Thread: Car Flashing
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Old 12-26-2018, 02:42 PM
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Default Airport Parking Lot

I’ve written about this before.

There was a period of time where my wife had to work out of town for several weeks. I would take her to the airport on Monday morning for the first flight out and pick her up on Friday evening.

Being away from each other for 5 days kept both of us perpetually horny. Usually I’d just meet her at curb side and she would just throw her suit case in the trunk and hop in the passenger seat and we would be on our way home. It was a bit over a 30 minute drive during off traffic hours (Monday AM), sometimes an hour during rush hour (Friday PM).

Driving through the city heading to the freeway at the numerous traffic lights, I’d usually reach over and slide my hand up her leg, under her skirt and end up sliding my finger along her panty covered slit. It was never long before her panties would be wet. She would lift herself up and slide her skirt up around her waist giving me better access to her pussy. At first she would be shy about sitting in the car with cars on both sides of us and people walking on the sidewalks and would try to keep herself at least half covered. As time went by, she let me expose her a little sooner and a little more with less protesting and concealment. I know she made the rush hour trip on Friday evening a lot more enjoyable for quite a number of other drivers as they looked down into our car and saw her pussy through her sheer panties. We would joke about whether various drivers had gotten a show.

Wanting to ramp up the excitement, I started to arrive a little early and would park in the short term lot. I would go through the automated gate to get my ticket but to get out I had to pay an attendant who would take my ticket run it through a machine that would read the time stamp and calculate the charge. He would then take my money and give me change if any was due and a receipt.

I’d meet her at the baggage claim, help her with her bags and we’d walk to our car. Being we were parked, we would spend a little time kissing before we stared home. Well kissing would progress to a little feeling around and it wasn’t long before I would have her blouse unbuttoned and bra undone so I could play with her breasts and suck on her nipples. Her skirt would be bunched around her waist and her panties soaked. She could take only so much of this before she would tell me it was time to go home so we could fuck properly.

The first time I suggested she remain in her semi undressed state she was shocked that I wanted her to remain exposed, but a few more kisses and strokes on her pussy, she said she would try. When we approached the attendant to pay, she chickened out and covered her breasts as he leaned in to get our ticket. She did manage to keep her panties exposed so he did get a good look at her pubs through her sheer panties. When he came back to tell me the charge, I gave him a $20 knowing he would have to make change. When he turned his back, I flipped her blouse open and exposed her breasts. Before she could cover herself, he was back, leaning in the car to hand me the change. He was rewarded with a view of my wife sitting there with both breasts completely uncovered and her pussy through sheer panties.

As we left the lot, my wife was not too happy with me forcing her unexpected exposure. She covered her breasts, but was not upset enough to pull her skirt down. We still joked about other drivers seeing her pussy.
Over the next few weeks we played our game from the parking lot, each week getting a little braver. She started wearing a light jacket so I could take her blouse and bra completely off and flip the jacket open as we went through the exit.

Finally one week she was wearing a longish rain coat and when we got to the car, I had her strip out of all her clothes and put on just the raincoat. When we got to the attendant, the coat was closed showing nothing. When he took my money, she had opened the top so he saw her breasts. When he gave me my change and receipt, she had opened the coat completely and her saw her totally naked sitting not more than 3 feet from him. I thanked him and let him look for a few seconds before I slowly drove away.

The next week we repeated the coat trick except that my wife opened it before we even got to the attendant. Having been playing this game for a few weeks, we always went to the same gate and usually saw the same attendant. He must have recognized our car or saw as we pulled up that my wife was fully exposed again. There was no one behind us so he came completely out of the little building and leaned in the window to get a better view. We talked a few minutes and he said that he noticed that we always came through his exit on Fridays. We told him why and joked about how my wife and I missed each other all week. He said that he could see that we seemed to enjoy the reunion every Friday. My wife, still completely exposed, made no effort to cover herself, asked if he minded our little game we were playing. He reassured both of us that it had become the highlight of his week seeing her like that.

We talked for probably 5 minutes all the while letting him look at my naked wife. Finally another car approached the check out and we had to leave. The attendant told us that whenever we went through his station that we would get a free pass, as a thanks for my wife.

Over the next 6 months or so, we used the free pass several times. A few times my wife drove so he could get a closer look.
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