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Old 11-29-2005, 09:51 PM
QDiddy QDiddy is offline
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It seems there's always a fine line between some threads getting little response, to those that seem to go overboard. Once in awhile I'll come across an old thread that I thought was great, and yet no one let the contributor know. Contrarily, I'll see some threads with a short vid or a couple of pics, and there'll be a ton of replys. Usually one or two words: "thanks", "outstanding", "any more", "great", "cool, thanks", and on and on. It almost seems that people are most comfortable "hidden" within a group. It's the "Hell everyone else is replying to this thread, I might as well too" mentality.
As far a my own threads are concerned I obviously appreciate any comments but don't expect one from every person who may come across it. On the other hand I find it a little irratating when members try to coax comments out of members to get them to post more. I post because I choose to, and I want to share. I mean let's face it, no one here knows me personally, so who cares if a million people reply to my thread. What then? I get to walk around my house by myself with my chest out and my head held high, as I imagine to hear your heart warming, spine tingling applause?
The bottom line I suppose, is to post because you want to, knowing it always feels better to give than to take; and if you come across a thread where no one has commented, take the initiative and let the poster know that at least one person has appreciated their effort. You never know, they may reward you at a later date with an even better post.
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