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Old 01-09-2006, 05:01 PM
Alex Alex is offline
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Default You will be BANNED if you...

You will be BANNED if you don't follow the forum rules!

Everyone should read the forum rules before posting.

The two most common mistakes are:
5. DO NOT post photos & videos that are watermarked with another website's URL.
8. All models must be at least 18 years old. If you're not sure of a girls age, don't post it.
Did everyone understand that?
If you're not sure of a girls age, don't post it.

It is your responsibility to follow the forum rules. Member's who break the forum rules risk being banned from posting.

Up until now, we have been very generous about editing people's threads for them. From now on if a single photo or video breaks the rules, we may delete the entire post or thread without notice.

Alex - Founder of OCC
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