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Old 01-18-2012, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by jc666 View Post
Is this the one where part of the program was broadcast live and just happened to contain the brief but classic TV ENF I've posted a cap of below?

If so please do share the video as many people here would love to see it.

What makes it worse is that I remember the program being broadcast on the BBC but I didn't watch it because I find Tunick himself to be a pretentious and talentless tw*t.

EDIT: Wow, OCC censor the word tw*t
Yes, jc666, it's the same one. On the day of broadcast, there were 2 installations. The first 45 minutes of the show was taken up with a video of the morning's installation, and then the final 15 minutes were a live video of the evening installation, which is where your cap came from.

Always had a soft spot for Tunick myself. Sometimes the pictures can be kind of haunting. I especially find that with the Melbourne pictures from 2001.
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