Thread: [Non Fiction Stories - First Time] Catching and watching my wife and best friend
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Old 02-23-2017, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by rickandsuzy View Post
I am begging my wife to take on another cock. I want to see her getting fucked by another man so badly but shes got this notion that sex for her is tied to the mental aspects and not just physical. I'm coming to the point to where I hate her. Would anyone want to fuck her?
For us I don't think either of us ever really expressed any interest or desire in the area. Our first initial time was a mix of a night of drinking and being at a hotel with a male long term friend. Things escalated and she ended up having sex with both of us that night. It was totally unplanned though and we did not talk about anything happening in advance. It was a huge turn on for both of us and led to a lot of discussion afterward and some very hot sex between the two of us recounting the experience. It was about three months before anything happened after that.

I must say though that your wife's notion of sex being tied to a mental aspect and not being just purely physical is one that my wife struggled with for the first several years. I think to some degree that is still true in may respects for her and the reason why we have several "regular" male friends that we are very good friends with and that there is a sexual side with.

With all but one, the relationships don't cross any boundaries and despite there being a mental relationship it is not "love". However, she has one boyfriend who we have been hooking up with for the past eight or nine years with and he and I have become very good close friends. He lived with us for over a year due to family circumstances and many nights slept in our bed on the other side of my wife. We all slept naked but nothing sexual occurred. He is one that both my wife and he often times will say they love each other. It is a very weird relationship, I have to say that while obviously the love shared between he and my wife is expressed differently between them that he and I have developed a loving relationship as well. I would do pretty much anything in the world for him. Outside of threesomes there is no sexual expression of that but between he and my wife there definitely is.

I hope for you that you and your wife will find yourselves in a position like we did where things happen naturally. If she and another guy find each other mutually attractive and hot while there is chemistry between them then getting this to happen will be half done. For us the first time all of this was present and with our inhibitions lowered I began undressing her and she went along with it completely. I think inside we both wanted to explore with it. Obviously, our male friend voiced no objection and it worked out well for him.

Good luck to you and hopefully it works out well for both of you.
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