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Old 02-09-2013, 08:09 PM
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ilovedollydog ilovedollydog is offline
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Exclamation Issues

Originally Posted by showoffzzzz View Post
In the case of your photos it was a hot girl posing in the snow. I googled one of the photos before removing your thread and she is a professional model who did this photo shoot. I informed you that I removed your thread due to the model not being an amateur. It isn't possible to leave the thread up and let you know so you can check the photos yourself and then let us know you had time to check so we can go back and delete the thread later. Sometimes you simply need to trust the mods.

Many times we get reports from other members with proof of watermarks or a site with the photos so we remove those photos. In fact, most of the time the reason pro photos are removed is because we have members that know their stuff and report pics that aren't amateur.

You have to realize that OCC makes every effort to protect copyright holders and we always remove photos or videos that are copyrighted. The rules state our policies on copyright and watermarks.

Finally, I can appreciate you frustration because it is difficult to tell pro vs amateur these days with the advance in quality digital photography for the average point and shoot camera. I don't want to discourage you or anyone from posting, but if it appears your pics are posed and high quality it might be a good idea to google the pic just to make sure it isn't from a pro set.
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