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alphaboo 07-06-2012 03:49 AM

saved attachments
I did not know my attachments were beings saved in my private message area. Should i delete to free up room or do they need to stay there.

I mean why are they there? Is it just a helpful feature to see if you posted some attachment already or has it some other purpose?


Fango 07-06-2012 12:16 PM

I assume you're talking about this?:

That doesn't have anything to do with Private Messages and doesn't count towards your Private Message quota. I wouldn't touch anything on that page. I don't know what deleting something from that page does, if it just removes it from that page, or actually removes the attachment itself.


alphaboo 07-07-2012 12:38 PM

I was worried about storage and worried if i deleted something it would disappear from the thread so yeah those were my exact thoughts.

I'll just leave them alone.


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