Thread: [Fictional Stories - Reluctant] The fallen hero
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Old 10-16-2022, 12:42 AM
Lucky_doug Lucky_doug is offline
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Default Fun at nursery school

Let me introduce myself. My name is Steve, and I attend the local grammar school. I really enjoy sport and I perform pretty well academically. I am reasonably popular both with my classmates and my teachers. I make an effort to do so as one knows the adage, it’s not what you know but who you know that counts. And developing those connections early is always good.

In addition when I was born, literally entering this world, there was a strange meteor shower and other astronomic phenomena. The doctors were not too concerned with this, but as I grew I noticed I had an uncanny ability to convince and persuade people to my way of thinking. Even adults, and this included my teachers were no exception. I would inevitably get my way, direct them to do what I wanted them to. I picked up on this and in order not to draw too much attention to myself developed behaviour and schemes which would hide any blatant power making it seem like it was their idea.

I remember, already at kindergarten when we toddlers were gather on the mat sitting facing the kinder-teacher. She would be perched on one of those chairs designed for us tots, she would start reading a story to us. One day I noticed that from wheat I was sitting I could see up her skirt. The lighting was just right and it illuminated the space between her thighs so that her knickers were actually visible. I remember thinking that seeing those white knickers was somehow a little ‘naughty’ but I enjoyed it anyway.

The next day the other kinder-teacher was reading us a story, however, she was careful to keep her legs together. Remembering what I had seen the previous day, I started concentrating and willing her to part her legs and let me see her knickers, wishing to find out what colour they were. I concentrated for about five minutes with this thought willing and willing her to part her knees. And then, slowly she started to part the. I ended up gazing at her blue knickers for about ten minutes.

I thought I was really clever, but was not sure, so I tried to experiment. Willing the teacher to do things, like rub her nose or inadvertently raise her arm. I was pleased to discover that it was due to my thoughts that others would respond. I remember trying to put a thought into her mind that the next day she should wear red knickers. Guess what, the following day she had on red knickers, which she did not normally wear.

Occasionally, mums would come in to read to us at lunchtime to relieve the kinder-teachers and I would try my mind control on them too. Once I tried to convince one mum that the next time she read to us she should not wear any knickers, but alas, this time it did not work.

When mums would come to pick us up they would congregate outside until the time came to pack up. The entrance was on an elevated board walk with spaces between the wooden planks. Directly beneath this area was an entrance to the lower level, where the rubbish would be taken. I remember on several occasions asking if I could take the rubbish out at the end of the day and staying, partially hidden, to stare up the skirts of the assembled mums. It was always a wonder to see their knickers in a variety of colours but mostly white in those days. Occasionally, and this was usually during the summer one of them would turn up without any on. This allowed me to see her hairy pussy and this raised my curiosity until I was older and understood more about the female anatomy.

I remember one day, very early on asking to be taken to the toilet. The kinder-teacher could not refuse, so she took me, took down my shorts and underpants and placed me on the toilet. I was sitting for a while and she was waiting for me to finish. She came and squatted in front of me and I started to wish she would open her legs and Lo and behold, she did, showing me her pretty knickers decorated with red and pink designs.

I, of course, progressed to primary school and later to high school but I never lost my intrigue or interest in seeing up womens skirts and dresses. All the time training myself at subterfuges to achieve my goals.
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