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Old 08-30-2013, 01:27 AM
masqman masqman is offline
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Originally Posted by Russkerrigan View Post
I know there's a way to do this.. but if you have come across a pic that looks like it has a flickr image title, how can you trace it back to its flickr account...

example: pic labeled: 557909_10151046114262696_817483752_n\

appreciate any help

Sorry, that's not a Flickr photo name. Flickr photos are saved on the farm servers in a format like this:


In the above url, the 9565192951 is the Photo ID (PID) and the 0a966eabf1 is the Secret ID (SID). The "o" on the end can change depending on the size of the photo, "o" being for original size. These 2 numbers and the final letter are going to appear in an original filename (9565192951_0a966eabf1_o.jpg). Photos can have many different Secret ID's depending on how the uploader has assigned the sharing and downloading properties of the photo.

To answer you question, If you have the PID, you can plug it into this API page as long as you are logged into your own account and you can find out all kinds of information about that photo.

You will get the server ID (7424) and the farm ID (8), the User name and also the user NSID (which is a numerical user ID). You will also get a listing of all groups this photo has been shared into and a url to the flickr photo page it appears on. It also tells you who it is viewable by (public, friend and/or family) and whether or not it is downloadable.

I think I have probably given you WAY more information than you wanted and I have still glossed over quite a bit of information. Feel free to message me if you have further questions and I will try to answer them.
Modding a SubReddit for Flickr (only) shares. Private and very selective.
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