Thread: [Non Fiction Stories - Voyeur] Family exposures
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:43 PM
collector5757 collector5757 is offline
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Default girlfriend showing off for brother

The GF I had in college was very conservative, at least around anyone else, but I found out got very excited if someone got to see a little too much. So naturally I tried to encourage those events. A little background: my GF was adopted, and so was her kid brother Dick, from different families. A few years apart in age.

Anyway, we were out one summer evening and she was complaining about him "always spying" on her, which I think is a common lament of older sisters. When she was sunbathing, in her nightgown, whenever. She just could not understand why he'd started this, so I tried to explain about the nonstop sex fever most guys hit at a certain age, and how miserable it could be. I casually told her he probably just wanted an image to jack off to, and if he saw something he'd probably leave her alone. (HAH!)

She repeated this statement, saying, "Really?" Well, I was already imagining her following through, so I confirmed my theory. She brought it up a couple more times that night and seemed to be considering some action.

The next day was a Saturday and we were on to hit the local beach. When I picked her up, she told me about her morning. Her parents were both out golfing, her brother was in the kitchen and she was heading downstairs to get breakfast in a long yellow nightie and robe. She said she'd been thinking about my theory, and as she got to the head of the stairs she looked at her reflection in the mirror, her robe open. Her nipples showed through the nightgown and her lack of a tan in places was also noticeable. She then went back to her room and removed the robe, returning to the mirror. Now she thought about the matching yellow panties. She said her heart was already pounding as she slipped them off and looked again at herself. Even more untanned areas were visible, as was her bush. Knowing her parents were out for the morning, she wandered downstairs and into the kitchen where Dick was eating.

At this point I could barely drive, and she was very excited as well. We continued on to the beach as she went on.

She was determined to act as though nothing was unusual,so greeted him casually as she walked in and got some juice. She told me she could see her reflection in the picture window, could see how nearly naked she looked, and Dick's eyes on her immediately. She went about fixing her breakfast as Dick watched from the kitchen table.

He clearly didn't know what to think; he just sat and tried not to stare too obviously as she moved around the kitchen, just barely not naked. She told me she had a hard time not grinning at his level of excitement, and kept chatting to give him time and an excuse to look right at her. As she moved around she could feel her breasts moving just a little, and her nipples dragging across the fabric. With her breakfast ready, she moved to the table and sat across from Dick, with her back to the sunny window. She ate, getting up now and then, getting juice for him to provide an excuse to stay longer and another look at her entire body.

She finished, but was still very excited and not ready to stop showing off. Her mother had hanging plants in front of the window, so she decided to water them. Dick was still at the table, just looking, as she filled a pitcher and climbed onto a chair to reach the plants. She was between the sunny window and her brother and could tell that he could easily see right through her nightgown. She spread her feet a little so the sun could light up her legs all the way to her bare pussy, turning one way and another to show him everything she could.

Finishing, she asked Dick when their parents would be back. Hearing it would be a couple of hours still, she announced that she had some laundry to do in the sink, and that she'd be right back. Dick hadn't moved when she returned, put some things in the washer then brought some things to the sink. Dick moved to a seat at the counter, a few feet from her at the sink. She made a big show out of washing several bras and panties while he watched. She told me about washing one of her favorite sheer bras, then holding it up, wet and even more sheer, then turning and smiling through the fabric at her brother.

She said that as she stood at the sink he could not really see her breasts, but she could feel his eyes on her pale bottom. She managed to splash a little water on the front of her gown before finishing, and it was clinging to her breasts in spots here and there. Done with her wash, she leaned back against the counter and just let her gown d**** against her body as they talked a bit more.

On her way back to her room she passed the mirror at the top of the stairs again and stopped for a moment to take in just how close to naked she had been in front of her brother and how excited she felt. She went to her room, closed the door firmly, stripped off her gown and gave herself a quick orgasm before getting dressed for our date and telling me this story.

I was able to get her to show off for him other times as well, but hearing her tell about doing it the first time... wow!
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