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Old 11-19-2018, 03:41 PM
very9look very9look is offline
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What about a story based on dwts .The country club has a fund raiser and decides to hold a dance contest.Teresa and Barbara can’t , wait to compete with each other but to their dismay they find and out that there trainers are none other than the two pro dancers at Roxanne’s club. Kathy and Jenna. Lots of possibilities. What do you think?
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Old 07-17-2019, 02:44 PM
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Default Teresa Scalia: Epilogue to "Spying Comes with Consequences"

In response to a reader request, I've written an addendum to "Spying Comes with Consequences." It delves into Barbara's inner feelings. And she does get into an embarrassing situation. If you haven't read the original story, I suggest you do so before reading the epilogue. Then you'll have all the background.

Epilogue: Spying Comes with Consequences

Eyes closed and breathless, Barbara reclined on the massage table. Her white sports bra, her only article of clothing, had been pushed up over her breasts. An intense pink, almost red flush, could be seen on Barbara’s tanned skin from the cheeks of her face down her neck and shoulders. The flush extended to the un-tanned tops of her breasts. Quite visible on her creamy white skin. She was lost in a tidal wave of endorphins, the result of a thunderous orgasm courtesy of Roxanne Starr.

“Oh my, my” Barbara murmured quite silently to herself.

She subtly ground her thighs together, extending the sensations she had enjoyed. Slowly coming back reality, Barbara’s hands lightly brushed her pink nipples as her fingertips traced a path over her torso to her freshly barbered pubis. She daintily touched the silky smooth skin.

“How can I feel like this? It’s never been like this with Mark. What did those women do to me?” thought Barbara, almost subconsciously, both aroused and ashamed.

Roxanne Starr took in the sight of her latest conquest. A smirk of satisfaction crossed her face as she watched Barbara, the upper-middle-class suburban soccer mom, still squirming from her orgasm. The statuesque, redheaded bar owner took a great deal of pleasure at bringing down the blonde housewife a few pegs. And, truth be told, Roxanne found the episode to be more than just slightly arousing.

“She certainly is a very responsive little housewife. I wonder if she’s getting enough at home?” Roxanne speculated as she looked towards Kathy and Maria with a Cheshire cat grin.

Roxanne decided the fun was over and it was time to clear the room. Looking to Kathy. “Give the spying little b*tch her clothes and show her the door.”
Kathy tossed Barbara's socks, panties, stretch pants and black sweatshirt onto her belly. Barbara flinched as the clumped fabric landed on her and brought her completely back from her reverie. Her eyes opened and she looked around the room reorienting herself to time and space. Slowly she rose to a sitting position and looked down on her now completely smooth pubic area. Instinctively she covered both her crotch and breasts with her hands.

“Did you have a good time honey?” Maria sarcastically said. All three of Barbara’s tormentors Roxanne, Maria, and Kathy, stood side-by-side looking at the debased blonde suburban mom. All three with a grin of satisfaction at what they had done.

Barbara looked at Maria but made no response to her jibe. Using both hands Barbara adjusted the white sports bra taking particular care to avoid rubbing the fabric across her very sensitive nipples. Sorting through the pile of clothes she retrieved her boy short panties. Slipping her feet through the leg openings, Barbara slipped off the table to a standing position. She pulled the panties up and flinched slightly as the fabric contacted her crotch.

“Oooooooo, that so very tender.” Barbara thought.

Roxanne and Maria left the room to another part of the building. Kathy would see that Barbara exited the property. Giving Barbara a leering gaze, Kathy watched her as she put on the remainder of her clothes. Not that she had any lesbian tendencies, Kathy enjoyed watching the now very humbled and embarrassed Barbara regain some measure of modesty. Turning her back to Kathy, Barbara stepped into the black stretch pants and pulled them up over her round bottom. She then pulled her sweatshirt on and slipped on her shoes.

Kathy walked over to Barbara and grasped her by the upper arm. “Okay Mrs. Anderson it’s time to see you to the door.” Barbara offered no resistance as Kathy rather brusquely led her to the exit. Opening the door Kathy gave into temptation as Barbara stepped through the threshold. With a swift right hand, Kathy gave Barbara a sound smack on her ass.

“Ow!” Barbara yelped as she jumped forward a couple quick steps and rubbed the abused cheek with her hand.

“Oh, I’m so sorry did that smart? I just wanted to see if your butt was as firm as that night in the boxing ring. It is. You must be working out. Well sl*t, so long.” Kathy had the last words as she shut latched the back door to the office.

With one hand massaging her smarting bottom, Barbara turned and watched Kathy close the door. Head down, and definitely showing a defeated body language, Barbara took the long walk to where she had concealed her car. Her head was spinning with thoughts of what had just taken place.

“What have those b*tches done to me? Damn Teresa abandoned me, stuck in that stupid garbage can. Drag me inside and threaten to call the police. Can’t have the police involved. Sure, that conniving Roxanne would have me charged. Had to go along with whatever she wanted to do to punish me. Thought they were going to spank me. Afraid of that. Afraid of getting turned on. Being over that snot Kathy Benson’s lap in the boxing ring, her slapping my bottom. My dress ripped off, my panties down. Over her lap I look up and all I can see are people watching and laughing at me. Gave into her and it made me horny. Now this. Shaved bare. Those women touching me. I liked it, God knows I shouldn’t. Cumming hard on that table with those three watching.”

Barbara took a deep breath and wiped her face with her hands.

“I can get through this. This is all still a secret, what went on. No wait! Mark is going to know I’ve been shaved. How do I explain that? What will he think? Oh God.” A dismayed Barbara thought.

Barbara got in her car started the engine and began the drive to her home. It was nearly 1 AM and she was worried about how to explain to her husband the lateness of the hour.

“Mark will be wondering where the hell I’ve been. What can I come up with? I’ll tell him I went to a Tupperware party at Rhonda’s, had a little too much wine and fell asleep.” Barbara schemed.

During the drive home Barbara began thinking about the intense sexual encounter she had after Roxanne had shaved her.

“Oh Lord the way I felt when Roxanne touched me. She knew exactly what to do. And Maria kissing me and putting her mouth on my breast. It was so, so intense.”

The more she thought, the more aroused Barbara became. Still driving and steering with her left hand, Barbara’s right hand went down between her legs. She caressed herself through the fabric of her pants. Rubbing herself in this way gave Barbara no relief but served to intensify her need. Barbara saw she was approaching a small roadside park and pulled in. Killing the headlights but leaving the engine running, Barbara could concentrate on providing herself with some sexual relief without the distractions of driving. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she flipped the lever and reclined the seat. Hooking both thumbs inside the waistband of her pants and panties she hoisted her hips and slid them down over her buttocks. In the dim light of the car interior, Barbara looked down at her freshly shaved pubic area and heaved a sigh. With a quick flick of her tongue, Barbara lubricated the middle finger of her right hand and began fervently masturbating.

“Roxanne, Roxanne Sweet Jesus what have you done to me.”

Her right hand occupied between her legs, Barbara slipped her left hand up under her sweatshirt and cupped her left breast under her bra. Her hips began to buck in rhythm to the motion of her hand. The intensity was increasing and Barbara was close to getting herself off when a bright light illuminated the car interior. The source of the light coming from outside. Then there was a sharp rap on the car window.

“Everything all right in there?” Said an authoritarian male voice.

Barbara gasped as she looked to the window and saw a police officer staring at her. With her pants down and hand between her legs, Barbara stared stupidly at the officer.
“Why, um, um yes officer.” Barbara stammered. “No problem I just needed to pull off the road and take a rest.”

“Lower your window please.”

Barbara complied with the request and rolled down the window, forgetting for the moment her immodest state of dress.

“It’s very late and you did leave the engine running. I just need to see your ID and proof of insurance.”

Barbara turned and to reach into the glove box under the dash.

“Oh ma’am. You might want to cover up a bit first.” The officer suggested.

Barbara looked at her exposed pubic region.

“Oh, oh yes of course I’m so sorry.” Barbara apologized. Her face now intensely flushed from both intense arousal and intense embarrassment.

She quickly pulled her pants back up and adjusted her sweatshirt. She then got the insurance documentation from the glove box and from the center console she retrieved her driver’s license and handed both to the officer.

“I hope there’s no problem officer, I really just needed to pull over for a little bit.”

“I’ll be right back with these.” The policeman said matter-of-factly. The officer turned and walked back to his patrol car.

“Oh no, no, no this can’t be happening” lamented Barbara as she hid her face in her hands. “He caught me with my pants down, my hand on my pussy, and I’m masturbating. If this gets out I am completely ruined.”

Barbara raised the bucket seat back to normal position and looked back to see what the police officer was doing. After a few minutes she saw the officer leave his patrol car and walk up to her’s.

“Here’s your documentation Ms. Anderson. I ran your name and your record came back clean. I could charge you with public indecency or lewd public acts or probably both. We both know what you were doing. My suggestion is you head straight home and refrain from any pitstops. Try to control your urges until you get to the privacy of your own home. Good night.” The officer turned and returned to his squad car.

Barely believing her good luck, Barbara fastened her seatbelt and drove out of the park to finish her trip home. Barbara was as stealthy as she could be when she got to her house. Slipping through the side door she removed her shoes and did her best cat burglar imitation. Tiptoeing into the bedroom Barbara found her husband Mark sound asleep. She quickly stripped off her clothes and slipped on the nighty that was on the nightstand. Once under the covers Barbara let out a long sigh of relief. In a few minutes she was fast asleep.

Barbara’s sleep was deep and restful that night. She did not dream, or more correctly did not recall any dreams. Her bedside alarm went off at the usual time. Barbara rose quickly and slipped on a terrycloth robe. As was the usual routine, Barbara was up before either Mark or her son Chad. Into the kitchen she went to start the coffee and prepare breakfast. Keeping busy kept her mind off the events of the previous night. After about 20 minutes, Barbara could hear both Mark and Chad moving around and preparing themselves for the day to come. She is just pouring the coffee when both the men in her life came into the kitchen and took a seat at the table.

“What happened to you last night? I didn’t even hear you come in.” asked Mark.

Barbara paused for a moment and then remembered the ruse that she had thought up “I went to Rhonda’s for a Tupperware party. Rhonda always serves wine at these parties and it loosens people up and creates more sales. I guess I overindulged I fell asleep on Rhonda’s couch. Rhonda, bless her heart, threw a blanket over me and let me sleep. I woke up about one, slipped out the door, and came home.”

“Gee Mom, boozing it up with Tupperware?” Chad piped in.

A stern look from Barbara put an end that line of comment.

“Well then, how much Tupperware did you end up buying?” Mark queried.

“Well this may come as a complete shock to you, but not a thing. There wasn’t anything I was interested in.” Barbara replied.

“Perhaps not in the Tupperware line. Good thing it wasn’t a wine and cheese party.” teased Mark.

“Okay fine, have your fun.” Barbara looked at the wall clock over the stove. “By the looks of the clock you both better be getting out of here.”

Mark and Chad quickly downed the remainder of their breakfast and bid Barbara adieu for the day. Relieved that the morning interrogation was over and it appeared that Barbara had gotten away with her story. She put the breakfast dishes in the sink and returned to the bedroom.

“What I need now is a good hot shower.” Barbara thought.

Barbara walked into the adjacent bathroom and slipped out of her robe and hung it on the hook next to the shower door. She pulled her nightie off over her head and deposited it in the clothes hamper. Cracking the glass door sufficiently open to reach the faucets, Barbara turned the knobs to start the flow and tested the water temperature with her hand. Satisfied that she would not be scalded or chilled, Barbara stepped into the shower stall. She took several seconds to luxuriate in the warm stream. The soothing water streamed over her face and down the rest of her body. Her hair now saturated, she applied a dollop of shampoo to the palm of her hand and worked it into her hair. She rinsed her hair thoroughly and followed with a quick application of cream rinse. Another rinse and she was ready for a good wash. Barbara grasped a sponge from its place on the shelf and soaked it in the stream. She then doused the sponge with some liquid soap. Barbara began leisurely washing her face and upper arms. Languishing in the soothing warmth of the shower, Barbara began soaping her body. First washing her shoulders and arms, she moved to her chest and soaped each breast with circular motions. Working up a good lather, she ran the sponge back and forth over her belly. Showering being a very routine task and without thinking of the alterations that had been made, Barbara passed the sponge over her pubic area.

“Oh!” Barbara was startled at the sensitivity of the area. She looked down at the bare area between her legs and very slowly began to wash. Slightly spreading her legs and pushing her hips forward, Barbara ran the sponge over both inner thighs. She gave a few light passes over her pussy. Barbara shivered and took a deep breath as she finished her wash. Rinsing thoroughly, she turned off the faucets. Barbara reached for a towel as she stepped from the shower. Quickly towel drying her hair, she wrapped the white terrycloth around her head containing her still damp hair. Grasping another towel, Barbara dried off her body. Wiping off her back and shoulders, she toweled her arms and torso. Raising one leg on the toilet lid, she ran the towel from her feet to her thighs. Repeating the process for the other leg, Barbara took a moment to regard her bare pubic area. A distinct triangle of white skin surrounded by healthy tanned areas.

Barbara’s standard of hygiene was without question, but she wasn’t one to barber her pubic area. In fact, for someone who frequently tanned in a two-piece bathing suit, she never had so much as a bikini wax. Everything Slowly she ran her fingers over the bare skin and began to contemplate her situation.

“Oh my gosh I’m so bare. This is worse than a spanking. They had total control over me. Two barmaids and a bar owner. But why this? Why shave me? If I ever see them again, I don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t look at them. They can’t talk about this to anyone. Can they? Who would they tell? Teresa? I doubt that, but if they did I could deny everything. Oh those b*tches. Roxanne touching me, Maria kissing me and feeling me up, Kathy watching the whole thing. Bringing me down to their level. And I gave in.”

Barbara put on her terrycloth robe and walked out of the bathroom back into the bedroom. Stepping up to her dresser she picked out a bra and a pair of panties and threw them on the bed. From her closet she found her blouse and a pair of slacks. Slipping off her robe Barbara paused in front of the full-length mirror. Barbara stood square to the mirror and let the robe slide down her arms and fall to the floor. She wanted a good view of her alteration. Naked save for the towel on her head, Barbara looked herself over. Hands on hips, Barbara turned profile one way and then the other.

“This isn’t so bad, I can deal with it” she thought. Barbara once again felt the need for a tactile examination. The fingertips of both hands skimmed lightly over the newly shaved area. Barbara felt a rush of arousal at the slight touch. Enjoying what she was feeling, she continued to lightly stroke her pubis. Giving into urges, Barbara gently stroked her labia with an occasional velvet touch to her clit. While she masturbated more intensely, Barbara grew weak kneed. She lay down on her bed on her back with her knees raised. As her self-stimulation grew more intense, Barbara flashed back on past events. She recalled the public spanking she received at the Community Theater in her first conflict with Teresa. As humiliating as it was to be spanked in front of an audience by her husband, Barbara recalled is it only slightly arousing. It was when Teresa had her over her knee at the Renaissance fair that Barbara first was aroused by another woman. The first time she encountered Roxanne at the Gentleman’s Club, she was publicly stripped with Maria bending her over a table in front of the bar patrons. Barbara vividly remembered the feeling she had when Maria was touching her.

Needing something more than just her fingers, Barbara hastily rolled to her right and opened the drawer on the adjacent nightstand. Rummaging under the items in the drawer she came up with a white cylinder. What would be called, in some circles, a “pocket rocket”. Switching on the vibrator, she quickly placed it firmly between her labia and against her clit. Now she was getting the stimulation she desired and continued flashing back on past experiences.

After Marie had lit the fires of her budding lesbian desire, Barbara recalled her meeting with Teresa at the Community Theater. Thinking they were alone both women gave into their latent tendencies. And gave the house audience a real show. Barbara remembered the first time she really made lesbian love and with all people it was with Teresa. She tried to put that out of her mind and was successful until she and Teresa tangled with Maria and Kathy in the boxing ring. This is where Barbara truly discovered her weakness for corporal punishment administered by another woman. In the boxing ring Barbara been stripped of her dress and was left in only a garter belt, thong, and stockings. This memory was beginning to put Barbara over the top. She recalled being over Kathy’s lap. It was a position she wanted to be and she rolled herself over onto her belly still holding the vibrator firmly in place. Her hips began to buck and her white bottom jiggled as she increased the speed. As she thought of giving into another woman, Barbara had her orgasm. Exhausted, she lay still on the bed setting the vibrator back on the nightstand. After resting for several minutes and nearly falling asleep, Barbara roused herself. Sitting on the side of the bed and resting her head in her hands she thought “This can’t go on. This just can’t go on.”
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Old 07-18-2019, 12:40 AM
amfanon amfanon is offline
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Great to see you posting again Obo, glad to see that this story is still alive and well.

Last edited by amfanon; 07-18-2019 at 12:47 AM.
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Old 07-18-2019, 06:43 AM
hocman hocman is offline
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Welcome Back!! Was just thinking of you and our favorite actress
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Old 07-18-2019, 05:05 PM
very9look very9look is offline
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Thanks for the new story...are you taking any request for a another one
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Old 07-18-2019, 06:18 PM
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Default Story requests

I'm always open to suggestions. If I develop the idea depends on if I find the story idea interesting and something I can work with. This doesn't mean that a proposal is bad or unworthy if I don't develop it, just that I decline to put the work into writing it up.

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Old 07-19-2019, 04:28 PM
very9look very9look is offline
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Michelle enters a Victoria secrets store and spots Barbara Anderson walking in wearing a skin tight pair of grey stretch pants that leaves nothing to the imagination. Michelle can’t take her eyes off of the sexy housewife her Panties began to moisten as the stuck up blonde paraded around the store like the c*nt teasing b*tch that she was. Just then she felt a hand grip her ass and a woman’s voice spoke from was Roxanne.. she likes being stripped spanked and molested by a strong dominating woman...I know from experience whispered Roxanne ..if your woman enough to tame our sexy housewife I own the apartment upstairs...well would you like to fuck her or not?....What do you think?
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Old 08-06-2019, 07:21 PM
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Default Teresa Scalia: Barbara and Michelle Once Again

Roxanne Starr the redheaded strip club owner, in her continuing efforts to become a legitimate businessperson, had expanded her lingerie shop. Leaving the small Main Street storefront, she left the quaint shop behind and moved the business into a standalone building adjacent to a large shopping mall. With nearly quadruple the square footage in the new building, Roxanne’s lingerie venue could now rival even some of the larger retailers such as Victoria’s Secret. Many more displays, sample cases, and manikins filled the store. As well as double the number of dressing rooms. In the rear of the store there was a well-appointed employee lounge. Complete with sofas and easy chairs. Mindful of the ever-present shoplifters, Roxanne had installed a sophisticated security camera system. The monitors were in her office where she could easily keep track of things on the floor.

Perusing the inventory printouts on a late Wednesday afternoon, Roxanne took a break and looked up at the monitors just in time to see a most unexpected customer come through the door. Michelle Smithson had finished her workday as principal of the middle school and decided to check out the new womenswear store. Michelle had no clue that her former nemesis, Roxanne Starr, was the owner and proprietor. Smartly dressed in business attire, she was wearing a beige suit with white blouse, suntan colored stockings and brown heels. The skirt was at least 2 inches above the knee and sufficiently snug to leave no doubt of the voluptuousness of Michelle’s ass. She wore the coat portion of the suit unbuttoned which left no doubt to the bustiness of Ms. Smithson. In fact, it looked as though a few of the buttons of her blouse were straining to contain her chest. Michelle’s wavy, strawberry blonde hair was worn loosely just below her shoulders.

“Well, what do we have here?” Roxanne thought as she watched Michelle commence to browsing the store. Roxanne observed for a few minutes, switching from one camera to the other and using the remote to follow Michelle through the store. Not that she was concerned of Principal Smithson committing any pilfering, Roxanne just enjoyed watching her and reminiscing on their encounter some months past. Roxanne was so brazen; she even used the zoom function of one of the cameras to get a full-screen view of Michelle’s derrière. An admirer of the female form, Roxanne had fond memories of Michelle over her lap and giving that big butt some well-deserved spanks.

A good 10 minutes had passed, and Roxanne noticed on the video screen another of her former acquaintances entering the front door.

“Well hooray. Today must be my lucky day!” thought Roxanne as she observed the blonde suburban mother Barbara Anderson walk into the store. As Michelle had done, Barbara began casually browsing the merchandise. Of course, Barbara and Michelle did not notice each other given the large floor space of the store. Barbara was casually dressed in a powder blue T-shirt, knotted at the side and gray yoga pants. The yoga pants fit her more like a coat of paint than an article of clothing. Standing out were her very shapely legs and cute round bubble butt. And for the very observant, it could be noticed that there was the slightest hint of a VPL (visible panty line). Evidently today Barbara was not wearing a thong. The knot in the T-shirt supplied enough snugness to the fit that there was no doubt Barbara had a very respectable pair of breasts under that powder blue fabric. On her feet were a pair of white sneakers and her blonde hair was held back in a simple ponytail. Once again Roxanne began reminiscing. Her thoughts went back to the boxing ring when she stripped Barbara and aided Kathy Benson in Barbara’s debasement and punishment. Roxanne chuckled to herself at the memory.

Continuing her covert surveillance, Roxanne watched both women as they casually strolled through the store. After a couple minutes Roxanne observed that Michelle had frozen in her tracks and was staring in one direction. It was obvious Michelle had spotted Barbara. This went on for a couple minutes with Barbara none the wiser that she was being eyeballed by Michelle.

“You know, I might be able to have a little fun with this.” Roxanne schemed.

Leaving her office, Roxanne went out onto the store floor cautiously avoiding being seen by either Michelle or Barbara. She stopped about 10 feet behind Michelle and paused to make some observations. Michelle was following Barbara’s movements like a bird dog on a hot scent. Roxanne noticed how Michelle would shift her weight from one foot to the other every couple seconds. Her hips swaying slightly, and it appeared her thighs were rubbing together. Roxanne instantly knew what was going on in Michelle’s mind and decided to kickstart some events. And Roxanne’s instincts were right on target.

Looking at the very fit blonde housewife, Michelle was recalling their history. “Oh, Mrs. Anderson. I’d love another crack at you, especially over my lap.” Michelle was also feeling a scratch she couldn’t itch, at least not in a public setting. The best she could do was rub her thighs together. Quietly walking up behind her, Roxanne placed her left hand on Michelle’s left shoulder and whispered into her ear.
“Hello Principal Smithson. So nice of you to visit my store. I see you’ve taken an interest in a particular blonde over there in the brassiere section.”

Michelle flinched at the touch of Roxanne’s hand on her shoulder. She looked to her right to see who it was. That question was answered when Roxanne began speaking.

“I believe you two know each other. Some very inappropriate goings-on at a school meeting? And I heard that Mrs. Anderson, over there, applied some corporal punishment. And you were the recipient. Pity she got her hands on you before I did, but then again, we did have our time together on Main Street. And with half the town watching as well.”

Roxanne paused her narration for a moment to let Michelle absorb what she had been told and to gauge her reaction. Michelle did indeed recall her incident with Roxanne. Stripped of her dress in public and down to her bra and panties, Michelle then was forced to endure the humiliation of a bare bottom spanking courtesy of Roxanne. With most of the town witnessing it. Michelle also remembered how she felt being dominated by the statuesque redhead. A humbling experience for the haughty principal to be sure, but an experience that uncovered some suppressed urges. Secretly Michelle had wished that her time with Roxanne had not ended with just a spanking. Just as she had wanted more from her time with Barbara. Which of course was not possible given the public setting of the Hoedown.

Roxanne then continued. “Maria gave me a full report on how you and Mrs. Anderson had a go at the Hoedown. As I understand it you certainly got the best of her and I think you both got some enjoyment out of it.”

Michelle was speechless and did not respond to Roxanne’s comments. Her mind was racing back to that time when Roxanne gave her a public spanking. And there was more than a little truth in the fact that when Michelle punished Barbara, Michelle was getting turned on.

“What are you getting at?” hissed Michelle. “What went on between that pushy blonde and I is none of your business.” Michelle was struggling to keep her voice in a whisper. Roxanne had hit some buttons. The main one being Michelle’s repressed thoughts concerning Barbara Anderson.

“Well my dear, although she’ll never admit to it, we both know that Mrs. Anderson longs to be dominated by a strong woman. And unless I miss my guess, there’s some smoldering unfinished business concerning that blonde within you. I’m just offering to give you a hand so to speak.”

With that Roxanne rested her right hand on Michelle’s waist. She slowly dropped her hand and worked it under the tail of Michelle’s suit coat. Finding her target of opportunity, Roxanne gave Michelle’s round butt cheek a firm squeeze.

Michelle jumped at Roxanne’s caress and quickly turned to face her directly. Already somewhat aroused, Roxanne’s suggestions fed the fire. Now that she was facing her, Roxanne made a quick visual appraisal of the busty school administrator.

“Well I’d say I call this one correctly.” Roxanne thought to herself when she saw Michelle’s gumdrop nipples straining against her bra and blouse. “She is horny as hell for that blonde.”

“What’s in this for you?” Michelle questioned.

“Oh, maybe a little entertainment.” Roxanne said quite flippantly. “And I’d like to see the goody-goody blonde taken down a few pegs. The question is are you woman enough?” Roxanne knew few equals in manipulation and Michelle Smithson was falling for all her skills.

Michelle turned to look across the store at Barbara. She took in the sight of Barbara’s skintight yoga pants leaving nothing to the imagination and what was under that powder blue T-shirt. She also began to imagine what it would be like to have the fit blonde mother over her lap once again, bare bottom up, receiving sharp smacks from her. And after the spanking, Michelle imagined things could go further. Michelle was making a mental tally. She was balancing risk versus reward. And the more she thought about what could potentially take place, the more aroused she became. Her building arousal caused her impulses to overrule her good judgment. Michelle convinced herself to take Roxanne up on her offer and assistance.

Sighing deeply she turned to face Roxanne “All right” Michelle said with a degree of determination. “Here, in your shop?”

“Of course. You need to take advantage of this opportunity. Give me a couple minutes to clear out the store and then you go ahead and get things started dearie. And leave the rest to me. When the time comes for privacy, I’ll take care of everything.” Roxanne said with a slight grin.

There were only two other customers in the store and Roxanne subtly ushered them out the door giving them a fabricated tale of closing early for inventory. The three retail clerks, working that day, were delighted to be informed that they had the rest of the afternoon off with pay. True to her word, other than our three ladies, the store was empty. All the while Barbara was oblivious to what was being set up. She had moved from the brassiere displays to the panty area. Michelle circled her like a lioness stalking an antelope. All the while concealing herself from Barbara’s view. Barbara was looking over the panty display as Michelle stealthily came up behind her. Getting a good look at Barbara’s ass, Michelle saw the panty lines under Barbara’s yoga pants and decided to use that as an opening. Barbara had picked up a pair of bikini panties to examine.

“You know Mrs. Anderson, if you’re going to flaunt yourself in these overly tight stretch pants the least you could do is check yourself before leaving the house. Visible panty lines, really how tacky.” Michelle taunted.

Barbara dropped the panties onto the table at the sound of Michelle’s voice, knowing exactly who was speaking. She turned to face Michelle and as she did she lightly brushed her bottom with her right hand. Her fingers did detect the raised hem of her panties under her pants.

“Principal Smithson, I don’t think my choice of attire is any of your business.” Barbara countered.

“Perhaps not, but I couldn’t help myself. And that T-shirt you’re wearing knotted at the waist. Are you trying to look like a teenager? Maybe you’re trying to snag one of your son’s friends?” Michelle answered with another insult.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t know what your problem is but I’m not listening to anymore of your cheap insults. And if I were you I wouldn’t talk too much. As I recall most of the middle school football team has seen you in your underwear.”

“And most of the town saw your oil covered bottom paddled by a stripper, of all people. Which reminds me Barbara, what really went on that day on the beach when Teresa and I surprised you? Those two girls were leaving on the jet skis and you appeared to be adjusting your bikini bottoms. And I also recall your ass was quite red and it wasn’t from the sun.”

Barbara didn’t have a quick come back for Michelle’s latest taunt. Her reference to that day on the beach when Barbara had her intense interlude with Jenna gave her pause. Barbara had endured a spanking from Kathy Benson with Jenna Myers assisting but also being sympathetic to the blonde spankee. And afterwards a torrid lovemaking session with the caramel skinned dancer.

“Although I wasn’t there, I’ve been told you showed some serious arousal when that stripper was tanning your bottom. Do you two have a history, Barb?” Michelle continued her taunting.

Barbara bit her lip in anxiety. Not because Michelle’s comments were particularly vehement, but because they were accurate. Barbara scanned the store to see if there were other customers, or more importantly, did Michelle have someone there to help her. Seeing no one else in the store and feeling vulnerable, Barbara made the decision to mount a strategic retreat.

“I’m not listening anymore of this. Goodbye.” Barbara said with finality. She then turned to walk to the exit of the store.

“Not just yet Mrs. Anderson.” Michelle said as she quickly sn*tched a grip on the knot of Barbara’s T-shirt, halting Barbara’s forward progress, Michelle pulled her back towards her. Stumbling backwards towards Michelle, Barbara turned to face her.
“What do you think you’re doing! Let go of me.” Barbara grabbed Michelle’s wrist and tried to get free. Michelle was determined to maintain her hold and Barbara was having no success in breaking it. Barbara began forcefully backing away. Michelle saw an opportunity in this. Her right hand grasping Barbara’s T-shirt, Michelle put her left hand behind Barbara’s head and grabbed her ponytail. Barbara took her free hand and grabbed Michelle’s other wrist. Barbara found herself looking at the floor bent at the waist. Now that she had Barbara in position, Michelle completed her plan. Pulling backward on the knot, Barbara’s T-shirt quickly peeled off over her head and shoulders and down her arms. Feeling her exposure Barbara released Michelle’s wrists. With a bit of a flourish, Michelle yanked the T-shirt completely off and tossed it over her shoulder. Barbara stumbled back a few steps and looked down at herself. Her very perky rack, enclosed in a pink lace bra, was on display. At first Barbara tried to cover herself. Then she had to endure another verbal jab from Michelle.

“Ooopsy daisy Barbie. Did you lose something?” Michelle was not about to let an opportunity go by without tossing a verbal barb. But the sight of Barbara sans T-shirt was not lost on Ms. Smithson. The nicely filled out pink bra drew Michelle’s attention. However, she would not have long to enjoy the sight.

“Oh you b*tch!” Barbara exclaimed and then charged at Michelle. Michelle thought she was ready, but Barbara made an unexpected move. Instead of trying to deliver slaps or grabbing a handful of hair, Barbara came in low wrapping her arms around Michelle’s waist. Barbara’s hands were busy looking for something to grip on Michelle’s clothing. Finding nothing but the smooth fabric of Michelle’s suit coat, both of Barbara’s hands traveled below Michelle’s waist and over her butt. Barbara made a couple of futile efforts at scratching the well-rounded cheeks of the principal. Realizing that Michelle’s clothing was protecting her from the scratches, Barbara moved her hands lower and discovered the hem of Michelle’s skirt. With a couple forceful tugs, Barbara yanked the tight skirt up and over Michelle’s big butt, all the way up to her waist. Quickly taking advantage, Barbara did her best to claw the exposed derrière. Michelle’s dark rose colored thong offered little protection.

“Ow, ow, God dammit!” Michelle screamed as Barbara went to work on her ass. Michelle knew she had to launch a quick counterattack. With Barbara bent over in front of her, Michelle spotted her objective. With a quick motion she slipped her right hand down the middle of Barbara’s bare back and plunged her hand down the back of her stretch pants. Michelle’s fingers quickly found the waistband of Barbara’s panties. Getting a good grip on the fabric, Michelle pulled back with all her strength. The panties stretched and stretched until the pink silk fabric and elastic waistband was nearly to the middle of Barbara’s back. Barbara screamed in pain as the wedgy dug into her nether regions. Michelle’s left hand joined her right gripping Barbara’s panties. Conceding to the painful wedgy, Barbara ceased the assault on Michelle’s ass and made a concerted effort to escape. Barbara stood straight up and was face to face with Michelle. Michelle kept her grip on Barbara’s panties continuing to apply the pressure and pulling Barbara chest to chest. Barbara had to take the offensive and went after Michelle’s blouse. With both hands occupied with Barbara’s panties, Michelle could do nothing to defend herself. Buttons flew through the air as Barbara ripped open Michelle’s white blouse. Michelle’s matching rose colored lace bra made its debut. With Michelle’s blouse open, Barbara went after the principal’s bra with intentions of revealing what that bra was containing. Her hands slipped under the blouse and cupped each lace covered breast. Fingertips frantically searching for the edge of the bra cup. Michelle was not about to let Barbara get the advantage. She released the wedgy and made a grab for Barbara’s ponytail. Securing Barbara’s hair in a firm grasp, Michelle yanked Barbara’s head back. Barbara’s hands swiftly departed Michelle’s boobs and grabbed her wrists trying to relieve the pressure on her hair.

Meanwhile, while the middle school principal and the soccer mom were engaged in their battle, Roxanne had been busy. First off she made sure that her security system was recording HD video, complete with sound, of all that was going on. Then she went to the front of the store and unlocked the entrance. A nearby women’s apparel store was having a sidewalk sale. Roxanne casually walked over to the outdoor displays and subtly announced that the middle school principal and a well-known local mother were having a dustup in her store. The history of these two women was well-known and some of the ladies at the sidewalk sale were witnesses to Roxanne and Barbara’s past encounters.

“Oh I’m not gonna miss this.” One woman said to another. “Come on let’s go!”

Word spread rapidly through the crowd and at least 20 of the shoppers followed Roxanne over to the lingerie shop. Roxanne cautioned all the ladies to be quiet so as not to disturb the combatants. She then let the group enter. The ladies were treated to the sight of Roxanne, whose skirt was pulled up to her waist exposing her rose lace thong and suntan colored pull-up stockings. Her suit coat was pulled back and her blouse was wide open. Roxanne’s expansive bust, contained in a matching rose lace bra, was fully visible. She had both hands on Barbara’s ponytail. Barbara’s hands were busily engaged holding onto Michelle’s wrists and trying to relieve the pull on her hair. Stripped to the waist, Barbara’s pink bra and matching panties were seen. Her panties, of course were at an unnatural position. This did not go unnoticed by the spectators.

One woman commented to her companion with a chuckle “Well my goodness! It seems Barbara Anderson has taken 80s style high waisted panties to new heights.” The other ladies who were in close proximity laughed in agreement. It didn’t take long for the cell phones to appear with personal still photos and video recorded for posterity.

As their struggles continued, the girls were circling in their position. The crowd was afforded a view of Michelle’s exposed derrière.

“Oh my God Becky, look at her butt!” One woman could be heard to say to her friend.

“It’s so big.” Becky replied. “And it looks like it’s all scratched up.”

The two combatants tussled back and forth, neither gaining an advantage. It was surprising that Michelle could maintain such good footing given that she was wearing heels and that Barbara had excellent traction with her sneakers. Barbara made a strategic move. Rather than pulling back against Michelle’s grip on her hair, Barbara suddenly reversed field and pushed forward against her opponent. Michelle was caught off-guard and off balance and began tottering in reverse. The engaged pair stumbled about 10 feet until they were stopped by a low counter. Michelle struck the countertop with the back of her thighs, just below her butt. The momentum caused Michelle to fall back on the countertop, legs apart and straight with her feet pointing skyward. Barbara had no choice but to follow Michelle onto the counter. Flat on her back and refusing to relinquish her hold on Barbara, Michelle was in a situation with Barbara lying on top of her. Michelle bent her knees and dropped her feet to the countertop. To the casual observer it would look as though these two women were having sex in the missionary position. The pair rolled precariously back and forth. And it looked as though they may take a fall to the floor. With her legs positioned at Barbara sides, Michelle tried to gain an advantage with kicks. Finding that ineffective, she tried digging into Barbara with the heels of her shoes. After three or four attempts at scratching Barbara’s hips with her heels, Michelle felt the heel of her right shoe catch on something. Thinking this could be an advantage Michelle began pushing with her right leg as hard as she could. At the same moment, Barbara felt a force pulling on her stretch pants. What had happened was that, purely by accident, Michelle had got her heel under the waist band of Barbara’s pants. After three or four powerful leg extensions by Michelle, Barbara’s pants were heading south. She could feel the waistband slipping over her hips. To try and save some of her modesty, Barbara released Michelle’s wrists and made a grab to hold up her pants. Michelle took advantage of this and pushed Barbara off of her. Simultaneously, both women moved to a standing position Unfortunately for Barbara, Michelle’s heel remained inside her stretch pants. As Michelle’s feet reached the floor, so did Barbara’s stretch pants. Barbara was now reduced to her pink bra and her overstretched pink panties. The satin panties looked to be uncomfortably lodged in Barbara’s crotch. Deciding to kick things up a notch, Michelle released Barbara’s ponytail. Winding up, she gave Barbara a resounding slap on the left cheek. Barbara reeled backward stunned by the slap. Her stretch pants crumpled at her ankles and Michelle anchoring them prevented Barbara from moving her feet to maintain balance. Barbara waved her arms to try and stay upright to no avail. She fell backward landing on her bottom first and then her back.

“Looks like Mrs. Anderson is going to lose more than her pants.” The onlookers were now postulating on a possible victor in this contest.

Seizing the advantage of a stunned Barbara, Michelle swiftly grabbed the stretch pants and yanked them completely off and over Barbara’s shoes. She then roughly pulled Barbara to her feet by the hair. At this moment Roxanne stepped out from a rear door and made an announcement.

“Thank you all, ladies. The show is over for now. Please see yourselves out. Thank you again.”

Michelle, realizing for the first time there were spectators in the store look towards Roxanne.

“I thought you cleared the store.” Michelle said vehemently. “What are those other women doing in here? And who said anything about this being over?”

“Honey this was just round one. I told you I’d give you some privacy when you needed it and I think we’re about to that point.” replied Roxanne.

Barbara cleared her head and was aware of what was being said. She also gave up trying to break Michelle’s grip on her ponytail. Instead she used her hands to rearrange her panties to more usual position.

“What do you mean end of round one” asked Barbara? “Let go of me. I want to get out of here.”

“Oh no, not yet Barbie. We still have a couple of things to finish up.” said Michele.

Now Barbara’s mind began racing. “Finish up? Oh God, she’s going to spank me again. Please not that.”

Barbara was not so much in dread of the pain a spanking would cause. She was fearful of the urges that said spanking would bring forth in her.

“Bring Mrs. Anderson back here.” Roxanne said as she walked to the rear of the store and opened the door. “I think you’ll find this room accommodating and there will be no interruptions.”

Viewing the open door, Michelle led Barbara by the hair into the room. It was the break room and there was a large couch Michelle spotted which would suit her purposes.

“I’ll leave you ladies to your business” said Roxanne. “And Principal Smithson I must say you are a most fetching sight in your thong, hose, and heels.”

Now it was Michelle’s turn to feel some embarrassment as she had completely forgotten the position of her skirt. “Oh, oh my!” Michelle said in reaction. Releasing Barbara’s hair again she hurriedly pulled her skirt down with her left hand. Having a little difficulty getting the fabric to stretch over her round derrière.

Relieved at having her hair released Barbara tried to compose herself. Somewhat resigned to the fate that awaited her, Barbara had to make a comment about Michelle.

“Having trouble covering up that big butt of yours?” Barbara said sarcastically.

“You’re in no position to make wise cracks Mrs. Barbara Anderson. And speaking of positions I think it’s time you assumed one.” Michelle commanded.

Grabbing the convenient ponytail once again and leading her by the hair, Michelle forcefully led Barbara over to the right side of the well cushioned leather sofa. Michelle roughly pushed Barbara face first over the arm of the sofa. Legs slightly bent at the knees with her belly on the armrest and elbows on the seat portion of the sofa, Barbara’s derrière was most vulnerable. Now Barbara was beginning to have a serious crisis of conscience.

“She’s going to spank me I know it. And I’m gonna like it. I’m going to more than like it.” thought Barbara.

Michelle was beginning to have some different thoughts of her own. “I’ve got her right where I want her now. But good God when I look at that tush and those legs...”

Leaving the two ladies to their own devices, Roxanne repaired to her office. Flipping through the computer software, Roxanne brought up video from the 5 cameras in the break room. Yes, the control obsessed Ms. Starr had surveillance even in the break room. And she was about to get quite a show. Roxanne made sure that all the subsequent activities were recorded for posterity and possible leverage on the participants.

Michelle put her left hand on the small of Barbara’s back as a token symbol to maintain control. She was quite sure that Barbara was done resisting. And she was quite correct. Sliding the fingers of her right hand under the waistband, Michelle began lowering Barbara’s panties. Barbara sighed loudly but did not move. Michelle slipped the panties down to Barbara’s upper thighs and paused. She wanted to savor the moment. Michelle gazed at the roundness of Barbara’s derrière and the wonderful tan lines. Barbara’s well tanned back and upper thighs framed the creamy white flawless skin of Barbara’s derrière. Now using both hands, Michelle dropped the panties below Barbara’s knees and left them crumpled around her ankles. Returning her left hand to the small of Barbara’s back, Michelle leaned over the prostate housewife and whispered in her ear.

“Shall we get started Mrs. Anderson?”

Michelle’s right hand traveled lightly over the hemisphere of Barbara’s right butt cheek. Giving a light caress here and there. Her hand traveled over the cheek to Barbara’s upper thigh and then crossed over to her left thigh. Michelle’s hand traveled up and paused at the gluteal fold to give that area a slight jiggle. Again, Barbara sighed loudly. Michelle looked at the whiteness of her target and look forward to the change in skin tone she was about to initiate. Michelle gave each of Barbara’s butt cheeks a sharp spank.

“No, no, it’s beginning.” Barbara thought as she felt the heat on her ass.

Michelle delivered two more spanks and then stopped. She took time to rub the affected area and give it soft caresses. Then she delivered more spanks interrupted by more caresses. The effect on Barbara was profound.

“What is she doing to me? She spanks me and then rubs my bottom. Oh Lord she’s getting me so hot!”

Barbara’s mind was spinning and her desires were beginning to rage. She began to moan and changed her posture. Barbara straightened her legs, pushed her butt up, and arched her back. She looked back at Michelle with dewy eyes. Michelle continued her alternating technique. Michelle was beginning to smolder as well as she watched Barbara’s cute derrière turn cherry red.

“She’s totally giving into me. This is so much better than the last time. Her butt is so perfect and feels so good. And I have to admit I’m getting really horny.” Michelle honestly admitted to herself.

Michelle gave Barbara a final smack, putting as much force as she could into the blow.

As she watched the video feed from the break room, Roxanne was beginning to experience some stirrings of her own. Ever since the Main Street encounter Roxanne had some unfulfilled desires concerning Principal Michelle Smithson.

“Oh!” Barbara yelped and jumped forward over the sofa arm, her feet leaving the floor. Michelle pulled Barbara’s panties from her ankles and over her sneaker clad feet. Nonchalantly she tossed the panties over her shoulder. Michelle was feeling overly warm given her physical exertion and the fact that she was still wearing her suit coat and skirt. She slipped off the coat and tossed it to a convenient chair. Her blouse already open, Michelle reached behind her to the closure on her skirt. Opening the tab she lowered the zipper. With a seductive wiggle of the hips, Michelle tugged the skirt down over her bottom and let it fall to the floor. Barbara watched Michelle disrobe with great fascination and then turned her face down on the sofa. Michelle slipped off her open blouse. She stepped out of the skirt, that was crumpled around her ankles, and walked around the end of the couch closer to Barbara’s head. Reaching down she cupped Barbara’s face in her hands and guided her to a sitting position. Michelle stood back and put her hands on her hips. Barbara audibly gasped when she looked at the middle school administrator. There before her was her nemesis, standing before her in bra, thong, hose, and heels. Standing there in her lingerie, Michelle exuded confidence. Principal Smithson knew full well what she was doing. Which was, in fact, posing in front of her conquest. Her head and shoulders were back and she pushed her chest forward. Michelle even placed one foot slightly in front of the other in a typical model pose with one knee slightly bent.

In her office, Roxanne reclined in her desk chair and unbuttoned and unzipped her black slacks. Her right hand slipped inside the front of her slacks.

Barbara’s mind again was spinning with randy thoughts. “Her boobs are so big and her legs and thighs are so strong. I want to get my hands on her.”

Michelle sat on the sofa next to Barbara, their thighs touching.

“What shall we do now Mrs. Anderson?” said Michelle seductively.

Barbara said nothing in response, but started to crawl across Michelle’s lap to offer herself again. Michelle stopped her and had her remain seated.

“No Mrs. Anderson I think your bottom has had enough attention for right now. But there is something else I’d like to see.”

With a hand on either side, Michelle reached behind Barbara for the clasps of her bra. With just a little difficulty, one hook was refusing to release, Michelle opened the hooks. Gently she pulled the two sides of the bra forward and slipped her hands up the straps. Peeling the straps down Barbara’s arms, Michelle looked deep into Barbara’s eyes. What she saw was a woman, although defeated, she was not subjugated. And there was still a hint of defiance. The straps came down Barbara’s arms and the pink cups fell away from her breasts. Barbara took a quick breath and squared her shoulders. She pushed her boobs forward for Michelle’s view. Now was Michelle’s turn to utter an audible gasp. Barbara’s breasts were not in the large category, but were very perky. And to match her derrière, Barbara’s boobs were complemented by triangular tan lines. Her rose pink nipples rose and fell with her breaths. Giving into temptation, Michelle gave each of Barbara’s nipples the slightest tweak. Predictably, Barbara’s areolas wrinkled and shrunk in diameter with the nipples becoming quite hard. Michelle’s eyes followed Barbara’s body below her breasts and over her flat tummy and stopping at the tan line on her lower torso. Michelle thought she saw something a little unusual. Taking Barbara’s hands in hers Michelle guided Barbara to stand up from her seat. Barbara stood directly in front of Michelle with Michelle staying seated on the sofa.

“Oh, my goodness Mrs. Anderson you are very naughty.” Michelle scolded. “You’re as bare as a newborn baby’s bottom.” What Michelle had discovered was that Barbara maintained a smoothly shaven pussy. A trait she acquired from her session with Roxanne. Liking the feeling of smooth pubis Barbara continued grooming that area. Her face already flushed from the arousal she was experiencing, Barbara blushed an even deeper red when Michelle discovered her lack of pubic hair. Michelle took Barbara by the wrist.

“Over my lap now Mrs. Anderson.”

Barbara complied and placed herself over the middle school administrators lap. As she did so she took the opportunity to slide her hands over the soft skin of Michelle’s strong thighs and brushed her left shoulder against the lace of the busty principal’s bra. Barbara looked back at Michelle.

“Are you going to spank me again?” Barbara asked softly, looking back at Michelle.

“Well we’ll have to see about that.” Michelle replied as she rested her right hand on the round cheek could Barbara’s butt.

Barbara sighed loudly and dropped her head when she felt the caresses. Michelle would squeeze one cheek and then alternate to the other. As she did Barbara once again arched her back, pushing her bottom against Michelle’s hand. Barbara’s knees came apart in a nonverbal invitation. This was not lost on Michelle. Her hand moved from Barbara’s bottom to her inner thigh of the left leg. Softly caressing in a circular motion, Michelle’s fingers found Barbara’s pussy. Barbara moaned loudly and pushed her bottom even further. Michelle rested her lower left arm across the small of Barbara’s back, her fingers gripping the hip. Her right hand was busy exploring between Barbara’s labia. A gush of moisture quickly lubricated Michelle’s fingers. Spreading the lips, Michelle found Barbara’s clit. Barbara was grinding her hips with growing fervor as she started building to an orgasm. Sensing she was close, Michelle made a move to send her over the top. Dipping her thumb in the abundant natural lubricant, Michelle began an assault on Barbara’s ass hole. Drawing circles with the tip of her thumb at first, she then fell for and found the opening. While vigorously rubbing Barbara’s clit, Michelle plunged her thumb into her anus.

“Oh sweet Jesus what are you doing!” Barbara yelped as she felt the back door intrusion. Bucking her hips against Michelle’s dexterous ministrations, Barbara was closing in on a volcanic orgasm.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh fuck!” Barbara cried out as she reached her orgasm. She collapsed over Michelle’s lap panting for breath. Across Barbara’s back was the slightest sheen of perspiration. And she gently continued to move her hips. For a moment Michelle left her digits in Barbara’s private openings. She was enjoying the moment. Slowly withdrawing her hand, she rested it on Barbara’s rump. Sticking with moisture, Michelle wiped her hand on Barbara’s thigh. Barbara was gradually coming back to reality and having some randy thoughts of her own.

“Whew, that was wonderful. Now I think it’s my turn to do a little exploring.” Barbara thought. Michelle had something planned as well, but it was not what Barbara had in mind. Barbara raised herself on all fours and looked at Michelle. For some reason Michelle was raising her right hand.

“Oh Michelle, I…”

She was about to make a suggestion of further carnal activity when.... Crack!! Barbara suffered the most forceful spank, to her already abused derrière, she had ever experienced in her life. Given that she was already in a heightened sensory state, the sting on her ass traveled like an electric jolt to her pussy.

“Ow!” Barbara screamed. Michelle used both hands to abruptly push Barbara off her lap and unceremoniously onto the floor. Barbara landed on the floor with a thud and look to Michelle incredulously.

“Now Mrs. Anderson there’s no doubt what a wanton tramp you are. So no more visits to my office on your high horse complaining about some perceived injustice to your son. And no more hijinks when I’m conducting school business.” Michelle declared. Michelle stood from the couch and retrieved Barbara’s bra and panties. “Here get your things and get out of here.” Michelle said as she threw the lingerie at Barbara.

Thoroughly humiliated, Barbara rose from the floor and donned her underwear. Looking around the room she searched in vain for outer clothing.

“Where are my clothes?” said Barbara rather meekly.

“I believe they are lying around out in the store somewhere. Where I stripped you of them.” Michelle responded.

Barbara walked to the door that led into the showroom. Her head down and her hands and arms attempting to cover herself. She opened the door slightly and peaked through to see if anyone was in the store. Seeing that the coast was clear, she walked out onto the floor and quickly found her items. Barbara wasted no time in getting dressed. She walked to the exit, turned and gave the room a final look, then went through the door and out into the parking lot.

Hands on hips, head back and chest out Michelle watched the completely defeated Barbara Anderson exit the room.

Thinking to herself “Am I woman enough to handle Barbara Anderson? I’d say that questions been answered.”

Michelle looked about the room for her clothes. Finding her blouse she slipped it on. Seeing that the buttons had all been lost in her fight with Barbara, Michelle pulled the fabric together and knotted it at the waist. Retrieving her skirt, she stepped into it and began to pull it up her legs when she heard the break room door open and a voice.

“Principal Smithson, that was most entertaining.” said Roxanne Starr as she entered the room clad in a black satin robe.

Michelle paused at the sight of Roxanne. Still gripping her skirt which was only halfway up her thighs.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Michelle said somewhat sarcastically. “How would you know what went on in here?”

“Oh my dear, I have my ways. You’d be surprised at what I know.”

“Well that’s fine for you, but I’m leaving.” Michelle said with a wiggle of her hips as she finished pulling on the snug skirt. “And aren’t you dressed a little casually for retail?” Michelle said taking note of Roxanne’s dressing gown.

“Perhaps, I think you’ll find out. You’re not leaving just yet Michelle. Accounts must be balanced and it’s time for you to pay the piper.”

“Pay the piper? I don’t think so.” Michelle answered as she zipped her skirt. She didn’t bother to hook the closure or tuck in her blouse wanting to make a quick exit. Michelle then retrieved her suit coat from the floor and took a step towards the exit. Roxanne blocked the door and grabbed her by the upper arm.

“Yes Ms. Smithson it’s time to pay the piper.” Roxanne said as she started pushing Michelle backwards towards the sofa. The redhaired club owner was a good 5 inches taller than the middle school principal. And she was well-versed in physically moving persons from point A to point B against their will.

“Take your hands off me. You’re not going to do anything to me, you sleazy bar owner.” Michelle drew back and tried to deliver a roundhouse slap. Roxanne was more than ready for her. Roxanne easily avoided the blow and the momentum of Michelle’s attempt spun her 180 degrees. Roxanne seized the opportunity and got Michelle’s left arm behind her with one hand and a good handful of Principal Smithson’s strawberry blonde hair with the other.

“Ms. Smithson you really must stop the struggle. You know I’m going to win.” Roxanne said with extreme confidence. And she was right.

Michelle fought back valiantly, but she was obviously no match for Roxanne. Roxanne had her completely controlled. As they reached the sofa, Roxanne sat down and quickly pulled Michelle facedown, over her lap. Michelle squirmed and kicked mightily without gaining any advantage. Failing to free herself physically Michelle resorted to verbal assaults.

“Let go of me you b*tch. What you think you’re going to do?” Michelle shouted.

Deep in her heart, Michelle had a pretty good idea of what Roxanne was going to do. She was over Roxanne’s lap for the second time and physically unable to free herself. Again being dominated by another woman, Michelle was having some serious fear. Fear of pain, fear of humiliation, and fear that she might derive more than a little pleasure at the hands of another woman. Roxanne was having some thoughts of her own. She certainly enjoyed watching Michelle and Barbara in their tryst. And she had always wished her first encounter with Michelle Smithson had been in a more private setting. After all there are some limits. She could get away with giving the principal a bare bottom spanking in public. Roxanne would’ve loved to have taken it further if the venue had been more private. She looked down at the struggling Michelle and decided to begin the beguine.

As Michelle’s struggles lessened, Roxanne released her hold on the strawberry blonde hair. She did keep Michelle’s left arm firmly held behind her back. With her head free Michelle stopped squirming and kicking. Roxanne rested her right hand at Michelle’s waist and noticed something. She saw that Michelle’s skirt was not hooked at the top of the zipper. Michelle gasped as she felt Roxanne open the zipper in one swift motion.

“Now my dear, what shall we do? How shall we bare that fine round ass of yours? Do we pull your skirt down over your hips and let it gather at your ankles? Or do we just hike it up to your waist?” Roxanne taunted. She slipped her hand into the open zipper and cupped Michelle’s right buttock. Giving an experimental squeeze, Roxanne was impressed with it’s firmness. Roxanne let her fingers wander. The tip of her middle finger found the fabric of Michelle’s thong deep in the cleft of her butt cheeks. With a light touch Roxanne followed the path of the thong from Michelle’s bottom to the lace panel between her legs. Her finger lingered for a few seconds and Michelle froze at the touch. Roxanne smiled knowingly. She removed her hand from under the skirt and rested it on Michelle’s bottom.

“I think we’ll take the more direct route.” Roxanne said referring to Michelle’s skirt. With that she grasped the skirt hem with both hands and roughly pulled it up to Michelle’s waist. Now having both hands free, Michelle made a halfhearted effort to crawl forward off Roxanne’s lap. Roxanne countered that move with another grab of Michelle’s hair pulling her back in place. As Michelle fell back across Roxanne’s thighs she thought she felt something strange. To be sure Roxanne’s thighs were very firm and toned, but what Michelle felt under her belly was something much more solid than flesh. This distraction was fleeting as Roxanne proceeded to tattoo the round bottom of the middle school administrator. Michelle gritted her teeth as Roxanne laid on the first spanks. As far spanking went, Roxanne had few equals. Alternating from one cheek to the other Roxanne gave Michelle a punishment she had never experienced before. After about the 10th swat, Michelle could no longer maintain her silence.

“Oh please, please I can’t take this.” Michelle pleaded. Michelle’s request was lost on Roxanne as she continued the spanking. Michelle propped herself up on her elbows and looked back at Roxanne. Roxanne was occupied in observing the changing skin tone of Michelle’s big butt. Her skin tone was a very slight tan, nothing like the dark tan that Barbara Anderson maintained. And she had no discernible tan lines. Each globe of that around but was beginning to glow red. Her ass was smoldering but there was something else that was beginning to ignite. Despite her efforts to suppress it, Michelle was becoming aroused. She’d been bested by another woman and was loving it. Finally, Michelle could resist no more. She dropped her head and torso and pushed her bottom up. Her legs came apart and she began to moan with each smack on her tush. This was the reaction Roxanne was looking for. The object of her attention had submitted. Roxanne ceased spanking and caressed Michelle’s glowing derrière. Michelle uttered a moan as her hips began to gyrate.

Stopping the caresses, Roxanne gave Michelle a directive. “All right Michelle, Stand up.”

Michelle did as ordered and stood in front of Roxanne. Her hands were busy applying soothing rubs to her blistered bottom. She looked back over her shoulder to see what damage had been done to her butt. Michelle’s skirt was gathered at her waist and she still retained her hose and heels.

Roxanne did a quick visual inspection of the conquest that stood before. Roxanne rose from the sofa and stood in front of Michelle. She untied Michelle’s blouse. Roxanne slipped both hands underneath the blouse and cupped Michelle’s breasts. Michelle stiffened as she felt Roxanne’s touch. Giving each breast a gentle lift, Roxanne chuckled.

“You certainly have a healthy set here.” Roxanne commented as she continued her tactile examination of Michelle’s boobs. Roxanne’s thumbs gently rubbed back-and-forth over Michelle’s stiffening nipples. Michelle sighed loudly. Roxanne then stepped behind Michelle and slipped the blouse over her shoulders and down her arms. Roxanne was so close her breasts were pushing against Michelle’s back. Roxanne hands were again on Michelle’s breasts continuing their massaging action. Again Michelle sighed and leaned back against the redheaded Roxanne. Once again Michelle felt something much more firm than human flesh under Roxanne’s satin dressing down this time she felt it against her bottom. Roxanne kept her left hand on Michelle’s breast and moved her right down to Michelle’s belly, all the while gently caressing. Roxanne bent her head and gave Michelle the most gentle kiss on the lower neck. By this point Michelle’s mind was reeling.

“I can’t believe this is happening. She’s seducing me and I’m enjoying it. How far will she take it? How far can I let it go? Can I let it go? I think I’m in her control. God help me I’m horny.”

Roxanne brought both hands to Michelle’s back and unclasped her bra. The hooks released easily and Roxanne slipped the straps over Michelle’s shoulders. Her hands then went under the loosened cups. Her thumb and index finger of each hand found Michelle’s hard gumdrop nipples and gave them a tweak. Roxanne kissed her way across the back of Michelle’s neck to the opposite side all the while playing with her nipples. After a few more kisses and tweaks, Roxanne gently guided Michelle to turn and face her. Michelle needed no more direction from Roxanne. She put her arms around the tall redhead’s neck and drew her in for a kiss. Roxanne drew Michelle close to her with an arm around her waist and one hand on her bottom. The women continued their passionate kissing. Michelle decided to make a move of her own and slipped her right hand inside Roxanne’s dressing gown searching for a breast. She quickly found the large and surprisingly firm left breast. Roxanne was not wearing anything under her dressing down to foil Michelle’s intentions. Michelle’s fingertips soon encountered a small very hard nipple. Roxanne released the grip she had on Michelle’s butt. Sliding her hand around to Michelle’s belly, Roxanne’s fingers began an exploratory trip to the south. Finding the waistband of Michelle’s thong, Roxanne did not hesitate to move her fingers under the lingerie. First feeling the bristly curls of Michelle’s pubic hair, her fingers continued traveling until they were at Michelle’s pussy. The middle finger of Roxanne’s hand made an exploratory probe.

“Oh!” Michelle broke the kiss and gasped when she felt Roxanne’s touch.

“How sweet, so responsive.” Roxanne whispered as she continued feeling Michelle. “And apparently, so ready.” The last remark was a comment on the wetness of Michelle’s pussy.

Michelle’s hands pushed back on Roxanne’s robe. Getting the robe just past her shoulders, Roxanne’s breasts came into view. Michelle’s eyes grew big as she saw the quite large breasts with surprisingly small, pink areolas. Michelle found that what Roxanne lacked in areola diameter she more than made up for in length of nipple. Working one of Roxanne’s nipples between her fingers Michelle watched it stiffen. Giving into a long suppressed urge, Michelle did something she had never done before. Starting with a couple exploratory looks of the tongue Michelle then took the nipple into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the hard nipple several times. Now is Roxanne’s turn to utter subtle moan. She kept her hands busy in Michelle’s crotch even to the point of penetration. With her mouth occupied on Roxanne’s breast, Michelle let her hands wander over Roxanne’s body. Her left hand caressing Roxanne’s right breast, Michelle’s right hand slipped down over her shoulders to her waist. It was there Michelle felt something like a belt, but didn’t think anything unusual. Perhaps Roxanne was wearing some very sturdy underwear. Michelle’s hand traveled to Roxanne’s ass giving it a firm squeeze. Again finding some sort of strap under the ass cheek. Roxanne’s attentions to Michelle’s pussy was nearly driving her over the top. Michelle felt she should reciprocate and moved her right hand from Roxanne’s ass to the front. Probing with her fingers, she was trying to find a way to Roxanne’s crotch. Suddenly her fingers found, where Roxanne’s pussy should have been, a fairly rigid, cylindrical object.

“What the hell is that!” Michelle shouted as she broke the kiss with Roxanne and backed up. Roxanne’s hand slipped out of Michelle’s panties as Michelle backed away.

“Well Ms. Smithson it seems you’ve made a discovery. This little something will give you and I both a great deal of pleasure.” Roxanne said as she opened her robe. Letting the robe fall from her shoulders to the floor Roxanne displayed what Michelle had discovered. Roxanne was naked down to the waist. Her large, albeit surgically enhanced, boobs were tipped with pink nipples. It what was at her waist and below that shocked Michelle. It seems Roxanne had come to this particular tryst equipped with a strap on. Black nylon straps around her waist and under her legs secured the device to Roxanne. And the crowning glory was a flesh-colored phallus of generous proportion.

“Oh my God, no, no I don’t think so.” Michelle said as she backed away from Roxanne.

Roxanne took a step towards Michelle. She took Michelle’s hand in hers and placed it on the dildo. Her other hand guided Michelle by the back of the neck close to her and again they began to kiss. Michelle quickly got over the shock of her discovery and returned the kiss fervently. Her right hand began to squeeze and stroke the appendage. Roxanne gently broke off the kiss and guided Michelle over to the sofa. Both women sat and Roxanne had Michelle lay back on the sofa. Roxanne lay recumbent next to her soon to be conquest. She kissed Michelle’s cheek and neck while squeezing and tweaking her right breast. Roxanne’s kisses moved down from Michelle’s neck to the collarbone and onto a light brown gumdrop nipple. Roxanne licked and sucked on the nipple while her right hand went back between Michelle’s legs. Further exploration by Roxanne found that Michelle’s pussy was more than damp. As Roxanne touched her Michelle’s hips began to move. Giving Michelle a quick kiss on the lips, Roxanne rose to a sitting position. Hooking her thumbs in Michelle’s thong she slowly peeled them down. Michelle was very accommodating as she raised her derrière from the sofa to assist the thong removal. Now was Roxanne’s turn for her eyes to grow large as she viewed the school administrators pubic area for the first time. Roxanne discovered that Michelle was indeed a true strawberry blonde. Not completely shaven, like Barbara Anderson, Michelle did maintain a trimmed bush. Michelle coyly kept her knees together.

“So lovely, so lovely my sweet, but let’s open things up a little.” said the seductive Roxanne.

Roxanne gently put her hands between Michelle’s knees and slowly spread them. She then moved her hands behind Michelle’s thighs and gently push them back. Then Roxanne kissed the inside of Michelle’s thighs enjoying the texture of her stockings. She kissed the left thigh first from knee to crotch and then the right side from crotch to knee. Roxanne reversed course and kissed her way back down to Michelle’s pussy. A few light kisses to the labia then Roxanne went for the gold. Her tongue found Michelle slit and quickly worked to the clit. By now Michelle was lost in reverie. She thrust her hips forward to me Roxanne’s face, moaning loudly. Roxanne put both hands under Michelle’s ass and pulled her closer. Roxanne increased the intensity of her ministrations and Michelle was getting close to orgasm.

“Not just yet. I’ve something better in mind for you.” Roxanne said as she raised her face from between Michelle’s legs.

“Good God don’t stop now! I’m so close!” Michelle protested.

Between Michelle’s legs, Roxanne move forward chest to chest with her. Michelle knew what Roxanne had in mind and had some serious qualms.

“You can’t be serious. That thing is huge.”

“You’ll be just fine. And you will really like it.” Roxanne assured.

Roxanne guided the dildo to Michelle’s opening. She rubbed the head on Michelle’s clit several times before making a slow insertion.

“Ugh” Michelle grunted as Roxanne penetrated her. Despite her fears, Michelle was capable of accommodating Roxanne’s toy. Roxanne began a slow pistoning motion with the rubber cock deep inside Michelle’s pussy. It turns out Roxanne was quite skilled in the use of the strap on. Michelle was benefiting from that skill and was soon back on her way to orgasm. Being in the missionary position and with Roxanne being considerably taller than her, Michelle fell Roxanne’s boob rubbing her cheek. Feeling that she was deep within Roxanne’s cleavage, Michelle moved her face to one side and found a nipple. Michelle latched on with her mouth and began sucking.

“Oh yes!” exclaimed a somewhat startled Roxanne. She had expected that from Michelle. “

As much as she was enjoying herself, Michelle wanted more. Roxanne was increasing the speed of her thrusts when Michelle stopped her.

“Roxanne, Roxanne wait a minute. I want to get on top. Okay?”

“Why of course it’s okay.” Roxanne withdrew from Michelle and the two traded places. Roxanne laid flat on her back as Michelle swung one leg over Roxanne’s hips. Grasping the dick, Michelle lowered herself on it as it slid into her. Finding this most enjoyable Michelle began grinding. Roxanne took both of Michelle’s breasts in her hands working the nipples hard. Michelle felt inspired and as she was grinding she reached behind her in between Roxanne’s legs. As it so happens, Roxanne’s strap on did not prevent access to her pussy. A feature that Michelle soon discovered. Michelle’s middle finger found Roxanne’s clit and began rapid rubbing. The two horny women quickly synchronized their movements to maximize their pleasure. Michelle’s climax was building rapidly. As she got closer, she slammed herself down on Roxanne. Roxanne responded by thrusting her hips higher. The pace increased and Michelle came triumphantly.

“Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.” Michelle grunted. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I’m coming, I’m coming!” Michelle practically screamed out as she reached her orgasm. She collapsed on top of Roxanne, panting for air. Pulling her fingers from Roxanne’s pussy, she took up Roxanne’s face in both hands and kissed her passionately. The lovers rested for a few minutes in that position then Michelle’s hips began to stir. Roxanne took notice.

“Are you starting something?” Roxanne queried. “Not that I’m objecting or anything, just wanted to be sure.”

“Well it would be nice don’t you think, to have another little go around.”

“In that case, may suggest another change in position? Something, perhaps, in the canine fashion?”

“That sounds lovely.” Michelle replied breezily.

As if she was dismounting a horse, Michelle swung her leg over Roxanne and disengage from her. She stood next to the sofa as Roxanne rose to a sitting position. She guided Michelle back to the sofa and positioned her on all fours. Roxanne relished the sight of Principal Smithson head down and ass up on her sofa. Michelle’s round derrière had a glint of perspiration on it and still showed a red glow from her spanking. And her ass was perfectly framed by the lace tops of her stockings. Roxanne kneeled behind Michelle putting in her knees in between Michelle’s. Michelle reached behind her to find the rubber deck. She quickly positioned the tip at her pussy and backed her hips to it. Simultaneously Roxanne thrust forward.

“Oooooofff!” Michelle groaned as the phallus went into maximum depth. Both women began thrusting against each other. Roxanne with both hands on Michelle’s hips for leverage was driving the dick hard. Michelle was matching Roxanne thrust for thrust slamming her ass back into the strap on wielding redhead. Looking down at the principal’s ample ass, Roxanne delivered a hard spank to the right cheek. Michelle’s head jerked up, but she made no sound. She increased the intensity of her thrusting and was building on another orgasm. Seeing that the spank had an effect on Michelle, Roxanne delivered another one to the left cheek. She then grabbed Michelle’s hips and drove forward with a vengeance. The second spank push Michelle over the edge. Her second orgasm more intense than the first. She dropped face first onto the sofa laying flat and again panting for air. Roxanne was a bit winded herself and very pleased with herself at her skills with the school administrator. She took a moment to look at her exhausted conquest. Michelle was literally gasping for breath her face down on the sofa cushion. To red handprints could be seen on the round hemispheres of her ass. Her legs were still spread and surprisingly her stockings were still in place as were her heels. Roxanne got up from the sofa and walked over to some cabinets against the opposite wall. She opened one of the cabinet doors and took a cylindrical object from the top shelf. Roxanne returned to the couch. Snapping off the plastic top she inverted the tube and squeezed a clear substance onto her hand. She then applied the gel to the rubber dick. Roxanne took up a position behind Michelle. She began to massage Michelle’s bottom at the same time guiding her back to all fours.

“Oh Roxanne you can’t be serious.” said Michelle wearily.

“Come now, just once more. And you’ll love this.” coaxed Roxanne.

Face down, Michelle rested her head on her arms with her ass up. To grease the skids, so to speak, Roxanne did Michelle the courtesy of a reach around and once again began rubbing her clit. Michelle moaned and began rocking back and forth. Roxanne began probing with her phallus. Feeling the touches, Michelle felt the need to give Roxanne some guidance.

“Lower, Roxanne. It’s too high, go lower.”

“Oh I think I found the spot where I want to be.”

“No, no, not there. I don’t do that.” Michelle protested as Roxanne pressed forward against her anus. “I said no!” Michelle said loudly. She reached behind her to stop Roxanne’s progress. Roxanne grabbed her arm and stopped her. Michelle tried to crawl forward, away from Roxanne. A firm grip of Michelle’s hair stopped that move.

“Now Michelle, stay right where you’re at. You’ll get used to it.” Roxanne coaxed. With her target now stationary Roxanne pressed ahead and fully inserted the strap on into Michelle’s anal opening. Sensing that Michelle was staying put, Roxanne released her hair and put both hands on Michelle’s hips and began thrusting back and forth. At first Michelle was stoic, not moving and not reacting. Then Roxanne could tell Michelle was beginning to feel some beneficial effects. Very subtly Michelle began to match Roxanne’s rhythm pushing back with her ass. Roxanne increased the pace and the intensity. Michelle matched her move for move. It was then Roxanne decided to send Michelle once again over the top. For the second time Roxanne performed a reach around and began rubbing Michelle’s pussy. The effects were instantaneous.

“Oh God, oh God, you’re fucking my ass and playing with my pussy!” Michelle cried.

Michelle was getting near and Roxanne had one more treat for her. Busy with Michelle’s clit with her left hand, Roxanne delivered a well-placed slap to Michelle’s right ass cheek. That was all it took.

“Oooooooooh, yes, yes, yeeeessss!” Michelle screamed as she reached orgasm. She then collapsed forward flat on her stomach. Roxanne followed her forward, staying connected and continued to flock Michelle’s ass albeit at a slower pace. Roxanne continued to slow the pace, waiting for Michelle to react. From her face down position, Michelle tapped one hand on the sofa cushion and look back at Roxanne. “Please, please Roxanne. I’ve had enough you gotta let me rest.”

“All right Miss Smithson, but you need to do something for me.”

Roxanne slowly withdrew the dildo from Michelle’s ravished ass. She stood up and moved away from the couch. Michelle’s hands went back and cupped her bottom, while she was still breathing heavily. Roxanne stepped over to the cabinets, unbuckled a couple attachments and stepped out of the strap on dildo. This left her completely nude and revealed a well-groomed and bright ginger pubic bush. She paused to look at her conquest regaining her breath and some of her composure. Roxanne decided now is the time for her to receive some sexual gratification. Going back over to the couch she tap Michelle on the shoulder.

“Michelle dear, let’s trade places.” Roxanne suggested.

Not knowing what she had mind, Michelle rose to a seated position. Roxanne sat on the couch and then fully reclined with her head on one arm her right leg resting on the back of the couch widely spreading her legs.

“Now Michelle it’s your turn.”

Michelle paused and took in the full view of the statuesque redhead. Flawless pale skin, long legs, and generous hips. A large bust line topped off with very cute, almost tiny rose pink areolas and long erect nipples. Michelle thought for a moment and then decided to take the plunge. Dispensing with any preliminaries, she went straight for Roxanne’s pussy with her mouth. Roxanne was a little shocked by Michelle’s directness, but did nothing to dissuade her from her task. Now it was Roxanne’s turn to lose herself in pleasure. Her head fell back and her hips began to grind against Michelle’s mouth. Roxanne took a gentle, but firm, grip behind Michelle’s head to guide her and to possibly prevent her from stopping prematurely. Sensing that she was hitting the right buttons, Michelle took her left hand and spread Roxanne’s labia exposing her clit. Michelle’s tongue went right to work on the sensitive bud. Then Michelle used the middle finger of her right hand to explore Roxanne’s vagina. Probing to and fro, when Roxanne jumped Michelle knew she had found the G spot. Now Michelle went to work with a passion. Licking and fingering Roxanne into a frenzy.

“Fuck! But you know what you’re doing!” Roxanne’s hips bucked even more against Michelle’s lips and tongue. “That’s it, that’s it, that’s it, uh,uh,uh,uh, Jesus!” Roxanne’s entire body stiffened when she reached her climax. After about 10 or 15 seconds she heaved a huge sigh and her body relaxed. Michelle kissed the inside of Roxanne’s thigh and gave it an affectionate pat. She sat up and tried to straighten her hair. Her coif had become somewhat mussed as a result of recent activities. Michelle rose from the couch and searched the room for her clothing. Roxanne continued to recline on the couch enjoying opposed orgasmic glow. Gathering her clothing Michelle stepped into her thong and donned her bra. Roxanne roused herself, found her satin robe and put it on. She sat back on the sofa and watched Michelle dress. Michelle slipped on her blouse and knotted it as she had before. She stepped into her skirt and wiggled her derrière she pulled the skirt up to her waist. She quickly closed the back zipper and hooked the closure. Hooking her suit coat on her index finger, she flipped the coat over her shoulder and headed towards the door. Roxanne stood walked over towards the door. Gently placing a hand on her shoulder, Roxanne gave Michelle a parting message.

“Thank you my dear Principal Smithson for a lovely time. I think you enjoyed yourself as well.”

“Yes Ms. Starr, I have to admit that was fun. First with Barbara and then with you. And you showed me a few new things as well.”

“Well dearie, the next time you talk to your dear friend Teresa Scalia tell her I’ve been thinking about her. And I’d like to have a private meeting with her once again.”

“I’ll pass the message along. I don’t know how it will be received.”

“That’s something we’ll have to see. You know Michelle, you do have a nice ass.” Roxanne said as she cupped Michelle’s ass for one last time. “But your Italian friend has a great ass and I’d love to get my hands on it again. Tell her that. Okay?” Roxanne gave Michelle a friendly pat on her bottom as she walked through the break room door and out into the store. “Nothing like planting a seed.” Roxanne thought as she watched Michelle leave.
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Old 08-07-2019, 05:37 AM
amfanon amfanon is offline
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Great to see another story, especially containing Michelle, my favorite character, all dressed up. I will say, it's a shame that they went out of their way to make the scene private, rather than public (except for the very start), as being in public greatly heightens the embarrassment. Hopefully the video leverage Roxanne has acquired over Michelle will have a payoff that more than compensates. Thanks for all the hard work Obo.
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Old 08-07-2019, 03:56 PM
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Thank you for reading my story and the kind words. I understand your comment on having a more "public" element to heighten the embarrassment. In my stories I use a literary device called "suspension of disbelief". Meaning that some of the events would not take place in the real world, but in the frame of the story its possible. A fantasy story with magic, monsters etc. is a complete suspension of disbelief. I stretch things a little in my works. A public cat fight and stripping falls within the realm of possibility. Maybe even a spanking I can see taking place. Of course there is seldom any outside interference. In real time there would folks breaking up the action. For me, sex in public is too much of a stretch. Other than the set up Roxanne pulled on Barbara and Teresa in the Community Theater, all the sex acts I've written are in private. Everything else was subtle arousal, except when Maria felt up Barbara in the Gentlemen's Club.

Speaking of Barbara, I think she has gotten more than her fair share of attention, both positive and negative, lately. I think she deserves a break. This latest story was result of a suggestion by veryy9look and an idea I've had for quite awhile that Michelle was due for a good rogering.

I appreciate all comments and suggestions. If you would rather share them privately, you can always send me a pm.


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