Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Reposting Primrose Dubois’s Disrobing Disasters
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Old 10-08-2023, 05:31 PM
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Default Primrose Has Her Cake

Primrose Has Her Cake

**All characters are 21 years or older**


Primrose DuBois at 32 years was a striking beauty of the full-figured variety. She stood 69 inches tall and weighed 145 pounds and while not fat, she had certainly gained several pounds since here youth. She exercised to stay fit, but she has a fondness for sweets. To say she was curvy would have put it mildly. She was a dazzling brunette naturally, but liked to dye her hair blonde. Primrose was VP of operations for The Bastermats Chemical Company in the city of Puttyville and saw herself as the leading influence in both the company and the city. While a very capable executive, she was brassy and had a large mean streak. She was known for her lack of respect for those she considered beneath her, professionally and socially. She felt herself glamourous and loved to be the center of attention….

At Henriette’s, the new pâtisserie in Puttyville, Friday noon

“Annie, I thought I was clear, I want this event to be spectacular” said Primrose as she ate the last bite of the cheesecake from her plate. “To go with the beautiful cake Kate’s Cake Shop has prepared, I want candles-lots of them”. Prim’s oft-chastened deputy VP of operations and oft personal assistant, Annie replied, “Yes Mrs. DuBois, I ordered 50 very nice tiny pink candles”. “Fine Annie, but don’t forget the cake symbolize my remarkable contributions to the company”. Primrose continued, “This party marks my one-year anniversary with Bastermats and I want everyone to know it!” “Yes, Mrs. DuBois, I understand completely”, responded Annie. As Primrose instructed the waiter to bill the company for her treat, she told Annie, “Don’t forget to pick up my dress and run it to my house tomorrow. Annie said “Yes, Mrs. DuBois”. Primrose gave Annie the claim check and noticed the number 74 on the top. As they were leaving, Prim remarked to the waiter, “your cheesecake is excellent but your service is lacking”. “You really should hire more staff, young man”. The waiter, very familiar with Primrose, rolled his eyes.

Beth’s Dress Shop, Saturday morning

Annie hurried in the shop from the rain. When the owner Beth met her at the counter Annie presented the claim ticket for Primrose’s dress. The dress was a stunning shade of pink and cut to hug the figure very closely. It had a very low sweetheart neckline, wide shoulder straps, a 2-inch belt beneath the bust, and a very snug pencil skirt with a walking vent in the back. Annie was amazed how sexy it was. After picking up the dress and charging it to Primrose’s’ Bastermats expense account, Annie hurried to deliver the dress as instructed. As Beth was filing the claim tickets she though it odd she had worked on two identical pink dresses this week, one a size 6 and one a size 8. As she passed the racks for pickup, she recalled the owner of the size 6 would not need hers for another week. As Beth walked to the back of the store, she did not notice the pink dress remaining was tagged number 74 and was a size 8….

The stately home of Primrose, Saturday Afternoon

At home, Primrose was soaking in her Jacuzzi bath dreaming of the Edward French, the new VP of finance. She felt he would surely be smitten after her performance tonight and she could then develop their friendship into a romantic affair. Surely he would forgo his homely wife for her sophisticated charms! In anticipation of him, she had shaved her lovely brown bush into the shape of a heart. She touched herself with the loofa in the steamy candle-lit room imagining him ravishing her body with his manhood and then more. After nearly boiling the bath water with her reverie, she was startled by the clock chiming and realized she must now get moving. She towed off and dried her hair then she continued prepping her coiffure with a new product from France that Primrose had to try because it was so expensive at the boutique she frequented. After her hair, she finished her makeup and moved to her dressing room where here clothes were laid out. First Primrose donned her sturdy yet elegant pink support hose. Then she put on her delicate demi-bra and went to open her dress bag. She though it odd that the claim number on the attached ticket was 47. She could have sworn that she remembered it being 74. No bother, she went about unzipping the sexy Jean-Paul Gaultier creation and putting it on. “Whaa?” she whined, this dress was far tighter than she recalled during her fitting sessions. Perhaps it was the cheesecake? ”More likely an incompetent seamstress!” Primrose fumed. She struggled with the zipper but finally got it closed and fastened the hook at the top. She pulled on her designer Magli four-inch heels and swept in front of the full length mirror. Prim looked amazingly provocative, even sexy in the dress, but the outfit was straining quite a bit. The neckline dipped very low displaying her swelling breasts to their best. The slit up the rear was alarmingly high. She reminded herself to be careful and not make any sudden stoops or bends lest disaster strike. Primrose tittered to herself imagining a minor wardrobe malfunction in the presence of Edward which caused him an embarrassing visible erection.

As she moved to get her necklace, her leg brushed against the dressing table leg and she heard a terrible ripping noise, but certainly not the last one she would be hearing tonight. She looked down and saw her hose had caught on an errand nail and shredded all up her left leg clearly visible through the rear vent. Now she was in trouble indeed as the hose were the last pair she had. Her mind raced as she carefully took off the dress. She realized she would have no hope of squeezing into the dress without the “support” offered by the now ruined support hose. She tore through her three walk-in closets hoping to find some more hose but came up empty handed.

Just when she considered calling Annie and making this as usual her problem, Primrose spied an older lingerie case in the back of a drawer. Inside from years ago early in her first marriage, was a pair of seamed pink silk stockings, a sexy pink bustier complete with shoulder straps and garters, and a tiny pair of string bikini panties. She breathed a deep sigh of relief for the bustier would provide the “support’ needed to get into her dress. The memories this outfit brought back were also very fond although her first husband was a real loser. As she held the bustier up, she noticed it was indeed designed for a more slender woman. Still, it was her only option. Primrose though the combination smelled a bit stale which simply wouldn’t do if things worked out as planned with Edward tonight. She had just enough time to tumble them in the dryer with a jasmine-scent pouch. Failing to check the faded washing care tags she popped the lingerie in a bag then into the dryer for 10 minutes while she checked her makeup. What she forgot about these unmentionables was they were never to be machine dried, only line dried. Combined with their age, the hot drier cooked up a disaster in-the-making for Primrose.

She cooed as she positioned the drier-warm and perfumed bustier to her full chest and fastened the many hook and eye loop fasteners to secure it around her midsection! She was careful pulling up the tiny should straps for fear the aging and delicate material would tear. Although it was very snug, the garment seemed secure. Next Primrose slid on the sexy stockings and thought how much better they looked than the support hose. She lengthened the garters and fastened them to her stockings. Finally the panties and these would be a trick indeed as they were at least two sizes too small. She glided them up her silky thighs gingerly and positioned the side strings to provide the most possible coverage. She caught herself in the mirror and gasped. She blushed at her appearance. She looked like a pink pastry puff. The bustier cups were brimming with her large breasts. Her areolas were clearly visible above each cup and Primrose’s nipples were ready to spring forth as well. The shoulder straps strained against her curvy shoulders indenting the flesh slightly but held fast for now. Her sexy belly protruded slightly across the six inches between the bottom of the bustier and her low panty line. Her lovely bellybutton winked. The garters were pulled taut holding up her stockings. They seemed to be in a tugging match with her shoulder straps and dimpled the flesh of her thighs where they attached to her stockings. Atop the garters and low on Primrose’s hips were the tiny panties. The side strings pressed into her hips imprinting her flesh only so slightly. The tiny front triangle did not completely cover the top of her bush! The back was equally minimal with much of her generous cheeks exposed as well as nearly an inch of butt crack. Primrose tugged here and there at the panties, but she could not get them to cover more. Primrose felt slightly breathless staring in the full length mirror and grasped she was scarcely covered and barely contained by her choice of lingerie. Still, everything was holding together. Just as before, she reminded herself to be careful and not make any sudden movements or something would jiggle free. Maybe this deadly combination would send Edward falling into her arms. She put her dress back on feeling reassured as the zip closed without too much struggle. She completed her look with gloves, solid gold bracelets, a long pearl necklace, diamond earrings, a fascinator hat with a small net veil. She just finished as her butler and driver rang the doorbell. He nearly lost his breath when she opened the door and came out. Primrose’s heels clicked loudly as she walked to her door he held open. As she got in, he thought he heard a popping sound from Primrose as she slid across the seat, but could not be sure. He held his tongue as she preferred and drove her to the gala.

The Mark Hotel, Bastermats Annual Holiday Gala, Saturday evening

At the hotel, a teenage valet held the door open for Primrose and helped her out. Like the driver earlier, he thought he heard the noise of a splitting seam as Primrose rose to her feet. He didn’t notice anything amiss with this beautiful lady’s dress so he remained silent. She told the boy haughtily “since all gratuities are included in the banquet package I prepared, I am forgoing your tip”. Curbing his anger, he politely answered “yes ma’am” and went about parking her car. As he climbed behind the wheel, he wished just once these puffed-up females would get their comeuppance. Luckily for him, he would see it happen tonight!

Primrose turned many heads as she clicked loudly, strolling through the lobby. In the lobby was a fountain with the statue of a seated boy splashing with a small frog on his knee. The frog was spraying water intermittently onto the laughing boy. “Humph” she critiqued under he breath, “lousy neo-classical B.S. That kid needs a spanking”
She continued into the ballroom where cocktails were being served. She popped two bonbons in her mouth and ordered a manhattan before sidling alongside Edward French who was talking with Annie. ‘Oh Eddie, isn’t this party my assistant Annie helped me put together wonderful?” Edward reminded Primrose Annie was the deputy operations VP. He said they were talking about a new product line. Primrose stole him away with “oh now, it is not the time to talk about business” “We are here to celebrate”. As she took his hand, Primrose took too-big of a step toward the bar. She did not hear the “rrrrzrzr” of the rear vent seam ripping from hem three inches upward. Edward wasn’t sure but he believed he saw the dark welts of stocking tops peeking out of Primrose’s elongated rear vent as she let him along. So cocktail hour and dinner went, Primrose dominated Edward’s attention in spite of his wife. Primrose also took the opportunity to belittle several “underlings” as well as make cutting remarks about rival executives. She showering the company president with platitudes and took every opportunity to promote her achievements this year. It was now dinner time and everyone took their seats. While the employees and families sat at tables around the ballroom, the VPs all sat together on a raised central stage. As dinner ended, Primrose felt pretty loose as she had three more manhattans, wine, and polished off a prime rib dinner...

Just before the break after dinner, Primrose preparing to rise, looked over and noticed the dress seam along her right side had split open about four inches along her hip exposing pink skin bisected by the lacy strap of her panties. Flushing, she used her napkin as cover, rose quickly and made her way to the ladies room lounge. Fortunately, the attendant there had a safety pin and Primrose was able to pin the dress back together hiding her hip for now. She tried to adjust her panties too as they had wedged themselves uncomfortably into her ass. While she did manage to extract the silky fabric from her bottom, in doing so, she inadvertently broke the elastic of the fragile panties.

Taking the podium atop the raised stage centered in the large ballroom. Primrose looked like a pink empress at nearly six feet in her heels. She tapped the mic to get attention and began “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming to this lovely banquet I prepared for our company this year.” “We are ready to recognize the efforts of all you worker bees out there and present some lovely plaques to a select few”. On and on she droned as the VPs winced each time she inflated herself and diminished all others save the company president, the elderly Mr. Bastermats. Her remarks angered the audience. Primrose tried to act not totally bored presenting two dozen awards for employees who worked very hard for this recognition. She mispronounced every other name because she neither cared nor thought it important to show any respect to these subordinates.

Awards presented, Primrose called for Annie to bring out the amazing cake as the lights went down. Then, the bright spots came up on the stage illuminating the cake to be an enormous four-layered creation with velvet chocolate mousse, sponge cake, covered with pink cream frosting and dozens of candy roses. Atop it were three dozen glowing tiny candles. Next to the cake was the yearly statuette for top manager hidden beneath a velvet cloth for the formal unveiling. Primrose noticed how hot the stage had become and felt a bead of sweat trickle down her back. Distracted, she stammered while trying to describe the fantastic year the company enjoyed. “As you all must understand, I have been fortu..ooooohh….” “excuse me”. Primrose faltered alarmingly as her panties started slowly creeping down her hips. She could feel the fabric of her tight dress against her now-bare bottom where her panties should be. She awkwardly crossed her legs, pressed together, as she tried to continue. Her forehead beaded with perspiration as she racked her brain as to how she would fix this in public. As Primrose resumed her speech explaining the metrics to measure their record breaking year, “To be sure, it was the leadership. and... ‘PING’! suppppooorrrt…” Prim spluttered. The high-waist belt beneath her décolleté abruptly popped open and dropped to the floor, its buckle clattering noisily drawing titters from the crowd. “Whaaa…??” she exclaimed, looking dumbfounded down at her belt. Primrose automatically began to bend over to retrieve her belt when she heard (as did some astute folks in the front row) a series of “POP-POP-POPS” then felt an awful loosening of her bustier. She felt her face grow hot as she sensed the new strains her dress was now under. She bolted upright so fast she popped the safety pin and split the side of her dress open although only the VPs on the far side saw her flesh come into view. The bisecting panty string was no longer visible as it was now flying at “half-mast” with the rest of her miniscule drawers! The flummoxed Primrose brought her speech to an abrupt ending as she screamed to herself “I have to get out of here now!”

Just as she was ready to turn the ceremony over, Primrose did not see the cake cutter Annie was to have placed on the small table near the cake for Mr. Bastermats to cut the cake with. “Why was Annie always forgetting the details?” Primrose then heard some more snickering in the front row and wondered if something was wrong. One girl was pointing at her neckline. She glanced down and noticed her right breast was rising above her dress with its pink areole in plain sight. Her eyes widened comically as she stared down mouth agape at her chest now moist with sweat. She noticed her blush spreading across her bosom. “Hold on… please” she whimpered to herself. Gasping, she spun quickly around to the VPs seated behind her and made the neckline correction while whispering loudly to Annie, “where is the damned cake knife?” Annie scuttled forward with the knife noticing up close Prim’s impending disaster. She started laughing on her way back to her seat. “Now, please welcome your president, Mr. Earl E. Bastermats” Primrose rattled, so anxious to get off stage. “Sir, if you would quickly take your place for your closing remarks, the statues reveal, and finally cut the cake” The old man was taking forever climbing the stairs onto the stage. “Will you please get up here now?” Primrose exclaimed, too loudly. Thanks to the excellent sound system everyone heard her except the deaf Mr. Bastermats. Peals of laughter resonated following her last remark as the audience understood Primrose was desperate to get out of the spotlights.

Without warning, the overtaxed and already torn vent seam on the rear of Primrose’s straining dress split loudly “RRRRIIPP” from the hem to just below her barely-pantied bottom. The VPs including Annie giggled when they saw Primrose’s predicament. “Aaaahhh...” Primrose quickly shot her hand back and felt her behind. She craned her head around to confirm the damage. She had to run. The audience knew Primrose was having another wardrobe malfunction because she had one hand over her bottom and was looking at her rear as well as the grinning VPs. As the audience began guffawing, the red-faced Primrose sputtered “damn it all”. Those “morons’ seated behind her had a view of her beautiful legs as well as her stocking tops and garters. The blushing Primrose quickly took to her heels and clicked back to her seat with her hands covering her rear, careful not to flash the audience. As she hurriedly sat, she heard “ZRRRAAAZZ” as the rear seam split still further. The leather chair cover chilled the bare skin of the backs of her thighs where her stockings ended. The chortling VPs could barely contain themselves and certainly were not anxious to help her. Primrose blushed furiously as she tried to think of a way out of this situation. As she squirmed in her seat, she thought “maybe Annie could fetch me a coat?” Just then, Mr. Bastermats called all the VPs up to help him cut the cake. Primrose breathed a sigh of relief as the VPs moved forward and gathered around the cake. This was her chance to slip out through the curtain behind the stage. Just as she was rising to bolt to the rear, her hopes evaporated when Mr. Bastermats announced over microphone “I would be especially honored for Mrs. Primrose DuBois to join me at my side and share in this glorious reveal”. What a reveal followed!

Primrose hoped to God she could get through this without any more embarrassment. Now beet-red under the hot stage lights, she felt tiny beads of sweat beginning to pop out on her face and shoulders. She rose unsteadily and slowly approached the cake table holding her legs tightly together in an effort to keep her dress together and her panties from dropping any lower. The room fell silent and the sound of Primrose’s heels clicking was heard over the sound system. Primrose desperately hoped she could remain to the rear of the assembled VPs avoiding showing anyone her torn dress so she stopped at the back of the table. Again her hopes at avoiding further exposure were ruined when Mr. Bastermats called Primrose to his side at the very front of the stage.

She bit her lip and with flawed consolation said to herself “at least she would only be ‘showing her ass’ to six VPs and not the whole audience”. As she took her place alongside the president, she heard the VPs loudly murmur about her uncovered rear. The back seam had split to the middle of her bottom, mercifully still covered by her droopy bikini briefs. The VPs could see her stocking tops and both rear garters when she swished forward. As Mr. Bastermats rambled on, Primrose became painfully aware that her décolleté was dangerously low, and her areolas were beginning to peek out again. Worse still, with a loud “POP” her right dress shoulder strap snapped and flew forward so the audience could see. The partially unsupported neckline settled lower as employees and their families began to laugh out loud at the spectacle she was making. “” The flabbergasted Primrose abandoned decorum and tried to haul her dress up but this caused a tear on her left side to grow to over a foot long down her leg. Everyone in the audience could see her stocking top and pink garter. Primrose gasped “Oh my God, no, please not this!” as her dress was literally coming apart at the seams!

The elderly Bastermats remained oblivious to her dishabille and thought the growing uproar was only the audience laughing at his corny jokes. All of a sudden, the old company president took Primrose’s gloved hand and took a deep bow to thank his employees. As Primrose was dragged into the bow, “KABOOM” her dress literally exploded from her body. The silky material fell to the stage and slithered off onto the floor below-quite out of reach. In the searing spotlights, the stunned Primrose was standing holding hands with Mr. Bastermats in her hat & veil, gloves, bustier, panties, stockings and heels. The entire ballroom erupted with laughter and cheering as people were delighted to see this snooty boss get her just desserts - just wait for dessert! Looking down at herself with eyes as big as saucers, she saw her large breasts pushing out of the cups of the bustier so that both stiffening nipples were nearly visible. Besides tightening her teats, the cool air and Primrose’s abject humiliation caused her considerable exposed flesh to become covered in goose pimples, further adding to her absurd appearance. Many hook and eye fasteners on her bustier had failed and bare skin appeared in the gaps. Still frozen upright and staring further down, she saw her garters were stretched to the limit pressing into her thighs. Her panties drooped low enough for half her outrageous heart-shaped bush to show as well as over a third of her butt crack. She howled and clapped her arms around her body as the president became aware of what had happened. Primrose stared into the audience red-faced in her smalls realizing that she would never live this down. In city and corporation history she would be remembered as the pompous tart who ate so many sweets she burst out of her dress in front of the whole company.

The old man gripped Primrose around the waist and said “here Dearie, let me help” but this caused both bustier shoulder straps to fail “PING & PING” propelling both Primrose’s moist breasts into the night air. Her nipples resembled pencil erasers. Primrose gawked at her chest dumbfounded and shrieked “my b…b…b-boobs!” She desperately tried to cover both plump sweat-covered breasts and hunched forward, knees together in the classic ENF pose as she looked from side to side across the audience unable to grasp her humiliation. All she saw were laughing expressions and people pointing at her. Her face now the color of an eggplant, a dark blush spread across her chest and breasts. From behind her a cheeky VP shouted, “I didn’t expect another full moon this month!” A befuddled Primrose, hands forward shielding tits and puss, stared back over her should with a sour expression and saw through her veil with wide eyes, first the laughing VPs pointing and then down to her generous jiggling pink bottom, fully exposed. Her hunching forward and twisting had caused her damaged panties to sag below her delightful ripe buns. Exposing her tits, she reached back and clutched the side string a little too hard, snapping it as she tried to pull her panties up. “NOOOO, Oh, Oh..!” she wailed as the flimsy torn triangles fell to the stage. Her gloved hand flew to cover her rear, smacking her ass with an audible “CRACK” forcing the mortified lass to “YELP” and hop forward as a result of her own spanking! Her hand left a distinct red palm print on her pale ass.

This hilarious scene cause the audience to really go bananas and the noise became nearly deafening. Speaking of deaf, the determined Mr. Bastermats was determined to help Primrose so he turned get her down from the stage. At this point Primrose was bouncing with embarrassment hopping from heel to heel spinning in circles as she comically tried to cover her big boobs, trimmed brown bush, and bare bottom with only her small hands. Her bustier was reduced to a pink garter belt of sorts and was straining to hold up her stockings. Someone shouted “I knew the the carpet didn’t match the d****s!” and more laughter followed. Prim whimpered and slapped both hands over her sex! Finally the old president reached Primrose and put his hands on her shoulders. She wheeled to face him; one hand holding a single large boob, the other squeezed in her soaking crotch. Just then a rear garter failed “ZING” and shot from its clasp at the stocking, snapping upward and popping Prim’s plump ass cheek with a painful “CRACK!” With her mouth forming the perfect “O”, the stung Primrose shrieked “OOOWIE!” and hopped forward crashing into Mr. Bastermats and the cake table. What happened next was the talk of Puttyville for the rest of the decade. The table collapsed and all its contents crashed to the stage. Primrose, mouth still wide open, plunged face-first into the cake. Mr. Bastermats tumbled off the stage where the front row of spectators caught him safely. The disgraced Primrose peered through the frosting-covered face veil, her mouth stuffed with a large candy rose, at the crowd laughing and pointing at her. Her face full of cake, she felt like crying as she wondered how this horrible day could be any worse. Here she was naked, sprawled atop a ruined cake created in her honor, with her bare derriere framed gorgeously by her garter belt, wriggling skyward and her heels in the air.

She bellowed at Annie “If you don’t help me immediately, you will regret it forever!” The long-suffering Annie, who had been laughing along with the other VPs, thought she should do what is right and went to help her boss. As soon as Annie helped the disgraced VP to her feet, Primrose spun away from her yelling “don’t stare at me you twit!” Prim covered her messy boobs with one hand and her pussy with the other. Primrose’s high heels slipped on the cake frosting-covered stage and as her feet flew out from under her, she sat down hard on the remains of her cake. Prim’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head as large amounts of ice-cold sponge cake and chilled frosting (not to mention a bulbous candy rose) were forced between her cheeks. Primrose again struggled to her feet, totally bonkers with humiliation, began running for the door, her newly-frosted bottom bouncing behind her. She ran sobbing “oooh, oooh, owie, oh its sooo cold, no, oh, oooh” to the lobby as the audience cheered. Here she found unfortunately dozens of spectators, a fire crew, and two news crews with live camera feeds. In the tiled lobby, the unfortunate Primrose lost her footing and sailed into the fountain, astride the sitting boy. She landed on her elbows and knees as if about to be spanked by the bronze boy statue! Her soaked mop of hair hanging over her purple face and puffing red cheeks, bare bottom thrust skyward, knees apart showing the world her feminine charms in all their aroused glory. Her big chocolaty breasts swayed beneath her as her still-stiff nipples brushed the granite base. Prim’s ass was high in the air and her once-fashionable fascinator hat and frosted veil made her look ridiculous. Her cake-covered face was a mask of shame. A laughing reporter stuck a microphone in front of her face and asked her “Mrs. Dubois, how was the party? It’s obvious you loved the cake!” Before the gobsmacked Primrose could splutter a reply, the frog sprayed jets of water right into Prim’s bottom and quivering quim with considerable pressure. Experiencing an enema and a douche at once, Primrose lost her composure and burst into tears sobbing “this can’t be happening to me! Waaahhh, Waahh!” She rolled out of the fountain showing the cameras her soaked sn*tch and ran clicking out of the crowded lobby, her boobs and bottom wobbling to and fro. Primrose paid no attention to the valet as she bolted into the street and right in front of the reviewing stand for the holiday parade where she was met by a hundred spectators. The startled valet could hardly recognize the naked woman in heels, garters and stockings wheeling in embarrassment in front of the crowds and cameras, but then suddenly realized his earlier wish was answered.

Last edited by tomb125; 10-08-2023 at 05:35 PM.
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