Thread: [Links to Fictional Stories] Additional Reading
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Old 11-11-2022, 05:58 PM
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Default CHYOA

I haven't really had any problems with CHYOA, the handful of times I've interacted with Friedman have been pretty positive. I remember being really frustrated with the paywall bullshit back in 2016/1017 and pushing people to switch to CHYOA when I first started writing.

Those were the days, teaming up with Writerperson to make some new ENF stories, most of which are still up today: Celebrity ENF, Stripped on Screen, The Digital Disrobing, I don't even remember the original names of the stories, but they all started out with the theme of Permanent Nudity. It's a shame he had to stop writing due to personal reasons, but he put them in ewong's very safe hands. Back then, there was so much transformation content and without me even noticing, it stopped at some point.
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