Thread: [Fictional Stories - ENF] Will’s Mom Comes Undone
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Old 10-01-2016, 12:36 PM
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So I've been struggling with whether to pen any additional Danielle Parnell tales both because the theme may have run its course and because it's getting tougher for me to come with ideas. The few I'm considering are:

1. The Halftime Show -- Danielle shows up at her youngest daughter's championship soccer game and, as she has during the entire season, uses her special "charms" to convince the coach to give her daughter more playing time. Fed up with her nonsense as well as her constant put downs and eye rolls, and after our heroine ends up splashed with Gatorade by a mis-kicked ball, the other mothers take matters -- and Danielle's clothes and dignity -- into their own hands.

2. Auto Eroticism -- As the very elegant Annapolis Classic Auto Show approaches, Danielle uses her powers of persuasion to convince Adam Hess' father -- a very wealthy collector who has traditionally had his daughter-in-law, Rebecca Ross to show his classic cars in the show -- to have Danielle act as this year's presenter. She plans to show his prize car -- 1 1933 Duesenberg SJ Riviera Phaeton -- in a very elegant but very sexy period gown while her son Will and law partner Jerry Sarano play the roles of butler and chauffeur respectively. After giving her husband the what for, Rebecca Ross goes to work to ensure that Danielle's presentation will never be forgotten.

2. The Unveiling -- Danielle has typically cajoled her way to being asked to unveil a sculpture donated by a Gonzaga alumnus. The unveiling is scheduled to take place on the green in front of the school's administration building which will be its permanent home. In classic fashion, Mrs. Parnell makes the lives of the Mothers' Guild members a living hell leading up to the big event but when the time comes for her to carry out her duties she is nowhere to be found. After a smiling Nicole Silver steps in we see what really gets unveiled . . .

Also up for other suggestions although I can't make any promises about working all or any of them in. Likewise ready to accept the consensus that this character has run her course. Kicking around a new target -- one Larissa Burgess -- but she isn't yet fully formed in my mind so we'll see where that goes.
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