the material of her long orange salsa skirt and began to wiggle around to the music. Everyone laughed followed by a few whistles. She wasn't doing anything, yet she was. Inside she could feel her embarrassment mount once more. Suddenly her legs took over at the end of the song and twisted her back into facing the crowd. Angelica's breasts followed in full with her twisting motion as her arms fling open also, leaving for a nice series of bounces at the turn's end. Ryki snapped his fingers at the song's finale, and she felt something weird under her skirt. Her matching satin, white bikini cut panties felt larger as if they were quickly growing in size. She felt shocked when they began sliding down her legs and into the view of everyone. Her panties now rested at the bottom of her dress and ankles and the people furiously laughed. Again, flashes hit from the left, right, center side of the room. One daring guy swiftly grabbed her panties and yanked them from her ankles, causing her to fall backward. Everyone tried to catch a glimpse of what she had downstairs, but her skirt was too tight to give any such view. The guy held up and stretched her panties toward the crowd. They were three times bigger than before and embarrassingly spread a long ways. Her peers cracked in laughter and some almost pissed themselves. Angelica was horrified, but deep down there was still a small glimmer of peace knowing that she still had her mask and most of the people didn't know one from another.

Ryki loved it, but he was far from finished. Angelica picked herself up, her tits bouncing in her bra at every turn and move. Ryki again whispered in her ear, "Hey sexy panties, I think I need to show you something I've learned about lingerie over the past day. Here, allow me..." The decorative spider webs now extended from the walls to reach her covering hands and pull them up over her head. Her skin had chill-bumps, and her face got even redder if that were even possible. Ryki nodded and glanced at her long orange skirt. The crowd earnestly watched Angelica's skirt shrink in length, but not in integrity. Further and further up it went, and they could see Angelica's glossy thighs come into view. She screamed and tried pulling down her now, mini-skirt, but her skirt continued in strides upwards until they reached the bottom of her ass cheeks. The skirt had shrunk from a long wavy dress to a pair of orange boyshorts, yet still thick in its original fabric style. Angelica looked down at her missing length and tried to go into cover-up mode, but couldn't manage her hands down far enough to cover herself. She yelled out to the laughing and whistle crowd, "Someone tells me this is a dream. THIS SHIT CAN'T BE REAL!" "These boyshorts reveal all of her curved hips, at least, but the people deserve a better view before I move this further," Ryki thought. Ryki motioned his hand, and Angelica twisted back away from the crowd for a few moments and then back forward again. He spoke up and said, "Let's try a different style!" Angelica heard a finger snap and watched as her newly formed boyshorts slowly lost fabric as it developed a large triangle, still covering her most valuable place. She looked behind, and her ass was now showing with a bikini style. Again, Ryki motioned his hand, and she spun around, tits jiggling and bouncing, and the crowd had a better view of her athletically toned and rounded ass. Most of the guys watching were now visibly turned on, and a few were taking sharp looks from those they brought as dates.

Ryki motioned once more, and Angelica flew back around, now with a hint of her left areola peaking from the borderline of her bra cup after the bouncing. The masses once again heard the magical snap of Ryki's fingers, and Angelica felt the fabric lessen over her ass into nothing more than a regular T-shaped band connection that left nothing to the imagination. Her ass was now in full view. Ryki whispered in her ear, "How do you like my interpretation of lingerie so far?" She gulped and spoke back to the invisible voice, "So far....????" Ryki smiled and then showed turned Angelica once more so the guys and girls could all check out her ass in a regular orange thong, then he turned her back again. "One more time," he told her. Snap, they all heard, and Angelica glanced down to that larger triangle now subtracting down to the seams barely covering the lips of her vagina and the top elastic band now just shy north of her clit. The T-shaped band lessened as well to nothing more than the smallest version of itself. She screamed once more and begged, "Please, I don't know what I did to you, but stop this please!!" Ryki delighted to a response, "It's not what you did to me, but what you do to others maybe lesser than you. I'm simply carrying out a little friend's wish tonight. Aside from that, I can't help but to notice how big your tits are, shall we set them free?" Her eyes grew large as she said, "NOOOoo!"

Angelica screamed as she felt invisible hands from behind groping and massaging her breasts. The massive mounds practically spilled out of Ryki's hands. He was amazed at how large they were, and he curiously read her bra tag as he once read Amber's - Angelica wore a 36E. Now it was time to have some fun, he thought. Spider webs grew from their base and slid under the rather broad bra straps. The webs, on Ryki's command, began lifting her breasts and dropping them back down, causing her tits to half-way flop in response, but the bra was still holding, yet struggling to provide support.

The crowd started chanting, "Take it off! Take it off!" Angelica heard Ryki snap his fingers again and became frantic to what she knew was coming next. The left web lifted her left strap along with it raising her left breast, and then she heard the terrifying sound of sawing. The web moved back and forth for a good 30 seconds until all heard SSSSNNNNNNAAAAAPPPP! Her left breast fell from it's lifted position, dropped slightly below her right, and rebounded back up in a bounce before settling. Angelica gasped in response, then the right side lifted and started it's cutting action. SSSSNNNNNAAAAAAPPP! Her right breast fell in the same manner and with recoil, bounced up in the same way, and dropped parallel to her left. Again, Angelica responded with a gasp. Both sections of webs met at the snaps of her heavy duty bra and wrapped around to pull. The webs grew more lines necessary to grab Angelica by the waist and counter-pull her body in the opposite direction. "OH GOD NO!!!" Please don't!! This ISN'T REAL!!" She spoke, and then the webs started pulling. The cups of her bra began to separate and also push-up her mounds to a massive bulge. Both of her tits began showing more and more of her dark brown areola, but her nipples hadn't debuted just yet. The webs pulled tighter and suddenly, RRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPP!!!! The bridge between her bra cups ripped in half! Angelica's massive 36E's now plopped to their natural form. The crowd went nuts; hooping and hollering! Ryki finally was able to see her massive tits, but something else overtook his attention. Angelica's nipples were huge! They were at least an inch long by a quarter-sized wide. He had never seen such large nipples before in his life. He didn't even know it was naturally possible. Ryki couldn't resist. He rubbed and played with them in his mouth, although no one could explain and, frankly didn't care, why her nipples were moving by themselves.

About this time, Ryki hears a low conversation from one of the girls in the crowd. "Damn those are large nipples, but my breasts are bigger and better than hers. I paid good money for them so they should be better!" The girl winked and jiggled her clothed tits in front of the guys. Ryki responded by snapping his fingers. The people ahead were pulled back, and this girl pulled toward Angelica against her will. The girl was confused but knew this wasn't good. Ryki whispered, "I don't know your name. What is it?" "Elizabeth," she replied, yet still puzzled. "What are you wearing?" He asked. "I'm a witch tonight." "Maybe, we should have some fun then," he answered. Elizabeth's eye grew, and a gust of wind came from the floor, lifting her witch costume completely off. The crowd watched as this 5'7 blonde now displayed her curvy body in a leopard-skinned bra and ass-filled black cotton briefs. Webs flew from the frames of the room and held Elizabeth by her ankles and arms. Some laughed, and other whistled while eye-balling both Elizabeth and Angelica. Elizabeth's tits were bigger than Angelica and over-filled the strained bra she was wearing. Ryki smiled and said to her, "You said your tits were better than hers?" "Listen to me, you perverted fuck! Mine is better and bigger than hers. As a matter of fact, not only that, but my ass is better than hers. Just ask my boyfriend, Derek. Now, let me go and fuck off!" Elizabeth responded. Ryki smiled even greater and said, "No. It doesn't seem that way." Elizabeth wondered what he meant by that. He walked around and out of his curiosity checked her bra tag -- 36F. "Damn," he said. Ryki commanded the webs to move both Elizabeth and Angelica to stand side by side. "Now, let's see if your's are better than hers!" He yelled.

Elizabeth felt something strange. She glared down toward her body, and her bra had become wet. People watched and wondered what was happening. Soon, Elizabeth noticed that both of her breasts didn't overflow her bra any longer!! THEY ARE SHRINKING!!! She screamed. Beads of fluid from her silicone implants came as liquid out of her sweat pours as nothing but water. She watched in horror as her breasts continued to shrink. Her breasts now pulled back from the silk fabric of their cups. Ryki waved his hand, and the webs bent her at the waist so the view would be perfect. Her nipples immediately came into view, but they did not change and were fully extended into the fresh air. Elizabeth finally felt it finish. She was afraid to look down, but she did anyway. She saw what everyone else saw. There was a massive gap between her nipples and the "once over-filled" cups. She screamed in embarrassment and began to cry. Even Angelica was enjoying this part despite her circumstance. Ryki reached and jiggled her body, but her tits were so small that there was barely a jiggle. In fact, her bra jiggled more than she did. He laughed along with everyone in the crowd. Elizabeth couldn't say a word. If anyone could guess, her bra size was a 34A or 36A now. Ryki walked back over to Angelica. Her eyes got big as she thought something else was about to happen to her. He said, "Didn't she say her ass was also better?" Elizabeth's eyes sharpened and displayed her horror. Angelica nodded.

Ryki motioned his hand as Elizabeth was turned to the side for the best display. She tried kicking, screaming, but she couldn't free her legs and screaming didn't help. Her peers taunted on, "DO IT! DO IT!" Even her boyfriend, Derek, joined in. Ryki clapped his hands, and they watched Elizabeth's black cotton panties gain more and more room in the back. Elizabeth could feel the fabric slip from her skin as her ass became less full. Within a minute, it ended. Elizabeth glanced back and saw a large absence of where her ass use to be. There was mainly nothing but batches of cotton fabric. All she could do was cry. Angelica started laughing and shouted out, "That's what you get for being a b*tch to people!" Ryki walked back over and replied, "Exactly. Now I will leave you with this pleasurable gift to help remind you of that with everyone you know." Angelica was stunned and could only imagine what he would do. Ryki snapped his fingers and POOF... Elizabeth was now wearing a strap-on dildo. "NO! PLEASE GOD, NO!" Angelica yelled. Angelica heard another snap of a finger and immediately found herself to the side as well, yet in front of Elizabeth and bent on all fours. "PLEASE!! I've learned my lesson!" She pleaded, but Ryki ignored her. The crowd went crazy and chanted the same, "DO IT! DO IT!"

By the snap of his finger, the music began playing, and both Elizabeth's and Angelica's hips reacted accordingly to their position. The dildo started with rubbing against the small fabric left of Angelica's orange skirt that barely covered her lips. Angelica's tits wobbled to the motions. People could hear her moan slightly despite any voiced rejection. Suddenly, she heard one last snap that night as Ryki waved his hand, the strings holding the fabric broke and fell away. Angelica's mask also loosened around her head by his command and landed nearby the shred of orange cloth. She panicked knowing that everyone now would know for sure who she was and ridicule her at school. Ryki walked up to them both and said, "I'll leave you here now. There are five songs on this playlist, and you're **Angelica moans** going to endure them all. After that, the webs will loosen **Moans again** and your hips will be back under your control. Haha. You girls have fun now." **Loud Moan** (Ryki vanishes from the house).

Later, in the early morning, Ryki transforms out of his costume and into something more appropriate. "It's time to check out this college that I've heard about," he thought.
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Old 11-04-2017, 12:37 AM
bulldog_y2k bulldog_y2k is offline
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Ryki's adventure at UCLA will be coming soon. Though, I'm bursting with ideas, if you wish Ryki's to meet someone specific (wife, girlfriend, an ex, movie star, etc) then PM the details or a pic of who and an idea of you'd like to see happen to them.
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Old 11-06-2017, 08:55 AM
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The new act will be coming this weekend or early next week. Stay tuned.
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Old 11-09-2017, 01:32 AM
eplefrek eplefrek is offline
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Cant wait dude!
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Old 11-16-2017, 10:58 AM
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I just wanted everyone to know that I'll be making that next posting soon. I meant on finishing it this past weekend but last minute college assignments along with some sickness had other plans. Stay tuned.
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Old 11-18-2017, 04:47 PM
bulldog_y2k bulldog_y2k is offline
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Default Act 1

The November Morning

Walking down the sidewalk, in the brisk, crisp morning air, Ryki eyed the welcomed sight he had waited for. A high wall with the letters, "UCLA." It was a gorgeous campus, green and bare of people in the early morning hour. "I want to find the theater," he thought. Ryki strolled through the yards until he came upon a tall man sitting on a bench reading. He said, "Excuse me, sir. Would you help me find the theater?" The man looked up at him and said nothing but only voiced a smug look on his face. The seated man continued his read. "Rude, this man. Let's see if this adjusts his attitude." Ryki silently nods his head and steps to the side of the man. The bench creaked in sound followed by a strong ejecting push forward, throwing the man over the sidewalk and into the grass. Ryki laughed and nodded. The soil grew and hardened around the man, completely enveloping his body with exception to his head. “Where's the theater?" The man in his shocked state shakily spoke the directions and begged for release. "Good," Ryki replied. "Here's your book,” as a hard knock hit the man’s head. “You know, I’ve been merciful until this point, but I’m not feeling merciful any longer. I hate being ignored. If you survive your demise, maybe you’ll never ignore a person in need.” Ryki vanished from sight and a distant engine sounded its start-up. The man tried clawing his way out, but it was no use. Over the hill, the man saw a bright red machine crawling at a pace across the yard spewing out layers of grass as it moved. It was aligned with him. Would someone come to help this person, in need, escape?

Ryki walked over and into the identified building, located by the main road into the university. The wall greeted him with a sign pointing left for the film room and straight for the theater. No one was in sight and to satisfy curiosity, Ryki began walking left. The entrance door was locked, and with a snap of a finger, Ryki was beyond it. He was in a grand room with a rather large television flat screen. He played with the controls until a movie displayed. Ryki was amazed at the wonder of such technology. He snapped his fingers twice. Time slowed to a halt, and all films that had ever been created entered the memory banks of the studio. Ryki spent what we think of as years, but to him, it was mere moments of laughter and fun to the timeless world outside the room. He finished the last movie and snapped his fingers once more. Time resumed as usual, and Ryki now made his way to the main lobby. There he found a poster of a Victorian style play showing this evening. Out of interest and possible delight, he knew he wanted to attend. Walking through the central seating area and then the main stage, he ventured behind the large, maroon curtain separating the rooms. Though it wasn't necessary, Ryki decided to try sleeping for once since his release in one of the empty places meant for the main stars.

The Night of the Play

Meet Mercedes. She is a short 5’2, beautiful 20-year-old girl with shining brown hair that extended below her shoulders. Her skin was like a milky cream, both fair and smooth. She was tonight’s star.

WHHHHAAMMM! He awoke with a quickness to the sound. There stood Mercedes with the sight of anger on her face. The dull purple t-shirt she wore didn't give much to a display of figure but indeed stretched over the mounds of certain existence of full breasts. Her leggings also swelled across her thighs and conformed to wide hips and a heart-shaped ass. "Who the fuck are you?" Asked Mercedes. "Ryki. Is it time for the play?" He responded. "It's time for you to get your creepy ass, the fuck out of my dressing room! That's what time it is!" She stated. Ryki got up and asked her, "Who are you supposed to be, making such a showing?" "I’m tonight’s main entertainment," as she pushed him out followed by slamming the door. "I like her. She's feisty. Tonight’s entertainment? She has no idea," thought Ryki.

He walked out to the main seating area where a few people, dressed in beautiful dresses and suits, were already seated. Ryki snapped his fingers and was now in a suit himself. He walked outside to see a red Ferrari drive up. He overheard one from the growing crowd ask another, "Isn't that the dick from the basketball team and his snobby girlfriend that is always buying their way out of trouble? Didn't he accept some payoff from a sponsor recently?" The Ferrari parked by the curb and revved at the people. Ryki nodded his head, and the car begins to shake from the violent motions from inside. After a few moments, the door flung open allowing the couple out. They both fell to the ground, completely covered in runny cow shit. The girl ran to the grassy side and began puking. The guy finally caught enough composure to hear strange noises from his Ferrari. PIIIING! PINNNNGG! POW! Panels of the car dropped to the ground followed by everything else. The car sat in pieces as did the shit-covered basketball jock as he cried. The few people outside laughed but kept their distance for sanitary reasons. “I think the play is about to start,” one from the crowd said.

Act 1

Meet Mayor Kimberly Taylor. She’s a 32-year-old, 5’8 athletic woman with blonde shoulder length hair and tanned silky skin. She wore a black leisure suit made of wool and elastane along with a matching hat that was appropriate for her attire. The suit gave much away of her hourglass shaped figure with a hint of plump from behind.

Before Ryki walked back in, he noticed a limo arriving with police escort followed shortly by a few media vans parking in the distance. A woman and her husband stepped out of the limo and took the red carpet. She seemed important, he thought. A police officer, covering his face from the previous act of stench, stepped in front of Ryki and said, “Take a step back. This is the Mayor.” Ryki did as instructed and fantasied about her being his first victim of the night. He had this urge to fuck something and thought, “Who better than the mayor?” Ryki was curious, though, as to the number of police surrounding her and asked, “Why are there so many of you here with her?” “There was a gory murder not far from here, so we’re taking extra precautions tonight. Nothing for you to worry about,” the officer replied. “If he only knew,” Ryki thought in return.

After her royal entrance, Ryki returned to the main seating area and took a seat in the front row. The media now stormed inside for their hurried set-up for broadcast. An older gentleman now stood at the top stage with a spotlight shining his direction saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have an honored guest with us tonight, give a warm applause for Mayor Kimberly Taylor! The applause was polite, yet held back.

Mayor Taylor walked prestigiously up to the stage and began to speak. “I want you all to know that I’m happy to be here tonight to support our students and faculty. I know they’ll do an amazing job. As for me, I want to tell you that we’re working hard at City Hall and despite what you have heard from news reporters. The stories aren’t true; I did not have an affair with the deputy mayor. I would never cheat on my husband and besides…” The sound of voice goes quiet as her microphone vanishes from her hand. “Where’d my mic go?” she thought as she looked around her.

After watching so many movies, Ryki recalled a song from the previous night by Joe Cocker named “You Can Leave Your Hat On” and he snapped his fingers to begin the familiar tune. The spotlight focused closer on Mayor Taylor as people now mumbled in confusion. Ryki snapped his fingers once more, and her body permitted the beats and lyrics of the song. “Baby take off your coat. Real slow…” Her swaying body complied without resistance. Her fingers unbuttoned her black wool jacket, tugging on the sides of it seductively and flashing open to a white silk top that led into her black wool skirt. She called out to her husband in panic due to her loss of control, but the man was loving the view and was hoping for some payback embarrassment. Mayor Taylor now spun around tossing her jacket to the crowd. The people began snapping photos from their seats and whistling came from the men. Media members now looked at each other and closed a tighter shot on her performance. “And take off your shoes. I’ll take off your shoes.” Her waist bent with her ass pushed toward the crowd as her hands complied with the lyrics and tossed her heels across the room one by one. “Baby, take off your dress…” She heard the words and squealed like a high school girl in fright. Her hands reached behind and caressed up and over her black stockings, placed upward of her long thighs. They followed upward in the same fashion and over her black wool skirt. Her eyes widened as she felt her fingers fumbling the skirt’s zipper as her hips danced to the music. Her hands slowly lowered the zipper to the bottom followed by the loosening of its waistband. The skirt slowly slid off her hips as she stood straight and around, facing the people, then it quickly fell to the floor with a soft sound of fllloooppp as it hit bottom. Mayor Taylor wore a dress long, white silk slip that covered her breasts and ended just below the lace of her black stockings.

The crowd was in full shock mode, yet full of ambition for the continuation of the show. Ryki knew it was time to slow things down a little, for effect. He snapped his fingers and time moved 1/4th of the speed on stage as to the seating area. He, yet again, snapped his fingers and the straps of her slip broke at the height of Mayor Taylor’s shoulders. The crowd watch earnestly as her silk, in full, crept down her body. The top began showing a dark blue sear material underneath. Slowly, the slip uncovered her chest altogether. The media cameras focused in further and now displayed the once hidden blue transparent bralette tightly forming around the shape of two D-cup torpedo-like mounds with a darker and thicker blue centered flower that hinted a curve upward as it reached the tips. From the crowd’s perspective, they could see the tan, silky skin of her covered breasts and began longing for a view past the flower that shielded her northerly pointed nipples. The white slip gradually passed her toned stomach, giving sight to a black garter belt with a glimpse of dark blue matching sight of lace. Further down it went, as the crowd and cameras could see her extreme tardy paced reactions. Bit-by-bit, the white silk gave way to a high-rise layer of sheer dark blue lace with darker forms of flowers on it followed by small, but thick bands that ran both sides across her lower hips and down the crease that formed between her thigh and V-shaped groan. Her panties now showed entirely as the slip slid down her athletic shaped legs, re-displaying the black stockings she wore. The matching pair was a high-rise Brazilian-cut bikini brief that came complete with small silver hooks on the side. Ryki snapped his fingers and time resumed back to normal. The slip quickly traveled from knee to her ankles.

Kimberly’s face turned bright red as her body still turned to the beats of the tune. She wiggled around, giving a gorgeous sight of the sheer lace covering less than ½ of her plump ass cheeks. Again, Ryki snapped his finger and Kimberly felt a rush of passion fill her body. She began with a slight moan as her body danced. The nipple covering flowers gently heightened further north. Kimberly had never before felt this horny. As she faced forward and with a waving motion of her hips, the crowd started seeing the dark blue sheer fabric tighten to the form of her flush, wet pussy lips. They could almost view every detail of her womanhood. Her moans became more frequent and more profound in volume despite being touched. “This is a theater! Now we shall include, in this show, some smoking effects,” Ryki spoke out loud. The audience heard the familiar snap of a finger, and POOF smoke shot from the sides toward Kimberly.

The crowd half expected her to be completely naked at this point, but nothing had changed except her suit and slip had vanished from sight. Kimberly, intoxicated by her inner passion, cared for very little. If it were possible, she thought, she would run behind closed doors and finish herself off to the thought of her lover. Meanwhile, the audience began noticing something happening. The bralette’s sheer material, positioned between simple lace below her breasts to the straps, commenced in shrinking. The straps itself and the lace somehow seemed unaffected, but they were being pulled together by the effect. The simple lace pulled north, displaying the bottom plump of both her breasts and raised her breasts up slightly as it pulled against the curve and traveled south showing a deep naked cleavage in the wake. Both the lace and strap met the darkened flower which also slightly shrunk in size unveiling ½ of her massive pink areolas. Her bralette now looked similar to that of the tiniest of bikini tops with the mass of her tits showing underneath along with just enough material left to cover her northerly pointed nipples.
Kimberly’s body turned once more facing away from the crowd and bent at the waist which caused her ass to stretch the thin, half covering material across. Ryki snapped his fingers once more and time slowed down again. The snap also released both hooks of her panties with the beginning show of them falling to the ground. The sheer lace leisurely flowed down her ass unveiling her moist pussy for everyone to see and finally hit the ground. The audience cheered, and media cameras tightened in for the shot.

Ryki was incredibly turned on and nodded his head. The time now slowed considerably for the people in their seats as time resumed normally on stage. He walked up to Kimberly as she was bent over and slid his dick into her. She didn’t know his face, but she didn’t care by the sound of her approving moans. He thrust back and forth feeling the contractions inside her. The audience watched as if the stage was in the fast forward mode. They saw a man turning her into a side view and pounding her from behind. Her tits rocked rapidly back and forth until her tiny bralette could not contain her beautifully erect pink nipples any longer. Ryki reached forward and took hold of her tits as he continued. He could tell she had reach her exploding point following a screaming moan by a satisfied woman, but he wasn’t finished yet. After a few more mounted thrusts, he pulled out, turned her around, and shot his entire load upon her face and chest. For a moment, Ryki was extremely pleased, but something happened. His dick grew hard again along with the fiery passion inside. Was this a curse or a benefit to his power, Ryki didn’t know but at the time, he quickly forgot about it.

He nodded his head and turned invisible. Time returned to normal. Kimberly was sweaty, still bare naked, and now coming to grips of the current consequences. She grew red, grabbed her panties, covered her tits as best as she could, and ran out of the side exit. Ryki smiled as he thought about this upcoming act. “Where o’ where is Mercedes at?” He sang. “I think it’s about time for Act 2!”
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Old 11-18-2017, 05:23 PM
bulldog_y2k bulldog_y2k is offline
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As you can tell, Ryki is about to start up with the second Act, featuring Mercedes. Since this is a Victorian play, she'll be wearing the appropriate style dress and such. While I have my own ideas, I thought I would ask if there would be any requests on how to strip her? If you have a request of any method, please always feel free to let me know.
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Old 11-18-2017, 11:35 PM
smjimmie1348 smjimmie1348 is offline
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Awesome story I love it and I sent you a idea hope you like it .
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Old 11-25-2017, 09:11 PM
bulldog_y2k bulldog_y2k is offline
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Act 2

The crowd was at a loss for words. Each sat in their amazement—several were extraordinarily horny, and others thought in disgrace toward Mayor Taylor. Ryki nodded his head and transformed into the man announcing for the stage because he knew Mayor Taylor’s performance might hinder the continuation of the play and that wasn’t going to happen. “Ladies and Gentlemen! For the next stage act, we travel to an earlier time of class and poise. This next act has been loved by its realism and accuracy. Without further ado, may I present to you the Duchess of Padua, played by Mercedes Young and her co-star, the traveling man known as Ferranti, Cliff Barnes!” Ryki walked out of sight, and the curtains lifted to the view of an old Cathedral, made of wood and cardboard stones along with scattered trees and a narrow street.

Cliff was nothing more than a nerdy boy, 19 or 20 perhaps. Once Ryki saw him, he doubted the boy had ever been laid or even seen a woman naked before besides porn. The boy was dressed much like a gentlemen from the times. Mercedes was also a sight of her own. She wore a full length purple dress that ranged from her pushed-up tits formed across her chest to the snaps of her heels. The dress presented black strings that pulled her dress together both at her chest and along her back. Her lines were bold and full of confidence, unlike Cliff. He stumbled occasionally, and Mercedes would always give him that look along with a constant bashing under her breath. The play continued as if Mayor Taylor never appeared though everyone still had the event yet flowing in their thoughts.
“O’ SHIT!” Cliff yelled by mistake as he stumbled on a cord. “Could you get your shit together, four-eyes?” She replied quietly. The act briefly stopped as the two quickly exchanged words. “I swear to all that is holy if you fuck up my part and my chances of one day becoming an actress, I’ll kill you!” Mercedes whispered. Ryki snapped his fingers and all, but Mercedes began to smile or laugh. Cliff was no exception to the crowd’s insight of Mercedes. He couldn’t believe his eyes and turned a lighter shade of red. Everyone but Mercedes could see her lifted breasts, pressing full against a white lacy bustier along with Victorian style tie-on cotton knickers that were used as female panties in the 1800’s, but there was something further underneath—a hint of pink flashing through as well as a glimpse of lettering from time to time. Mercedes looked around and down to herself.

Everything was as it should be in her Victorian purple dress. She began speaking her lines once more and stopped by the continuing laughter from the blackness. The crowd watched and laughed at her ridiculous appearance. Little did Mercedes know that everyone, including the media cameras still shooting the play after what had happened previously, could see her in her underwear. “What?!” She looked toward the front row. She looked back at Cliff, and he was eyeballing every feature possible. “What in the hell are you doing? What’s so damned funny to these people?” Cliff couldn’t utter a single word and began covering his crotch. “Are you going to answer me or will you continue to stare like a fucking pervert that you are?!” Ryki snapped his fingers again, freezing all time and except Cliff. He walked up to the boy and said, “I’m going to give you a gift tonight. Simply think of what you want to happen to her, and it will happen. Do whatever you wish. When you exit this stage, the gift will leave you.” Cliff looked in confusion as time resumed and Ryki retracted from eyesight.

“Hello?! Are you there? Earth to the four-eyed perv…” WHAMM. Mercedes felt backward and landed on her ass. Everyone laughed hysterically at the haughty young actress. The cameras treated her fall like an hour-long debut. Every single frame caught and played back in slow motion. Cliff shockingly asked in thought, “Was that me? Let’s find out.” He looked at Mercedes, and before she could make it back to her feet, she skated backward by an invisible force landing again on her ass. “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!” Mercedes yelled. The people below in the seats continued laughing at the sight of this young girl in her underwear that couldn’t remain on her feet. “This is my lucky night! I’ve always wondered what she looked like naked. Maybe I could tear her clothes off in a simple thought, but that would be too quick. What if I could turn her clothes into something alive and angry towards Mercedes but with a sense of embarrassing her as well.” Cliff pondered.

Cliff barely completed the thought when Mercedes was lunged back up to her feet. She was puzzled by how she was being pushed and pulled around like a rag doll. Mercedes felt a strange sensation and looked down at her pushed up cleavage. The black strings began vibrating to life. They pulled sharply squeezing her breasts further together and tightened more so around her stomach. Mercedes screamed with a hint of pain and started tugging at them to loosen. The strings felt her tug and commenced loosening and pulling from their sockets. The dressed burst open presenting Mercedes white lacy bustier, now for her to see in plain view. Instantly, she covered herself as if the crowd was seeing her intimate choice for the first time but in doing so, she felt the familiar sensation from the back of her dress. The black strings loosened and pulled away completely unburdening the dress from the touch of her body. Mercedes eyes widened as she felt the effects and noticed that her dress was vibrating much in the same way. Her purple dress halted its fall to the ground and instead shot off her body like a cannon to the sky!
Mercedes yelped and stumbled across the stage trying to keep her balance as she heard “STRIP, STRIP, STRIP!” from the demands of the crowd watching. She screamed in horror covering her bustier with one arm and her crotch with the other. She ran toward the stage exit and was repelled backward to the ground by a slap of fabric enchanted with power. Her breasts barely bounced from the impact as her bustier still encumbered them into a heightened place. She looked up and her purple dress, now under power, pointed at her while lifted from the ground. Mercedes looked of fright and a shade of red by the circumstance. Still, on her ass, she slowly pedaled backward in hopes of reaching the other side, but then she noticed her bustier vibrating all over along with the strings of her white Victorian knickers.

Before Mercedes could respond, her Victorian knickers untied themselves and shot off from her hips and into the air with a purpose. Her side pose finally showed that once hidden pink. It was a pink cotton band strapped across her hip. She stood as fast as humanly possible and swiftly twisted in motion toward the closest stage exit. Some of the crowd’s laughter turned to snickering and almost utter shock but the rest could not fully see Mercedes’s future humiliation. Her Victorian knickers flew from the sky and caught her by the ankle and began pulling back with superior force. Her Mercedes now hopped backward with a little bounce from her breasts still enveloped in the vibrating bustier. The knickers yanked her to a full-frontal position, and the crowd lost it. She was wearing a pair of pink cotton Justin Bieber panties. His face covered the entire portion of the front side of her panties. Cliff started laughing and said, “Do you get off thinking that Justin Bieber is between your thighs?” Mercedes’s face turned extremely red in response. She quickly covered her crotch with both hands as her audience enjoyed every moment. She looked at the crowd and yelled: “Don’t look at…” Her bustier now became full of life and bounced her breasts up and down inside their cups. Mercedes gasped, but before she could cover her tits, she heard the soft sound of her front zipper rolling down her bustier. As a result, her cleavage widened. The zipper reached her navel, and she gripped the material hoping to conceal herself. It was a power struggle yanking slightly back and forth until her bustier stopped moving. She sighed and completely forgot about her pink Bieber panty display. Mercedes held her bustier with one hand and covered her panties with her other hand.

She called out to Cliff, “Help me!!! Don’t just stand there with your erection in your hand. FUCKING help me!” Cliff finally smiled with confidence. “I think you’re getting all the help you deserve.” In an instance, Mercedes felt her bustier vibrate and yank her arms backward as it flew back leaving her breasts to drop slightly from their release. “Nice rack! What are they 34C’s? And, these side pointing nipples…” Cliff walked up to her as she tried covering herself. “Now, now…” Cliff said as he looked up at her flying bustier. In one quick swoop, the bustier tightly wrapped around her wrists and pulled them upward. Her breast now glorified the stage. Her soft nipples aimed at the sides with a silver-dollar-sized pink areola. Cliff reached down and lightly blew cool air over her nipples. Her body reacted with a jolt along with her areola responding by gradual tightening. Her nipples began to extend and widen somewhat. “Stop, my nipples are sensitive.” She whimpered. Cliff stepped up to her ear, but before he responded, he couldn’t help but glance down toward her heart-shaped ass. “HAHAHA!” She spun around by the force of the magical bustier. Her perfectly heart-shaped ass stretched the pink cotton panties that visibly presented in bold black lettering --- “I’m a Belieber!” The cameras focused in for all to see and everyone in their seats laughed uncontrollably. “Damn, you must be a real Justin Bieber fan,” Cliff noted. Mercedes was too embarrassed to reply any longer to his antics. Numerous jests began to flow from the people below, “A serious actress doesn’t wear Justin Bieber panties! Why don’t you go back to elementary school and act in the Red Riding Hood play there! Come’on baby, give Justin Bieber a little twirk from that ass!” If Mercedes could turn a darker shade of red, her body would have done it.

“Now, I’m going to squeeze those apples and drive my dick into you in front of everyone,” proclaimed the nerd with power. He took up her tits in his hands and massaged them for a few moments. “Ohhhhh no,” Cliff thought. Since this was his first time even making it to second base and being aroused for so long, he couldn’t take the pressure. His pants filled with creme and quickened his exit from the stage. There Ryki laughed as he got a thrill from the entire scene from afar. In his invisible state, he walked up to the bound Mercedes, still displaying her fruity pinks, and said, “When you go to your next day of class, you’ll wear these same panties and only these panties but on your head. Now, I think Justin is a little hungry.” She whipped around facing the audience, and Justin’s mouth on the front of her panties began to vibrate. Mercedes started hopping and turning her legs in response. Moans flew from her mouth as well.

“What is that I hear?” Ryki wondered. He snapped his fingers, and Mayor Taylor appeared at center stage, just right of Mercedes, on all fours with a guy pounding her ass from behind, fitting the description of the Deputy Mayor! The crowd stopped suddenly, and photos flashed as the sex couple halted in terror. “Oh don’t stop…” Ryki yelled. The couple’s bodies continued fucking without hesitation. “Do you want more?!” Ryki yelled toward the crowd. “YEAH!” He heard in return. Ryki had remembered a classic movie from the 80’s and decided to use this opportunity to have some more fun, especially with the news cameras still filming. He snapped his fingers once more, and every door flung open. Gale force winds powered their way through the building ripping dresses, tops, pants, skirts, and some things underneath. People were scattering in chaos toward some form of cover or the doors. Women and men alike were either half dressed and losing more or already butt ass naked which was all being shown on TV. Ryki sat and laughed as everyone ran bare all over the room. “I think my job is done tonight. It’s time for my exit,” he thought. He teleported himself from the room to the outside sidewalk. “Maybe I should check out where they make these TV shows or maybe an award ceremony in a town like this…”

Meanwhile, in the County Jail, Amber and Stephanie, the two caught thieves, had shared stories and were being forced to watch the evening news. “Is that who I think it is?” Amber asked Stephanie. “It sure as shit is. That’s got to be Ryki—the bastard that embarrassed the fuck out of us.” Amber replied, “I know we’re getting out of this shithole tomorrow and that we made plans, but could we try and track that fucker down. It’s time he gets a taste of his own medicine.” Stephanie grinned and said, “Let’s do it.”
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