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Old 07-02-2010, 10:12 PM
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KarlMalone KarlMalone is offline
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Nude Woman in Utah Steals Two Cars in Year's Weirdest Chase

A guy is standing outside his car in West Valley, Utah, putting up roadside signs at around five in the morning on Tuesday. A woman pulls up next to him, and jumps out of her car. She is naked. She hops into his car and drives off. So, obviously, he gets into her car and gives chase, calling the police. She misses a turn at some point, and crashes on some property owned by a company called Alliant Technologies.

Her car stuck, she escapes on foot. (She is still nude.) Police and Alliant security search the property, only to find our suspect hiding out behind a bush. Unbowed, the alleged (nude) carjacker makes a run directly at a police officer, who attempts to restrain her. Because she is a little bloody (from the crash) and a little sweaty (from being a nude person running around), she literally slips through their fingers.

At which point she gets in one of the cop cars. The police attempt to drag her out of the car; she drives away on a dirt road, still on the Alliant property. She crashes through another fence, hits a dirt berm, and launches the car in the air for about 50 feet, bringing her journey to a halt. Escaping into the woods, she comes across a barbed-wire fence, which she scales, only to find cops waiting for her. Out of options, they taser her.
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