Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Not So Fun Fair
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Old 12-07-2019, 10:28 AM
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Default Not So Fun Fair


just a story I have started and left open. Hope you enjoy it.

Rebecca stepped out of The House That Jack Built, and Shrieked as the jet of compressed air blew her green dress up to her hips revealing her black panties to the other fairground revellers. She had expected such ribald humour; after all it was one of the staples of fairground fun.
But this was different and she knew it.
This blast of compressed air was not only strong enough to make her long brown hair wave and dance in the raging gust but billowed her dress high to her shoulders giving the onlookers an eyeful of her black bra barely able to contain her full breasts. Angrily she forced her dress down.

She’d had enough!

She moved quickly forward to get out of the clutches of her anonymous tormentor, only for the floor to lurch backwards and forwards and sending her sprawling onto her back. She grabbed at the handrail and tried to stand up, but with diabolical timing, her feet were taken out from under her and her white canvas deck shoes stripped from her at the same time. She looked upward and saw the unblinking eye of a security camera watching her – was she being recorded too?

Rebecca’s anger was replaced with a growing sense of fear. In all of her 28 years she had never felt so out of control. Her tormentor was far away to be safe from her but close enough to enjoy her growing humiliation as he moved her to match his desires and sense of twisted fun.

Her fingers were grazing the handrail when he sent her sprawling once more. Landing heavily on her back, she felt her breasts slip from her bra and almost come out of her dress’s plunging neck line. Faster than thought her hands flew upwards to impede their progress and the floor moved backwards, then forward, then sharper backwards then forwards with a sudden stop, not only undoing her bra but pulling down the zipper of her dress. Another quick movement more powerful than the last ripping it from her shoulders so that it bunched uselessly at her waist leaving her trembling hands to cover her exposed breasts.
And the crowd was loving it, the men especially but the women too with many recording her embarrassment on their phones as well. With another cluster of violent jolts, her dress was at her hips and her black panties beginning to move dangerously downwards. Rebecca whimpered in her growing shame. Desperately she covered her breasts with her right hand and forearm and made a grab for her dress with her left hand, she rose up only to be thrown back once more as her dress was pulled off by the violent jolts.
But worse, her panties split and ripped into a useless rag. She pressed her legs together, her hand covering her smooth hairless sex from the eyes and the ecstatic joy of the crowd.

Rebecca managed to roll onto her stomach and cover her breasts as best as she could, blushing as she imagined how her full rounded ass was on display for all to see. The friction of the moving floor pulled at the already tingling skin of her breasts and her naked pubis. Rebecca pressed her face to the wooden walkway too ashamed at how the friction was getting to her. And there was nothing she could do about it! And he knew it. With deliberate intent he had begun to make the movement even more timed and calculated, teasing her tortured flesh and sending a quiver of arousal into her. She felt her sex begin to get warm and moisten as the movement and friction went to work on her.

A woman’s voice made her lift her head, a blonde of about forty was coming to her aid, and she had what remained of Rebecca’s dress in her hand.

The walkway lurched again sending her would be rescuer to an undignified sitting position. The woman shrieked and tried to stand and made a grab for the handrail. Rebecca shook her head in disbelief as the woman’s shoes, jeans and knickers were now at her ankles and off with a few quick movements of the walkway leaving her full dark bush for all to see. Already the buttons of her rescuers blouse were either now undone or missing, revealing her white bra and her small untanned breasts already exposed.
Rebecca wanted to look away but couldn’t as the woman was stripped naked too. Their eyes met and they knew that the fun was not over yet.
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