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Old 08-08-2019, 08:48 PM
drifterX drifterX is offline
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Default Alternate Dimensions

Cross-posted from one of my literotica tales, I think it gets much more interesting as it goes forward into subsequent chapters. I hope you enjoy the sample and I'll be happy to share more if you like.


This is a little sci-fi tale that gets more complicated than it needs to be. It's mostly soft, with a touch of hard. Barely touched. Should I continue this one, it will get there. Enjoy and thanks for all the recent input, folks. I promise to get back to continuations of other stories soon, too.

As for this one, it's so similar in theme to another I recently wrote, I am unclear whether I will write another part, but I'm juggling the idea. Feedback is always appreciated.


Alternate Dimensions

"What exactly are you saying, Brad?" Rebecca Stoles asked. They were sitting on his couch in his apartment. Rebecca was just a friendly neighbor to Brad, living two doors down from him in the building complex. By now, she should have been accustomed to his crazy inventions, but this one sounded more ridiculous than most.

Brad was the brightest of his class coming out of MIT, but his awkward, antisocial ways obstructed his path to success at any company who wished to employ him. For the past ten years, Brad instead supported himself by creating some inventions, some practical and some rather strange. There had been no break-out successes, though just enough to fund his meager lifestyle.

The last thing of note Brad had invented was an automated vacuum that was much more efficient and powerful than the big name brand. He hired a tooling company, and because of to the high expense of low volume manufacturing, sales were somewhat limited due to the high cost of the finished product. Still, it was a moderate success. Brad thought the vacuum was a waste of his talents, but it had given him enough of a boost in income to develop new things.

"Rebecca, I know I mentioned to you that I have been working on a time machine for several years now."

"Yes, I know. Even though you're smart, I find the idea laughable. It can't happen. Wouldn't we know if time travel existed by now, by having seen someone travel through time into our own history?"

"Perhaps," said Brad. "It's an interesting theory you have... but I have more scientific reasons to believe that time travel could never exist, and I discovered that evidence by accident... when I opened a portal to another dimension."

"Which I also find unbelievable."

"Well, I'm going back and I'm going to take photographs," said Brad, huffing. He wasn't one to make jokes and found the idea of not being believed by his one decent friend almost offensive.

"Brad, do you really think I'm buying this? Is this some elaborate prank? I'm envisioning you taking fake photos and testing my gullibility."

"Have I ever done anything like that?"

He hadn't and Rebecca knew it.

"Well, why don't you just take me with you then?" she asked.

Brad paused, looking awkwardly at the floor. "Uh... um... I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Yup, I figured. Whatever, Brad. Just try and fool me."

"Look, Rebecca, the thing is... the women go naked there." Brad's eyes were still avoiding hers, darting across the floor.

"What? Is it like some ancient civilization?"

Brad finally looked up. "Actually, no. In fact, I'd say their technology is slightly ahead of ours."

"Then why do the women go naked? Does everyone go naked?"

"That's the thing. Just the women. The men dress almost identically to us. The remarkable thing is they speak our language and in essence, their earth is just like our earth. In fact it is, I suppose, but in an alternate dimension. At first, I thought I went forward in time, but time passes the same from there to here. If I spend a day there, I am indeed missing one here. No time travel. Simply an alternate dimension, the craziest thing."

"You're pulling my leg, I tell you."

"No, I'm not. At first I thought the dress, or rather the lack of it, was just a custom of theirs. I guess it is, but more than that, I discovered that if a woman dares to cover herself after the age of 20 and before the age of 60, that she could be fined and imprisoned for up to a year. It's an actual law. A federal law. In what is essentially their America. Nations exist there, but the borders aren't exactly the same."

"This all sounds so stupid," said Rebecca.

"I don't know how it came to be that women dress like that. I was lucky enough to glean that information when I inquired about it. The man I was speaking to looked at me as if I were an immigrant, which apparently they do not take kindly to there, either."

"So it's a sexist country, filled with bigots, in this dimension?"

"I suppose so, putting it bluntly," Brad agreed. "Which is why you can't go. If you were seen with clothes on, it could spell big trouble for us."

"You could always just zap us back to this dimension if we were about to get caught."

"Only when the battery on the portal box is fully charged. Solar can power it, but it takes a couple days of solid sunlight. I don't yet have a method to charge it using those people's electric outlets. Totally different design than ours, but I didn't get to a chance to further investigate it. Unfortunately, it takes all the juice to make one jump. I had spare batteries with me, and even those got drained in the jump. So did the battery in my phone. Completely dead. Must be something the jump causes. Thankfully, I designed the portal box with back-up solar power. This time, I'm bringing a solar charger for the phone, too."

"I see," said Rebecca. "So you'll go and take pictures, but this time, after charging the camera phone."

"As discretely as I can. I hope to be gone no longer than two or three days."

"So you have been only once before?"


"When you accidentally discovered it?"


"What if it doesn't work a second time? Or if it sends you to yet some other dimension."

"I thought about that. Unlikely. It's all in the math. The 'velocity' of the portal gun, for no better word, remains constant. The shift should always land me to the same place in their dimension, at the same time frame. I'm confident the math checks out."

Rebecca crossed her arms and tapped her right foot. Crossing her arms gave her heavy breasts a gentle lift. She wore a D-cup, but even that was a little tight. Cleavage tended to spill out at times. Regardless of its affect on men, Rebecca was careful not to show the goods. With larger than average areolas and very thick and puffy tips to her nipples, she was somewhat shy of her appearance. Whenever she was intimate with men (not often), she preferred the lights to be off, due to her modesty.

Rebecca also wasn't one to pass up on challenges. She continued tapping her foot before finally saying, "Promise me you're not pulling my leg. Swear to me."

"Uh, okay. I swear," said Brad, struggling again to look her in the eye, but that was his natural shyness rather than any deceit, surmised Rebecca.

"Tell me, what do the women do there?"

"The same thing as they do here. Though there, life is considerably more automated."

"What do you mean?"

"Robots everywhere. Essentially slaves. Bipedal robots that program themselves to perform what once were the tasks of humans. They run the healthcare industry with advanced robot doctors and nurses, agriculture is all automated, factories have the bodies they need via these robots... you get the picture. People actually live quite well. Like I said, it's the same time frame, but they are slightly more technologically advanced than us, probably by 50 or 60 years. I also believe there is an elite class of citizens, but I have yet to meet them or see how they live. Nevertheless, the average people seem quite happy. I'd almost call it a utopia of sorts."

Now this was getting interesting, thought Rebecca.

Brad continued, "It's like most everyone is on a permanent vacation. Food and housing is supplied by the government. Crime is almost non-existent."

"But why the naked women?"

"Again, I don't know. I want to find out, though."

"I swear, if you're fucking with me."

"Why do you keep suggesting that?"

"Because I'm going with you this time, dummy! I'll just get naked and go, but promise me you WON'T take pictures of me. I want to see this. I'll call off work for a few days. But again, you have to swear to me this is for real. If this is some big game just to see my tits, I will never forgive you. Everyone always wants to see my tits, and if this is an elaborate hoax from you to do the same, you won't imagine my disappointment with you. I'll never be your friend again."

Brad looked down at the floor once more, but then managed to look at her directly and said, "If you really want to go, okay. We cannot tell anyone what we're doing, though, and we cannot tell the people there that we are from a different dimension."

"I figured that," said Rebecca. "When can we do this?"

"How about day after tomorrow. It'll give me time to prepare."

"Fine," said Rebecca. "I'll make arrangements at work."


Under her robe, Rebecca still couldn't believe she was doing this. She stepped out of the bathroom and into the living room where Brad was waiting, dressed in jeans, a plain blue tee, and what only could be described as a hipster jacket. In one hand, he held a rather large cube, what he referred to as his portal box.

"So what do we have to do?" Rebecca asked.

"The box is charged. We can't go with any of our own identification, money, cards or anything. I am carefully sneaking this phone in, though," he said, picking it up off the coffee table and pocketing in his jacket. "The phone will lose its charge going through the portal, but the portal box will charge over time if we leave it somewhere discretely outdoors. I fixed it so we can charge the phone from that and we can do our work."

"I can't go through with anything, so what does it matter," Rebecca said flatly. She was getting nervous about the idea of dropping her robe in front of Brad, displaying her meaty nipples she was so accustomed to hiding.

Brad noticed her discomfort. "Rebecca. If you don't want to..."

He cut himself off as Rebecca quickly pulled the belt loose and flung the robe back across her shoulders. It fell lightly to the floor. Brad was surprised she had shaved completely before coming on the trip. She hadn't even asked if that was a fashion custom. Luckily, he had seen a few shaved pussies on his first visit.

What stunned Brad the most was Rebecca's glorious breasts. He had always wanted to see Rebecca naked and the real thing was far better than what his imagination had conjured.

"Jesus, Rebecca. You're... you're... uh... you're very pretty pretty." Brad quickly lowered his head and darted his eyes to across the floor and then to the equipment.

Brad didn't see it looking away, but Rebecca blushed from the surprising compliment. On the other hand, she knew Brad was kind of a dweeb who probably never saw a girl naked before, in the flesh, anyway.

"Okay, put your hand on the box here," said Brad, putting his hand on one side of it. "Any place will do, actually."

Their fingers almost touched as Brad used his other hand to push a button on the side of the machine. A jolt ripped through Rebecca's core, not unpleasant, but surprising. In a blink, she found herself standing next to Brad, still touching the box, but instead of being in his living room, they were at the edge of a wooded area.

"What the shit?" exclaimed Rebecca.

"Exact same place as last time," said Brad, smiling confidently. "Just like I surmised. There's a small town not far from here. See that path over there." Brad pointed to a meadow about thirty paces away. From there a trail that was clearly cut out winding in and out of the woods. He continued, "This is a MetroParks area. Not much foot traffic last time I was here. I found a clearing deeper in the woods where I left the box to charge last time. We'll do that first before we head to town."

Rebecca was so enraptured by the inexplicable trip and Brad's discussion that she barely noticed she was naked anymore. That was, until she was aware of Brad's eyes locking on to her tits. He was struggling not to look, in fact.

"Get it together, Brad. I'm freaking out enough already. Let's get going."

"Oh, okay," he exclaimed, coming to his senses. "This way."

Brad led Rebecca through fifteen minutes of difficult terrain as they made their way deeper into the woods.

"I wanted to be sure to find a place where I felt the box wouldn't be found," said Brad, as he helped Rebecca navigate the area in her bare feet. "It would be a terrible thing to have this discovered by someone."

"If you say the civilization here is more advanced than ours, then wouldn't it make sense they would have built a device like yours by now?"

"Who's to say they haven't? Even if they have, hypothetically there could be countless dimensions, and they could be tuned into other ones. Even if one could adjust a device like this to go to any dimension, the statistical odds of finding one in particular are astronomical. This just happens to be the one I stumbled across. You see?"

She didn't, really. It was all above her.

Finally, they made their way into a small clearing surrounded by trees, perhaps an area once used for camping by someone. Brad buried the box near the center allowing tall grass to cover it from view, while still being exposed to sunlight. He turned to Rebecca when he was finished, for the first time taking a solid look at her entirely, from head to toe.

"Well, you ready?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she said. "Please tell me I won't make a fool of myself. Why are women forced to go naked here again?"

"I intend to find out," he said. "In the meantime, let's just call this a working vacation. We have a couple days for the batteries to charge."

Half an hour later, they had finally managed to escape the woods and make their way back to the path to town, when they saw the first sign of civilization. It was a traditional park area at the entrance to the nature park. There were what looked like tennis courts and playground equipment. A young couple was sitting on a bench having lunch. Sure enough, the girl, short and petite, sat completely naked next to what was assumed to be her fully-clothed boyfriend. They couldn't have been barely out of college.

"Alright, I believe you now," said Rebecca, eyeing Brad.

"Told you. Just be sure to act completely normal. As if you have seen this all your life. We don't want modesty to be apparent to the natives. It's important they think we're locals."

"You said they don't take kindly to foreigners?"

"Immigrants. Like Canadians or Mexicans coming into America. From what I gathered, this version of America is overtly nationalistic and protective of their borders."

"It's almost as if in this world the far right has 'won' and gone overboard," said Rebecca.

"What do you mean?"

"Like back in our dimension. The stereotype of the conservatives hating immigrants. And the misogamy and disdain for women's rights. Not all conservatives, but enough to stereotype them. Here, they subject their women to constant nudity, they go to such depths of misogamy."

"Hmm... that's an interesting take on things," said Brad. "You would think the far left would have people running in the streets naked, not the far right. Maybe it's not political at all, though."

"Yeah, I bet it's just some system of the men being empowered over the women. Why else would it be this way?" Rebecca glanced over at the couple sitting on the bench as she spoke. The young man was leaning back gently finger fucking the girl next to him. Rebecca was shocked as she watched the girl struggle to maintain a conversation with the young man as he went about his business of working her pussy.

"Arch your shoulders back. Stand up straight," whispered Brad. "Again, you need to look the part."

Rebecca scoffed. "You just wanna see my tits. And why is she not only naked, but taking that sexual harassment in public? Did you know about that?"

"Come on, we went over this. You agreed to come, so please don't give us away. And stop trying to cover yourself so often, please." It was true Rebecca had been covering herself now and again with her arms and hands. She was so unaccustomed to being naked, she couldn't help it.

Brad continued, "I didn't see any of that stuff the first time I was here. Well, not too much, I guess."

Rebecca straightened up as he requested, thrusting her big tits forward. "Fine, we should get moving. Maybe find a hotel room or something."

"Not sure how we can pay for one," said Brad. "We'll figure something out, though. Look, there's a bus stop at the entrance to this park. It'll take us into town and it's free. I used it last time."

They made their way out to the stop. They noticed the park wasn't very busy as no one else was in sight other than the couple, now far behind them. About 20 minutes later, a small bus finally arrived. Two men in their early 20s stepped out with what could only be assumed was their mother behind. Nearing 50, the woman still held onto an attractive figure, albeit her C-cup breasts hung much lower than Rebecca's. She appeared perfectly comfortable being naked next to them.

Brad and Rebecca stepped into the bus once it was cleared, surprised to see no one driving.

"Sit anywhere ya like. Bus is empty," said a voice through some speakers.

"This place is crazy," said Rebecca, sitting down. Brad squeezed in next to her, even though he could have taken any other empty row.

"Believe me now?" he whispered.

"Yes, yes. I'm not sure I'd rather have preferred you were lying to me, after all. I'm completely naked, Brad. It's just now sinking in. I have to stay this way for two more days?"

"Well, think of it this way. To everyone here, you're completely accustomed to it. See if you can play it like an actress. Act. Role-play someone you're not. It's probably the best way to approach this situation, and it's the only way I am managing to power through this."

"What do you mean?"

"Believe me, Rebecca. I am a nervous wreck, not just from being here, but being next to you. I... I..."

Rebecca saw though his discomfort and interrupted. "So you mean I should pretend that this doesn't bother me? Or pretend to enjoy it?"

"I think whatever role you see fit to get through this, Rebecca, but you must promise not to behave embarrassed or insulted in any way. I'm very concerned we could be arrested and we won't be able to get back home. Listen, if anyone asks where we're from, say 'upstate.' I discovered last time I was here there is a larger city north of here. I forget the name, though."

"Okay, okay," said Rebecca. "I won't give us away, I promise. But can you please explain what we saw back there? That man was finger-banging that girl! Did you see that? Is that normal?"

"I guess. Thinking back, I may have seen some inappropriate behavior the first time I was here, but it got so commonplace, kinda, that I didn't find it shocking after a while. Still, I never saw anything quite that blatant before. I think it was happening because they were boyfriend and girlfriend and in a secluded area. You know, just playing."

"Okay. Then what inappropriate behavior did you see?"

"I saw a lot of breast fondling. Some nipple sucking on occasion. Some of the girls tended to rub their own breasts, too. Maybe once or twice I witnessed girls masturbating. Oh, wait... three times including the girl at the cafeteria I'd met." Brad mumbled off to himself.

"Brad, did you purposefully keep this information from me?"

"Well, maybe. It was embarrassing to talk about."

"Do I have to be subjected to that stuff?" Rebecca asked, meekly.

"I honestly don't know. I never saw a girl actually say no to anything being done to her."

"Oh my god, Brad. I don't know. You don't understand. I'm not very experienced and I'm shy."

"But why? You're hot!" Brad spat the words out without even thinking. He immediately turned beet red.

Rebecca found herself silent after hearing Brad's testament to her looks. She knew she was attractive enough, but "hot" hadn't really crossed her mind. In some way, it gave her confidence and she smiled.

"So... I was in a few school plays, ya know. Maybe I could do what you said. Pretend to be someone I'm not. Just pretend to be this person who has subjected herself to nudity her entire life. I wonder..."

"Yes, that's actually an excellent idea," said Brad, looking her up and down. "Really? You were an actress?"

Rebecca noticed Brad's glances and sat up, letting him get a clearer picture. "It was a fun time. I've thought about doing community theatre, too. Just haven't been convinced I can sacrifice the time."

"You should!" exclaimed Brad. "I'd love to see you on stage."

"I'm sure you're loving this," Rebecca giggled, for the first time relaxing to the situation, trying to play the role as suggested.

Brad looked out the bus window. "You've got maybe ten minutes to get ready. Your first day in town ought to be interesting."
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The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to drifterX For This Useful Post:
Old 08-08-2019, 10:12 PM
JakeKim JakeKim is offline
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First good story since Quixote left. Keep going! Can't wait to read chapter 2
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Old 08-09-2019, 12:39 AM
amfanon amfanon is offline
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How unfortunate. I was hoping to find someone new to read.

Instead I found someone I already have in my favorites 10 different times

Highly recommend for all you other readers, however.
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Old 08-09-2019, 12:20 PM
drifterX drifterX is offline
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Hah! I figured some site members probably stumbled across my writings already, but ya never know.

I do have about 100 unfinished stories, and some I could probably post exclusively here, but I need to go through and do tons of clean up
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