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Old 03-30-2016, 09:37 AM
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oztn oztn is offline
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Default Lock Screen - what is on yours?

I got bored with ordinary lock screens on my phone and thought that it might be nice to load a photo of my wife to my lock screen.
Of course, I had to clear it with her first - so I thought that it would be best to start with something fairly tame, so I chose this one of her in a see-thru top with no bra.
I showed the photo to her on the lock screen of my phone and asked her what she thought - that's OK she said - what about if any of our friends see it? I asked - I don't think that would matter she said, they have all seen my tits before - what about if a stranger sees it when we are out? - well, that could be interesting, she said - so you don't mind? I asked - not at all, she said, just let me know if you spot any stranger looking at it. And I must know what any of our friends say when they see it.
I intend to change it every week or so, and, hopefully, she will let me get a little more daring as the weeks go by.
I would love to see other lock screens - to see what othe guys are getting away with.
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