Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Super Hot Chick: Alternate Earth
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Old 02-09-2011, 12:31 PM
NotThatOtherGuy NotThatOtherGuy is offline
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Default Super Hot Chick: Alternate Earth

Super Hot Chick: Alternate Earth


“Hey . . . you don't believe in that whole idea of parallel dimensions, do you?” Alicia Breasts asked her best friend and companion, Jenna.

“What?” Jenna asked. Normally, she enjoyed talking about quantum science with her friend Alicia, but sometimes it was a little much.

“You know,” Alicia said, already starting to get lost into the subject of science. “This whole theory that there is one Earth, but the Earth is only one of thousands and thousands of alternate Earths, alternate dimensions . . . some scientists think there may actually be other versions of Earth, and our own selves, out there!”

“Total bullshit,” Jenna said conclusively. “You're saying that other planets, other copies of Earth, exist elsewhere across physical space? Then, doesn't that mean I could look into a telescope, and look out far enough, and SEE another Earth – orbiting some different star, with physical properties different from our own? See? See what I mean? It makes no sense!”

Alicia growled. “No,” she said. “It's . . . it's . . . parallel universes.”

What?” Jenna was almost ready to be finished with this talk. “Parallel EARTHS is one thing. But to say that the entire UNIVERSE – and all the galaxies therein – also exists in a parallel dimension? Then, that means, for ten alternate dimensions, come ten entire physical universes. That is too much space to exist at once. Because, for every alternate Earth, should there not be an alternate Sun, an alternate Mars, an alternate Mercury? Is infinite space replicated once per dimension, for infinite dimensions? See! It's just too much!

“So the only logical explanation is that a whole sea of alternate Earths physically exists within one physical universe. There still comes the matter of how each Earth would see a Sun, a moon, and other planets, and see, that's where all the complication arises. Because what about the constellations, the stars in space, seen from each of these Earth? Would all the different dimensions see the same Big Dipper, from two places across space? Would each dimension see the stars and constellations that the other dimensions could not see? Either side of the argument contains certain scientific flaws and improbabilities.”

It was times like these when Jenna realized that she would just have to figure out some other conversation topic to talk about. At moments like these, her mind seemed to come apart from not being able to fully grasp the complete way in which the universe worked. In truth, she was still just Jenna Delta Radar, a normal 19-year-old young adult woman. Alicia Perkison Breasts was her closest friend, and they both had been for four years.

Alicia and Jenna were both in their first year of college, both 19 years old, majoring in Quantum Science at Kerry Institute (named after former U.S. President John Kerry). During the daytime, they had classes on campus, majoring in Criminology, in order to study the criminal element, which they wished to fight and combat as Criminologists.

So they said. Really, Alicia and Jenna were studying the criminal element for something far more epic, far more daring.

So things seemed normal enough during the daytime. Teachers. Classes. Exams. “Pal, I've got enough problems with one life in Earth, last thing I need is alternate parallel dimensions,” Jenna added sarcastically.

Alicia knew when it was time for the subject to change. “So what's our dear President Hillary up to?” she asked Jenna, and the two continued their walk from one class to the other.

“Ah, who cares?” Jenna remarked sarcastically.

“I was hearing about this on the news. Her 60-day drawdown from Iraq? . . . Well, people are saying, the 60 days are up, but, even though there's a drawdown happening, we still have security personnel stationed there. So, really, what HAS Hillary done? And Vice President Ford was remarking, the politics of everything are getting all messed up . . .”

“Look, I don't really wanna hear about politics or current events right now either, I'm just trying to relax and enjoy myself, all right?!” Jenna snapped. Then her pants fell down. Then she dropped all her books. “Ahhhh. Great!”

So Alicia helped Jenna pick up her books and pull her pants back up. Then, at the last second, she suddenly pulled her pants all the way down to her knees with a hard, forceful tug. “Tee hee!” Alicia said. Then she realized that her panties had been pulled down as well. “. . . Oops.” So Jenna scowled, kneeling down and pulling her clothes back up.

It was a possible moment of foreshadowing. But for what . . . she couldn't be sure.

* * *

The daytime went by like normal. Alicia and Jenna went to their classes across campus. Then, when that was done, they had the rest of the afternoon off.

So they went back to their dorm room, where they both lived, to get changed into the two superheroes that they really were.

Alicia Breasts got changed into Super Hot Chick. The camera made a series of close-up shots of her different body parts as she suited up – kind of like in “Batman Forever”, except with women. Alicia took off her regular white shirt. The camera got a good shot of her breasts, in a bra; then her butt; and the front side of her pink panties.

She suited up. Clicked together the Belt of Weapons. Put on a small blue top. The camera zoomed in to her perky tits in the blue outfit. The camera zoomed in to her butt again as she wore pink panties, and pulled up a pair of black cloth pants over them. The camera zoomed in toward her crotch again, as he pulled up the black pants.

Jenna Radar got changed as well. The camera zoomed in to her breasts as she took off her white shirt, revealing a black string bikini top underneath. She wore black sleeves over her arms. Black bikini bottoms. Black pants, over the lower half of her legs. Now she was Laser-Girl.

So now they were done changing. Alicia walked over to her room's window . . .

. . . to find that it had been left wide open the whole time, and everyone had seen the two of them changing.

She froze, not sure what to do next. “Well, still,” she said, and with that she flew out of the window, and waited for Laser-Girl to follow. When her companion was at last outside, Alicia grabbed her by the sides and flew her up and away, into the air, searching for some kind of crime.

* * *

“The name's Quick-Man,” a masked criminal said, standing right in the middle of Chicago Street.

He held up a pillowcase. It was full of money. “Rule number one,” he said aloud. “Never *#&$ with a man who has powers . . . especially not the power of speed!! Nyaaaaah ha ha haaa!!”

In the far distance, there was a girl walking around in a two-piece black bikini. Quick-Man ran to her, a full 200 feet, in a few seconds. Then he ran all the way back to where he had just been – but this time, he was holding both pieces of her black bikini in his hands.

200 feet away, the poor girl had been exposed completely naked! It all hit her at once, and she clutched her private parts with shock! “God, it's like I woke up in some parallel dimension or something!” she remarked sarcastically.

“This will show them,” Quick-Man rambled to himself. “Show them I'm the one with the power. Show them I'm the one with the speed. Show them I'm the one . . . I'm the one with . . . I'm the one who decides things and makes choices here!!”

“Not so . . . FAST there, Quick-Man!” Alicia remarked, and Quick-Man spun around to face her. There she was: wearing a blue top and black pants, she had arrived to put an end to him. Quickly, she backhanded him in the face.

All at once, her black pants were pulled down to her feet. Quick-Man had pantsed her at nearly the speed of sound, then stood back up like normal. Any faster, and he might have broken the sound barrier, and that would have been fatal to his heart.

“. . . I . . . rrrrgh!” she yelled. But, then she remembered how she had accidentally pulled down Jenna's panties earlier.

Whoosh! Quick-Man raced up to Alicia and back, and then her shirt was pulled up above her breasts, and her pants were pulled down again. Quick-Man was definitely the fastest lady-stripper Alicia had ever encountered. She knelt down to pull her panties and pants back up, and then she pulled her shirt and bra back down.

“Ever fought two chicks at the same time?” Laser-Girl asked, and then she backhanded Quick-Man in the face. He growled in anger. Then, all at once, he ran about untying Laser-Girl's bikini strings at nearly the speed of light. In less than one second, he grasped the strings and ran away with them, then threw them into the air at such fast speed that they flew to the rooftops far away.

Great. So now her whole black bikini was gone. Jenna blushed, but covered herself up, still wearing black cloth around half of her arms and half of her legs. Black gloves kept her privates covered. With her naked, she left it to Alicia to finish the fight.

Golly . . . looking at Jenna, covering herself up, naked . . . it kind of made Alicia have a flashback to the day she'd gotten her powers in the first place . . .

* * *

It had happened shortly after her high school graduation. She went to the museum one day, by herself, to check out the new Fallen Meteors exhibit. She waited for hours to have a chance to see the exhibit up close, in person.

Alicia had always been the popular girl in high school. She was tired of it. Tired of being “the hot chick”. She just wanted to learn more about space . . .

Alicia pressed her hands against the glass wall surrounding the seven meteor fragments. But she leaned too hard. All the glass broke, right where she stood!

It was impossible! Do you have any idea how much strength that would take, to actually do that? Sheerly impossible. Alicia was terrified at first, scared that she would be cut by the glass. Yet as she examined her hands and arms, she found that the few small red slices in her skin were healing up, very quickly, as though she had some kind of accelerated healing factor, like a wolf.

Wait a minute. This Fallen Meteors exhibit was showcasing the world a set of radioactive meteors!

They were filled with white energy! But the energy began to channel into Alicia, and then the glow was gone from the rocks. From then on, the rocks were now dull, ordinary objects, not powerful at all. She had absorbed all their radiation into herself, she realized in 0.32 of a second. This had increased her intelligence. It had also enlarged her breasts from the 34C that they'd been earlier to 64DD, although she was also able to alter their size, shape, and movement at will.

What else had happened? She was able to heal. Broken glass could still cut her, but everything would heal. She made her hand glow white for a second. All the broken glass micro-fragments that had been on it before, fell through her, for her hands had become intangible. Somehow, the radioactivity itself was feeding her brain information as to how it all worked!

She looked back at her hands, now clean. So she quickly used a fingernail to slice open a tear in the back of her hand. A real wolf can heal its own wounds by licking them clean, she already knew. So she licked the back of her hand real quick, and watched as the small cut shrank itself into nothing.

Strength – enough strength to break the glass. Intangibility – moving through anything with a white glow. Intelligence. A superhuman level of breast control. Healing. She had so many powers now, she almost didn't know what to do with them!

Alicia looked around. Left. Right. This was a bad moment to be her, she realized, for it looked like she had smashed the glass herself. Then again, she remembered, she really had. From now on, anyone who found these meteors would only find non-radioactive rocks, making her possibly radioactive!

And what happens when a girl becomes radioactive? You guessed it, her clothes dissolve and she ends up naked in public.

At least, that was the vision in Alicia's head. She returned to reality, and covered her privates only to find that she was still wearing her clothes. She breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a fake-out scare!

So she ran and she ran, and she went right through a concrete wall! Her clothes were left behind her, having fallen through her body when she went intangible. On the other side, she was stark naked, in a museum!

“(Gasp!) Uh-oh!” she squealed, and then she turned around to bang on the wall repeatedly. But she could no longer move through walls, for her powers were turned off completely. As she banged on the wall, she realized that her ass was being seen from behind.

This was terrible! So she just kept running from room to room, looking for the way out, only to find more people! Some of them were snapping photos, as she tried to keep covered!

“That's it, lady! You're comin with me!!” a security guard yelled.

“AHHH!!” Alicia yelled, in a panic, blasting the guard with electricity from her hand.

“Whoops!!” she yelled, blowing the smoke from her palm. “I – s – sorry!!” And she continued to run through the walls of the museum, her powers apparently back again, to try to eventually find the end!

The faster she ran, the faster she realized she was able to run. She picked up her speed to 10 mph., then 20, then 30. With her being intangible, there was no danger of slamming into people.

So she ran and she ran until she got back to her home. Nearby, a farmer, sticking his pitchfork into the ground, stopped for a second, looked up, made his eyebrows go crooked, and then he shook his head and said “Nahhhh.”

She just didn't stop running until she was back in her dorm room.

Meanwhile, museum security arrived to find the sight of Alicia Breasts' shirt, pants, bra, and panties all lying on the floor. It was a very mysterious moment. The security camera itself showed a crystal-clear shot of Alicia's ass just before she disappeared into the wall, naked. How her clothes had been removed without a single tear, nobody knew.

The video was played on the news that night: MYSTERIOUS GHOST GIRL MOVES THROUGH WALL. In extra slow-motion, the news showed how her naked body had directly touched, and then moved right THROUGH, solid concrete. Another security camera showed the other side, where Alicia arrived naked, only to look around, squeal, and spin around, trying in vain to bang on the walls. That particular shot was re-played three times on the news.

* * *

That had been so long ago. Now she was back to the present, with Jenna Radar covering herself up, naked except for the upper half of her arms and the lower half of her legs.

No time to think about the past. They were the two superheroines of Grace City – Super Hot Chick, and Laser-Girl. Except now Laser-Girl was humiliatingly naked in public, and Alicia, who had been stripped before but was back to wearing her full outfit, stood alone against Quick-Man.

“I need clothes!!” Jenna screamed. “I need clothes!”

So Alicia turned intangible, her body flashing the color white in the process, to make all her clothes fall through her. Now, with both arms outstretched like a divine angel, she stood naked in the street. “Here,” she offered. “You can have mine.”

So now Alicia and Jenna were both naked, but Jenna started to take Alicia's clothes. Until Quick-Man returned, passing through the scene in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, the clothes were all gone. And that was it.

“Damn it!!” Alicia yelled. “Now we're BOTH naked! And who knows where Quick-Man has gotten to.”

But he wasn't the only one with the power of speed. So Alicia took off running.

Jenna was left behind, still naked in the street.

Alicia knew the layout of Grace City. She followed Quick-Man as fast as she could, to wherever it was that he was running to. It was slightly awkward, running while covering up with both hands, but she kept moving nonetheless.

At last, she got all the way to Quick-Man. “Here you go! Here!” he teased, holding Jenna's black two-piece bikini up in the air, just out of her reach. “Uhh! Uhh! Didn't think so.” So he made a super-fast flick of his wrist to throw the bikini 30 meters away.

Alicia was still naked. But she karate-chopped Quick-Man to the throat, then to the chest, and then she used her right foot to sweep both of his feet, though he jumped upward to miss it. So she executed a swift uppercut at such fast speed, and with such brute strength, that he flew backward through the air to land on the ground.

So Alicia quickly ran away and grabbed the black bikini. Moving as fast as she could, she put the bikini on over her naked body. Now she was naked no more.

So she walked back toward Quick-Man. And she remembered the rest of her flashback . . .

* * *

The “Mysterious Ghost Girl” had become a phenomenon over the news, as Alicia wondered what to do with her powers.

Then Jenna Radar told her about her plan to become a vigilante wearing weapons, named Laser-Girl. And so the two worked together to become a superheroine duo.

* * *

. . . And that was it, that was the whole flashback.

By now, she had reached Quick-Man. “You will not wear clothes!!” he yelled, and he quickly leaned up to sn*tch her bikini top by the middle, to snag it off her body, after which point he did the same for her bikini bottoms. Holding them away from her, she was left naked again!

“And now you'll stay here, naked!” he yelled, and that was it: he ran away, down the street.

Alicia ran and ran, eventually catching up with Jenna, who was wearing Super Hot Chick's outfit. “Here, let's go,” she said, grasping Jenna's hand and starting to fly up into the air.

“Hey – hey, wait, no, no, no!!” Jenna yelled, for Alicia was starting to turn herself intangible, and so Jenna was following suit, and all her clothes were falling through her.

Alicia was flying away, holding Jenna by her left arm. She was naked and exposed as the two nude women flew through Grace City to get back home on the campus. So she used her right hand to cover up her giant boobs, and she raised her right knee to cover her crotch.

So both ladies flew, still naked, all the way back to their dorm room, where they changed back into Alicia Breasts and Jenna Radar.

* * *

The two young women decided to take a break from being superheroes. Naked pictures of both women somehow ended up circulating over popular TV shows! So they just focused more on their schoolwork, studying Criminology.

But at night . . . as the Sun went down . . . Alicia and Jenna took off their clothes and changed into superheroines. They would protect Grace City, Alicia with powers, Jenna with weapons. They would continue to wage the war on crime. And they would continue to end up naked, regardless of which dimension they were in.
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