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eppers 12-02-2009 03:19 PM

Can you be more exposed at a nudist club?
Back in the 1980's, we went with a couple we knew to a nudist club a bit north of here. My wife was somewhat nervous, although we had been to some nude swimming events and even hosted a couple at our house. The idea of being around a lot of others was her concern, but I explained that except for the couple we were with, they would all be strangers. If we knew someone, they would be nude too, so who cared?

In a few minutes, she was very comfortable and enjoyed swimming, the hot tub, the tennis courts, and seeing so many nude folks. She loved seeing all the different shaped penis's just like I enjoyed the girls. For almost a decade, we visited clubs across the U.S. and with a couple of exceptions, always had a good time.

From a personal point of view, I was always looking forward to going. My wife normally dresses modestly but has a great figure and while you may not notice her in a grocery store, you will when she is strolling around without a stitch. I loved seeing other men look at her, and to my benefit, she always took care to drain me dry before we went so I would not have an obvious response to her or other attractive women.

So other than the obvious, looking and being looked at, what can you do at these clubs? Most are conservative, family-oriented and have children who visit and often live in the clubs with thier parents. A few situations come to mind:

-we liked to find the visitors who were always dressed like an electrician, UPS guy, plumber, etc. They obviously loved to look and would openly stare at ladies like my wife. One electrician stared at my wife so much that she found extra ways to reward his attention, like leaning back on the chaise lounge and slowly spreading her legs, even touching herself when others were not looking. The electrician got such an obvious erection in his workpants that he could hardly walk.This is done more than you would think at these places---the ladies know you are looking even when we all wear sunglasses.
Our favorite time was at a club that was putting in a new swimming pool. The club had put up a yellow tape marking off an area that the pool builders could not pass, so they could only see the nudists from a distance of about 150 feet. My wife and I were thinking about putting in a pool at our home, so we walked down to see how the pool was being constructed. There were six men, one older supervisor and five men who were in their late teens or twenties. They were down in the pool so they looked up at us---and directly between my wife's legs. At one point, she squatted down to look at the pool edge and, in doing so, spread herself open to their view. The older man asked me if it didn't bother me to have other men see my wife completely exposed, and I said no. I was proud of her. I could tell she was turned on big time, and was even breathing heavy. I asked her in a whisper if she had come with these men staring, and she said yes. Soon we strolled back up to our rented room at the club and we had a great time.
-this may not hold true for everyone, but to my white, conservative wife, being nude in front of a black man has an extra thrill. Four of the pool workers were African Americans, and they did not stop staring at her the entire time. At a west coast club. we met a 20 year old black man with a 7 inch soft penis. In this case, he noticed my wife staring and he returned the looks. We walked to a more private area, and he followed. As she reclined and touched herself, he grew erect to about 9 or 10 inches, pointing up. He said he could not go back to the pool like that, but she does not allow intercourse with anyone but me. At my suggestion, she laid back, spread herself obscenely open, and all three of us masterbated. I came first, but he shot a quart, some reaching her thigh. I wish I had photos of the moment. He said he was in movies, but I did not recognize him, and I don't think my wife looked at him above the waist.
-at another west coast club just north of LA, we went above the pool to a large hot tub in the ground, surrounded by trees. This club was famous for its "gang massages" and my wife had just had one, with about ten nudists surrounding her, rubbing her everywhere. Men and women were touching her and she was writhing with excitement covered in oil. Afterwards, she took a shower next to the pool and we walked to the hot tub. Only one couple was there, and they were in a passionate embrace. We stepped in and they explained they were honeymooners. I said they could continue and do whatever they wanted if they didn't mind if we did. They agreed and I had my wife sit on the edge of the hot tub and I spread her thighs and dove in. After a few minutes, I noticed they were watching us, so I pulled back and pulling her sex wide open, I asked if they thought she had a great looking vagina. They agreed as my wife squirmed, being so exposed. Soon they were beside us with her blowing him, and him reaching over to touch my wife as I continued my feast between her thighs. We had just finished when two other couples joined us, and they must have known from our expressions what was going on.

There are other stories about a club north of Phoenix, and a club just west of Fort Lauderdale, but since this is so long, I will tell it another time, if you want.

meandmygirl 12-03-2009 07:10 AM

Great stuff. Please continue.

eppers 12-03-2009 02:17 PM

More nudist club adventures...
Thank you for the positive feedback.

-another time we were at a club just west of Ft. Lauderdale, and we were lounging beside the pool. I had to go to the head, so she slid into the pool while I was gone. It was somewhat crowded, but suddenly she found herself with her back to the side of the pool near a corner, with a handsome older man touching her under the water. She was in the deep end of the pool and she was using her legs to keep her up, and he slipped between her legs and was rubbing his hard member against her, with one hand on a breast. He said he thought she was lovely and had been hoping she would get in the pool. She was trying not to make a scene but when his cock slid in her, she decided this was too much and she pushed him away. She grabbed his hard cock to keep it from getting back in and his hands went to her pussy. His face was only inches from hers and he expertly fingered her, and she was jacking him off, hoping to get him to come without getting back into her. She looked around frantically, but no one seemed to pay them much attention, although she did see one man who was watching and obviously knew what was going on. She could not help herself, and began to come over and over, surprised that others did not see her obvious pleasure. She was clearly not the first to get his attention under the water. After ten minutes or so, I came back to the side of the pool and she looked over and spoke to me, and I saw a man who had been talking to her swim away. I could not see where his hands were under the water, of course. She climbed back up, and I noticed she was red faced. She seemed to spend a lot of time on all fours with her ass and pussy in the air so everyone in the pool could see, before lowering herself onto the chaise to get some more sun. Soon she was asleep. We left an hour or so later, and she told me what had happened. I was surprised because most of these places are so conservative, but she was ok so I was fine, too. When we mentioned this years later to our friends who first took us to a nudist club, they mentioned that they used to be members of that club, and both thought they knew who the guy was, because he was well known for initiating new guests. They also told us that it was one of the few clubs that had a separate fenced off area for adults only with its own hot tub. If you went in there, you were agreeing that anything goes. Evidently, if this guy gets a positive response, he invites the girl to go to the adults only section. If I had not returned, he may have tried to get my wife to go there.
-one of the accepted acts at all the clubs we visited was that everyone shared a shower area. At one of our favorite clubs up north, they have a rest room with separate mens and womens toilets, but a shared large shower area. After sunbathing, my wife went into the shower to get the oil off before getting into the pool. Two young men, around college age, were in the shower talking and laughing when she got in. As had happened often, one of them offered to wash her back, and she agreed. She stepped between the two friends. What hadn't happened before was that he once he finished her back, he squatted down and began to wash the backs of her legs and then her bottom, spreading her cheeks and rubbing her so she instinctively bent forward slightly and he began to feel her between her legs. The other guy, on the other side of her was staring at her, and was clearly aware of what was going on. She turned to face the first guy who had been washing her back, and he was grinning and had a long healthy sized erection. Meanwhile, the second guy began washing her back and bottom, but was soon rubbing his cock into her butt. Together they had her in a wet, soapy sandwich with both touching her everywhere and rubbing their organs against her. She asked what if someone comes in? It could be a kid who shouldn't see us. The first guy, said one would stand watch while she took care of the other. She had one in her hand and was jacking him off using soapy hot water, while he had several fingers in her. The other guy had fingers up her ass, rubbing in soap, and she knew what was coming next. She had already come multiple times and she broke away, explaining she was a married woman and could not fuck them. After a few minutes both agreed to be jacked off, while the other watched to be sure they were not caught. She got them both off, and they continued to feel and finger her at the same time. Not knowing a thing, I was only 20 feet away, sleeping on a towel. She told me about it later, and was always more careful about the offer to wash her back. I never even noticed the two guys she was showering with.

There are some more adventures, and a couple that were unpleasant, but if you want, I will tell them another time. In all our decade of going to these various clubs and a few nude beaches, we never saw any obvious sexual contact, and only a few erections, much to most outsider's surprise. All the action is more subtle, and not obvious, much like regular life---a lot of flirting but you rarely actually see any sex act. And like regular life, you learn that there are few perfect bodies. Most look better dressed, to be honest.

One other factor. In both of these events, I did not know about them until she told me. A lot more could have happened, but I don't think it did. She is fairly open discussing these things, and the one time she actually had sex with a guy, she told me.

piolino 12-05-2009 05:50 AM

please post more and also the unpleasent parts.

eppers 12-07-2009 11:22 AM

Some more from the nudist front....
I mentioned a couple of the unpleasant experiences so here are the ones that come readily to mind.

At a club in eastern Tennessee, we arrived in mid-afternoon on a weekday and didn't see anyone there. My wife and I parked and walked in the office and found a mid-thirties, unshaven man in a t-shirt and cutoff jeans. We knew that while the members were nude, sometimes the hired help----the people who fix the food if it has a restaurant or snack bar, the maintenence staff, etc. ---are not necessarily nudists, so we assumed this guy was hired help. We rented a mobile home, which is all they had to stay in, and walked to it. We were disturbed because it was not clean and the beds were not made. We undressed and planned to go exploring to see the facilities, but my wife went back to the office to see if they would fix up our place or give us anther one. When she caught up to me, I could tell she was irritated, but she explained it was just because the place was so dirty and unkept. It is one thing to be rustic; it is another to be poorly maintained and filthy. We walked down a path to a lake where there were about a half dozen folks, mostly older, then we went on a path around the lake. To our surprise, the path lead to where you could look out over a highway--and the folks on the highway could see you. We did not stay there but a moment. Later in the day, three couples showed up in Corvettes, on their way to a car meet. They were great folks and fun to be around. The mobile home got sheets and vacuumed, but we were not going to stay another night. When we left the next day, my wife explained that when she went back to the office, the guy who had been in the cutoff jeans was nude, and having seen her coming towards the office, he had gotten erect, and he tried to get her to have sex with him, openly masterbating in front of her. She was grossed out, and of course, we never returned.

At a very nice, well equipped, well known club north of Phoenix, we spent several nights. It was a very family oriented club and there were lots of families living on the grounds. In these types of clubs, it was not at all unusual to see kids running around but they were there with their parents. We went to a spa pool that was under a roof because the sun was so bright, and were enjoying ourselves along with a dozen or so others adults. We were surprised when a young man came in with a friend who was wearing a swimsuit. Just sitting in the pool, he explained that he was visiting his friend whose family lived at the club, but that he was not a nudist. That made my wife very uncomfortable, because she wondered if this young man's family knew where his friend lived? After a few minutes, she got out of the tub, wrapped herself quickly in a towel, and we left. Like we did often at these places, we went walking and found they had a trail that walked through the desert around the club. The club property out here was surrounded by a barbed wire fence (the main part of the club had a high wood fence or a very dense tall hedge around it for privacy like most clubs) but while you could see for miles from the top of a knoll, there were not any homes or roads that were close. We had put on sunscreen for obvious reasons, and I was carrying our only towel. On top of the knoll, we stopped and sat on a wooden bench to enjoy the view and rest before returning back down the trail. From a distance, we could see three people on horses, riding along also enjoying the day. I didn't think anything about them until they turned and came our way. My wife, jumped up and crouched behind some low brush covering her nakedness with her hands as the three got closer. The only other place to hide was a couple of relatively tall cactus, but they were too narrow to stand behind. As they got closer, I saw it was three men wearing cowboy hats and were all adults. I stayed on the bench with the towel over my lap. They rode up to the fence which was about 25 feet away and said hello. They seemed friendly enough, and soon asked if there really was a nudist camp here. I said yes, and showed them the path back to the main part of the club, maybe 150 yards away. They could see my wife's head and shoulders, and said they were sorry to embarass her. I turned to her and said these guys are adults, so you can come out. She stood, still using her hands to cover herself, and slowly walked forward, back to the bench. She was red-faced, staring at the men who, of course, were staring at her. I suggested she drop her hands, because they obviously were seeing almost everything anyway, so she slowly removed her hands and stood beside the bench with her lovely private parts fully exposed. She kept her hands just beside her hairy triangle, like she could cover it again quickly if she needed to, and after we talked for about 10 minutes, she sat down beside me and modestly crossed her legs. I knew she had come, and it was also clear because her nipples were rock hard and standing out. She said after a few minutes that we had better get back because we were not used to the sun, and that our sweat had probably washed off the sunscreen. It was a shame she could not lay down on the towel and give these guys more to see, but the ground was very rocky around the bench so that would not have made sense. When we stood, I was embarassed because I was erect, but I don't think the guys were looking at me. We strolled back down the path, and they three men stayed at the fence for a while. Back in our room, we had a great time. We have not been back, not so much because of the pool situation, but because our travels have not taken us that way.

It is no longer there, but just north of the beltway around Miami, just a short ways from where the new pro football stadium is, was a small nudist camp, exactly one city block in size. The man who owned it, had put up tall fences around the entire block and lots of foliage just inside the fence. There was only one entrance, and the guy charged very little to go there, and he would let single men and women in anytime. It was somewhat basic with only a few buildings, and a small pool, but it was convenient. We went there twice. The first time men outnumbered women by about 20 to 4, which did not bother my wife as long as the guys kept their distance. She also got a great(and thorough massage) by the old man who owned the place. We went back several years later---again this was the late 1970's or 1980's----and the women looked like hookers and kept disappearing with the guys into the few rooms that were available. Men kept arriving all day long, and the women stayed. There were no families at all. Then someone said "Let's take some photos!" so we left and never returned.

There are lots more stories, but I will finish with one of the two reasons we stopped going. We went to one of the most famous nude beaches on the southern west coast, and it was very crowded at certain parts of the beach. There was minimal privacy, but we did enjoy the day. My wife found this one guy building a very elaborate sand sculpture and helped him for a while. About a year later, one of my best friends gave me a men's magazine and said I needed to look at it. In it was a photo of my wife---full frontal---standing beside the guy who was sitting in the sand building his sculpture. She went ballistic. No one had asked permission, nor had we seen anyone with a camera.
She told me then that was our last time going to these places---and a few years later she gave me another reason that I will tell another time.

eppers 12-08-2009 02:49 PM

I have been asked if I have photos, and yes I have some but I would be uncomfortable letting them get on the net. In addition to the unauthorized photo that I mentioned, there have been two others published. The first was taken at a beauty contest at one of the nudist clubs. The photo appeared in the AANR's (the old ASA)'s monthly newspaper, THE BULLETIN. The AANR is the American Association of Nude Recreation, and it was known as the American Sunbathing Association. My wife was on the second row, only slightly exposed standing behind the front row of ladies who were completely nude. The photo was published in black and white.

Secondly, in the early 1980's, the National Lampoon magazine had a contest asking people to send in photos of their wives or girlfriends nude with a bucket on their head. We sent two in and one was published. Of course, you cannot see her face, but everything else is on view. Good luck finding either of these!

eppers 02-02-2010 12:46 PM

The other reason....
I will try to complete this saga with why we stopped going. Actually she stopped. I did not want to go without her and most nudist places discourage men who are alone for obvious reasons.

We had gone to our favorite nudist club a couple of states away with the same friends that took us to the first place we went. We were all stretched out beside the pool---a lovely new pool in a cloverleaf shape. We had been there three days, staying upstairs in this old home on the premises that had a few vending machines and a sitting room downstairs and two bedrooms and a shared bath upstairs. This was the same place that we visited when they were building the pool.

My wife began swimming, and noticed a slightly older man, in his 50's, watching her. She spoke to him, and sat beside him briefly before walking back over to my side of the pool and laying down. I did not notice, but she said he continued to stare at her, and she let him see everything, even spreading her legs a bit.

Again, I was either talking to our friends or asleep, but she told me later that she saw him get an erection. She got up to go back to our room to get a radio or a book or something, and near the house, she looked back and he was following her with his very obvious erection swinging side to side, something you don't see often at these places. It was not crowded that weekday, so it probably went unnoticed.

She had gotten into the sitting room downstairs, and was about at the stairs going to our bedroom, when he came in and asked to speak to her. She stopped, and he came up to her and apologized for his staring at her, saying she looked very much like his late wife. He had come to the club, as he had done many times with his wife, and was shocked to see my wife. He moved toward her and stroked her breast, then he pushed against her and she felt his penis touch her. She got nervous, as she told me later, but he seemed so sincere, and so needy that she let him continue, and he began to finger her pussy. She explained that she was not on the pill, and would not consider intercourse, but he was now pushing his organ against her hairy triangle, and as her legs got slightly spread, he slid it in, but she moved to one side and threatened to leave him or yell. He began to cry, and just said he was so needy, and he and his wife had had such great times in that same house. He put his hands on her shoulders,and quickly she was on her knees sucking him. As she told me later, she just wanted to get him off quickly and get away.

He was groaning as she worked her magic (she is fantastic by the way), licking his balls and nibbling him just below the head of his organ, then as she started to take his organ back in her mouth, she heard someone come into the room. She stood suddenly, and grabbed the man and said they needed to go upstairs. He followed her, feeling her ass all the way up, and they went into our bedroom. He sat on the side of the bed and layed back, spreading his legs, and she got back on her knees and resumed sucking. He pulled his legs up to his chest, and she dropped back to his balls, licking them thoroughly, and then briefly tonguing his rectum. She does this so very well, and she said she just wanted to get him to come. She realized that she was fingering herself and was obviously turned on, so she stopped, walked around the bed and strattled his face, lowering her pussy to his lips. He dove in, using his hands to spread her as wide open as she could remember. Even before she felt his tongue, just being so openly exposed to a stranger was making her come.

She grabbed his wet cock, which she described as more thick than long, and again took him in, until her nose was poking his balls. On the upstroke, she looked toward the door and there stood our friend who had come with us. He had seen the man follow my wife and had decided to come be sure she was alright. He was jacking his now hard cock, watching as she took the man's organ deep down her throat. She began to come all over the man's face, and saw our friend shoot his come onto the floor, just as jets of come went down her throat, faster than she could swallow. It was all over in a moment, and my wife rolled off the stranger who thanked her for a wonderful memory, and then walked downstairs.

Our friend came in the bedroom, and asked if she was ok. She told him what the stranger had told her about his late wife, and they agreed to keep quiet about it, although he did hint that he would love a blowjob sometime. They grabbed books and went back downstairs. As they left the house to go towards the pool, they saw the stranger as he approached the tennis court. A blonde lady in her early 40's came over and asked him "where the hell have you been? We have been looking for you." Just then two teenage children came over, one calling him "Dad" and they walked away toward the snack bar. My wife told our friend that she felt like a fool, and was really angry at herself for being so gullible.

She told me about this about 3 years later, after making excuse after excuse why she would not go back to another nudist club. I was not upset for some reason. I was just glad that he had not forced her to have intercourse. Now you know the rest of the story.

delt 02-16-2010 02:59 PM

She remembers...
Over the weekend, we were remembering some fun times, and I asked her if she had any particular memories from the 1980's going to nudist parks. She mentioned several that I have already discussed here plus a couple more:

In a camp in Florida where we stayed for several days with friends, she remembered two things specifically. One was an attractive blonde guy from Sweden that had a long thick penis surrounded by blonde curly hair. She says that he caught her staring at it in the shower and asked if she liked it. She was embarassed but said yes, and he asked if she would like to see it have fun. He had her touch it, and begin to jack it, and it rose suddenly to about ten inches and stood straight up and hit his belly. She had never seen one do that, and certainly not that quickly. I don't remember any of this so she thinks she was with two of her girlfriends who were with us. They all began to stare and without anyone touching him further, he shot a massive load of cum in a matter of moments. I remember seeing this guy--how could you not see him?---but I never saw him erect only swinging around while he played tennis. She said it was a shame that he could not control himself for very long.

Another event that she reminded me of, and I should have remembered it, was sitting in the grass around the pool, talking to three other couples.For some reason, we were not on towels like we usually would have been. One of the girls looked at my wife, and said " there is a spider near your crotch". Hating spiders, my wife looked toward her pussy, and just then one of the guys reached over and touched her, but he did not catch it. She was sitting with her legs crossed in front of her, Indian style, and she immediately fell back and asked that we look for the spider. I spread her open and could not see anything, and one of the girls told me to feel inside in case the spider had crept inside her. I did that, but suggested one of the others do it too. Another guy put two fingers in my wife, and swept his fingers around. She is lying on her back with her knees pulled up, using her hands to spread herself wide open for him. Her face was bright red, and she was clearly coming from the expression on her face. By now, others had gathered around,maybe 20 in total, and some were concerned it could be a brown recluse or a black widow, both of which are poisonous, so yet another person, a lady nurse, began by looking inside, then probing with her fingers and I thought for a minute her entire small hand was going in but it didn't. One more young man began probing before someone suggested we get a douche kit and wash her out internally. My wife got to her feet, and walked on wobbly legs, having just been gang-fingered and spread wide open like she was having a baby. One of her girlfriends walked with us towards our cars and our clothes, and once we were away from the crowd she asked "Did you enjoy that?". My wife was shocked, and so was I. This friend went on to explain that this had happened to her once, and she thought it was the type of attention my wife would like, so she and her husband acted like they saw a spider but there wasn't one. We were relieved, and she relaxed. The next day, several people approached and asked if she was ok. She says she saw a couple of guys get erections watching her get fingered.

She also reminded me that at our favorite west coast club, in the Topanga Mountains just north of Malibu, we made a major mistake on our first trip there. We used the ASA guidebook for a map after calling ahead to make sure that we could visit without being club members, and when we found the dirt road in (most nudist clubs are fairly remote for clear reasons) we drove up a steep driveway. It split and, since we did not see any markings, we went to the right. It was a parking area with about 25 cars and was lined with trees and thick brush. We saw a path going up into some trees, so we thought we were at the right spot. Since we were not spending the night, we got out of the rental car, stripped nude, and locked our clothes in the car, putting the car key and some money to pay the ground fees in my shoe. We had started walking away from the car, and we heard something like a truck heading our way. A quick glance showed a big yellow school bus just emerging around the corner. We ran behind a car and cowered, scared to death without a single stitch of clothing on either of us. We were about 8 or 9 cars away from ours, and on the other side of the parking lot. The bus stopped not far away and about 4 or 5 children got out and walked up the path we were about to go on. If they had arrived 5 minutes later, we would have met. The bus took its time turning around, while we squatted behind a VW golf, and then left down the same road it had come on.

Looking around, I crept behind cars near bushes, and heard people talking nearly. Telling her to stay put, I dashed to the car, opened it and got in. I quickly put on some shorts, and looked up to see my wife running towards me. I picked up my Poloroid and took a photo, but between my hands shaking and her running, it was mostly a blur. She got to the car and we got dressed and drove back to where the split in the road was. I turned and immediately saw the entrance sign for the club. We pulled in their parking lot, which was just above the lot we had just been in, but separated by thick shrubs. To this day, I have no idea where the path went that the kids walked to. It might have been into the nudist club.

Years later, after we had been to this club maybe four or five times, and really enjoyed it, we were walking nude back to our car in this upper parking area. We heard voices, and looked around but there was no one to be seen, except for one lone man cooking on a small grill behing a camper on the back of a pickup truck at the other end of the lot. My wife was curious and as she walked toward the lower parking lot and between two cars, the voices got quiet, but she saw some eyes in the bushes. She walked closer and it was about a half dozen young men, peeking out. She spoke to them, but made no effort to cover her nudity. She was where she was supposed to be but they were not. They saw me too, but they were clearly more interested in her. She spoke to them and had a conversation for about ten minutes while they stared. She told them that they should not peek, and that someone else might get upset and call the police on them. We later joked about how we should have called the police just to see how they react in a nudist club.

She also reminded me of the time one of our nudist friends invited us to an "adults only" nudist function in a major city, but I will tell that another time.

delt 08-10-2010 11:31 AM

Surprised at her approval...
2 Attachment(s)
I asked my wife if I could put a couple of photos of her with this write up of our experiences at nudist clubs and she said no, but later agreed it would be ok if there was no way she could be recognized.

Given that, I looked through our old photos and found two that she approved.

The first is from our adventure at the nudist resort at Topanga Canyon, near Malibu. It is blurry because we were nearly caught in the wrong parking lot, as I mentioned in the story. She was running back to our car and her clothes, and I was shaking because a school bus was nearby---and coming our way. This was on one of our last trips to the nudist camps.

The second is from one of earlier visits to nudist facilities. We had enjoyed several visits to one just north of our home, and another in Florida. We were on a trip to Nashville, and on our return, we visited a rustic nudist camp in eastern Tennessee that resulted in one of her least favorite experiences, as you can read in the full story.

delt 08-10-2010 11:53 AM

One last one from Arizona..
We found one more, and this is from the nudist resort north of Phoenix in a desert. As you can see from the story, we had gone for a walk on the grounds around the camp, when three men came riding up on horses.

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