Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Will’s Mom Comes Undone
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Old 02-18-2024, 05:18 PM
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Default Fitness Fest Fiasco - Part 1

As the chauffeured 2024 Bentley Flying Spur in which she sat silently pulled up to the curb, Mrs. Nicole Yanika Silver looked lovingly at the glorious reflection smiling back at her from the compact mirror in her hand. Having just applied a final coat of fire engine red Hermes Rouge lipstick to her perfectly pursed lips, Nicole could not help but revel in her own beauty. The sexy shade was a perfect complement to her lustrously tanned skin – ordinarily alabaster in tone but darkened this evening via the sun and her “glam squad” to prepare for the big event. A light blush helped to enhance her sexy visage as did her expertly applied mascara. Her strawberry blonde hair, covered by a fashionable black beret, flowed loosely down her toned muscular back.

“You couldn’t look sexier if you wanted to,” she purred at her reflection, transfixed as always by that which she loved the most, herself. And therein lay the problem, as some would describe it, with Mrs. Silver – her insatiable ego. It wasn’t enough for Nicole to be impressed with herself, she needed desperately the validation that came from others being equally impressed – if not awed – by her intellect, work ethic, sense of propriety and, most of all, by her looks, face and body both. She had always used the gift of her beauty to tease men and boys while at the same time lording it over the women and girls who would otherwise be the subject of that male attention.

Lately though, both privately and very publicly, Nicole had amped up her hubris by flaunting the successes of her recent dedication to fitness, even going so far – in addition to her day job as a powerful Washington, D.C. attorney – as to become a fitness influencer on Instagram. The strawberry blonde bombshell had attracted over 100,000 followers with her patented blend of workouts, results clips, and fitness affirmations. Her tagline, known especially to all of the boys and men at her 18-year-old son Jules’ prestigious private high school, was “Release Your Outer Beauty.” And oh, how every male who saw the sexy solicitor wished for that beauty to be released.

Unsurprisingly, Nicole’s popularity among the men and boys of Chevy Chase, Maryland – the toney DC suburb in which she lived – particularly her notoriety among Jules’ classmates, had caused her poor son no small amount of grief and embarrassment. Unlike his mother, Jules was neither brash, popular, nor fit. In fact, he looked like he had been sent from central casting to be the king of the nerds – studious, small, spindly, and shy. He was as unable to stand up to the boys at school who bullied him as he was to his imperious mother.

“Jules,” came the voice of that self-same matron as the fancy car he was riding in with her to yet another celebration of her grandeur pulled to a stop along the paparazzi filled sidewalk, “doesn’t mommy look sexy tonight?”

“Mooooom,” the poor boy groaned, confused both by the inappropriate question and by the yet more untoward stirring in his loins, “that’s gross.”

“Oh, there is nothing gross about it, young man,” she snapped back at him.

“Don’t think the stares I get from you and your friends at school go unnoticed. You boys can’t keep your eyes off me. Did you know your friend Will works out at the very same gym that I do. In fact, I’ll be judging him tonight when he does his bodybuilding pose-down for charity. You should try to be more like him you know.”

Will Parnell, Jules thought to himself. He was the absolute worst. Always picking on Jules and making him feel even smaller than he was while strutting around in his tight clothes, muscles rippling all over the place. What a jerk. Of course, his mother loved Will because – like her – he was a complete showoff who couldn’t get enough of himself. Worst of all, Sharon Miras, Jules’ crush since grade school, was now Will’s girlfriend. Sharon had never been anything but nice to Jules and often endeavored to stand up for him when Will picked on him mercilessly. Of course, Will treated Sharon poorly too. What did she see in him anyway.

“Stop daydreaming over there Jules,” came yet another reprimand from his mother, “run around and open the door for mommy, she needs to make a grand entrance to Fitness Fest tonight.”

The Maryland Fitness Fest was an annual gala attended by a mix of local and regional gym owners, representatives of national fitness chains, athletes, bodybuilders and – increasingly – fitness influencers like Nicole. The visibility that the fitness industry received from this universe of self-impressed posers couldn’t be underestimated and, as that visibility increased, so did the extravagance of Fitness Fest. For poor Jules, that meant getting into an ill-fitting rented tuxedo to accompany his mother, the 2023 Fitness Influencer of the Year, to the extravaganza. Always intimidated by his pushy mom, Jules’ anxiety rose tenfold tonight given that Sharon’s mom Rachel, often a target of Nicole’s barbs and ridicule, would be the one presenting Mrs. Silver with her award and – worse yet – Nicole would be presenting the “Annual Adonis” award to Will Parnell after the insufferable braggart got done with his “pose-down” on stage. This night couldn’t get any worse, he thought.

“Jules,” Nicole’s voice rang out again, “open mommy’s door – her fans are waiting.”

Snapping to as always, Jules Silver made his way around the car to open the door for his preening mother’s big entrance - and what an entrance it was. As people cheered and flash bulbs lit up the nighttime sky, Nicole Silver stepped from the rear of the car in a towering pair of Christian Louboutin black, patent leather heels. The fashionable footwear profiled magnificently her tan muscular calves that let up to a skin tight black gown with a slit that went almost indecently up to the top of the MILF-y mom’s mouthwateringly fit thighs. The sleeveless and backless frock, held in place by two silver chains that ran from the back of her tight waist over the top of her sculpted shoulders, likewise profiled the sexy solicitor’s near perfect body. Her ass and tits both popped in a way that defied gravity. With black opera gloves running from her hands over her glorious forearms and a jaunty black beret on top of her perfectly coiffed hair – Mrs. Silver was a vision.

“Can you believe that tease,” Rachel Miras seethed to Katherine Wray and Emily Duncan, two other DC moms who, until Nicole’s new found fitness fetish, had also been close friends of the impossibly arrogant Mrs. Silver. “I can’t believe I’m the one who has to present her with this ridiculous award – Fitness Influencer of the Year.”

“No kidding,” Emily Duncan laughed, trying to relieve some tension, “you’d think it would be for biggest ego.”

“Or tightest ass,” whispered Katherine Wray who couldn’t taker her eyes off Nicole’s sexy body.
“Did you say something K,” asked Rachel.

“Ah . . . no . . . nothing,” Katherine mumbled reminding herself that some things should be said silently.

“Why hello there ladies,” Nicole offered disdainfully as she passed her less fit friends, “perhaps if you would get off your couches and firm up a bit, this could be you some day.”

Before any of Katherine, Rachel or Emily could respond to the dominating diva’s putdown, Nicole had already strutted off into the auditorium’s lobby, drinking in the adoration of all present.

“Hi there Will,” Mrs. Silver sexily purred, much to the chagrin and embarrassment of Jules, as she came upon the strapping Will Parnell and his date Sharon Miras, “don’t you look handsome tonight. That tux fits you perfectly.”

“Hi there Nic,” the cocky crew man smiled broadly, “and thanks. You look hot as fire as always.”

“Hey Parnell, it’s Mrs. Silver to you,” Jules interjected disgusted by the familiarity of his classmate towards his mother.

“Stop embarrassing yourself Jules,” came Nicole’s swift reprimand, “Will and I are friends and he has my permission to call me whatever he’d like.”

“Yeah, nerd,” Will piled on, “stop embarrassing yourself.”

Sharon Miras, as usual, was made uncomfortable by her boyfriend’s bravado and tried her best to intervene on Jules’ behalf.

“Don’t call him that Will,” she bravely intoned, “it’s not very nice.”

“Now you should stop embarrassing yourself,” Will castigated his date sharply.

“He’s right you know dear,” Nicole opined loving that Sharon Miras was being eclipsed by her beauty in the face of her boyfriend, “Jules needs to stick up for himself. Perhaps if the two of you spent some time in the gym you’d be able to engage us like men and women rather than a spoiled little boy and girl.”

Seeing that Sharon was crushed by her words, Nicole went in for the kill.

“And Will, I can’t wait to see you oiled up in your Speedo on stage,” she said superciliously, “I know you’ll bring down the house.”

Unable even to make eye contact with his crestfallen friend Sharon, Jules Silver slinked away after his arrogant mother nearly stepping on the trailing train of her gorgeous gown.

Having witnessed Nicole and Will humiliate her daughter Sharon, Rachel Miras – who also witnessed Jules nearly stepping on his mother’s dress – suddenly had an idea about how to put Miss High and Mighty back in her place.
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