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Old 10-02-2014, 09:01 PM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Default NXT: Proving whose BO$$

With the influx of WWE stories to the fiction section lately, I have been inspired to try and make one myself. Now I have been quite vocal a fan of Paige in these, but there is some very good work on her already being done, and not to over-saturate the board (and also out of fear of being compared to some excellent pieces of work) I have decided not to go down the route of her (although there may or may not make an appearance at some point, you'll have to wait an see :P ). Instead, I have decided to go with an extremely under represented area of WWE; the ladies of NXT. Please give constructive criticism; if it's bad, say it's bad, I'm a big boy I can take it, and help at any point is always useful. So first attempt at a story, hope you all like it. By the way, 1993wwe, I am stealing you're colour coding idea for speech, it's too good a plan for writing. Full credit to you.

P.S-For the sake of the story, I am going to be writing this as if NXT was live. I know it's pre-taped, but just go with it.

NXT: Proving whose BO$$. Chapter 1

The Full Sail crowd had been spoiled this evening; the high-flying Lucha Dragon's stormed to victory against the occult powerhouses The Ascension, with a little help from Japans greatest export Hideo "KENTA" Itami, and then seeing the the dynamic duo of the Jersey Shore Enzo and Big Cass once again proved that Sylvester Lefort was SAWFT, then humiliated the BAWLD Marcus Louis. And they still had the excitement of the true international wrestler Sami Zayn fighting "Nattie's Husband" Tyson Kidd for the right to face the Man who Gravity Forgot Adrian Neville for the NXT Championship. Tonight was indeed a good night for the raucous NXT crowd. But up next they were in for a real treat; everybody's favorite hug machine Bayley was about to face the self proclaimed BOSS of NXT Sasha Banks. The camera switched to backstage, to the NXT interviewer Devin Taylor.

I would like to welcome my guest at this time, Bayley

Almost before she could finish her statement, Devin was quickly huddled into a big, friendly hug from Bayley.

Hi Devin! Always good to talk to such a good friend!

Devin kept as much composure as she possibly could, but couldn't help but giggle a little bit at the enthusiastic nature of Bayley.

OK Bayley, you have a match up next against someone who it is fair to say, has had it out for you for a long time, Sasha Banks. Are you looking to maybe put to bed the rivalry tonight?

Sasha is a big meanie, she always snaps my super cool headbands, says nasty things about me, and never lets me hug her. But I don't want to keep fighting someone, I just want to have fun with my friends, and become a real Diva in the WWE, one people will remember forever. So I do hope tonight finally gets Sasha off my back

After making this statement, Bayley was joined by her best friend in NXT, the feisty Irishwoman Becky Lynch.

Give her hell Bayley. Show that stuck up brat that she can't lord over us any more. Show her that she's not the boss of anyone, she's just a Ratchet

Bayley was thrilled to see Beckey, sporting a massive smile upon hearing the words of encouragement from her bestie

Thanks Becky. I better get to the match now

Good Luck. I'll be watching very intently

The camera panned to the side to see where that voice came from. Standing just to the side was the imposing figure of the NXT Woman's champion Charlotte. Bayley seemed quite sheepish towards the statement from another one of her long standing rivals.


That was all she could muster before shuffling off to her match.


Back at ringside, Bayley's music started, causing a great cheer from the crowd, eager to see their favorite woman. The inflatable waving tube men which accompanied Bayley's entrance flared into action. Bayley, donning her usual brightly colored pants and top with images of Robots and Dinosaurs practically bounced out to the top of the ramp; still as happy and excited as she was when she first started in NXT. She reached out to her waving tube men in a manner similar to a child enthralled with wonder and curiosity, before heading down to the ring, giving hugs and high fives to any fan at the front who asked for one. When she got into the ring, a large contingent of fans facing the hard camera started imitating the waving tube men, prompting Bayley to do the same. She loved NXT. She loved the fans. She loved almost everything. And the fans loved her because of it.

The almost party like atmosphere of Bayley's entrance came to a screeching halt though, when Sasha Bank's music started to blare out, followed by Sasha herself sauntering out with bags of confidence. Almost immediately the fans started to boo and chant "Ratchet" at her. She didn't care what they did, she was better than all of them and by god she knew it. In her Red and Black diamante studded gear, accompanied by a large gold necklace in the shape of the word "BOSS" and her trademark slider sunglasses, Sasha strutted her way to the ring. She entered the ring and looked at Bayley, then removed her necklace and Sunglasses, revealing behind them a look of disgust in her eyes towards the master of the Hug Life. "God, she is so pathetic. I can't wait to crush her tonight. Maybe I'll make her cry, that would be great" was the only thought going through Sasha's cruel mind. With both girls in the ring and ready to go, the referee rang for the bell.

The two of them walked to meet each other in the middle of the ring, and got into each other's faces. Sasha quite vigorously mouthed off to Bayley, moving her hands along with her goading words. The crowd responded to this with the chant "Bayley's gonna hug you!", an action which resulted in Bayley taking her attention away from the taunting of Sasha, and to the crowd. This only served to rile up Sasha even further, and instead of just shouting at Bayley, Sasha instead decided to take some more aggressive action, with a swift and hard slap across Bayley's face. There was enough force in it to send Bayley to the ground, clutching at her now red cheek. Not wanting to let up, Sasha immediately pounced on her downed foe with a barrage of kicks and slaps. Bayley could do very little but huddle on the floor and try and protect herself as much as possible. Sasha then went for a pin, but Bayley quickly kicked out at the 1 count. After this, Sasha picked up the battered Bayley, and tossed her out the ring with a thud, before turning and taunting the Full Sail crowd, further displaying her dominance so far in this match.

Bayley gingerly crawled back into the ring and raised herself back to her feet. Sasha noticed this, and finally diverted her attention away from the crowd back to her opponent. Sasha ran towards Bayley and attempted to throw a clothesline, but Bayley ducked underneath, bouncing off the ropes, and running back towards Sasha, delivering a shoulder barge of her own. Continuing with her momentum, Bayley quickly hooked her arms around Sasha as she was getting back up, and attempted to roll her up in a small package, but only managed a 2 count. Not to be deterred, Bayley kept up the offense, picked Sasha up, and delivered a vicious snap suplex to her. Bayley was on fire now, and growing in confidence by the second. With this, Bayley decided to go a bit risky, and climbed to the top turnbuckle, and waited for Sasha to get up, intending to deliver a Crossbody. This could not come to fruition however, as Sasha cleverly leaned on the top rope as she was getting up, which was enough to knock Bayley off her balance, and send her crashing hard onto the turnbuckle. Things only got worse for Bayley however, as she fell forward, but her legs were still stuck around the turnbuckle. Bayley found herself stuck hanging upside down in the corner. Something that Sasha had not failed to notice.

With a look of cruel intentions on her face, Sasha walked to the trapped Bayley, and raked her hands down her back, eliciting a scream from the poor girl, which only made Sasha laugh even more. Continuing the torturous attack to her helpless enemy, Sasha delivered a flurry of slaps to the already sore back of Bayley, before untangling her legs from the turnbuckle, causing Bayley to fall hard on her neck. Sasha was loving this fight at the moment; she had Bayley exactly where she wanted her, and she was making her suffer majorly. However, Sasha knew this fight couldn't last forever, and decided that now was probably the best time to finish Bayley off; she was almost completely out of it. Picking her nemesis up from the corner, Sasha turned the groggy Bayley around so that she was facing her back. From here, Sasha delivered a brutal Backcracker to Bayley, and then in on swift motion without letting go, used her knees to flip Bayley over, and rolled with her, to turn the move into an expertly applied Facelock.

Bayley was in agony in the extremely painful submission hold. This match had really taken a lot out of her; Sasha had been giving out most of the offense, and Bayley could barely take it anymore. She was just ready to tap out, and then she heard the crowd chanting her name. No, how could she give up now. How could she let them down. She wanted to be someone that WWE fans would remember forever as a kind soul, and a great wrestler. If she wanted to be that, how could she give up now. With what little will and strength she had left, Bayley started to desperately crawl to the ring ropes. Sasha saw this, and sintched in the hold even more; the was no way in hell she was losing this now, especially not to a weirdo like Bayley. With the added pressure, Bayley had to dig deeper than she ever had before. She kept dragging and dragging across the ring, desperately reaching out for the rope. She was only inches away now, she was so close. With one final push, Bayley lunged and just managed to grab the ropes, causing a great cheer from the chanting crowd. The referee immediately called for rope break and forced Sasha to release the hold.

Sasha was furious. She simply could not believe it. How did Bayley not tap out? How was she not the winner already? It was impossible; she had to win from that. There was no way Bayley could manage that. Sasha instantly got up and argued with the referee, with no real argument in mind other than she should have won with that. Sasha continued to throw her tantrum at the referee, causing the crowd to chant "Ratchet" to her once again. She never usually let this get under her skin, but right now, she was so mad that she couldn't help it. Turning towards the crowd, she screamed at them to shut up. How dare they chant that at her right now. She was the BOSS of NXT. Turning away from the crowd, Sasha was met with a rather unpleasant surprise. Bayley had got up, and stood ready for Sasha, and as soon as Sasha turned to face her, Bayley took her into a massive hug, before throwing her over with the Belly to Belly Hugplex. Bayley quickly covered Sasha after this...


Bayley won! She beat Sasha. She had to dig deeper than she had ever done before, she was hurting all over, and she was completely exhausted, but finally she had won the match.

Sasha was thinking much more angry thoughts at this point however. How could she had lost that match? She dominated from the get go and had her locked in her deadly Facelock. So how could she lose, especially to someone as "Special" as Bayley. Now all the women would look at her like a laughing stock. Summer Rae had already left without as much as a goodbye, and she always saw Sasha as a little sidekick anyway. Charlotte also tossed Sasha aside when she was done with her. No one was scared of her. Dammit, she was meant to be the Boss of NXT; all the women were meant to cower at her mere presence. At that moment, Sasha decided she had enough of being constantly walked over by others. She had enough of losing all the time. She was going to show NXT and the world who is BOSS. Bayley was still celebrating in the ring, but could barely stand up after the grueling match. Sasha was going to make sure that she couldn't stand up period.

Creeping up from the floor and behind Bayley, Sasha delivered a vicious blow to the back of Bayley's head, sending her crashing to the floor. Following this, Sasha continued to stomp on Bayley with extreme aggression. She then turned and shouted to the crowd.

Look at your sweet little Bayley. Whose the Boss now?!

She then turned her attention back to Bayley, and took out her hairband, which had a little design with B.M.O from Adventure Time. Sasha scowled at the childish accessory and snapped it in half before tossing it into the crowd. Sasha then grabbed Bayley by her head, and smashed her face first into the turnbuckle, sending Bayley crashing to the ground, where she could barely move. Looking down at the completely helpless Bayley, a twisted idea came into Sasha's head. She had beat Bayley, but now she thought "why not take advantage of this situation even futher? Bayley can literally do nothing to resist, she's completely gone. Yes, I'll use this time now to really humiliate her, put her in her place."

Sasha then did something unprecedented for NXT. She grabbed hold of Bayley's colorful top, and began to tug it off. Bayley screamed in humiliation, but was in no fit state to fight back, so soon enough her large breasts in a bright orange bra were revealed. Sasha twirled the garment above her head laughing, then tossed it into the crowd. But she wasn't done yet, oh no. Turning back to Bayley, who had meekly tried to cover her chest by rolling onto her stomach, an action she would soon regret. With Bayley's large ass in the air, Sasha then grabbed on to her pants, and began to bring them down as well. Bayley screamed even more now, her face completely red with shame; she grabbed the front of her pants in an attempt to keep them up. Sasha's pulling had already stretched the back of Bayley's pants quite a bit, creating a whale tail exposing Bayley's orange thong to match her bra to the filming camera's, but she wanted the take it further. She wanted Bayley completely stripped to her Bra and Panties. With even more force, Sasha finally managed to counter Bayley's pulling, sending her pants past her plump ass and around her knees. Bayley's large bottom was now in full view, covered only with a tiny thong; it bounced as Bayley kicked her legs in a futile attempt to shake Sasha off. Bayley had never been this exposed or degraded before in her life, but just maybe if she could get Sasha off now, she could pull her pants back up and at least be able to walk backstage with a tiny bit of dignity. Not on Sasha's watch; disregarding Bayley's pathetic kicking, Sahsa managed to pull the pants past Bayley's ankles, leaving her curvy body completely exposed in her orange Bra and tiny Thong.

Bayley was completely red in the face, and she tried to cover up with her hands. But it was no use; she was too exposed there was nothing she could do. Eventually all she did was curl up in a ball and start to cry. She thought to herself "Why would Sasha do such a thing? All I've ever been is kind and friendly. Why would she want to humiliate me so much?" The tears really started to pour out at this point. Sasha noticed this and began to hysterically laugh, before mockingly rubbing her eyes in a crybaby motion. She left the ring with Bayley's pants in her hands, leaving the poor kind hearted Bayley in the ring in complete humiliation, her sexy body completely exposed.
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Old 10-02-2014, 09:24 PM
smjimmie1348 smjimmie1348 is offline
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Default Hey

Hey wow awesome story is it all nxt or is it just Sasha and will Bayley get revenge in the near future
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Old 10-02-2014, 09:25 PM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Originally Posted by smjimmie1348 View Post
Hey wow awesome story is it all nxt or is it just Sasha and will Bayley get revenge in the near future
It's all of NXT, but these two are going to be the central characters. And you'll just have to wait and see to find out if Bayley get's revenge.
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Old 10-02-2014, 09:41 PM
smjimmie1348 smjimmie1348 is offline
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Default Hey

Hey ok thank you for anwsering that and I will wait because this could be the best story I have seen in a long time
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Old 10-02-2014, 10:34 PM
MickGesitt MickGesitt is offline
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Default Perfect

Take notes smjimmie. This is an example of a PERFECT story.

The dialogue is not only broken up into different lines but its even color-coated. Its easy to read and easy to tell who is saying what.

Dayjib describes everything perfectly. We know exactly where and when this story takes place. We know know exactly what each of the competitors is wearing.

Dayjib also describes what both Bayley and Sasha are thinking and keeps those thoughts in tune with their distinct personalities.

The match itself isn't even all that long but its broken up into paragraphs every time something big and impactful happens. The action is easy to follow and is so descriptive that I can actually see it happening in my mind.

Use this as an example when you write a wrestling story.

Dayjib, amazing job! That was an incredible first chapter. I love NxT, I watch it on the Network every week. Since the Total Divas are all over the program on the main brand and the AJ/Paige storyline is being restricted, NxT is the place where I go to see quality women's wrestling. It doesn't even have to be women's wrestling, just great wrestling altogether. I love that you've decided to start a story in NxT. Its a nice departure from all the mainstream WWE storylines.

Bayley was the perfect first victim for Sasha. How could she humiliate someone so cute and bubbly? That's like kicking a puppy! You just cemented Sasha as not only the BOSS but also a b*tch. Just what we needed for a first chapter.

I'm looking forward to future chapters. You've got a fan here!
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Old 10-02-2014, 10:36 PM
DrVillian DrVillian is offline
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excellent story I can't wait for the next chapter just one question is this going to be a EUF or ENF story ?
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Old 10-02-2014, 10:41 PM
MickGesitt MickGesitt is offline
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Default One more thing!

Dayjib, I forgot one tiny thing.

Its really just nitpicking but the green font you used for Bayley was a little too bright. I get what you were doing. It was a bright color and was full of energy just like Bayley. But the brightness of the font made it a little hard to read. Just something to keep in mind.

Keep up the great work.
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Old 10-02-2014, 10:44 PM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Wow, thanks for such high praise MickGesitt; I was not expecting such a response. Yeah, that's what I was going for with Sasha; I really want to make her the queen b*tch of NXT, and spoiler alert, but I am obviously using Bayley as the main protagonist of the story.

One thing you did touch on, the match length. I know you weren't knocking it, but that was one thing I was concerned about; is it long enough. Maybe I'm just a perfectionist in a way. I dunno.

Anyway, thank you so much for the praise.
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Old 10-02-2014, 10:48 PM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Originally Posted by DrVillian View Post
excellent story I can't wait for the next chapter just one question is this going to be a EUF or ENF story ?
It will be full ENF by the end of the story, yes. I didn't want to start off with that though, given that I have a relatively small pool of talent to chose from, but what I have planned, it will reach that point (and in not too long a time either I don't think)
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Old 10-02-2014, 10:52 PM
Dayjib Dayjib is offline
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Originally Posted by MickGesitt View Post
Dayjib, I forgot one tiny thing.

Its really just nitpicking but the green font you used for Bayley was a little too bright. I get what you were doing. It was a bright color and was full of energy just like Bayley. But the brightness of the font made it a little hard to read. Just something to keep in mind.

Keep up the great work.
That is something I was slightly worried about as well. Will change it to dark green next chapter.

Oh, next chapter shouldn't be too far away either, maybe even this weekend. I already have the next few chapters planned out clearly. Little teaser for this one; this episode of NXT will include a special appearance from a WWE Diva. Hope you like it.
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