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thefonz 02-03-2006 12:34 AM

Most requested vids that were never found
While replying to a post tonight related to pics that I know we'll never see, despite everyone asking about them (e.g., recent Jennifer Anniston topless pix), I began to think about all the videos I've read about in this forum, or others like it, that have been sought after by nearly everyone, yet never found, might never surface, and are beginning to be considered possible "urban legends". :(

To get this discussion going, I can think of my top three, and they are as follows:

1. The NYU cheeleader who finished her dance routine topless after her costume top broke and fell off.
2. The Un-censored version of the "strip football" and "strip darts" Dog Eat Dog NBC TV episodes.
3. The Un-censored version of the "public nudity" challenge in the American TV version of "Fear Factor" (the Un-censored European version should be widely available via newsgroups, peer networks, etc.)

All have had threads in this forum over the days, months and years since their reported occurrences.

Can anyone think of others like it? Events that must have been filmed by someone, sound absolutely too good to be true for this genre, yet have never surfaced, with no leads or even a lone vidcap to confirm their existence?

Looking forward to a good discussion. Make some suggestions. I'm really curious what everyone else thinks, since I can't seem to get beyond those three events, and I know there should be more. A couple of stories about alleged wardrobe malfunctions at semi-recent Mariah Carey and Britney Spears concerts come to mind, but I seem to recall reading witness reports of those to have been less than hoped for - as in too brief to notice, no real exposure, or flat out erroneous reports. Anyway, comments welcome.

grolsch 02-03-2006 01:37 AM

what annoys me is that there must be someone out there with these videos and not even realize that folks here at OCC are dying to see them. hopefully they run into OCC and share them.

ark 02-03-2006 01:41 AM

I know one I'm personally interested in is the video that goes with these pictures

oklahomacityboy 02-03-2006 01:52 AM

deleted scene from There Was A Crooked Man

various Electric Blue stuff

seinfan 02-03-2006 02:11 AM

Uncensored Real World Season 1 when Julie shows her tits on the nude beach...

Any other Real World nudity

KarlMalone 02-03-2006 10:45 AM

The video (if one exists) of the girl who gave her valedictorian speech naked at her high school.

Don't fret though. That Merry Go Round commercial took YEARS to surface!

Fango 02-03-2006 12:34 PM

I've actually been fortunate enough to find the videos I've most wanted that were hard to find. But there are still some things out there, mostly sexy TV clips that are elusive: The Australian tourism nude beach commercial (I actually saw this on TV, and it had some good Hidden Nudity, but I've never found it online), a commercial for some brand of ice cream where a woman comes downstairs to the kitchen out of her bath covered only in bubbles to get some ice cream, only to be caught by her in-laws, and the "naked" episodes of "Herman's Head" and "Working". But I can't really complain. The "Merry-Go-Round" commercial was eventually found as were many other elusive clips and videos.

edit: I thought of another elusive sexy TV clip I've wanted to see but now appears to be lost to the ages. Back in the day, there was a show on MTV called "Senseless Acts of Video", where the hosts recreated stunts that were seen in music videos. One of the segments was the male and female hosts streaking across a basketball court ala the Blink 182 streaking video. Her name was Marisa Ramirez. Also, on a channel called MuchMusic in Canada, they once had a Not Much On Day, which, as you may surmise, featured VJ Rachel Perry in the altogether hosting videos. It was non-stop Hidden Nudity all freakin' day long. Would've been the happiest day of my life if I had seen it. I do have some collages of it though and one short, non-HN video.


joeysome 02-03-2006 02:35 PM

the video if the appearent "teen party". we seen the pics there supposed to be a video

Craze899667 02-03-2006 04:18 PM

Puerto Rican Parade in NY....
I don't know about all of you, but I've been looking for a vid that mass groping/stripping incident at the Puerto Rican Parade that happened in '99 or 2000 since I first saw the censored clips on the news the day after it happened. I would love to see a clip or 2 of that if one ever surfaced.

Aesir14404 02-04-2006 02:21 AM

Anyone who finds a video from Not Much On Day will be my new personal deity.

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