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Old 11-03-2018, 02:21 AM
Enigmah Enigmah is offline
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Originally Posted by spooled View Post
Hope you don't mind me adding to the thread, but it seemed a good place to share these. A few years back Men & Motors started uploading their shows to youtube - not the boring car stuff that's there now, but the shows that get posted here. It only lasted a few months at most before the complaints got too much and either they or youtube deleted them all, but I managed to grab a fair few before then.

First up are a few episodes of Playboyz, an early vehicle for JK and Joel who went on to present on Radio 1 in the UK. It's a very cheap looking gadget review show, what makes it 'watchable' is that there's always two glamour models who always have to take their tops off as part of the 'review'.
These are brilliant, brings back memories of getting home from the pub and putting men and motors on, please post whatever you have......

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