Thread: [Request for Non Fiction Stories] Breastfeeding friends
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Old 10-17-2016, 10:35 PM
Gnome72141 Gnome72141 is offline
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(I hope it's ok that I revived this thread. I have a story to share, and I knew the thread already existed.)

My wife's friend from college brought her 3 month old to visit today. I wasn't supposed to be home, but there was a maintenance issue at the recording studio, so I was home doing the computer side of things. My wife sees this friend about twice a year, so this was the first time seeing her since having the baby.

Anyway, they knew I was home, but didn't think I would be upstairs. I came upstairs for a hard drive I had left, and the friend started blushing bright red and said, "shoot, I was just about to nurse her, do you mind leaving for a bit?" I was frustrated, but I said, "sure, of course." (The friend was fully dressed.) A long 20 minutes later, I was told I could come back upstairs. I started going through the shelves to find the hard drive (my wife must have borrowed it).

They started talking to me, so I stayed in the living room after finding the drive among my wife's photo projects. After small chat, the friend said, "sorry I had you leave to nurse her, but I didn't bring my cover and all that. Sorry you seemed frustrated."

I said, "that's okay, but I am a huge supporter of breastfeeding, so I get annoyed when people ask me, of all people, to leave, but I totally get it, though. I've probably seen 100 women nurse, so I am used to it, but I've been asked to leave as many times, even when other men get to stay for some reason, but I get it, I do." My wife chimed in and said, "He is ultra sensitive about gender-specific stuff. Don't mind him."

Suddenly, the friend started blushing so much that she was red from her face down beyond her collar bone. She said, "You have seen women breastfeeding before?" I couldn't help but give her a funny look, I am sure. I said, "of course! I have seen all my female friends, and even strangers, and when I was a stay at home dad for 6 months, I was part of a 'mommy group' and all those women breastfed right in front of me like I was one of the ladies."

The friend said, "and you saw stuff?" I said, "of course, and two of the women completely took their tops off if the group was meeting at a house and not a park or something. It's pretty normal and, you know, natural and everything!" I think she could tell I was getting annoyed, but I kept going, "I even helped a friend of mine nurse, touching her boobs and all to get the right C-shape, while the husband looked on and was so grateful because her own female friends were completely prudish and helpless!" (True story, of course.)

Then she said, "wow, my husband hasn't even seen me nurse her. I won't let him watch!" Then there was this awkward, stunned silence. I said, "er, why not?"

The friend said, "because when he saw my boobs when i was pregnant, he said some mean things about them." (Suddenly, I realized this was their relationship issue, not a nursing/prude issue. My wife has been talking about this particular friend's marriage issues for years, and I finally put two and two together that it was *this* friend she had always been talking about.) I asked, "doesn't he see your breasts all the time? I see hers (my wife's) at least twice a day!" The friend said, "he's only seen them about twice in the past year or so." (What?!?!? But I guess this isn't all the unusual among women, as my wife told me later.)

"I am sorry to hear that," I said, "I am sure your breasts are perfectly fine. You have no control over what they look like or what they do, so in that way, they are always perfect, no matter what." Then I started blushing, which is really rare for me, because I realized this was probably the nicest thing someone has said to her recently, and to her I was just a mere acquaintance, more or less.

The she looked at my wife and asked, "Did people see you nurse?" My wife said that she let anyone see, she didn't care, except her sister's husband (which I have written about many times before), even though he saw once on accident and she said she is still upset about it, some 6 years later. Her friend thought that was pretty funny, and the friend smiled for the first time since I had seen her there.

From there, the talk went on to other baby topics while the baby slept, and the friend couldn't believe how much I knew about baby stuff. I thought I made a mistake when I told her that I knew a normal amount, but most guys just don't care enough to know anything, despite being the year 2016 and not 1952.

But it wasn't a mistake. Just then the baby woke up, and the friend said to my wife, "Will you be upset if he stays this time while I feed her?" My wife said, "nope", and my heart starting racing like crazy. Normally, nursing isn't a turn on at all, none, but in this case, my interest was definitely peaking because of the entire scenario. I also thought it was weird she was feeding the baby already. It hadn't even been, like, an hour since the last feeding.

The friend took off her blue sweater, and she had a black tank top on underneath. While she took the sweater off, she asked, "Why did those women he mentioned get completely topless to nurse do you think?" My wife said, "Trust me, it's easier that way. I did it like that a few times in front of the right people, it was worth the exposure." The friend took off the black tank top and had a red bra on now. She said, "You nursed topless?! I am going to try that," and off came the bra. I stared, and I didn't try to hide it.

She has really small but full breasts, with really light areolas (which is unusual for a new mother), and reeallllly long nipples. She bent over to get the kid out of the baby carrier and her breasts nearly doubled in size.

I know I was blushing bigtime, and the friend said, "If you have seen this before, why are you blushing so much! Did you lie to get me topless?!" I said it was the whole set up, and she said, "I know, I am just kidding."

And she nursed, but only one side before she handed me the baby to burp. She sat there completely uncovered while I burped her baby. Then she switched to the other side, and I burped the baby again while she put her bra on. But she just put her bra on and not her tank top the whole time i held the baby.

The friend said to me, "why am I so damn comfortable around you?!" I told her that women say that to me on a regular basis (it's totally true). My wife backed me up. Then the friend said, "i want to try to feed her more," and off came the bra again. The baby wouldn't eat this time. Then the friend said, "oops, I forgot to change her," and she changed her while staying topless.

I said, "this is the most liberating moment of your life, isn't it?" She said, "ya, probably," and she put her sweater on without her bra or tank top. My wife said, "you forgot a few things," and she said, "nah, I will feed her one more time before I leave." My wife said if she went without a bra, she would have leaked all over the floor. The friend said, "I didnt think of that. I have never been braless a day in my adult life!"

So off came the sweater, out came the boobs, on went the bra and tank top, and then the very second her sweater got pulled on, the husband called and we could hear him yelling at her about something. She suddenly had to go, and she gave us hugs and left, almost in tears.

My wife started crying for her, and we didn't speak a word about it until a few hours later when she said, "well, maybe you single handedly gave her the empowerment to do something about her so called marriage, you and your obsession with tits." I think I was supposed to be flattered by that...I think!
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