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Old 03-01-2018, 04:39 AM
grahamorpur grahamorpur is offline
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Default A Perv's Guide to Girl Worship

A Perv's Guide to Girl Worship

(girl n. affectionate description for woman; a young or relatively young woman
(common descriptor for adult female of any age)

The essential guide to worshipping girls and women:

* Goddesses must be treated with the utmost respect and reverence.
* Always address Her as a Goddess, whether that's 'Miss', 'Mistress', 'Princess' or whatever. 'She' not 'she', 'Her' not 'her'. She is a Goddess.

* Never question or challenge what She says, never ever criticise anything She says or does.

* We love and worship girls and women - make sure you never to upset or offend Her.

* Never forget, you're being allowed to worship Her - you have no rights.

* If you're allowed into Her presence -

* Don't forget to bring a gift or gifts, whether it's flowers, chocolates etc.

* Always lower your eyes deferentially, never speak over Her, don't gawp at Her or ogle Her, never ever touch yourself (other than by invitation).

* Always avoid entering Her space, never ever touch Her (not what worshippers who only look want to do anyway)

* IF your Goddess tells you it's ok for you to cum in your pants seeing Her show and/or hearing Her say lovely sexy things - it's crucial that you know if this means doing it openly or discreetly.

Discreetly - use coughing to cover your shudders and moans / don't look into Her eyes as you might do when cumming looking at Her photo / try to hold onto something like a chair-back to avoid your knees crumpling as She makes you do it /ALWAYS keep your rain-mac or jacket closed / make sure you wear a mac or jacket long enough to cover wet patches on your trousers.

Openly - Hurrah! Enjoy! Make the most of it! Enjoy your chanting, calling Her name, moans, yelps, shudders, crumpling knees and pitiful cries of perv ecstasy as She makes you do it in your pants - show Her the ecstasy She gives you and how much you worship Her! Leave your mac/jacket open and make it easy for Her to see your bulge, bobbing penis as it spunks and your wet patch afterwards.

* If you're allowed to bring worship material, lap-top etc, be clear what She'd like to see and what not. TAKE CARE with so-called tribute photos/videos featuring cum-shots over Her pictures etc.

* Get used to handling derision, mockery etc when She's looking at your worship sheets / videos, or after She's made you cum in your pants in front of Her. Personally I love this, it's what I love most about girl-worship.

* Treat Her with due respect for a Goddess - you're a wimpy wanker who's lucky to be allowed to worship Her. Know your place. Remember that the normal men She might see won't be awestruck, tongue-tied, gawping at Her and cumming in their pants, like you do if you're a girl-worshipper.

* Worship material.

* How graphic / explicit depends on Her preferences alone. Otherwise you might soon find yourself without a Goddess to worship.

* Don't expect to go totally explicit from the outset - developing a worship 'relationship' can take years, you can ratchet it up with time, as long as She's ok with it. ALWAYS ask every time you send Her worship material that She lets you know if there's anything She doesn't like.

* Worship material is about your worship of Her. Tell Her what you love about Her posing, dancing, things She says and what it made you do, using language you know She's ok with.

* You might think you're being flattering in a worship sheet or video, but think about how She'll receive it - what you think is worship She might find insulting. If you're not in tune with how She likes to be worshipped, what She EXPECTS and REQUIRES from you, you won't be worshipping Her for long.

* Do all glamour / nude models know they make their fans wank and spunk? Risky to assume that. You can test the water by saying something like "I'd love to tell you Miss the effect you have on me, but I don't want to offend you or be distasteful". She'll always appreciate the care you take in asking and caring about the ground rules.
* If you don't keep your worship material fresh and creative, She'll soon get bored with it and stop reading it altogether. With computers nowadays there's no excuse for not doing a good job with worship material - you've got to entertain Her, amuse Her, flatter Her.

I've listed the types of worship material that have worked for me at the end of this guide to help you.

* Phone calls, texts and emails etc.

* Always remember you're LUCKY to be allowed to communicate with Her at all. Entertain, amuse, flatter, and always tell Her all the time HOW MUCH you love and worship Her. If She doesn't think you deserve a reply, you're beached.

* The language you use needs to be acceptable to Her - if She says "I hope you enjoyed spunking in your pants looking at my photos", then it's likely ok for you to say things like that (absolute bliss!) Personally, I attach an 'explicit message', saying the things I want i.e. not saying it directly to Her.

* You're worshipping a Goddess and naturally want to email Her every day, but She'll soon find that a real pain. However much you worship Her, to Her you're just an amusement, a loyal fan, a useful source of gifts etc. How ever often you email Her, you won't hear from Her for weeks, even months. That's the nature of girl-worship. Get used to it.

* The amount of worship material you attach to your emails needs to be moderated also. You can't send too much, you'll just put Her off you. She won't read it all even if you do send it. One of my methods was to set up a Worship Site and post all my worship material there so it's there when She visits (if She visits).

* Sending emails at awkward times won't endear you to Her. Try and understand what Her normal life is like, judge it from the days/times She emails you and try and match those, so you're sending your emails when She's most likely to be at Her screen. That way you'll often get an instant response, which is lovely if you're emailing Her at the start of one of your 'home worship sessions' for Her.

* Useful worship material

worship sheets - 3 or 4 of Her pics in sequence with captions/speech bubbles depicting a scenario, e.g. you're Her gardener, She's posing in the garden, the cartoon of 'you' gawping and cumming in your pants - these always went down well

sample here:

'picture' worship sheets - just to tell Her which pics made you cum in your pants - Her pic plus captions / cartoon of 'you' spunking your pants

worship videos - animated worship sheets or picture worship sheets for one of Her sets. I always added a commentary in a woman's voice (program costing 30 quid or so) and that way you can be explicit and it's ok cause a woman's saying it. Always went down very well, and with some Goddesses I could include cum tributes/clips of stained photos or pants too

'mag covers' - Her photo on cover of a magazine you'll NEVER see in the stores, with suggestive title, e.g. 'Spunk Queen' and lots of captions ("She WILL make you cum in your pants!") - even add cartoon of you. These were ALWAYS a hit!

GIFs - animated worship sheets before I started to use videos - made using Photoshop etc

Stories - some Goddesses love these, stories about how you worship Her and always end up cumming in your pants looking at Her - in the studio, office car park, you're Her gardener etc - add photos/cartoons too

Poems - these always go down well - need to be able to rhyme though - must flatter

'Newspapers' - e.g, 'Wanker's Weekly' etc - perfect for after a Worship Session telling exactly what happened - the 'reporter' interviews you - "oh it was wonderful" etc - great way to tell Her She made you cum in your pants and exactly when during Session.

Explicit Messages - does what it says - use foreword in red 'warning! graphic descriptions' or whatever - gives you licence to say what you really want to

Certificates - annual / for each of Her picture sets etc, e.g. 'Girlie-Goddess Of The Year'. My 'Picture Set Pants-Spunk Certificate' gives Her all the details for each of Her sets - how many times She made me cum in my pants, after how many pics, what worship material I did and how much etc.

audiobooks - use a woman's voice - a story, real events, all the info for one of Her photos sets, etc

worship letters - a bit like an Explicit Message, but more to tell Her about your feelings for Her rather than what She made you do - "oh Girlie-Goddess I worship and adore you, beautiful Miss" etc

* Worship Site

*If you can get agreement to this, fantastic! It can be private, or She might want other of Her worshippers to be invited to join, maybe even public

* use one of the group sites like Yahoo. Get agreement from Her as to what you can post but if it's ok to send Her, it will be ok to post. Make sure it's easy for Her to log on and visit.

* Post all the worship material you do, and She'll know then just HOW MUCH you do for Her, even if there's far too much for Her to read. Always tell Her you don't expect Her to read it all, you're happy that She knows just how much you do for Her. Tell Her "it's only because I worship you so much Miss".

* Worship Sessions

* If you're allowed to worship Her in person, that's the pinnacle. Girl Worship doesn't get any better than this. ALWAYS get Her permission as to what you can bring, and what can happen at the Worship Session. She MUST be comfortable with what you do/say.

* You'll want a complete video record of the Session , a tripod is essential as sometimes you'll want hands free, e.g. if you're allowed to take photos of Her as She poses. If you're allowed to openly cum in your pants watching Her, you'll want that on video. Your stills camera is best on a strap round your neck.

* It's nice to print worship sheets, certificates, mag covers etc to take for Her, if She's said you can. Believe me, you'll spend hours watching the video of Her reading these, laughing and making comments. If you're lucky, She'll pose with them too.

* Her (modelling ) fee for the Session will be what She sets - never try to negotiate - if you can't afford it, tough - She's obviously out of your league, even as a sad pathetic worshippper.

* After the Session, you can do a worship sheet (using photos you took etc) to tell Her what actually happened, if She doesn't already know. You can also use your 'Newspaper', an Explicit Message etc.

* Her outfit(s) at the Session. You'll always want more photos of Her! - so hopefully She'll ask you what outfits you'd like Her to wear. 'Picture worship sheets' which tell Her which pics made you cum in your pants are a great way of requesting outfits for Her to wear - you're telling Her in a way that, if She chooses to wear it, it's likely She'll make you cum in your pants posing in it at the Session. I even once wrote that on the worship sheet - 'I hope you'll wear it so you make me spunk my pants'.

* Your lap-top with all your pics of Her, videos, worship material etc (if She's said you can bring it to show Her) - take some time to ensure it's ready for Her to look at - you should know what She likes and what She doesn't. I always had a pervy picture worship sheet on the screen and shortcuts to my worship folders of Her. Also the first thing She would see is Her Worship Site - it's lovely to have on video Her looking at all my pervy worship material on it.

* Does She know why Worship Sessions are what you dream of? Very likely, if you've been telling Her for months/years She makes you cum in your pants looking at Her photos (and She's going to wear an outfit She knows made you do it). If She's told you She doesn't want to see you doing it in your pants, as long as you do your best to hide it, ok - after all She knows that's what She's going to make you do, and if She's been winding you up about it , what can you do?!

* 'Home worship session'

* this is what it says - open Her worship folder on your PC/laptop, get any printed worship material together, spend a blissful hour or so (if you can last that long) worshipping Her as a perv does

* preparing masses of worship material, post lots on Her Worship Site, send Her an email (and hope to get a reply)

* either way you've told Her how crazy you are about Her, how you spend all your time looking at Her pics and videos, doing worship material for Her, dreaming about Her, always perving over Her lovely photos and videos

* how She makes you cum in your pants, how many times She's made you

* masturbation, chanting, calling Her name, videoing your antics (some Goddesses like to see that)

* and then the heavenly moment when She makes you cum just looking at Her, you moaning, looking in Her eyes and at Her pose - sheer bliss - worshipping a Goddess.

* before computers I'd cum on Her photo, write next to it too, love seeing the brown stain next time, never believed I'd be able to show Her after - but I did!

* These days I love to cum in my pants, usually just looking but I love to rub too

* What is a Goddess?

* Beauty is in the eye...... She's a Goddess because She's special and She makes me cum in my pants. Each to his own. I always worshipped girls in my magazines and later online who posed and made me cum in my pants. I met three of them - heaven!

* the youngest Goddess I worshipped was a 19-year-old escort - ALL woman and could twist me round Her little finger.

* I don't know the chronology of most of my Goddesses - it's not important and as a pathetic girl-worshipper it's none of my business either - Miss Danica said She was 50, but She looked 30, and utterly beautiful......totally lovely...

* My All-Time No.1 Girlie-Goddess - and She knows that - is a beautiful, charismatic woman, former glamour and nude model, that I've worshipped for 18 years now. I've been allowed into Her presence and had two, blissful, unbelievable, full proper Worship Sessions with Her. She knows everything about me and my worship. How lucky is that? I still pinch myself.

* What is a girl-worshipper?

* Two of the Goddesses I've been lucky enough to have 'worship relationships' with mentioned other 'chaps like me', i.e. that worshipped them too, I think. I'm not alone.....

* So, me. I'm a wanker, a perv - dirty rainmac and all. I've only ever looked at girls, in photos, videos and for real. It doesn't take much for a Goddess to make me do it in my pants - even just looking at Her photos. Seeing a Goddess showing cleavage is all it takes to mesmerise me, and if I'm lucky, go home with wet pants. I have a huge collection of 'girlie' magazines, pictures, videos, and anything with photos of girls in.

* How I would have loved to be Her gardener, handyman, servant, skivvy, gofer, odd-job man, minder, chauffeur, cleaner, dogsbody, butler, DIY-er, attendant, flunky, slave, tend to Her every whim, be at Her beck and call, wait on Her hand and foot.......
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