Thread: [Non Fiction Stories - Voyeur] Family exposures
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Old 08-25-2011, 11:35 AM
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Default Anticipating the unexpected.

Before sharing this event, I need to preface this with some clarifications and explanations.

My wife is not a prude by any means. When we first met she was somewhat shy, but lost that rather quickly –or at least around me. However, she was very modest and to this date continues to be so still. She was raised in a strict Catholic family. (Strict as in “religion-strict”) We had been introduced to each other by a mutual friend/acquaintance, who felt that we were made for each other.
K. and I both realized and agreed that we both wanted a non-traditional, non-vanilla relationship.
K. and I were sitting on the patio behind my house, discussing not just our upcoming marriage, but also some of the details of how this relationship was to work, as well as some of the rules, I had envisioned for our relationship. On many of these occasions, k. had mentioned the impressions the nuns at school left with paddles and rulers. I just nodded, but at first said nothing to reflect my thoughts. Eventually, I did come out, to let her know that there is other means that paddles and rulers and I mentioned the revocation of privileges. Needless to say, she was quite surprised and openly questioned what good that would do.
You see, for her that meant no TV, being grounded, no allowance, etc. I explained that there are other privileges, and no, I did not meant that.
Privileges meant that she would not be allowed to wear any clothes on the premises and beyond (beyond was somewhat limited, due to legal ramifications). It also meant that she would not be allowed to uses such things as the dishwasher, a washing machine, or a dryer. Everything had to be done the old-fashioned way – by hand. She also would not be allowed to use a mop, but had to go on all fours and clean the floors with a rag.
K’s eyes became bigger and bigger, as I explained the details, that this was not just for a few hours or so, but more likely for several days – and if needed weeks and/or months. It actually wasn’t until the first time, that she had to be naked like that for two days that it really sank in what this meant.
As I had explained in another thread, I live in what I call a semi-secluded area. My property is surrounded by property (mostly farmland), which belongs to various cousins. There are dirt roads leading to the various houses, so we can visit with each other, and for other reasons. In front of my house is a small parking lot which is graveled and a graveled driveway leading to the house. The house itself is pretty much surrounded by trees, but there are also a lot of corn and tobacco fields. There is a small dirt road, which leads from the main dirt road to a one lane county road. Which is where my mailbox is. Being environmentally conscious, we usually use an electric golf cart to drive to the mailbox to retrieve our mail. This is a good mile from my house.
At first k was not terribly impressed, when she had to be naked for the weekend. She actually seemed to enjoy some aspects of it. It was more embarrassing and cumbersome, as she had to go on her knees to clean the floors, with her butt up in the air and being quite exposed. But then came the laundry part. The clotheslines are in front of my house across the parking area. Going barefoot across gravel was not the most comfortable thing for her, but as she was hanging up the clothes, she heard a tractor come by. It had to be one of my cousins, but there is no way that they saw her from the dirt road. Anyway, she panicked and ran inside. After that she asked, that I would never expose her to anyone in the family, and I agreed.
For the most part, this worked out OK, but for one time. K had lost her privileges, but I think she cheated somewhere, because I upped the ante. I recall having here shave off her pubic hair (something she really hates) and I took away her privilege to use the golf cart to go to the mailbox. And picking up the mail had become her chore.
It was a Saturday morning, after k had cleaned up the dishes from breakfast, she walked to the mailbox.
When she returned, the mail had not come yet and she was shaking because of her fear that someone might have seen her. I was adamant that she will have to go back later – naked – and try again. After lunch, she left for the mailbox again. It was cloudy, and I did not tell her that I was going to follow her in a few with a golf cart, but I wanted her to at least walk to the mailbox. I did leave a few minutes later and followed her from a distance. There were a few raindrops here and there, but nothing big, enough though to worry her that she may have to end up having to walk back naked in the rain. She was more than relieved, when she got the mail and turned around and saw me coming.
The main dirt road that passes my house not only connects the properties with each other, it also is the main access from a US highway to my house.
As we came back to the house and pulled up the drive there was a van parked in front of my house, and on the porch was k’s brother and his wife. They had dropped by to "just visit". There really wasn’t any place for k to run and hide and the comments from her brother did not help.
At first she tried to cover, but it really did not work too well for her. I did allow her to wrap herself in a towel, once we were inside – but that came at a price.
Although this had been the first time her brother had seen her naked, it wasn’t the last time she was as embarrassed as that time.
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